“All Quiet on the Western Front” is a great movie

I recently saw the movie “All Quiet on the Western Front” which depicts the horrifying reality of trench warfare in Word War I, from the German perspective.  Strangely the movie was not shown in theaters which would have generated more attention and revenue for it, but rather it was produced by Netflix.  The movie is also shown on Amazon Streaming.

This movie along with the movie “Thou Shall Not Grow Old” depict the strange amount of enthusiasm the public in Europe had about going to war, where they accepted whatever they were told by the global elite without question.

I think the situation in Europe is still the same, where the populations still unquestioningly accept whatever they are told by the same global elite, however now the elite are using the past conflicts that they created as an excuse for what they are now telling them to do— where they are claiming that “patriotism” and “nationalism” were the cause of the wars, and in many counties such as Germany it is illegal to even question what happened during World War II.

There is a direct parallel between the attitudes of the naive populations prior to the wars and their current naive unquestioning acceptance of the intentionally harmful immigration agendas that are being unleashed upon them now (link, link, and link).  (Most non-Europeans are completely unaware of the horrible problems that are happening on that continent due to the out-of-control Islamic immigration that has been happening there, due to a media blackout about the topic.)  

In all cases their problems can be directly attributed to them not knowing who the global elite actually are and what their goals are (link).  Also most of them do not know how harmful the European Union organization and the United Nations are.

It is also very important to the global elite that Europeans don’t know what the terms “right wing” and “left wing” actually mean, so in their media reports they constantly try to reinforce a false perception that “right wing” means “racism, bigotry, violence, and Nazism,” and “left wing” means “peace, love, and sharing.”  See THIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE that explains the real meanings of those terms.

I’m hearing reports of populists being elected in some countries such as Geert Wilders in Sweden, and Javier Milei in Argentina, however it is important to be skeptical of such people since they’ve been elected in an environment that is still prior to the awakening and where the voting machines are still rigged.

I notice in the above article about Geert Wilders that his “hard-right, anti-Muslim party, Party for Freedom (PVV)” wants to ban headscarves, however I believe that only a controlled opposition organization would want to ban headscarves because implementing such as ban on the clothing that people wear is not a “right wing” mentality, and worse it would only conceal the problem of encroaching Islamism.

If such politicians were genuinely for real, they would outlaw the use of all electronic vote counting, and get their countries out of organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations.

James Perloff speaks about Israel’s Mossad being involved in many past false flag attacks

This is a November 20, 2023 interview of James Perloff, who wrote the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” and the book “COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red Pilled.”  In the interview he details the Israeli Mossad’s involvement in many of the global elite’s false flag attacks over the past century up until now.

[Note that while Israel has very significant involvement in the Illuminati global elite, it isn’t the “source” of the it but rather it is just a tool of theirs just as the U.S. and the other Western countries (and in fact essentially all countries) are.  The Illuminati depend on antisemitism in order to deflect criticism off of themselves, so they often intentionally cause and organize it.  Nonetheless I think the Israeli government is thoroughly corrupt and a danger to humanity, just as the Biden administration and the European Union are for example.]

A Muslim is suing a Chicago law firm for rescinding her job offer due to her support for Islamic Extremism

A Chicago area news report explains that a Muslim woman is suing the Foley & Lardner law firm for rescinding her job offer after they learned that she has been speaking out in favor of radical pro-Palestine views.  She is shown saying, “They interrogated me in a hostile manner about my involvement with Students for Justice in Palestine and about other aspects of my identity and background.”  The report explains that the law firm saw a video of a public comment she gave at a city council meeting on October 13, where she asked the Alderman to vote against a resolution to condemn Hamas’s attack on Israel.  The report shows her answering when questioned about the matter where she said it was her first amendment right to say it.

Her lawsuit is being brought with the assistance of the group CAIR, which is notorious for implementing the use of lawfare to sue employers who resist being bullied by pro-sharia demands of Muslim employees.  See this article that details a long list of such lawsuits that CAIR has brought in the past.


The “Students for Justice in Palestine” group is one of the violent leftist Establishment organizations that are attacking Jewish people on campuses and elsewhere.  Also see this link and this link which each contain a list of articles related to issues with the organization.


View a BBC news segment interviewing a woman who was suspended for showing up for her first day of work as a teacher at a Church of England school wearing a full body burka.  Also see this link.

Why did Palestine squander a chance to become free in 2005?

Hamas militants in a parade procession.

Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005, supposedly with the idea that the area would become self-governing as a means to create peace between the two regions.  But soon after Israel left, Hamas damaged the area’s infrastructure such as greenhouses that were left behind, and then the people in Gaza voted Hamas into power to be its representative government, after which the group took totalitarian control of the region.  Since that time, Hamas has frequently engaged in skirmishes and larger armed conflicts with Israel (link), causing Israel to lock the area down and restrict the movement of people.

Most people agree that at least on the surface Israel was in the right in that situation, but since Hamas is actually controlled by the global elite (link, and link), it changes everything.

I find it disturbing that most people who have been vocally pro-Palestine have been doing so under the assumption that the situation on the surface is the whole truth— In other words, many support Hamas and its terrorist mentalities even though it is actually a weapon that is being used against the Palestinians, the Israelis, and the rest of the world.


What are the goals of Hamas?

The goals of Hamas are ultimately “offensive” and not “defensive,” as they are based on Islamic Jihadist scripture.  See this video by David Wood that explains the stages of Jihad.

In 1988, Hamas wrote its first charter where it advocated for the obliteration of Israel through Jihad, the rejection of peaceful settlements with Israel, and it incited to kill Jews by citing scripture from the Quran.

