Biden / Harris and the Establishment media were corrupt for celebrating a supposed “victory” when they knew that the election was far from being decided, while reports of massive fraud continued to surface.
The contested states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico have sent in “alternate” slates of electors who will vote for Republicans along with sending their electors who will vote for Democrats, due to the massive amounts of fraud that took place in the election (see here, here, and here about the fraud). That situation will almost certainly result in all of the electoral votes of those states being thrown out, which will mean that Donald Trump will ultimately win the election.
Surprisingly though (or “not-so-surprisingly,” unfortunately), the Establishment media such as CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News have chosen to ignore the fact that the “alternate” electors have voted for Trump, and instead they are celebrating Joe Biden supposedly “cementing his win of the election,” despite their obviously knowing the truth of the matter.

A typical mainstream media report claiming Biden’s supposed guarantee of victory.
On January 6, when the Senate convenes to go over the Electoral votes, all of the states that have two slates of Electors will be thrown out, which will send the Presidential election over to the House (that has a Republican majority), which will give Trump his victory.
Thank God for the protection of the Electoral College system that was put into place by the Founding Fathers. I always thought of that as being an unnecessary line of defense, but in this situation it appears that it has saved the country. Perhaps the courts previously refusing to hear the arguments about electoral fraud was done in anticipation of the problem being dealt with this way instead.
Unfortunately though I think violent and irrational leftists such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter-types will use the situation as an excuse to riot, and I’m already seeing them complaining about the situation. It is important that liberal types understand the corruption that has happened in the election and why Biden would have been such a catastrophe in order to head off needless conflict. Most of the leftists who are engaging in violence have already known that the facts were never on their side, but making sure that the general public is well-informed about the reality of the situation will deprive such rioters of having sympathy from rational people.
It is unfortunate that Trump has been so needlessly divisive with his ridiculous rhetoric though, I don’t blame people for being put off by him. He’s very far from perfect, however Biden would have been much worse. For example, Trump doesn’t have a warmongering interventionist foreign policy that Biden would have had, his economic policies are much more pro-American than what Biden would have done, Biden would have implemented corrupt economy-killing global warming legislation, and Trump’s stances on immigration are very preferable to the U.S.-ending catastrophe that would have happened with Biden’s open borders and Islamization objectives.