The United Nations guides and endorses the Obama Administration’s illegal efforts to federalize America’s local police departments, and it also is demanding “robust gun control,” reparations for slavery, and other establishment agendas which require altering the US Constitution.
Following are points from the New American article “UN Announces Support for Obama’s Nationalization of Police”:
— A radical UN lawyer from Kenya Maina Kiai has been sent to provide “technical assistance” to the US government in implementing its demands by making use of “consent decrees” which are schemes used by the White House to impose unconstitutional federal regulations on local law enforcement. Consent decrees involve bureaucrats at the Obama Justice department threatening, bullying, and suing city governments into submitting to the demands of the federal government. Kiai called for Obama to commandeer police to be “beefed up” and “increased” in an agenda of nationalizing as many police departments as possible.
— Citing “international law,” Kiai also attacked US gun rights including the right of concealed carry, which the UN has frequently been trying to do mostly through its widely ridiculed “Human Rights Council,” which is made up of some of the most ruthless communist and Islamic dictatorships which have prominent positions. The bizarre attacks by the illegitimate UN council have been immediately ridiculed by those in the media who are familiar with the “dictator’s club.”
— Kiai stated that the Obama Department of Justice has provided “oversight and recommendations for improvement of police services in a number of cities with consent decrees,” going on to say “[It] is one of the most effective ways to reduce [racial] discrimination in law enforcement …” [Note: See the following video explaining why racism is actually not statistically an issue when it come to law enforcement.] Kiai also stated “[Consent decrees] need to be beefed up and increased to cover as many of the 18,000-plus local law enforcement jurisdictions.”
— The executive branch has been abusing it’s power by threatening local police departments for years by making use of lawsuits to bully them into accepting unconstitutional federal standards. Such standards ironically include the “three strikes” scheme which is blasted as “racist” by people like Kiai who are actually responsible for creating such guidelines. Local jurisdictions often cave into submitting to inappropriate federal regulations after being threatened by the overwhelming resources of the out-of-control federal government in biased federal courts, rather than fighting costly legal battles to maintain their independence from regulations dictated by the corrupt global elite. Police are only supposed to be accountable to their local communities.
— The Obama Administration has been especially aggressive in pushing the DOJ takeover of local policing, and it often brags about its abuses in press releases such as in 2014 where it bullied 15 police departments into agreements, with nine of them using consent decrees. Jurisdictions in New Orleans, Portland (Oregon), Detroit, Albuquerque, East Haven (Connecticut), Warren (Ohio), Puerto Rico, and more have caved into the illegal scheme.
— Kiai argued that gun rights (the second amendment) are incompatible with freedom of assembly (the first amendment) despite the fact that the two have coexisted well in the US for more than two centuries. He said, “I wish to underscore the challenges of exercising the right to peaceful assembly when there is open or concealed carriage of guns,” and then strangely he cited as an example the pro-Constitution Oath Keepers who helped protect local businesses during Ferguson, Missouri rioting and looting. He then claimed unnamed “police” supported his unconstitutional views because it is “scary” for them to know that protestors may be carrying concealed weapons. He said, “Under international law, the peaceful character of a protest is largely determined by the intent of the organizers and participants,” without citing any “international law” he was referring to or what would make this law relevant in America. “There is no need for peaceful protesters to carry intimidating guns,” he said.
— Kiai continued with references to what he views as “international law,” also claiming the UN should override American laws about labor, saying illegal immigrants are not having their alleged right to a union respected by employers or local authorities. “Crossing national borders — whether legally or otherwise — does not take away these rights,” he said.
— Critics point to the fact that China, Venezuela, and Cuba sit on the UN Human Rights Council which is attempting to nationalize as many as 18,000 local police jurisdictions in the US, and also the fact that local police have already been regulated for years in many locations. Requirements include regulations on how searches are conducted, the use of force, the mandatory use of on-body cameras, and so on. The agreements also impose regular compliance reviews by federal bureaucrats.
— The Obama Administration has been circumventing Congress for years while implementing unconstitutional interpretations of Federal Law to regulate police departments. Congress needs to pick up the ball and stop the process of nationalization of the police departments.
— The very existence of local government is at stake by supporting local police rather than rendering it impotent by federal restrictions, said Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning.
— In addition to calling for American police to be nationalized, the UN is going even further by building its own international “law enforcement” capabilities. Using its so-called “peacekeeping” military troops who are known worldwide for raping and exploiting children with impunity, the UN is pushing to expand and further empower its “police” force known as UNPOL.
— This June, the UN brought together more than 100 national police chiefs at a first ever UN “chiefs of Police Summit” (UN COPS), and before that the UN boss Ban Ki Moon called on local American Police officers to obey what he called “international standards.”
— American Cops are also being trained by the UN.
— More recently, Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced support for a global policing scheme called the “Strong Cities Network” which it heavily criticized.
— From the original article: “Fortunately, there is a very simple solution to the UN and its outrageous meddling in American affairs: an American exit, or Amexit, from the UN. Legislation sitting in Congress, dubbed the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1205), would not only end U.S. involvement with the UN, it would also evict the scandal-plagued outfit’s headquarters from U.S. soil. With the UN’s attacks on police, constitutionally protected liberties and even the American system of government becoming increasingly extreme, Americans should re-double their efforts to get the United States out of the UN with an Amexit. At the same time, as this magazine has advocated for decades, Americans should continue working to support their local police, and keep them independent of federal control.”