The immigration catastrophe that is occurring in Europe was detailed in a 1925 book written by a key founder of the European Union

The cover of the book: “Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples

[NOTE: November 11, 2023– I have added additional commentary to this article.]

[UPDATE: October 30, 2023—  I purchased this book a few years ago initially with a plan of summarizing what he said in it, however it turned out that I found his writings to be “opaque gibberish” that was impossible for me to trudge through.

For example, is it possible for anyone to actually really comprehend whatever he is attempting to say in the following text from the first few pages?  (The entire book is written in that ridiculous manner, by the way!)—


Practical Idealism is heroism; practical materialism is hedonism.  Who does not believe in an Ideal has no reason to act perfect, or to fight for ideals and to suffer.  This is because he knows and recognizes only a single value: the desire, just one evil: the Pain.  Heroism is to believe and commit to an ideal: the belief that there are higher Values rather than greater evils such as pleasure and pain.  This contradiction runs through the whole of human history, it is the antithesis of Epicureans and Stoics.  This contrast is much deeper than that between theists and Atheists: for there were Epicureans, who believed in gods, as Epicurus himself, and there was Idealists who were atheists, like Buddha.  So this is not about belief in gods – but the belief in values.  Materialism is presuppositionless – but unimaginative and uncreative.  Idealism is always problematic and often becomes entangled in nonsense and madness: yet Humanity owes to it their greatest works and deeds.

Heroism aristocracy of spirit.

Heroism is the aristocratic ideal related to materialism with the democratic [III] tables. Democracy also believes in number as a value, more to luck than to size.

So political democracy can be fruitful and creative only if the Pseudo-aristocracy of the name and of gold are smashed, to be replaced by a new Aristocracy of mind and spirit to ever give birth again.  The ultimate meaning of political democracy is spiritual aristocracy, she wants to Create both the materialists enjoyment and the idealists power.  The leader should take the place of the ruler – the noble sense of the place of the noble name – The rich heart in place of the rich pocket.

ect.. ect.. ect..

.. So as you can see there is no way that I was going to summarize the entire 198 page book!]


Like anyone who is interested in studying political topics, my instinct at any point in time is to subconsciously assume that I have a relatively good “lay of the land” when it comes to understanding the big picture of political issues, even though intellectually I always allow for the potential of realms existing that I’m not yet aware of.  For example, I was surprised when I discovered the truth about Communism covertly being an instrument of the global elite, and I was mostly naive about the extent of issues with Islam for many years.

In the past few years, I have become aware of issues that are happening in Europe and in other parts of the Western world, where those regions are disintegrating due to extreme immigration agendas that are being implemented, with their native populations in the process of being replaced by incoming migrants who are often very incompatible with traditional Western values.  I have written various articles and posted information about that topic before (see this article, and this article for example), and I have identified the fact that I thought the degradation of the West is being done by the global elite in order to intentionally harm the native cultures in those areas.

I have always had the assumption that the global elite’s motives behind their engineering of the disintegration of the West is because they are “frightened” of native European people, due to such people generally being very healthy, functional, and compassionate— with the global elite understanding that people who are empowered in a such healthy manner would be able to effectively stand up against the elite’s corrupt agendas if enough of such people actually knew what the elite’s agendas actually were.

The small group of Illuminati global elite who control the world are in fact homicidal occultists who have engineered the wars and suffering that have plagued mankind for centuries through their covert control of world events behind the scenes, and they know that no rational and compassionate people would ever willingly support their real agendas.

While I have previously assumed that the global elite have been following a plan for the destruction of European culture, I never realized until today that a book exists that lays out such a plan!  In 1925, a man named Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who is often thought of as “The Father of the European Union” wrote a book called “Praktischer Idealismus,” in which he details a plan to implement the types of immigration agendas that are now being put into effect on that continent.

[Note: November 11, 2023– When I initially wrote this article before receiving the book I wrote that Kalergi actually professed having motives of causing harm with his immigration agendas, which it turns out he did not overtly state in his writings.  Nonetheless with him being a significant member of the global elite it is reasonable to assume that he actually did have harmful intentions with his agendas.]