In 2017, the group wrote an “updated” charter which has less antisemitic language, but it still says that Israel has no right to exist.  It is often criticized as being a cosmetic effort designed to make Hamas sound more palatable while actually not changing anything about its underlying aims and methods.

See this article that contains excepts from the 1988 charter and text from a Wikipedia page about the 2017 charter.


What are polls saying about the attitudes of Palestinians and others?

Polls have shown that about 76% of Palestinians currently support Hamas, while about 57% of American Muslims think that Hamas was at least somewhat justified in its attacks.  Among American students when broken down by race, 58% of White college students, 47% of Latinos, and only 36% of Black college students believe that Hamas deserves blame for the attacks.

Note however that polls should not be trusted since there is no accountability for their results.  For example, an Axios poll taken before the 2020 election that was reported by CBS said that 32% of black people thought that whites would attack them at the polls.

Attitudes PRIOR to the October 7th attacks:

A June, 2021 AP article explains that there was a surge in support for Hamas in Palestine in a poll after a Gaza war with Israel occurred in the previous month, where three quarters of the people said they thought the Islamic militants were the victors, and 53% of them said they believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people.”

A December 8, 2023 Stanford University report says that it polled Palestinians on the day before the October 7th attacks:

“ … [A] majority of Palestinians (51%) supported a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with slightly more support seen among residents of Gaza than among West Bank Palestinians.  A quarter of respondents also said they supported ‘armed resistance’ as a preferred solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

A related issue, Jamal added, is that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has lost legitimacy, due to both its levels of corruption and the continued failure of the peace process.  If Palestinians are to ever believe in a future that extends beyond Hamas, she said, then the international community must work together to help bolster the legitimacy of the PA so that it can be the champion of the peace process.

[NOTE that the supposedly “moderate” Palestinian Authority had recently issued an edict to be preached to Muslims on October 19, where it advocated for the extermination of all Jews.  See this article and the video it contains about that matter.]

Attitudes AFTER the October 7th attacks:

A November 14, 2023 Awrad poll of Palestinians says that 76% support Hamas, and when asked about their support of the various Hamas armed wings: 89% support the Al-Qassam Brigades, 84% support the Islamic Jihad group, and 80% support the Aqsa Brigades.

This October 17, 2023 “Generation Lab” poll that was reported by NBC says that 73% of Republicans and only 50% of Democrats and independents blame Hamas for its attack on Israel; and when broken down by race, 58% of White college students, 47% of Latinos, and only 36% of Black college students believe that Hamas deserves blame for the attacks.

An October 20, 2023 Cygnal poll asked Muslim Americans about their views of the Palestine-Israel conflict, where it reported the following results, as reported in this Jihad Watch article:

— 28% Of Muslim Americans strongly agree that Hamas was justified in their attacks, while 29% somewhat agree. (57% agree overall.)

— 16% Of Muslim Americans strongly disagree that Hamas was justified in their attacks, while 25% somewhat disagree. (41% disagree overall.)

— The Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh has a 38% favorability among Muslim Americans, and 34% are unfavorable to him.

— The Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh has a 7% favorability among American Jews, and 12% favorability among Evangelicals.

— The Iranian supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has a 31% favorability among Muslim Americans and a 34% unfavorable rating.

— 52% of Muslim Americans equate Hamas to Al Qaeda, while 18% say it is not as bad.  49% equate it to ISIS.

— About a third of Muslim Americans rated Israel and even Netanyahu positively, but many more are opposed.


Other indicators of attitudes of the Palestinians

There is much evidence of Palestinians having hostile attitudes toward Israel and the West, such as the following information shows.  It can be argued that ultimately such mentalities have been purposely “engineered” into them by the global elite, but those are the mentalities that many have nonetheless.

A video made in the year 2000 explains that Palestinian children are systematically taught in their public schools and elsewhere to hate Jews; where their textbooks advocate for violent Jihad and even suicide bombing, and the state of Israel is not even depicted on their maps.

This article explains that footage exists of thousands of Palestinians celebrating when they learned about the 9/11 attacks, but most of the footage was suppressed by the AP.

This news report shows a Palestinian mob executing two Palestinians for allegedly collaborating with Israel, where they were then hung in the city center for display.

Many U.S. Muslim groups praised the October 7th Hamas terrorists attacks

This article is a collection of outrageous responses by U.S. Muslim organizations to the October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks in Israel.  This information was originally published on October 13 in this article by Susannah Johnston on the website “Focus on Western Islamism.”

The Muslim groups in this article are specifically praising the October 7th terrorist attacks on civilians— as if they were praising the 9/11 attacks, for example.

I have summarized the following information from the original article.  See the actual article for its supporting links.

— Dr. Omar Suleiman, the founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute in Irving, Texas in said in a sermon about the attack, “I want you to know that you have a responsibility.  You might not be in the trench, but maybe you’re one of the people on the outside of the trench that’s trying to push people away, that’s trying to make things easier for those [Palestinians] behind the trench.  Whatever platform you have, whatever voice you have, whatever money you have, whatever dua you have — when you use that for Allah — you are not alone… Palestine will win inshallah”

— The Iranian regime-linked Manassas Mosque in Virginia declared its support for the Hamas terrorist organization in a recent newsletter: “We stand firmly with the Palestinian Resistance (Hamas) and the courageous people of Palestine.  With the help of Allah (swt), they will bring liberation and justice to Palestine and to the rest of the world.  The Israeli regime is weak and afraid of all the calls for the freedom of Palestine taking place all over the globe.  The regime’s days are numbered.”

