Human rights under the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have worsened since previous mullahs

Image from Wikipedia.

Since the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has taken office in 2013, basic human rights in the country have worsened despite Rouhani pledging to improve the situations of the citizens of the country when he was elected.

Following is a summary of this NCR-Iran article


Rouhani (first row, second from left) praying with the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his followers in Neauphle-le-Château, France, 1978.

Rouhani has always been a strong supporter of the extremist forces which have made Iran a totalitarian state: 

From Wikipedia

As a young cleric Hassan Rouhani started his political activities by following the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini during the beginning of the Iranian Islamist movement. In 1965, he began traveling throughout Iran making speeches against the government of the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the Shah (king) of Iran. During those years he was arrested many times and was banned from delivering public speeches.

In November 1977, during a public ceremony held at Tehran’s Ark Mosque to commemorate the death of Mostafa Khomeini (the elder son of the Ayatollah Khomeini), Rouhani used the title “Imam” for the Ayatollah Khomeini, the then exiled leader of the Islamist movement, for the first time.  It has been suggested that the title has been used for Khomeini by others before, including by the Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr, although Rouhani was influential in publicizing the title.

Following are articles which document many recent transgressions against women by the government of Iran on the website of the “National Council of Resistance of Iran.”

See the following directory page for actual links to the latest articles that are similar to the ones listed below:

Crackdown on “un-Islamic” women’s clothes in Iran

Women arrested in Iran for riding bicycles in public

Another Baha’i woman arrested in Iran, her business shut down

Iran: Christian prisoner refused extension of sick leave

‘Immorality’ among women is causing rivers in Iran to dry up – senior cleric

19 stores shut down in Iran city for selling “un-Islamic clothes”

26 government bodies in Iran involved in suppression of women

Iran regime flogs woman in public 100 times

7000 undercover police morality officers deployed in Iran capital

Iran regime’s morality police crack down on women

Mullah calls for crackdown on Iran’s women over dress code

Iran coffee shop shut down for employing women

Rise in number of under-15 girls forced to marry in south-eastern Iran

Iran regime seizes thousands of cars for women’s veil offenses – AFP

IRAN: Concert cancelled over female musicians

Iran: 87% of women are economically inactive

Iran ranks among lowest in world for gender equality

Unveiled women drivers in Iran to have cars impounded

Iran regime hangs young woman for alleged crime at age 16

IRAN: Homeless pregnant women forced to sell unborn babies at $585 out of poverty

IRAN: Hundreds of thousands of girls under 15 forced into marriage in past decade

55-year-old mother of three to be executed in Iran

3 women, chained to men and paraded in Iran capital

Iran regime hangs 43-year-old mother

U.S.: Iran officials involved in the human trafficking of women

Fundamentalist mullah Seyyed Abolhassan Mahdavi

Women make up a third of Iran’s homeless population

Iran: Women ‘Forbidden’ From Attending Volleyball Game

U.S. slams violations of women’s rights in Iran

IRAN: Interior Ministry denies allowing women attend sports events

Iran: Enforced women veiling now a ‘source of friction’, regime admits

Iran: Female political prisoner transferred to harsh condition prison

Women in Iran banned from wearing hats as head covers

Iran: Basij members stab and injure at least six women

Iran: A dozen women stabbed and injured by Basij in southern city

Legal threats to women in Iran for singing and playing music

Iran: New law charges Basij force with enforcing dress code

Iran ranks among the lowest in the world for gender equality

Iran’s jailing of woman for volleyball protest is ‘appalling’: Amnesty International

Iran – Video: Police attacks Isfahan residents protesting acid attacks

Iran – Photos: Thousands protest acid attack against women

Iran – video: Isfahan residents protest acid attack against women

Woman dies of acid attack in Esfahan, former top Iranian tourist attraction

An Iranian women died on Sunday as she and two other women were target of the latest series of acid attacks in city of Isfahan, a local news website reported.

Iran: Bill legalizes suppression of women and youth

Feared paramilitary gangs to patrol Iran’s cities in ‘veiling and dress-code’ clampdown

Iran: At least 22 women executed during Rouhani’s first year

Iran: A woman arrested while singing and playing music

U.S.: Iran officials involved in the human trafficking of women

Women are being arrested in Iran for riding bicycles in public

Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this NCR-Iran article:  

A group of woman were arrested in the city of Marivan, Iran for riding bicycles in public.  Eyewitnesses report that police had approached the women and girls and told them that according to a new government directive cycling by woman in public places is barred and considered unlawful.  The police demanded that the woman and girls sign written pledges not to repeat their violation of cycling in public, and a few woman who protested were taken into custody.