I’m surprised that I’ve never heard of Coudenhove-Kalergi and his book before, since the ramifications of what he wrote are enormous and very relevant to the topics that I talk about.

After doing some research, I have found that apparently “anti-semites” often cite Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book since he apparently professes “Jewish supremacist” views in it, which I’m sure has been a significant stumbling block to the book becoming more well-known.  (Note that I’m certainly not antisemitic, and activists shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking the global elite are a “Jewish” conspiracy, but rather they should realize that it is really often a “Masonic” one.  Many of the global elite are not Jewish, but the elite depend on people thinking that it is a “Jewish” conspiracy in order for them to avoid significant exposure.)

About Wikipedia’s treatment of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book

As I have mentioned in the previous paragraph, “anti-semites” apparently often cite Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book while pointing out what is happening in Europe and elsewhere with immigration.

Wikipedia has a page that details the “Kalergi Plan,” labeling it as a “far-right, anti-semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory,” saying an investigate newspaper “Linkiesta” has described the Kalergi Plan as “a hoax which is comparable to the anti-semitic fabrication The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”  However, since Coudenhove-Kalergi actually did write the book, and since his book does say what it does, claims of it being “a hoax” are not valid.

Nick Cannon is being given a talk show despite his racist and antisemitic remarks

Nick Cannon.  Image from Wikipedia.

A Breitbart article explains that the media personality Nick Cannon is being given a daytime talk show by the Fox-affiliated Lionsgate’s Debmar-Mercury Productions, despite the fact that he made extreme anti-Semitic statements last year.

[Note: Cannon actually did more than just make anti-Semitic remarks though, he also made extreme anti-white statements that are arguably even worse, and his supposed apology for his statements was disingenuous.  I made this article at the time that explains his statements and it gives rebuttals to them.  I recommend reading it because it contains rebuttals to racist claims that are often made at the covert instructions of the political Establishment, as was likely the case with Cannon.]

Twitter has suspended the Gateway Pundit’s account for simply reporting about a court ruling on Virginia mail-in ballots— claiming that news of the ruling might “promote violence”!

A Gateway Pundit article explains that Twitter has ridiculously suspended their account for a week due to them making a factual report about a court ruling in Virginia concerning election fraud, with Twitter claiming that the news “might promote violence” as its only justification for doing so.

[NOTE: There is no limit to the amount of corrupt and totalitarian behavior of Twitter, yet media outlets such as Infowars, Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit have been continuing to endorse the service by linking to it as a centerpiece of many of their articles for years, despite the fact that they easily could have been promoting preferable services.  Why have they been doing that?  They should at least always have a link that explains that people should BOYCOTT Twitter in favor other services whenever they do link to it.  There is no good reason to use Twitter, the supposed leftist “opposition” on it is often controlled opposition anyway, as this Gateway Pundit article explains.]

The extremist Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is almost certainly Establishment “controlled opposition,” and she should be called out for it

An image that Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on Facebook while campaigning.

Recently the news media has been reporting statements made by the Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, where she is saying that a new Republican congresswoman from Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene should be removed due to anti-Muslim and violent statements that she has made.

Greene has said, “anyone that is a Muslim that believes in Sharia law does not belong in [the US] government,” and she also strangely claimed that a law states that Muslim representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib must be sworn in once again using Bibles rather than Qurans, however the Constitution actually states, “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

Greene is alleged to be supportive of threats of violence against other politicians, such as Nancy Pelosi, where she allegedly “liked” a comment advocating “a bullet to the head” for her, according to a CNN screenshot, and in April 2018 she apparently advocated for hanging Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Of course I’m not a fan of Ilhan Omar or the rest of the “Squad” or the Democrats in general, but people should be careful and not support Marjorie Taylor Greene as she is almost certainly “controlled opposition” who has been put in place by the political Establishment to de-ligitimaze their opposition.  It is essentially an impossibility that the Republicans would endorse anyone such as her who is actually “genuine,” so people should expect her to continue to behave in a ways that ultimately will cause harm to conservative and libertarian agendas, and to the country in general.  People who are “controlled opposition” can cause much more damage than people who are simply opposed to a particular view in a straightforward manner.

