The following information is summarized from this Breitbart article:
Sweden’s lax immigration policies have turned it into the rape capitol of the Western world due to the influx of migrants from dysfunctional societies having no respect for women, where the clash of cultures finds the men surrounded by oceans of attractive women who appear to them as naked seductresses and “whores.”
The Swedish justice system usually actually rewards the barbaric behavior of the migrants rather than being concerned about the well-being of the victims, as the following news stories from only the past month illustrate:
— Recently an immigrant from Eritrea brutally raped and beat a young Swedish girl so badly that it fractured her spine, yet the court only gave him a two and a half year sentence and said the offense wasn’t sufficiently serious to deport him afterwards. view article
— 30 to 40 Moroccan teenagers from a few football teams at a tournament in Gothenburg, Sweden played the Arabic game of “Taharrush” against three young Swedish girls, where they asked the girls if they could take photographs with them, and then they surrounded them and clung to them fighting to put their hands under their clothes while kissing them, with one of the girls getting a grown man’s tongue in her mouth. Police heard the girl’s cries for help and broke the group up, apprehending a man but only dispersing the rest of the group. view article
— At a music festival in Skellefteå, Sweden in July, Asylum seekers were bussed in for their entertainment and some of them sexually assaulted girls in the audience, with some of the girls wearing bracelets that said “Don’t touch” that the Swedish government had distributed supposedly for their protection. view article
— Last week there were several reports of gang rapes but also “regular” rapes, with one happening in the middle of the afternoon in broad daylight to a 14 year old girl. view article
— This article in one of Sweden’s biggest newspapers interviews Börje Svensson, a psychotherapist and “an expert on sexual criminals,” and Mary Bauer, a behavioral scientist “expert on violence,” and both don’t mention the migrants but primarily blame the rape problem on the hot summer weather, reasoning that it’s because more woman are walking around outside. view article