A Muslim refugee kid brought a fake bomb to school, then got an invitation to the White House (then his family filed a lawsuit)

Image from SettingTheRecordStraight.

Following is a summary of a DailyMail UK article:

A fourteen year old Muslim refugee named Ahmed Mohamed with a past history of causing problems at school was arrested in Irving, Texas for bringing a device that looked like a bomb to class, resulting in him becoming a hero of the political Establishment and receiving many high profile opportunities including being invited to participate in the annual Google Science fair in California, meeting with Queen Rania of Jordan in New York, and visiting Barack Obama at the White House where he was asked to bring the bomb-like device with him.

Mohamed’s homemade clock started beeping in class, resulting in the police being called and him being arrested.  No charges were filed but he was suspended from school for three days, which shockingly prompted the international outcry purporting that he has been victimized due to being a Muslim.

Texas Municipal Patrolman’s Association president Heath Wester said that he believed Ahmed took the device into the school as a publicity stunt: “I think his intent was to see how far he could get with the device and to see what kind of alarmant he could get.  And as you can see now, he’s got what he asked for.  He’s gotten that alarmant.  He’s gotten that excitement or whatever he was trying to get.  He got it.”


Beth Van Dunye, the Mayor of Irving, Texas

The Mayor of Irving Beth Van Dunye also supports the school’s decision to arrest Mohamed.  Van Dunye has been criticized in the past for being an outspoken opponent of the potential encroachment of Islamic Sharia law in Dallas.

Also see an article on SettingTheRecordStraight examining aspects of the issue potentially being a part of a bigger conspiracy:


Update: 8/10/16Mohamed’s family has now filed a lawsuit against the Texas school officials and others, saying they violated his civil rights, prompted death threats, and forced them to leave the country.  Following are excerpts from this ABC News article:

The lawsuit names Irving Independent School District, the city of Irving and the school’s principal, and asks a jury to determine the damages.  In November, the family asked the district and city to pay $15 million or else face a suit.  District spokeswoman Lesley Weaver said in a statement Monday that attorneys for the district will review the suit and determine a course of action.

The family has since moved to Qatar, citing threats and a scholarship offered to Ahmed in the Persian Gulf country.  Ahmed moved back to the U.S. last month for the summer to visit family and friends, and will do some traveling around the country, but will return to Qatar next month to start 10th grade at Qatar Academy, a private school in Doha.

“For the safety of my family, I have to go back to Qatar, because right now it’s not very safe for my family or for anyone who’s a minority,” Ahmed said during Monday’s news conference.

Among the claims made in the suit, which was brought by the teen’s father, is that the boy’s right to equal protection under the law was violated and that officers arrested him without probable cause.

Ahmed was a victim of systemic discrimination by the school district and state Board of Education that has marginalized Muslims and other minority groups, the suit claims.

Ahmed’s story brought an outpouring of support from President Barack Obama, other political leaders, corporate executives and NASA scientists.

See the full ABC News article.

The Orlando shooter’s father attended a Hillary Clinton rally in Florida, and sat behind her while she spoke

Following is a summary of an Orlando WPTV article

A local television station WPTV noticed that Seddique Mateen, the father of the Pulse Nightclub shooter attended a Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee, Florida, being on camera seated directly behind her above her shoulder during her entire speech.

The television station caught up with Mateen after the rally and spoke with him briefly in the parking lot, and then later at a rest stop.

Mateen said, “Hillary Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump, who has no solutions.”

When he was asked about his decision to go to the event which was very close to the Pulse Nightclub, he said, “I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS.  That would be much better.”

When asked if Clinton knew he would be at at the event and sitting directly behind her, he said, “It’s a Democratic party, so everyone can join.”

Finally when he was asked if the thought if some people would be surprised to see him there, he said, “Why should they be surprised?  I love the United States, and I’ve been living here a long time.”

When the Clinton campaign was asked about his attendance, it responded in a tweet, “The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public.  This individual wasn’t invited as a guest and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event.”