— Ammar Shahin, the imam of the Islamic Center of Davis, California posted pictures of Hamas’s attack on the day of October 7th, and later urged support for Gaza and claimed “victory is near.”

— Yasir Qadhi, the imam at the East Plano Islamic Center in Texas said on a YouTube video that since he is not employed at a university or other institution, he has “the luxury of bluntly saying I am not going to condemn the fight of an oppressed people.”

— Elizabeth Sohail, the Program Development officer at a Texas charity Baitulmaal, has denounced vigils for Israeli victims of the October 7th massacre as “propaganda.”  Baitulmaal openly funds Hamas proxies in Gaza, and it is run by Mazen Mokhtar, a former fundraiser for the Taliban and other jihadist groups.

— Nihad Awad, the co-founder and Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) tweeted in Arabic on October 7 calling for all Arab people to reject normalizing relations with Israel.  Awad publicly stated in 1994 that he is in support of the Hamas movement.  (The Hamas charter calls for obliterating Israel and says, “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.”)  He also refers to critics of the Hamas terrorist attacks in the media as “Apartheid propagandists.”

— Ayah Ziyadeh, the advocacy director for a group called AMP refused to condemn Hamas in an interview with CBS News Miami, where she called Hamas’s actions a “response” and not an “attack,” and she said for Hamas to remain a “victim” was “unjust in itself.”  Last year, a federal judge determined that a years’ long lawsuit which alleged that AMP is linked to Hamas could proceed.

— AMP has also been leading a forceful campaign to justify Palestinian “resistance” since the October 7th attacks, such as holding webinars featuring CAIR’s Nihad Awad who denounced President Biden as a “Zionist” who spews “Israeli propaganda.”  Also AMP has been referencing the Muslim American Society’s Ibrahim Zeini who referred to Hamas as “resistance fighters” who are beginning to “shift” the Palestinian cause to “victory.”

— Tarek Khalil, an education coordinator for AMP said about the attacks at a talk at the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation and The Iman Foundation: “Okay, I’m going to give you two sides, and you tell me which side has a better claim to self-defense: Colonizer, occupier, dispossessor, oppressor on one side; Colonized, occupied, dispossessed, oppressed on the other … What they’re defending is an oppressor’s claim of self-defense … [Biden] is justifying the brutal slaughter of an entire people.” (The Bridgeview Mosque Foundation was reportedly investigated by the FBI in 2003 for “terror-related money laundering,” and a couple years later the mosque had their bank accounts closed for funding a group tied to Osama bin Laden.  Also the U.S. government listed Jamal Said, the mosque’s current imam, as an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, an organization found guilty of funneling millions of dollars to Hamas.)

— Additionally, AMP’s Director of Outreach & Community Organizing Taher Herzallahs has been referring to Zionist Jews and Christian Zionists as “enemy number one.”

— Suhaib Webb, an American-born imam who runs an online school, said about the attacks, “It is fundamentally flawed to accuse people who are seeking their humanity and dignity and respect of being inhumane.” Also, after the 9/11 attacks Webb reportedly attempted to post bond for Hussein Al-Attas, who drove the “20th hijacker” to flight school.

— The Islamic Society of Baltimore posted a video on its YouTube channel which stated, “‘Do not forget us,’ said Palestine.  ‘Dear Palestine, we never will,’ replied the Ummah.”  Additionally, in 2004 the mosque’s then-cleric Mohammed El-Sheikh attempted to justify suicide bombings.

— The founder and director of a “Darul Uloom Online Institute of IslamMufti Yasir Nadeem al Wajidi tweeted, “Freedom fighters vs. occupying terrorists ‘How many times has a small force vanquished a mighty army by the Will of Allah!’ Quran: 2/249.”  He also teaches at the Chicago-area Institute of Islamic Education.

— The Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) wrote on Facebook, “By actively, and often violently, preventing their pursuit of a self-defined identity, national autonomy, and global recognition, Israeli occupation and the world’s continued silence has offered Hamas and other groups the political vacuum needed to propel themselves into positions of leadership and justify their violent attacks.”  MPAC has a history of sanitizing jihad and portraying terrorists as noble.

— Houda Atassi, the founder of International Humanitarian Relief (IHR) which is a charity that has a branch in Illinois, posted videos clips on October 8th that appeared to be from the terrorist attacks, saying “We pray for their victory.”

Read disturbing responses of Muslim organizations across Europe to the October 7th terrorist attacks in Israel [Updated December 5, 2023]

“Islamist flags on display at anti-Israel rally held in Stockholm, Sweden on October 15, 2023.  The protest was organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international pan-Islamist group that seeks to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and implement sharia throughout the world.  At the rally protesters chanted ‘Israelis are nothing but dogs of the West.’”  (Image from Islamism.news.)

[Note: December 5, 2023— I have added selected text from the original article.]

Most of the major Muslim groups across Europe refused to condemn the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, while some actually celebrated them and many others only condemned Israel’s response instead.

Following is the introductory text from an article on the website “Focus on Western Islamism” entitled “European Islamists Ignore — or Celebrate — Hamas’s October 7 Massacre,” by Soeren Kern.  The article details the public responses of Islamist groups in the EU in general, as well as responses specifically in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.


[Following is SELECTED TEXT from the article.  See the actual article for the full text and supporting links.]


