Following is an article by Adan Salazar on Infowars.com:
Educators at a North Carolina public school district have been ordered to avoid using gender-specific pronouns when addressing pupils, according to a recently published training manual.
A slideshow presentation, entitled “Supporting Transgender Students,” provides guidance for the upcoming school year to K-12 teachers of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district, directing them how to properly handle students with gender identity issues.
“Transgendered,” “transsexual,” “transvestite,” “MtF or FtM,” “Cross Dresser,” and “Drag Queen/King,” are all terms teachers are instructed to avoid in order to “maximize academic achievement for every child.”
Instead, the slideshow suggests, teachers should familiarize themselves with terms such as “Questioning,” “Cisgender,” “Non-binary,” “Genderqueer,’ and “Gender nonconforming.”
A worksheet with a purple unicorn appears amid the instructional, which students are intended to fill out with their own gender identities.
Among techniques to “avoid gender specific classroom management,” the slideshow tells teachers to line students up by birth month, favorite color, or alphabetized, rather than “boy/girl.”
Children should also be addressed as “scholars or students vs. boys and girls,” the guidance recommends.
Additionally, faculty should “allow students to dress in accordance with their gender identity” (emphasis theirs), and “students must have access to the restroom/changing facilities that correspond to their gender identity,” in accordance with a recent Fourth Circuit court ruling.
“A student’s transgender status is confidential,” the Powerpoint presentation reminds teachers, and “Staff must take care not to ‘out’ a student to others, including the parents of an older student, without the student’s permission.”
“In contacting the parents, use the student’s name/pronoun on birth certificate unless student or parent says otherwise,” slide #34 reads.
Speaking to the Charlotte-Observer, Superintendent Ann Clark said little to nothing would change for most students.
“I would say to parents in this community that very little is going to be different in terms of your child’s experience unless you are the parent of a transgender student,” she stated.
But residents say the school’s new guidelines are an exercise in cultural Marxism.
“It’s a radical sexual revolution being forced on our kids,” Charlotte resident David Benham said to Fox News.
“What they are doing is highlighting and exploiting the transgender community and trying to push their radical agenda on the rest of the students,” Benham told Todd Starnes.
“It was really slick,” another parent told WCNC. “It is friendly looking and deceitful because that unicorn, to me, represents the religion of sex. It is silencing and penalizing those of us who believe we were created male and female and should be able to use those terms.”
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg 2016-2017 school year begins on Monday, August 29.