The Wikiedia page for Greene explains that she espouses various “conspiratorial”-type views (with many of them being legitimate but others not, such as the “QAnon” movement that distracted many activists during Trump’s presidency.)

This video shows how Greene is being used as an excuse to portrait people who are opposed to the political Establishment as “domestic terrorists.”

The political Establishment is looking for whatever excuse that they can find to label their opposition as terrorists, and they have conveniently found that in Greene, which I’m sure is not an accident.

The Department of Homeland Security has recently issued a bulletin warning of potential violence coming from “right-wing extremists,” but not coming from leftist groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter who are actually more significant threats.

Being a Congresswoman, Greene is in a position of much potential influence, and her engaging in any sorts of threats of violence is absolutely unnecessary and also completely self-defeating.  Perhaps she can be pressured to “clean up her act” if enough of her supporters call for it.

The blatant open pervert Joe Biden is claiming that “America is ‘morally deprived’” due to “systemic racism”

Joe Biden has recently made statements claiming that America is “morally deprived” due to “systemic racism,” however “systemic racism” does not really exist in America anymore, and he himself is actually well-known for being very “morally deprived,” as are many of his deceptive and harmful leftist policies.

“Systemic” means “part of a system,” and anti-Black racism is no longer legally enforced in the U.S., so even though anti-Black racism can still exist in some respects, it is not really “systemic.”

Additionally, the supposed current “systemic racism” that Joe Biden and the Democrats allege does not actually exist as they claim it does, for example the police do not actually have a homicidal bias against Black people, and leftists often knowingly lie about that situation to create a false impression that the police do have such a bias.

This article is a typical example that makes numerous claims of “systemic racism,” where few if any of the examples that it supplies are really legitimate.  For example it talks about the George Floyd incident, falsely suggesting that such things happen to Black people all the time, and it falsely claims that “hate crimes” are a big problem.  The article also mentions other problems such as the unemployment rate for Black Americans, and the poor quality of schools in Black areas; however, employment for Black people was improving with Trump, and the poor quality of Black schools should be blamed on their administrators who are almost always members of the Masonic Boule secret society, with them being instructed by the political Establishment to ensure that those schools are as dysfunctional as possible through intentionally implementing ineffective policies.  Therefore, systemic racism does actually exist, however the most significant cause of it is the fact that essentially all of the Black leadership are Freemasons.

Biden and the Democrats are doing all that they can to bring BACK racism in the form of “reverse racist” laws and policies, such as with his executive orders, which is actually very unnecessary and ultimately harmful for many reasons.  If racism is bad, then “ALL racism is bad”— even if it is supposedly “reverse racism.”  The political Establishment does not “mean well” with its agendas— they have harmful intent for everyone.

In this video, Paul Watson explains that Joe Biden has a long history of groping children during photo ops and making statements such as “No dates until you are 30!”

An Information Liberation article says: “Drag queen story hour, transgenderism, child genital mutilation, hormone therapy for kids, Ritalin, drugs and alcohol abuse, gay marriage and gay adoption, abortion, pornography on every smart phone, poisonous critical race theory taught in public schools, the Instagram to OnlyFans pipeline, corrupt and blackmailed leadership with no loyalty to their constituents or our country, Hollywood filth — all that is ‘all to the good,’ and ‘a source of our strength,’ as Biden would say!”

Joe Biden is also “rescinding the previous administration’s harmful ban on diversity and sensitivity training and abolish[ing] the offensive counterfactual 1776 commission,” however the “diversity training” is actually condescending and unnecessary at best, and it also reinforces harmful cultural Marxist agendas such as transgenderism at its worst; and also the1776 Commissionhas nothing in it that is “counterfactual or offensive” in any way whatsoever— except to people who actually hate America and all that it stands for, as Biden does.

