An ISIS plot is alleged as a North Carolina man is charged with recruiting for a U.S. terror cell in Ohio


Following is a summary of this article

Erick Jamal Hendricks, 35, of North Carolina, has been arrested and charged in Ohio for providing material support to ISIS by reaching out to people in order to get them to recruit others.  He was arrested on Thursday and charged with trying to recruit others to join the Islamic State, and he is also connected with a 2015 terrorism shooting in Texas where two people had been shot dead at a contest for cartoons depicting Muhammed.

A man in Germany who shouted at a recent Muslim gunman trying to stop him after nine people had already been killed may face prosecution for “insulting the killer” (because he called him a “F—ing Turk”)

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

A man who stood up to a Muslim gunman in Munich after he killed nine people may be charged by a prosecutor for “insulting the killer.”

57 year old Thomas Salbey saw the shooting happening from his balcony on July 22, and he yelled at the 18 year old gunman saying “I’m a German!” and he threw a beer bottle at the him.   Salbey later said “All I had was a beer bottle to throw at him, but if I had a gun I would have shot him in the head.”

Sonboly had just shot nine people dead, most of them young teenagers that he lured to a local McDonald’s with a promise of free food.

Shockingly, Mr. Salbey now may be facing charges for standing up to the killer.    Florian Weinzierl, a spokesman for the Munich State Prosecutor’s office confirmed that Salbey is being investigated, saying that what he will be charged with remains to be established as well as if the charges will actually be brought forward, but Weinzierl suggested that the charges could include “insults to the detriment of the dead.”

(Note:  The New York Daily News reports that Salbey yelled at the gunman saying “F—ing Turk,” which would explain why the charges are being brought against him by leftist Germany.)

An Irish Woman who was viciously attacked with a heavy motorcycle chain in France has been released from the hospital, but authorities are not disclosing descriptions of her attackers

Image from Flickr.

Following is a summary of this RTE article

A 25 year old Irish woman who was savagely attacked by three men with a heavy duty motorcycle chain in France has been released from the hospital.

The woman was attacked in the southern town of Avignon last Saturday as she returned to where she was lodging.

She was hit in the face with the chain and lock, suffering severe injuries to her mouth, cheeks, and nose, according to police.  “She is in a state of shock,” they said.

The men ran away after the attack, not stealing anything and leaving the chain behind them.  The woman did not know the identity of her attackers.

(Note:  The authorities are not disclosing the descriptions of her attackers even though they are still at large.)

Authorities covered up the fact that the Somalian immigrant who went on a stabbing rampage in London was a devout Muslim

Darlene Horton (left) died in the attack, Bernard Hepplewhite (center) was hospitalized for several days with severe abdominal wounds, and Yovel Lewkowski (right) was stabbed but survived.
Darlene Horton (left) died in the attack, Bernard Hepplewhite (center) was hospitalized for several days with severe abdominal wounds, and Yovel Lewkowski (right) was stabbed but survived.

Following is a summary of this Infowars article

Authorities and the media blamed the stabbing of six people in London this week on “mental illness,” after initially circulating reports that the Muslim Somali immigrant attacker was “a white chubby man,” and later they insisted on calling him “Norwegian.”

Zak Bulhan went on a rampage in London on Wednesday night which left five people injured and the wife of an American professor dead.  Bulhan was likely inspired by the ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani who calling for potential jihadists to launch stabbing attacks against western “disbelievers.”

Bulhan’s former school friend Rakesh Naidu said that the killer was “a devout Mulism and he would passionately defend it,” and another student from Bulhan’s school said “This is the first time I’ve heard of him having mental health problems.”

Also Bulhan’s neighbor said that his mother “always wore a black full burka,” and Bulhan has also been found to give support online for various Islamic terrorists.

