German reception center worker: 80% of migrants are paperless, many lie for more welfare

Image from Wikipedia.

The following is summarized from this Breitbart article

Abdullah Khan, an undercover reporter for Bild Magazine who worked for four months at a migrant reception center has revealed tactics that migrants use to exploit Germany’s immigration system, saying that 80% of those seeking asylum have no papers and many lie to quality for as many taxpayer-funded benefits as possible.

Following are points he had mentioned:

— “Many pose as minors traveling alone, because word has spread that they will qualify for more benefits. … To lie about their age, many people use false passports and other identity documents.”

— He reported that the majority claim to have lost their documents “while fleeing,” and claim to be Syrian because it gives them the best chance of receiving refugee status.  Ninety-six percent of migrants claiming to be Syrian were awarded refugee status in 2015.

— In the four months he was working undercover, he found that many asylum applications from people claiming to be from Syria were accepted without even an interview.  Applicants just had to say they were from Syria and sign a form.

— Many migrants use a variety of tactics to avoid having there fingerprints being taken, such as using grease, acid, or superglue on their fingers, while other grind their fingertips until smooth.  He said “Some want to avoid the fact that [their data] is recognized on the crime register. Or that it is noted that they have already been registered in another country.”

— He mentions a case where a man who appeared to be 65 said he was 30.

— He recalls thinking “Am I being lied to by economic migrants, who do not qualify for asylum, but just hope for a better life in Germany?  Or is an ISIS sympathiser sitting in front of me?”

— He concluded:  “On all these issues I have no answers.  All I know is that currently there are far too many people living in Germany, and we do not know where they really come from, what they really intend and why they are really here.”

— The article mentions that the migrant who recently pledged allegiance to the Islamic State before launching into an axe attack on a German train was thought to have been a Pakistani who claimed he was an Afghan in order to receive asylum in Germany.

View a compilation of news interviews of Masa Yousef, the son of a Hamas founder

Masa Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the founders of Hamas.   Until recently he was the president of the Islamic Youth Movement, but now he has converted to Christianity and is outspoken about denouncing Islam and the activities of Hamas.  He often makes statements about Islam which many feel would be considered to be inflammatory, but he is adamant that he is opposed to issues with Islam rather than with the Muslim people themselves, who he has great love for.

Yousef says that he thinks Islam is collapsing on the inside while appearing to be growing because of its refusal give adequate answers to its followers or improve their lives.  He also mentions that Muslims are often fed up with the extreme behaviors of their leaders and the fact that they aren’t allowed to speak out about it.

This compilation of video broadcasts shows interviewers continually asking him if he is afraid of speaking out, to where he says at one point, “Look, you are afraid when you do something wrong.  When you aren’t doing anything wrong, when you believe in what you are doing, you are not afraid.”

[Yousef is also the subject of a documentary entitled “The Green Prince,” showing how he had thwarted many terrorist attacks in the middle east while working due to his activities exposing extremists while working with the Israeli government .]

A Comparison of Aspects of Christianity with Aspects of Islam

[Note June 7, 2019— I have added more information about extreme passages in the Old Testament of the Bible.]

An article entitled “Jesus and Muhammad, Islam and Christianity:  A Side-by-Side Comparison” contains a large table comparing aspects of Jesus and Christianity to the prophet Muhammad and Islam, showing that the two religions are very different from each other despite the fact that many claim them to be similar.

The article contains introductory text explaining that Christians are persecuted around the world by Muslims yet there is little if any retaliations from Christian groups, and it explains that the nations with the best civil rights records are predominantly Christian influenced while Islamic states make up many of the ones that are the worst.

[Note:  Of course Islamic countries are attacked by Western countries, but it is not really “Christianity” attacking them.  Also many people believe “the Jews” are the people who most control the world, but the reality of the situation is that the global elite establishment is made up of people from all religions, many of them being Jewish but it is not a “Jewish” conspiracy.  Jews and Israel are victimized by the establishment in the same manner as the rest of the world is, in particular by the establishment making them scapegoats to throw suspicion off of itself.]

[Note:  See the article page for the ACTUAL  TABLE which compares many aspects of Mohammad and Islam to aspects of Jesus and Christianity.]

The text AFTER the table continues with the following background information:

— Frequent criticisms of Christianity such as woman’s issues and slavery are almost always a tangible part of Islam also and in fact are usually much more extreme.

— Islam is a Theocracy, whereas Christianity leaves room for separation of religion and government.

— Nearly every other chapter of the Quran speaks of eternal damnation of nonbelievers, including giving vivid descriptions of the suffering which they would experience.