Islamists in Europe have overwhelmingly come out in support of Hamas’s October 7 massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis.  That support has been expressed in different ways: explicitly approving of Hamas’s murder, rape and abduction of Israeli civilians; justifying the crimes by blaming Israel; and by remaining silent and refusing to condemn Hamas publicly.

Some Islamist groups, especially Muslim umbrella groups that benefit from public funding and are official interlocutors between Muslim communities and European governments, have flatly refused to distance themselves from Hamas and resorted to moral equivalency by staking out equidistant positions between the aggressor and the attacked.  Others have spread antisemitic propaganda by attempting to relativize or “contextualize” Hamas’s murderous rampage as a response to Israel’s existence.  Still others have issued carefully contrived and often anodyne statements that use linguistic gymnastics to claim they have condemned Hamas when they have not.

Several Islamists have expressed anger that they are being asked to publicly condemn Hamas and the antisemitism that is raging across Europe; they have described such demands as “Islamophobia.”  Many have been incapable of condemning antisemitism without also referring to Muslims as victims of racism.

Prominent Islamists, especially in France and Germany, have portrayed themselves before European audiences as sympathetic to Jews and Israel, while sending contrary messages to Muslim audiences in Arabic and Turkish.

Here is a country-by-country roundup of the responses Islamists have offered since Hamas’s October 7 attack.  FWI will add to this summary in the weeks ahead.



The Islamic Society in Denmark (Dansk Islamisk Trossamfund), an Islamist group that was instrumental in inciting worldwide protests during the 2005 Danish Cartoon controversy, called on the estimated 200,000 Muslims in Denmark to protest Israeli military action against Hamas.  Muslims in Denmark should “show Denmark that we stand with Palestine against oppression.”  In another statement, the group justified the Hamas massacre by blaming “incursions by Israeli security forces, including in the al-Aqsa mosque.”  It called on the “international community” to force Israel to “end the violence” and to “strengthen peacekeepers.”

The Muslim Joint Council (Muslimernes Fællesråd, MFR), the largest multi-ethnic Muslim umbrella group, with 40,000 members, justified Hamas’s massacre of Israelis as “the result ongoing harassment, brutality and massacres that the Palestinian people have faced in the past 70 years.”  The group referred to Israel as an “apartheid state” and called for “the immediate end of all global political support for Israel and for the Israeli army to stop the ongoing brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”

Neither the Danish Islamic Council (Dansk Islamisk Råd), a Muslim Brotherhood-linked umbrella organization that represents Sunni Muslims in Denmark, nor the associated Grand Mosque of Copenhagen (Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilization Center), publicly condemned the Hamas massacre of Israelis.



In France, which has Europe’s largest Muslim population, the French Islam Forum (Forum de l’Islam de France, FORIF), a newly launched Muslim “dialogue forum” established by the French government to fight Islamism and promote an Islam “faithful to the values of the Republic,” has had nothing to say about Hamas’s massacre of Israelis.

[The French Council for the Muslim Faith (Conseil français du culte musulman, CFCM) issued a statement suggesting] that Israel was responsible for the violence against its citizens because of the security measures it imposed on Gaza.  It declared that “abuses committed by both sides” must be condemned “with the same force.”  The CFCM also complained about global support for the Jewish state.  “Palestinian civilians do not benefit from this same solidarity and do not have this same security,” it claimed.

On November 1, the CFCM denounced an alleged “hierarchy between civilian victims” that “attempts to justify [Israeli] crimes committed against [Palestinian] civilians, including children.”

On November 8, the CFCM condemned the “increase in Islamophobic and antisemitic acts and remarks.”  It complained of an “uninhibited outpouring of hatred of Muslims on social media and in mass media.”  It criticized a nationwide protest against antisemitism “which has the exclusive objective of denouncing antisemitism without a word on Islamophobia” and can be “interpreted by Islamophobes as a sign of impunity.”

On November 12, the CFCM asserted that the “French far right is doing everything it can to import the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into France, so that the Jews of France, its former target, are torn apart with its new target, the Muslims of France.”  It added, falsely: “With all due respect to the antisemites of yesterday and today, antisemitism is prohibited by the founding texts of Islam.  The antisemites of yesterday and today do not read the Quran.”

On November 16, the CFCM issued a lengthy statement complaining about the “humane media treatment” toward Israeli victims and hostages of Hamas’s October 7 attack, and a “completely different media treatment” experienced by Palestinians.  It claimed that Gazans were being “dehumanized” because they are often referred to as “human shields,” a “metaphor that carries a scandalous message.”  According to the CFCM, Palestinians “are therefore first defined by an object of war before being human,” and the “dehumanization of a people has always been a prerequisite for the justification of the worst atrocities against them.”

[The Union of Islamic Organizations in France, which changed its name to Muslims of France (Musulmans de France, MF)], which represents more than 280 mosques in France, claimed that the conflict in Gaza has nothing to do with Islam.  “We refuse a religious reading of this political conflict,” it said.  In another statement, it repeated that “we insist that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is not religious in nature.”  In fact, the Hamas Charter, which calls for the complete annihilation of Israel, is based on the Islamic doctrine of jihad and the concept that once land is Muslim, that land is always Muslim.

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron failed to attend a large pro-Israel demonstration in Paris on November 12.  More than 100,000 people attended the march, which protested rising antisemitism in France.  He justified his absence by saying that the president’s role is to “preserve the unity of our country” and that “protecting French people of Jewish faith” could imply “pillorying those of Muslim faith.”

Bergeaud-Blackler, the anthropologist, noted, “as far back as I can remember, the fight against antisemitism has never been against Muslims.  This propaganda, a pure product of the Muslim Brotherhood, has reached the top echelons of the French government.  This is very worrying.”