MSNBC: Trump’s immigration proposals vetting terrorist countries can’t be done because it would “cost $100 billion” and “cripple immigration”

In an MSNBC program recorded yesterday, hosts speak with a group of guests about Donald Trump’s proposals concerning immigration, basing their information and opinions on outdated claims which Trump made in the past rather than on his current modified proposals which are much more workable.  A guest claims that Trump’s immigration proposals would “cost as much as $100 billion” while actually basing his projection on vetting every person who would visit the U.S. rather than the suspension of immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism.

At the beginning of the clip, old footage (December 2015) is shown of Donald Trump saying the following:  “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States, until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” but they fail to note that Trump has changed his stance since then.

Then they show a more recent July 21 2016 clip:  “We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism, until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place, we don’t want them in our country.”

Following are excerpts from the conversation which ensues:  

ARI MELBER (who claims he spoke with over twenty homeland security experts):  “There’s been questions about whether this is legal, whether it’s a good idea. We dug in because he is the major party nominee on what it would actually take.  … [ Here are ] quotes we got talking to people who are ICE, DHS, border security, they say: ‘impractical, unworkable, impossible, not doable.’”

HOST: “Did anyone tell you it could be done?”

ARI MELBER:  “Some people looked at the price estimate, I can show you that there are 189 million entries to the U.S. in a year that are non-immigrant entries [ people who temporarily visit the country with passports ].  So if you take that and you say actually that you want to patrol and vet those people for their beliefs or their religion, you have to start looking at what the top Muslim nations are.  …  A ballpark figure right now, we spend about $21.5 billion dollars on immigration enforcement.  We were told by officials that … it would be up to $100 billion just to set up a kind of global vetting system to look at people’s beliefs.”

A Washington D.C. Muslim police officer was arrested for aiding Islamic State terrorists on the job

Following are key points from this Washington Post article

A Muslim Washington D.C Metro Transit officer Nicholas Young was arrested for providing support to ISIS terrorists after being monitored by authorities for over seven years.  The go-ahead to arrest Young was given when he sent mobile messaging cards to an undercover federal agent thinking they would be used by Islamic State fighters overseas to communicate.

During the seven years under surveillance Young has engaged in activities such as:

— He had given advice to suspected terrorists while on patrol and bragged about wishing to join ISIS

— He threatened FBI agents and also assisted jihadists

— He threatened to kidnap and torture an FBI agent and sink the head of anyone who crossed him to the bottom of a lake

— He threatened to bring guns into a federal courtroom

— He traveled to Libya twice in 2011 to fight against Moammar Gaddafi.

— He gave a person working with law enforcement advice on how to travel to Syria, including how to avoid undercover agents

— He dressed up as a “Jihadi John” at a 2014 Halloween party carrying around a headless orange jumpsuit filled with paper, and he dressed up as a Nazi and carried around Nazi memorabilia

— He collected a large number of firearms including an AK-47 RPG

Khizr Khan, the Muslim who spoke at the DNC, has been a strong supporter and acknowledged expert of barbaric Islamic Sharia law doctrine

Khizr Kahn at DNC
Image from Wikipedia.

[Note: Updated March 7, 2020—  Kahn has responded to allegations of supporting Sharia law in the past but made deceptive claims in doing so.   See the end of this post for more information.]

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article:  

Khizr Muazzam Khan, the U.S. Constitution touting Muslim who spoke against Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention has been revealed to be an acknowledged expert on Islamic Sharia Law.

Sharia law dictates that men have the right to beat their wives, punishment for theft is amputation, insulting Muhammad is a crime punishable by death, rape victims need to produce four male witnesses or face adultery charges themselves, and with punishments for other infractions ranging from stonings to floggings to beheadings.

In 1983, Khan wrote a glowing review of a book where he singled out for praise a pro-jihad Muslim jurist named Allah K. Brohi, who was one of the closest advisers to Zia ul-Haq, the father of the Taliban movement.   In the review, Khan spoke admirably of Brohi’s interpretation of human rights even though it included the right to kill and mutilate those who violate Islamic law and the right of men to beat their wives.   Khan never mentioned having any issues with Brohi’s interpretations of human rights, but instead wrote that Brohi “successfully” explains and argues his points “convincingly.”   Khan also concurred in his review that human rights can only be guaranteed through the establishment of Sharia law, saying “There is no such thing as human right in the abstract.”

