Traveling Cyclists have been killed by ISIS in Tajikistan

Following is a summary of an article in The Australian

Traveling cyclists from the US and and Europe were killed and others were injured when they were attacked by ISIS militants in Tajikistan, where they were rammed by a car and then attacked by a gang armed with guns and knives.  Four people were killed and three others were injured.

Jay Austin with Lauren Geoghegan, Markus Hummel with Marie-Claire Diemand.
Tajikistan is northeast of Afghanistan.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, who were killed in the attack, were a couple from the US who were on a trek bicycling around the world that they were documenting on their blog  Jay Austin was a “tiny house” aficionado who was featured in a 2015 Washington Post article as well as being featured in an online documentary.

Rene Wokke, a psychologist from the Netherlands, was killed, and his partner Kim Postma, a hospital administrator, was also injured in the attack.  Wokke was maintaining a blog of their journey as well.

Also Swiss cyclist Markus Hummel, who was killed, kept a blog of his journey with another Swiss national, Marie-Claire Diemand, who was injured in the attack.