Biden’s economically damaging “climate change” agendas have no basis in science, despite his administration’s claims to the contrary

Watch Joe Biden’s dishonest “National Climate Advisor” Gina McCarthy claim on MSNBC, “It is very easy to see [the damage caused by global warming] from the hurricanes and the forest fires”— However it is easily shown that there are definitely no more hurricanes today than there was a hundred years ago, and it is also shown that Antifa—type terrorists have been caught starting wildfires in California to be blamed on supposed “global warming.”

“Man-caused global warming” is proven to be a scientific fraud, and corrupt global warming alarmists such as McCarthy knowingly lie and say “the science is on their side” when they know that it is NOT on their side.  The corrupt political Establishment wants people to think that global warming is a “global threat” in order to have an excuse to implement restrictive totalitarian controls over the economies and people of all countries.  It actually has nothing to do with “helping the environment,” it is simply a corrupt power grab by the political elite that allows them to consolidate their oppressive control over the populations of the world.

It is proven that CO2 being put into the atmosphere does not actually cause significant global warming, but rather whatever warming is happening is a part of a natural long-term natural cycle that is mostly based on cycles of the sun.  Also, the effects of the warming are much less extreme than people are led to believe it is anyway.

The W.H.O. is warning pregnant women not to take the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

[NOTE: This video shows how people have been lining up to have COVID vaccines administered to them, despite the fact that such vaccines are very dangerous, and not necessary in the first place.  YouTube’s policy of censoring information talking about the danger of vaccines is homicidal (as is their policy of not allowing mentioning the fact that the 2020 election was completely fraudulent.)  People should be boycotting YouTube and Google, as well as companies such as Twitter and Facebook.]

Russia Today is reporting that the W.H.O. is warning that pregnant women should not take the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “unless they are health workers or at particularly high risk of exposure”; however I think it is very disturbing that they are saying that the vaccines are still necessary for pregnant women in those circumstances despite the risk.  If such vaccines are not safe for pregnant women in some circumstances, then it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are not safe for pregnant women in any circumstances, of course.

See this video where Alex Jones explains that a top EU scientist has been warning that the COVID vaccines appear to target the proteins in women’s placentas, which can cause infertility.

Watch video of the Masonic Lodge covertly announcing itself with the introduction of COVID in the U.S. through news reports

This video is a compilation of news reports around the country where it was claimed that “33” cases of COVID have been confirmed in each of those local areas.  The number 33 is significant to Freemasonry because there are 33 “degrees” of rank that can be obtained.  The Masons have control over much of society and they typically communicate in such a cryptic manner.


Also see this video that shows how local news affiliates all report the same information.

Watch video of a man being arrested for not wearing a mask

This is footage of a man in Texas being arrested for not wearing a mask.  I sympathize with him, but it is important that people do what is necessary to have the laws changed in the first place, which is possible.  Managers of stores often don’t have any choice but to call the police if someone isn’t wearing a mask, so people simply deciding not to comply isn’t really an effective enough strategy.

Fauci is now advocating for wearing TWO masks, even after being vaccinated, despite admitting in March that masks are not even effective

Anthony Fauci saying it makes “common sense” to wear two masks instead of one.

A Breitbart article explains that Anthony Fauci is endorsing the idea of wearing two masks for additional protection from COVID-19, and he is even saying that people should continue to wear masks even after being vaccinated against the disease.

Fauci made the statements during an appearance on America’s Newsroom, where he said experts do not yet know whether the vaccine “protects against infections so that people who can be vaccinated and feel very well and have no clinically apparent disease could still have virus in their nasal fairings because they got infected but they did not get any symptoms.”

Fauci listed a “couple” of reasons why he thinks people should continue to wear masks after receiving a vaccination: “And just to be doubly sure, there are a couple of reasons to wear masks even after vaccination.  One, you want to protect other people in case you have virus in your nasal fairings, and if you look in the community, there’s enough virus out there that before we start pulling back on things like public health measures, you want the overwhelming population vaccinated.  And as I’ve said, the calculation — even though it’s still an estimate — would be somewhere between 70 and 85 percent of the population.”


Contrary to his current statements, Anthony Fauci said in March on “60 Minutes” that face masks are only useful when symptomatic people wear them.