Brohi was the Pakistani Minister of Law and Religious Affairs at the time, and he restored the enforcement of the full range of Sharia laws to that country.   Khan now claims to have immigrated to the U.S. in the 1980’s to “escape Pakistan’s Military Rule,” despite the fact that he spoke very admirably of Brohi in his review back then.

Khan also wrote another academic paper in 1983 entitled “Juristic Classification of Islamic Law,”  where he states that the Quran is the “absolute authority,” and that all other juridical works must always be subordinate to Sharia law.   His 13-page article was published in the Houston Journal of International Law and has been cited by dozens of Islamic law articles and has also been used in college syllabi for Islamic courses at least until 2013.

The Clinton campaign and establishment media portrait Khan as a “Pakistani-American Lawyer,” but of course they don’t mention Khan being an acknowledged expert on Sharia law.

There is no evidence that Khan has ever recanted his support for the anti-Constitional Sharia law, other than the fact that he waved a pocket constitution around during his speech at the DNC.


NOTE:  Khan has given a response to allegations that he has been a Sharia law supporter in the past, but in his response he does not deny what he has written about it but instead gives a vague and misleading description of what Sharia law is, and then states that he “does not stand for any Sharia law because there is no such thing.”

In this video clip from a CNN broadcast, Khan states:

“Sharia Law as we have titled it is no such thing as Sharia Law.   These are laws of various Muslim countries which are hodge podge of British laws, French laws, Portuguese Laws.   In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders, which disqualifies them under the Constitution of the United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought.   How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that I do not stand for any Sharia law because there is no such thing.”

.. In the clip after video of Khan speaking, a host chimes in appearing to reiterate what Khan just said, but while doing so she injects a claim that Khan never actually made in his statement:  “.. he doesn’t stand for it, he never has stood for it, he carries around the US Constitution, he abides by the US Constitution.”   If Khan didn’t actually write about Sharia law in the past as being a strong supporter, it would have been the first thing he mentioned in his statement.

Sharia Law is already being implemented in Britain where it supersedes English law for Muslims, and many American Muslims support the idea of Sharia Law being implemented in the United States.

20 Mosques have been shut in France since December for preaching radical Islam

Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this article:  

The Interior Minister of France Bernard Cazeneuve has said that around 20 Mosques and prayer halls in France have been shut down by authorities since December for preaching radical Islam, and 80 people have been expelled from the country since 2012.  The article also mentions that there are currently 2,500 mosques in France, with up to 120 of them preaching radical Salafism, which is a strict interpretation of Sunni Islam.

The EU has unveiled new regulations that will greatly increase the number of migrants coming to Europe


Following is a summary of this Express UK article

EU policymakers in Brussels have unveiled plans to significantly increase the amount of immigrants entering Europe by slackening rules about family reunification.

At the moment, migrants are only allowed to be reunited with their wives and children who they already had before leaving their home country, but the new rules will greatly expand the definition of family to also include relationships formed during the journey to Europe.

Angry German politicians are complaining that the new laws will open floodgates to fresh waves of immigration and undermine current attempts to bring the refugee crisis under control.

There has been a huge increase in girl’s genital mutilation in the U.S. due to Muslim immigration

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is from this Free Beacon article

“An estimated 513,000 women and girls are at risk or have already been subjected to female genital mutilation in the United States, with the number skyrocketing due to increased immigration from countries in the Middle East and North Africa, where the practice is common.”

“The number of girls suffering from female genital mutilation has tripled in the U.S. since 1990, according to a report released by the Government Accountability Office on Monday.”

“The State Department considers female genital mutilation—the partial or total removal of female genitalia for no medical reason—to be a form of gender-based violence. The practice is illegal in the United States.”

“The government places the blame on increased immigration from majority Muslim nations, where female genital mutilation is a common practice.”

“The report also noted that there have been exceedingly few investigations into female genital mutilation in the United States, because it generally goes unreported.”