Many Afghans are sending their children to Europe unaccompanied as anchors for bringing in the rest of their families

Afghan child migrant
Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this Brietbart article

A report by the EU’s asylum office said that Afghan parents are sending their children to Europe in large numbers in the hopes they will be granted asylum and then seek reunification with the rest of the families.  The report says that last year over 96,000 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum in the EU, which is four times as many as the previous year, and with the majority coming from Afghanistan.

Ward Lutin of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) said the numbers coming from Afghanistan are “huge.”  He said, “Families send out their children, strategically, hoping that they will manage to get a status in Europe, and then use them as anchor children and be reunited with them.”

European countries have also been having many problems with adult migrants lying about being minors in order to take advantage of more lenient rules.  Problems arising from this include an incident where a 20 year old man in student accommodations raped a 13 year old girl.

A Syrian immigrant planned to bring his three wives and 20 children to be supported by Sweden


Daham al-Hasan, a Syrian migrant who has claimed he is too sick to work or learn the language of his host country had tried to relocate from Denmark to Sweden in order to gain additional welfare support for his three wives and 20 children, however he then learned that conservatives had pushed Sweden to change their policy about supporting polygamous marriages.  He was seeking $150 per month per child, adding up to $60,000 per year in child support along with many other benefits including payments for disabilities of “having pain in his back and legs” that exempt him from working.

The above was summarized from a MadWorldNews article.   Also see a translated Fria Tider article

A suicide bomber in Pakistan killed more than 70 at a gathering mourning a prominent lawyer who was shot and killed earlier in the day

An image from the Reuters video.

Following is summarized from this Reuters news article:

A suicide bomber at a hospital in the city of Quetta, Pakistan killed more than 70 people and wounded over 100, attacking mourners who gathered for a lawyer who had been shot and killed earlier in the day.  The victims of the bombing were mostly lawyers and journalists.

“There are many wounded, so the death toll could rise,” said Rehmat Saleh Baloch, the provincial health minister.

Bodies lay strewn across a hospital courtyard shortly after the blast and pools of blood collected as emergency rescuers rushed to identify survivors.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.  If true, it would mark a frightening development for Pakistan which until now has only been plagued with locally based Islamist military violence.

The shooting victim, Bilal Anwar Kasi, was killed while on his way to the city’s main court complex, a senior police official Nadeem Shah told Reuters.  He was the president of Baluchistan Bar Association.

An Eritrean migrant rapist in Germany was given only 30 hours of community service and classes in alcohol awareness

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article

A 17 year old Eritrean migrant has been sentenced to only 30 hours of community service after violently sexually assaulting an 18 year old women in a parking garage in Bad Oldeslope, Germany in January.

Police on patrol had heard the woman’s cries of distress, finding the migrant attempting to rape the woman.  They had to physically tear the man away from the woman, who he was holding her down while trying to rape her.  The migrant then fought the police officers, injuring one of them requiring his hospitalization.

The woman’s face and neck were covered with bite wounds, and she was also under medical supervision.

On Thursday, after a two-hour hearing behind closed doors, the court let the migrant go free with only 30 hours of community service for the charges of assault, sexual assault, and resisting arrest.  Since the migrant also had consumed alcohol before the attack, he is required to take classes in alcohol awareness.

Professor Monika Frommel, the director of the Institute for Sanctions Law and Criminology at the University of Kiel said, “lack of prospects, lack of recognition and lack of access to sex” drives migrants to sexually assault women.  To counter this, she argues, the country must improve opportunities for young migrant men.

Swedish police issued a report blaming girls for the rise in migrant sex attacks

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

A May, 2016 article details Swedish police issuing a report blaming Scandinavian teenage girls’ “Nordic alcohol culture” and Western behavior for the steep increase in sex attacks carried out by migrants.

The report, entitled “The Current Situation of Sexual Molestation and Proposals for Action” examines why Sweden has the worst rates of physical and sexual violence against women and girls in Europe, and it excuses the migrants saying “they cannot handle the alcohol,” they simply feel “horny” and have “ignorance of the consequences for the girls.”