— The morality of the Quran is generally more obscure than in the Bible.  The article claims: “Most of Islam’s holiest book is devoted toward distinguishing and heaping abuse on unbelievers.  There are no verses that promote universal love and brotherhood.  The few verses that are sometimes held up as examples of tolerance and peace generally require separation from textual and historical context.” [ Note I’m not an expert on the Quran so I can’t verify this claim. ]

— Muslims are told that their prophet Muhammad, who was “a slave-owner, sexual glutton, thief and killer” is the most “beautiful pattern of conduct” and “example” for mankind to follow (Quran 33:21), as well as the “exalted standard of character” (Quran 68:4).

— Christians are told to emulate Jesus, who is a pacifist and servant, and “walk, even as he walked” (1 John 2:6).  Jesus told his followers not to resort to violence and pray for one’s enemies.  Muhammad, on the other had ordered military assaults against Christians.

— Wafa Sultan, who describes herself as a Muslim who does not adhere to Islam, said:  “The problem with Christians is they aren’t as good as Jesus.  But thank God most Muslims are better than Muhammad.”

See the full article:


Following is my REBUTTAL of the “rebuttal” article entitled “No, Jesus WASN’T a Pacifist: The Problem with the Muhammad vs. Jesus Comparisons,” which purports to rebut the article I have just summarized in this post:

The essence of the “rebuttal” article is that it highlights examples of violence associated with prophets from the Old Testament such as Moses, Joshua, Samson, David, Saul, and others, and then the article gives an argument that God will cause many people to die when Jesus returns.

[Note June 7, 2019— There are some extreme passages in the Old Testament such as ones that advocate for stoning of blasphemers and for adultery.]

It is true that most Christians worship the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, but only a tiny minority of Christians take every word of the Old Testament literally, yet the vast majority of Muslims take every word of the Quran literally.  For example, some Christians believe that the Earth is only 7,000 years old, but it is not common for Christians to believe that.

But most importantly, the teachings of Christ came after the Old Testament, so to a Christian, Christ’s teachings of peace and humility would certainly take precedence over anything in the Old Testament that may conflict with those ideals.

Many rapes and sexual assaults by migrants occurred in Sweden this month, without adequate justice

Image from

The following information is summarized from this Breitbart article:

Sweden’s lax immigration policies have turned it into the rape capitol of the Western world due to the influx of migrants from dysfunctional societies having no respect for women, where the clash of cultures finds the men surrounded by oceans of attractive women who appear to them as naked seductresses and “whores.”

The Swedish justice system usually actually rewards the barbaric behavior of the migrants rather than being concerned about the well-being of the victims, as the following news stories from only the past month illustrate:

— Recently an immigrant from Eritrea brutally raped and beat a young Swedish girl so badly that it fractured her spine, yet the court only gave him a two and a half year sentence and said the offense wasn’t sufficiently serious to deport him afterwards.   view article

— 30 to 40 Moroccan teenagers from a few football teams at a tournament in Gothenburg, Sweden played the Arabic game of “Taharrush” against three young Swedish girls, where they asked the girls if they could take photographs with them, and then they surrounded them and clung to them fighting to put their hands under their clothes while kissing them, with one of the girls getting a grown man’s tongue in her mouth.  Police heard the girl’s cries for help and broke the group up, apprehending a man but only dispersing the rest of the group.   view article

— At a music festival in Skellefteå, Sweden in July, Asylum seekers were bussed in for their entertainment and some of them sexually assaulted girls in the audience, with some of the girls wearing bracelets that said “Don’t touch” that the Swedish government had distributed supposedly for their protection.   view article

— Last week there were several reports of gang rapes but also “regular” rapes, with one happening in the middle of the afternoon in broad daylight to a 14 year old girl.   view article

— This article in one of Sweden’s biggest newspapers interviews Börje Svensson, a psychotherapist and “an expert on sexual criminals,” and Mary Bauer, a behavioral scientist “expert on violence,” and both don’t mention the migrants but primarily blame the rape problem on the hot summer weather, reasoning that it’s because more woman are walking around outside.   view article

A leaked Soros document reveals Establishment agendas for expanding unfettered immigration, calls the crisis “the new normal”

Following is information that is summarized from this Infowars article:  

Documents have been leaked from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation that reveal its agendas for formulating international immigration policy.  A nine page memo entitled “Migration Governance and Enforcement” leaked by a group called shows that the foundation is intent on expanding immigration and also influencing the public’s attitudes about it at the elite and popular levels.

The foundation views the migrant crisis as an opportunity to expand it’s globalist agenda, with the report stating, “We deliberately avoided the term ‘global governance’ because there is no single system at the global level for managing migration,” going on to say, “The current climate presents new opportunities for reforming migration governance at the global level, whether through the existing multi-lateral system, or by bringing together a range of actors to think more innovatively.”