On November 14, the French weekly news magazine L’Express revealed that Macron had solicited advice from Yassine Belattar, a controversial Franco-Moroccan comedian who is widely believed to be close to the Muslim Brotherhood.  Belattar reportedly warned Macron that if he makes the “irreparable” error of attending the antisemitism protest, he would “give the neighborhoods reason to burst into flames.”  He was referring to the Muslim riots that engulfed France in June and July 2023.



One of the most influential Islamist groups in Germany is the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüş, IGMG), a neo-Ottoman political and religious movement that is close to both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish government.  Millî Görüş (National Vision), which rejects secular Western values, has been outspoken in its support for Hamas.  The chairman of Millî Görüş, Kemal Ergün, justified the terrorist group’s actions by blaming Israeli “interventions” on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

On November 13, Ergün, in an interview with Camia Haber, a Cologne-based Turkish-language media outlet for Turks living in Germany, complained about the “constant expectation of a statement from Islamic organizations” condemning Hamas and antisemitism, and the “constant expectation of Muslims, from workplaces to schools, to declare a pure stance” vis-à-vis Jews.  “It is almost like a manifesto is expected.”

German-Turkish Islam expert Murat Kayman noted that “even on November 9” Islamist groups “failed to stand up for Jews in Germany without addressing anti-Muslim racism.”  He said that Islamists do not see antisemitism as a “problem in itself,” but only as a “backdrop for self-referential communication.”  They are interested in “portraying themselves as victims” and “drawing attention to their own concerns.”  This is “not an expression of genuine concern for the security of Jewish life in Germany” but rather the “instrumentalization of antisemitism as a communicative crutch.”

The Muslim Coordination Council (Koordinationsrat der Muslime, KRM), an umbrella group that represents six Islamist groups, issued a statement that blamed both Israel and Hamas for the violence.  Reinhard Bütikofer, a German lawmaker and Member of the European Parliament, criticized the KRM: “How can you trust people who are unwilling to call a spade a spade?”

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Germany (Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Deutschland), which claims to promote a “peaceful and compassionate” version of Islam, issued a statement in which it failed to mention Hamas by name and instead claimed that Israel’s blockade of Gaza “is disproportionate and violates international law.”

Not one of Germany’s main Muslim umbrella groups agreed to attend a special hearing at the German Parliament on October 17, when lawmakers asked them to issue a joint statement condemning Hamas.

Turkish influence is clearly at play.  German-Turkish Islam expert Eren Güvercin noted that many Muslim associations in Germany are reluctant to publicly criticize Hamas because of fear of retribution from the Turkish government.  “As a critical German-Muslim voice, you end up in the crosshairs of AKP [Türkiye’s ruling party] if you describe Hamas as a terrorist organization,” he wrote.  “The anti-Jewish agitation and unconditional solidarity with Hamas terrorists has reached such an extent that not even a single critical Muslim voice is tolerated.”  Güvercin added that spies for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Germany are “reporting the commentary in Germany to Ankara in ‘press reviews.’”

Türkiye is undoubtedly fomenting hostility toward Israel in German society.  The Turkish government’s Directorate for Religious Affairs (known in Turkish as Diyanet) controls nearly 1,000 mosques in Germany.  In an October 20 speech, Diyanet chief Ali Erbaş asked “Allah” to “have mercy on our Palestinian martyrs who died under the oppression of Israel.”  He accused Israel of “perpetrating the greatest atrocities witnessed in human history in Palestine, Gaza” and alleged that the Jewish state was committing a “great crime against humanity in front of the eyes of the whole world.”

Diyanet controls the Cologne-based Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), one of the largest Islamist organizations in Germany.  It is frequently referred to as an “arm” of the Turkish state.  Every week, Diyanet circulates sermons that are recommended to be delivered in DITIB mosques during Friday prayer services.

On October 13, a Diyanet sermon described Israel as a “rusty dagger stuck in the heart of Islamic geography” and justified Hamas’s massacre by accusing Israel of “damaging the reputation of Jerusalem” and “violating the sanctity” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Another Diyanet sermon, recommended for delivery in German mosques on Friday, October 20, claimed that “one of the greatest atrocities in human history is taking place today in Palestine, Gaza.”  It added that Israel was “brutally murdering innocent people, including babies, children, women and the elderly.”  Apparently alluding to Palestinians in Gaza, Diyanet called on “all of humanity to stand with the oppressed.”



The Muslim Association of Greece, which claims to represent 300,000 Muslims in the country, has not issued a public condemnation of Hamas, but its leader, Naim El Ghandour, has posted copious amounts of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood propaganda on social media.  In a Facebook post, he “salutes the Palestinian uprising against the terrorist state of Israel.”  He has organized anti-Israel events in Athens, which is home to a large Palestinian community.



The Islamic Foundation of Ireland, the official representative of the estimated 85,000 Muslims in Ireland, failed to condemn Hamas’s massacre of Israelis, but in an October 18 statement, issued together with more than two dozen Islamic associations in the country, it “strongly and unequivocally” condemned “the Israeli onslaught against the people of Palestine and the heinous assault carried out on the Al-Ahly Arab Hospital in Gaza.” The deadly explosion at the hospital was caused by a Gazan — not Israeli — missile.

The Islamic Foundation of Ireland also criticized the “unconditional support” the United States has given Israel and the “support or silence of many European countries” which allows “the occupying forces in Palestine to perpetrate such atrocities.”



The Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy (L’Unione delle Comunità Islamiche in Italia, UCOII), one of the largest Muslim umbrella groups in Italy and one that has been accused of being tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, has not condemned Hamas.  In a television interview, UCOII president Yassine Lafram did criticize Hamas, but he blamed Israel for provoking the massacre.

On October 31, UCOII called for Israel to end its “genocide” of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and asked Allah to “give the Palestinian people strength to continue existing.”  On November 15, it condemned the “Islamophobic drift” on Italian television.



The main Islamic organizations in Spain have been silent about Hamas’ massacre of Jews and its call for global jihad.  Neither the Islamic Commission of Spain (Comisión Islámica de España, CIE), the sole interlocutor between Muslims and the Spanish government, nor its two constituent organizations, the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (Unión de Comunidades Islámicas de España, UCIDE), the Spanish Federation of Islamic Religious Entities (Federación Española de Entidades Religiosas Islámicas, FEERI), have condemned Hamas.  “Their silence is complicit,” said Spanish lawmaker Alberto Tarradas Paneque.

On November 7, UCIDE, which represents more than 800 mosques in Spain, accused Israel of “apartheid,” “state terrorism” and “atrocious oppression.”  The statement — “Solidarity with Gaza” — falsely blamed Israel for violating “international legality” and “international humanitarian law” and called on the “international community” to force the Jewish state to declare “an immediate, lasting and sustained humanitarian truce leading to the cessation of hostilities.”  UCIDE’s statement asserted that “any fair and upright person would position themselves in defense of the oppressed and compliance with international legality.”

UCIDE’s statement was signed by its Islamist president, 75-year-old Syria-born Aiman ​​Adlbi, who was arrested in March 2021 for allegedly financing al-Qaeda militias in Syria through donations to a Turkish NGO called Al Bashaer Humanitarian Organization.  A classified police report leaked to the Spanish newspaper El País noted that Adlbi “recommends Salafi and Wahhabi authors, of the most radical currents of Islam, to his students at the Central Mosque of Madrid.”  It warned of “possible acts linked to religious fanaticism.” UCIDE’s treasurer, 61-year-old Syria-born Mohamed Hatem Rohaibani, has also been investigated for allegedly belonging to jihadist networks.

On November 15, UCIDE’s delegate to the western Spanish region of Extremadura, 60-year-old Gaza-born Adel Najjar, who is the imam of the Mosque of Badajoz (Mezquita de Badajoz), was arrested for “crimes related to jihadism” after Spanish anti-terrorism police raided his house and mosque.  Since Hamas’s October 7 massacre, Najjar has repeatedly accused Israel of committing “genocide” and “carnage against a civilian population.”



The Vision Party (Visionpartiet), another Islamist party that was created by disaffected former members of the Nuance Party, is equally anti-Israel.  Party Secretary Adel Sadat justified Hamas’s massacre of Israelis because of the Israeli occupation.  “Even a cat forced into a corner will start scratching and fighting for its life,” he wrote.  Sadat described as a “terrorist state” that is committing “generational genocide” of the Palestinians.

On November 9, the Vision Party called for international sanctions against Israel “for their violence and war crimes against Palestinian civilians.”  It claimed that “what Israel is doing in Gaza is not self-defense but a genocide!”  The party proposed the interdiction of “all military deliveries to Israel from the USA that passes via EU countries.”

On October 24, Vision Party Chairman Sead Busuladzic, a Swede of Bosnian origin, complained about “an intensive campaign going on to paint black the entire Palestinian freedom movement and link all its aspects/slogans/frames with antisemitism.”  In response, the party launched its own campaign for Palestine: “Supporting Palestine is NOT antisemitism!”

On October 28, Vision Party Secretary Adel Sadat, angry about the Swedish government’s support for Israel, complained about “the Zionist lobby that is raging in Sweden” and added: “You talk about the takeover of Sweden and Swedish values by Muslims and Islam but completely ignore the Zionist infection in Sweden on all levels.”

In the center of Stockholm, representatives of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international pan-Islamist group that seeks to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and implement sharia globally, called for jihad against Israel and the West.  During an October 15 rally at Odenplan, a large plaza in central Stockholm, Islamists repeated chants, including: “This fight is between Muslims and the rest of the world;”  “Liberation from Western domination, liberation from the Western ruler;” and “Israelis are nothing but dogs of the West.”  On October 10, Hizb ut-Tahrir held a rally at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm during which Islamists called for death to the Jews and for full support for Hamas.



[A board member of the The Federation of Islamic Umbrella Organizations in Switzerland (Föderation islamischer Dachorganisationen der Schweiz, FIDS) Fathima Ifthikar] complained that Muslims were being asked to condemn Hamas and the rising tide of antisemitism in Switzerland.  “This leaves a bad taste in our mouths: Why do we have to justify ourselves?  When Christians cause mischief, I do not expect my fellow Christians to distance themselves.”

The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland (Islamische Zentralrat Schweiz, IZRS), a Qatari-funded Salafist group whose leaders have been surveilled by Swiss intelligence agencies, has organized pro-Hamas demonstrations in Bern.  The group’s leader, Nicolas Blancho, a Swiss convert to Islam, continues to incite hatred and violence against Jews and the Jewish state.


Prager U Video: “Why isn’t there a Palestinian State?”

This video explains that throughout the 20th century Israel has been willing to agree to fair “two state solution” agreements with the Palestinians, however such offers has always been rejected due to the Palestinians wanting to control the entire area.

[Note:  I’m not an expert on each of those potential agreements, but I’m confident that the video is accurate at least on the surface about the attempts at agreements that were made.