The report also says that the migrants call the girls “whores” and abuse them for “their clothes” which makes many of them frightened to walk on the streets, and it also reveals that the majority of sex attack victims are under the age of 15.

The report also states: “Control is exercised over women through violence, thus shaping her according to the man’s idealized vision of femininity. … During the exercise of violence, men can embody a typical ‘male’. … In other words, the violence makes possible what is considered masculine and can provide ‘benefits’ for the perpetrator,”  and then it goes on to state “The conclusion is that the roles are a consequence of Nordic alcohol culture, but also of non-traditional gender roles.

The report comes after it emerged that gangs of migrants molested women in Malmö, Karlstad and Kalmar in Sweden on New Year’s Eve.

Mona Walter is a Somalian born ex-Muslim activist in Sweden who informs Muslims about issues with the Quran

Following is a summary of a CBN News article that contains the original video: 

View a CBN news segment about the ex-Muslim activist Mona Walter.   Following is a description of the information in the video:

Mona Walter is a Somalian born Swedish activist who is an ex-Muslim that is on a mission to inform Muslims about what is actually in the Koran.

She came to Sweden from Somalia in the 1990s as a war refugee when she was 19, only to discover how oppressive Islam actually was once she arrived.

Mona explains that in Somalia most people are simply born into the religion and are generally not very well informed about it, but in Sweden Muslims expect others to be extremely devout and obedient, and it was then when she read the Quran and learned about many aspects of Islam that she disagreed with.   She became discouraged and initially became an Atheist, and then converted to Christianity.

Soon she started to become and activist by copying disagreeable verses from the Quran and handing them out to Muslim woman on the street, usually when dressed in a disguise of wearing a Burka.    However, in politically correct Sweden Mona has come under attack in the media for criticizing Islam.

Mona explains that people in Sweden take their freedom of religion for granted, but Muslim women in Sweden really don’t have those same freedoms under Islamic law.

She lives under death threats and sometimes travels with police protection, and when she travels in Muslim areas she needs to be disguised in a Burka otherwise she risks being attacked and killed.

Mona now uses videos and speaking appearances to spread her messages, and she says that she won’t stop even though her life is in danger. 

Islamist terror organizations are recruiting from disaffected Somali refugees in Minnesota

Image from Flickr.

Following is a summary of a Washington Times article:  

Tens of thousands of Somali refugees have been brought mostly to Minneapolis, Minnesota since the 1990s, with over a thousand arriving last year, often having problems assimilating and sometimes being targeted for recruitment by Islamic extremist groups.

“We have definitely seen targeted terror recruitment videos, videos aimed and targeted directly at the youth here in Minnesota primarily within the Somali community,” said Kyle Loven, an FBI spokesman in Minneapolis. “They’re going after disaffected youth — those who are isolated.”

Loven says the FBI has noticed a steady stream of Islamist recruitment videos specifically targeted at Minnesota’s Somali population, saying the FBI has established a strong liaison program within the Somali community to work with organizations and people who have a general uneasiness about their population being targeted.  “The videos and the online messaging is clearly targeting youths from within the Somali community and it’s a challenge for law enforcement to determine who will be moved to action with these videos,” he said.

Since 2008, as many as 40 men from Minneapolis have joined Islamist groups after being recruited by jihadists through social media, according to federal officials.

Last year an American named Douglas McArthur died in Syria fighting for the Islamic State, and he had been recruited from where he lived in Minnesota.

In 2009, a friend of McArthur named Troy Kastigar posted a recruitment video for an Islamic terrorist group al-Shabab before being killed fighting for them in Somalia.

Also in 2009 another man from Minnesota joined al-Shabab and blew himself up in a suicide bombing at an Ethiopian consulate in Somalia, killing 24 people.

On Sunday, al-Shabab made a propaganda video warning about attacks on shopping malls around the world, including the Mall of America in Minnesota.  Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the terror attack at a shopping mall in Kenya two years ago that left 67 dead.

In an effort to increase assimilation and deter against Islamic recruitment efforts, government agencies have greatly expanded state welfare programs to be the most generous in the country, but the problems remain including high unemployment with only 41% of males working.