The document lays out strategies for making use of the immigration crisis to “strengthen norm-setting” and “prevent the violation of migrants’ rights by minimizing harsh border controls and decreasing the widespread use of detention and deportation.”

The report states, “As our aspirations have evolved, our targets have shifted from harm reduction to more proactive solutions-based policy influencing,” and mentions failures to capitalize on opportunities to spur “grassroots level” support for migration, but saying “The refugee crisis is opening new opportunities for this.”

The report then goes on to lament “the rise of the of radical right,” saying immigration advocates’ “traditional arguments are not working,” but the foundation is “experimenting with framings and argumentation, both at elite and popular levels.”

Rather than working out ways to stem the migrant flow, the report instead insists nations including those in Europe and the Mediterranean should accept the “current crisis as the new normal,” and says “There is a need to create more space for reflection, stock-taking and development of mid- and longer-term strategies.”

Also note  PDF of the 9-page report is embedded at the bottom of the Infowars article.

Masa Yousef, the son of a Hamas founder, has thwarted many deadly terrorist attacks while working undercover

The 2014 true story documentary about Masa Yousef entitled “The Green Prince.” 

Following is a summary of information from this Telegraph UK article

Mosab Hassan Yousef, whose father had been one of the most powerful founding Hamas leaders, came to eventually work as a spy for Israel’s security service for over a decade and saved countless lives by thwarting terrorist attacks.  He wrote memoirs about his life in his book “Son of Hamas,” which has been made into a 2014 feature length documentary entitled “The Green Prince,” and it will soon be made into a live-action feature film.

Yousef grew up hating Israel as many Palestinians do, viewing them as his enemy particularly because his father was imprisoned by them for much of Yousef’s childhood.  Yousef was frequently arrested by Israel, and he initially agreed to work for them with the motive of taking revenge on them, but eventually he witnessed how differently each side treats its prisoners which led him to became sympathetic toward Israel, and eventually he started supplying information that saved countless lives on all sides by thwarting Palestinian terrorist attacks.

Yousef says, “I came from the heart of the leadership of Hamas, the heart of the Palestinian decision making.  I sat down with Yasser Arafat, with all the top leaders of the Palestinian factions.  On the other hand I worked with the Israeli intelligence.  I saw the other side.  I saw their struggle as well.  How many other people in that region see the truth from different sides?  It was a crime not to share my story.”

Regarding Palestinian issues, Yousef says, “Pushing for a Palestinian state is a fantasy.  It is impossible.  Israel is not going to give Palestinians free borders because no Israelis will agree to another holocaust.  Why push for things that are not going to take place, and [in doing so] encourage terrorism and violence?   In the meantime, instead of dreaming about impossible things, how about we build a Palestinian economy, schools and infrastructure?   Let’s try to avoid Hamas, let Israel finish the job of fighting them, and leave the Palestinian people out of this problem.  To go and push for a Palestinian state right now – this is playing with fire.”

Speaking about an axe attack that happened in a synagogue in Jerusalem the week he was interviewed, he said: “We had four righteous people going to a synagogue, a house of worship.  They got killed.  And you see the Jordanian parliament are praising the killers, praying for them, and encouraging people to follow their footsteps.  This is the Arab culture: they hate Israel for religious reasons, for ideological reasons.  This needs to stop; they need to wake up from their delusion.”

Muslim organizations are pushing for legalized polygamous marriages in Italy, child brides are already accepted by many European countries

Nujood Ali, an 8 year old Islamic child bride
Nujood Ali, an 8 year old Islamic child bride.

Following the introduction of civil unions for homosexuals, Muslim organizations in Italy are pushing for the legalization of polygamy as a civil right.

Hamza Piccardo, the founder of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII), has been promoting Islamic polygamy saying it would promote more Muslim births and spread Islam quicker.   “When it comes to civil rights here, then polygamy is a civil right,” said Piccardo on social media.  “Muslims do not agree with homosexual partnerships, and yet they have to accept a system that allows it.    There is no reason why Italy should not accept polygamous marriages of consenting persons.”

In January the UK House of Commons ruled that it will allow Muslim men with more that one wife to receive extra benefits for each additional spouse.

Shockingly, the practice of migrants even having child brides is accepted by many European countries, following the example of the Prophet Mohammad who had among his eleven wives also a six year old wife who he started having sex with when she was nine.  The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, and Sweden are supportive of the practice of Muslims having child brides in the asylum centers, where men are allowed to stay married and have sex with their child brides who are as young as 11, even despite the fact that the girls had been forced to marry their husbands.  (See this link, and this link.)

See the full article on MadWorldNews.