However very few people understand that the political Establishment has had covert control over most of Islam since the 1800’s, so the reality of those potential agreements may have been derailed somehow due to the leaders on the Islamic sides being controlled opposition such as Yasser Arafat of the PLO.

The book Hostage to Khomeini explains that the global elite (especially British elements of it) have been infiltrating the Middle East going back to 1820 using Freemasonry.  The book explains, “In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British objectives.  With the Muslim Brotherhood, British imperial policy was institutionalized in the form of a disciplined organization dedicated to returning the Middle East to the Dark Ages.”

The global elite find Islam to be an ideal system for controlling populations and for other nefarious reasons, so they have taken control over almost all of it through organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood.  It is almost a certainty that it is the global elite who are behind enforcing death penalties for apostasy, as well as reinforcing all of the other violent and oppressive backwards aspects of the ideology.

Iran has even built an obvious Masonic temple for its parliament building, so there is no question about the country being controlled by the political Establishment.

In other words, the exact same people who have been forcing ridiculous “LGBTQ+” agendas such as transgenderism on Americans in public schools and elsewhere have also been executing homosexuals in parts of the Islamic world such as Iran for decades, along with all of the other oppressive Islamic policies including extreme anti-women agendas.]

The Palestinians taking hostages to bargain for the release of violent prisoners is a classic strategy from the leftist playbook

An Israeli woman Noa Argamani being taken captive by Hamas militants.

Hamas had stated that their reason for taking hostages during their October 7 terrorist attacks was to use them as a bargaining chip to make Israel and Israeli authorities free all of the 5,200 Palestinian prisoners that are in its jails.

A senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera on October 7, “Our detainees in [Israeli] prisons, their freedom is looming large.  What we have in our hands will release all our prisoners.  The longer fighting continues, the higher the number of prisoners will become.”

On November 25, Israel agreed to release 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of 50 hostages held by Hamas, and large crowds of Palestinians gathered at the prison to celebrate their release.

Following is from this Washington Post article about the matter:

The majority of the people on the list are male teenagers arrested in the past two years.  None of the men on the list are older than 18.  The youngest boys included are 14.  One of the 14-year-old prisoners was arrested on charges of throwing stones and making an explosive.

There are about 30 women and girls on the list, ranging from teenagers to women in their 30s and 50s.  The oldest woman on the list is Hanan Barghouti, 59, who was arrested in connection with suspicion of supporting terrorism.  She was taken from her home near Ramallah during an Israeli raid earlier this year.

The people on the list are accused of crimes that range from throwing stones to attempted murder, but it is unclear how serious many of the accusations are without more information on each case.

Many of the women on the list are accused of carrying out stabbings, in cases that received significant media attention, partially because women make up such a small fraction of the thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

Nafoz Hamad, 15, the youngest woman on the list, was convicted of attempted murder for a stabbing in East Jerusalem that injured her neighbor.  Another woman was arrested for allegedly attacking an Israeli soldier with a pair of scissors.

The Israeli government has refused to release prisoners convicted of murder, but a number of people accused of attempted murder are listed.


Many of the Palestinian people including many children have genocidal mentalities toward Jewish people and the West, as the following videos show:

This video shows footage of children being indoctrinated for violent Jihad against Israel in the Palestinian public schools and elsewhere.  Much of the footage has been acquired by being recorded from over-the-air broadcasts of the Palestinian Authority Television.  See this link for its video page.

This is footage of Palestinians celebrating when learning about the 9/11 attacks which killed thousands of Americans.  Also see this article which explains that much more of such footage has been suppressed by the AP.


 Similar situations of leftist militants in Nicaragua taking hostages to free violent prisoners

Hamas taking hostages to exchange for prisoners is similar to what Sandinista Communist militants did in Nicaragua in the 1970’s, where they took a Christmas party hostage that was attended by many high ranking government officials, and later they took the entire Nicaraguan Congress of 1,500 people hostage.  In both cases they demanded the release of convicted Sandinista felons who later returned with the militants to wreak suffering on the people of Nicaragua after the Sandinistas took power.

Anastasio Somoza, the popular democratically elected president of Nicaragua at the time, wrote about how he dealt with those situations in his memoirs “Nicaragua Betrayed.”  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING both the full summaries of the chapters that explain each of those events.  This link is the summary of the situation of the terrorists taking the Christmas party hostage, and this link is the summary of the terrorists taking the Nicaraguan Congress of 1,500 people hostage.

Following is some of what Somoza wrote in the chapter about the Nicaraguan Congress being taken hostage:

The prisoners, whose release was demanded, were all convicted felons, each one of them had been tried in an open court of law and found guilty.  Their crimes ranged from murder to assault with a deadly weapon.  The fact that the terrorists could come up with only fifty-nine names should have surprised the world.  According to so many press reports from the Sandinistas, we had thousands of political prisoners.  I tried to explain the magnitude of that lie but until the terrorists submitted their written list, I was not successful.  All of the prisoners named were alive and in good health.  This is also contrary to certain press reports and claims by the Sandinistas.  Remember, my government had been accused of torturing and killing political prisoners.  That was one more ploy used by the Communists and my other political enemies to inflame public opinion against me.

Now that the Communists are in control of Nicaragua, there should be no political prisoners and there should not be torturing and killing.  On this one issue, Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, Alan Riding, and Karen De Young should have a field day.  As I have already shown, some three thousand men, women, and children of Nicaragua have been tortured and killed since the Sandinistas assumed power.  These crimes are a matter of record but the “bleeding heart” press says nothing.  Additionally, over eight thousand men and women are political prisoners.  Their number is so great that many are exposed to the elements and all of them are on a starvation diet.  What a difference!