Ms. Farideh Karimi, a human rights activist and member of the National Council of the Resistance of Iran said:  “Suppression of women has been a tenet of the mullahs’ regime from its outset.  This latest restrictive measure shows that misogyny is being stepped up under Hassan Rouhani’s administration.  With each passing day the mullahs’ regime is further infringing on the basic rights of women which they had fought hard to obtain.”

A 40 year old Eritrean refugee raped a 79 year old woman in a German cemetery

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Russia Today article

A 40 year old Eritrean immigrant was arrested on Sunday as he was sexually assaulting a 79 year old woman in Iddenbueren, Germany.   Police were called when a local resident heard cries for help coming from the cemetery.

The victim was given first aid on the scene before being brought to a medical center for treatment, and she was released from the hospital on Tuesday.   She is a resident of a nursing home.

The perpetrator, who has official refugee status and has been living in Germany since 2013 was arrested and charged with rape, and is now in custody said the police and prosecutors in a joint statement.

300 Suspected drug dealers have been killed in the Philippines in one month since the start of July

A protester in the Philippines demonstrating against Duterte’s extrajudicial killings.   Image from Wikipedia.

DailyMail article  explains that almost 300 people have been killed by vigilante police officers operating outside the law in the Philippines since July in Rodrigo Duterte’s extrajudicial war on illegal drugs, with Duterte actually encouraging people to execute whoever they suspect of being a drug dealer without their victims being given any sort of legal due process.

The article contains images of wives and other family members clutching the lifeless bodies of the victims of the executions.

“’Double your efforts. Triple them if need be,’ Mr Duterte told police.”

[Note: The text and image of this article has been updated on March 7, 2020.]

Islamists entered a church during morning mass in France, killed the priest, then seriously injured a parishioner

The interior of the Saint-Etienne Church.  Image from Wikipedia.

[Note the text of this article has been updated on March 12, 2020.]

Following is a summary of this Infowars article

Two Islamists entered a church in Saint-Etienne, near Normandy, France, taking five people hostage including a priest, two nuns and two churchgoers, and they killed the priest and another parishioner was seriously injured before police arrived and shot the two men during a gunfight.  It was initially reported that the priest had his throat cut, but in fact he was actually beheaded.  One of the hostage takers had a beard and wore a traditional Muslim cap.

A shotgun wielding elderly woman fended off home intruders in Missouri


The following is a summary of a MadWorldNews article

The woman’s neighbor Doris Jackson, 87, also exercises her Second Amendment rights, saying “… How about a nine millimeter.  I wouldn’t have a shotgun but I have some more besides that.  I’ve got some guns, you know.”

An unnamed 77 year old woman in Hillsboro, Missouri was awakened by two men breaking into the spare bedroom of her house in the early morning hours of July 17, prompting her to immediately retrieve her shotgun and surprise the men, frightening them into jumping out of a bathroom window as one dropped his cellphone, which may lead police to the suspects.

60 Suspected drug dealers have been killed in the Philippines from the beginning of May to the end of June since Rodrigo Duterte was elected

Image from Flickr.

Following is a summary of an International Business Times article

Duterte said in a recent press conference: “Most of you are clean, but do not ever expect that journalists are all clean.  They take sides.  Just because you are a journalist you are not exempted from assassination if you’re a son of a bitch.”

In the two months since president-elect of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte was elected from the beginning of May to the end of June, over 60 people have been killed by police or roving gangs who accused the victims of being drug dealers, with the killers often leaving hand written notes on the corpses.

When Duterte was previously asked what will happen to criminals once he becomes President, he said “The 1,000 [I allegedly killed] will become 100,000. That will fatten the fish in Manila Bay.  I will dump their bodies there.”

The following link mentions that many of the killings are likely being committed by police who have been in league with the drug dealers and are trying to cover their tracks.

A migrant was hacked to death in gang fights at the Calais “jungle” refugee camp in France


Following is a summary of this Infowars article

Two gang fights broke out between African and Afghan migrants during the early morning hours between 2 and 4 am outside the notorious Calais “jungle” refugee camp in France.  One migrant was hacked to death and six others have been seriously injured after the fights broke out among the UK-bound refugees who were using knives and batons.

A Syrian refugee went on a machete killing rampage in the streets of Germany, killing a pregnant woman and injuring two others before being stopped by a bystander who rammed him with his car

Reutlingen, Germany.  Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this DailyMail article

A Syrian refugee went on a killing rampage with a machete in Reutlingen, Germany, killing a pregnant woman an inuring two others before being stopped by a bystander who hit him with his BWM.  The attacker was a co-worker with the Polish woman he killed at a restaurant where the attack took place.  Police have said that the refugee had also been involved in previous incidents causing injuries to other people.