The terrorists and criminals received a hero’s welcome in Panama and Venezuela.  They were wined, dined and treated as celebrities.  Pastora, the leader of the Communist terrorists, was honored with a special meeting with President Carlos Andres Perez.

… What we had been through in Managua, I thought, represented a complete breakdown of international law and order.  I knew that so long as terrorists, airline highjackers, and international law violators had a safe haven, these crimes would continue.  The fact that the Managua terrorists had two countries which welcomed them made me angry inside.  Cuba, of course, would have made three countries, but Cuba takes criminals from anywhere.  Panama and Venezuela were looked upon as civilized countries and, yet, they not only welcomed the terrorists, they aided and abetted a criminal cause.

In chapter 13 of the book Somoza explains that many of the Sandinistas were trained by the PLO:

Most of the leaders of the offensive were trained in Cuba, Panama, and by the PLO, and usually the leaders escaped.  Somoza says, “When it appeared the Guardia Nacional would win, they followed a well-established routine.  They would tell the local Sandinistas they were going for reinforcements and then they would never come back.  On foot, they would generally make their way to Costa Rica or Honduras.”

In chapter 16 it is explained that the Sandinistas were using a tactic they learned from the PLO:

The invading forces were using a technique that the Nicaraguans were not familiar with which may have been taught by the PLO in the Middle East, which was cutting holes in the sides of buildings they occupied to fire out from which allowed them to move from one building to another without exposing themselves.  Somoza explains a tragic situation where it was decided that a police headquarters that was surrounded needed to be abandoned, and from the time the troops started their evacuation to the time they arrived in another city they were completely exposed, with most being gunned down along the way due to the attackers having the protection of the walls.

(Note that the PLO is claimed to be a Palestinian “adversary” of Hamas, however the PLO’s involvement in the Communist overthrow of Nicaragua demonstrates how it is controlled by the political Establishment just as Hamas is.)

Not a Babylon Bee article: “Israeli mother’s letter to Hamas: ‘Thank you for extraordinary humanity’”

A screenshot from the article on a pro-Islam website.

An Israeli mother who was reported to be a hostage of Hamas with her daughter for 49 days in Gaza was elated about the apparent interfaith dialog she had with the terrorist group while they were detained, where she wrote a “thank you letter” to them saying, “I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your extraordinary humanity shown towards my daughter, Emilia.”

Danielle and Emilia Aloni were among 24 Israeli hostages that were released by Hamas on November 24.  They were captured while visiting Danielle’s sister and her family at a Kibbutz in southern Israel before they were taken hostage.

The armed wing of Hamas called Qassam Brigades shared the letter on its official telegram account on November 27.

The handwritten letter in Hebrew was posted along with an Arabic translation and a photograph of the mother and daughter.

The woman additionally said the following in the letter, which I believe is either some sort of a pro-Hamas publicity stunt or it is indicative of the woman suffering from Stockholm Syndrome:

“She (Emilia) acknowledges feeling like all of you are her friends, not just friends, but truly beloved and good.”

“Thank you for the many hours you spent as caregivers.”

“Children should not be in captivity, but thanks to you and other kind people we met along the way, my daughter felt like a queen in Gaza.”

“In the long journey we have been on, we have not met anyone who has not been kind to her, you have treated her with kindness and compassion.”

“I will remember your kind behaviour shown in spite of the difficult situation you faced and the severe losses you suffered here in Gaza.”

“I wish in this world we could truly be good friends,”

“I wish you all health and well-being… health and love to you and your families’ children.”

On October 7, 2023 Hamas invaded Israel in a massive terrorist attack (link), killing and sometimes raping and beheading many hundreds of Israelis while the group was taking hostages.  See this article that details many of the atrocities that were committed.

Contrary to Mrs. Aloni’s admiration for her captors, many more believable reports exist that detail mistreatment at the hands of the terrorists (link, link, link, and link).

Hundreds of kids at a Queens, New York high school rioted and chased a teacher into hiding because she supported Israel

Hundreds of students rampaged through the halls of the Hillcrest High School in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, New York on November 20, 2023, after they discovered that a Jewish teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally, making her hide in a locked office while they tried to push their way into her classroom.

Students saw the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on October 9 where she was holding a sign that said “I stand with Israel,” which prompted the students to organize what they called a “pre-planned protest”—  where they rampaged through the halls for two hours while chanting, shouting, damaging school property, and waving Palestinian flags and banners.

Jamaica, Queens has a large Muslim population (link), and it is also where the extremism-linked Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is located (link, link, and link).

Students recorded the rioting and posted videos of it online, with some of it set to Arabian music.  Some of the videos also showed a picture of the teacher.  Most of the comments on the videos applauded the rioters, such as calling her a “cracker ass bitch.”

The students also discovered her personal information such as where she lives and her phone number, and a student at the school claimed that students were calling her and leaving hostile messages.

The clips also showed damage that was caused to the school, such as a water fountain that was ripped out of the wall in the hallway and shattered tiles in the men’s bathroom.

The NYPD sent dozens of police to the scene as well as a counterterrorism task force.

The police eventually escorted the teacher out of the building, and students were reported as saying that she was followed and spat on, but that was disputed by a teacher.

A week before the riot, the students were also recorded beating a security guard, which has been revealed by a New York City Council woman Vickie Paladino, who stated that the school had been attempting to cover up that situation as they had been trying to cover up the rioting incident.