Watch a video of a “knockout game” victim turning the tables on his attackers.
Video of a Muslim woman trying to use Shariah law on Australian cop
An incident occurred when a burqa-clad Muslim mother of seven was pulled over by a policeman for a traffic violation in Australia, as broadcast on an Australian news station.
Video: A CNN News Report of a Christian Pakistani Woman Being Sentenced to Death for Insulting Islam
[Note: March 5, 2020— Masih had been acquitted of the crime in 2018 due to years of international media attention about the case.]
View a 2011 CNN news report about a Pakistani court sentencing a mother of three Asia Bibi Masih to her death for Insulting Islam. She stated in front of others that she thought Mohammad was a fake prophet, which led to her being arrested, jailed for 15 months, and then sentenced to death. Her husband and daughters were also forced to flee their village due to death threats.
Footage is then shown of Christian settlements being attacked by mobs of Muslims due to Pakistani blasphemy laws, which the government claims haven’t changed due to fears of a backlash.
Also shown is most people in Asia Bibi’s hometown supporting the death sentence, with the town cleric calling her death sentence “one the happiest moments of his life,” saying “tears of joy poured from my eyes.”
Video: “Burqa wearing teacher FAIL interview”
View a BBC news segment interviewing a woman who was suspended for showing up for her first day of work as a teacher at a Church of England school wearing a full body burka.
A Guatemalan immigrant in Philadelphia was killed by a black man with a “knockout game” sucker punch
Mardoquo Sincal Jochola, a man who immigrated to the United States from Guatemala with his brother eight years ago, died after randomly being punched in the head by an unidentified black man in Philadelphia, most likely because of a “knockout game” where thrill-seekers ambush unsuspecting victims with the goal of knocking them out. The attacker and his accomplices fled the scene.
Following is a summary of this Daily Mail UK article:
Also see a 2013 ABC News report: “Sucker Punch: Possible Spike in ‘Knockout Game’ Attacks”
View a 2013 ABC news report about a trend of mostly black males randomly punching people in the street as a part of a thrill-seeking “knockout game” with the goal being to knock out the unsuspecting victims.
Hillary Clinton gave a medal and $200,000 to a Chinese nationalist for blowing up a Christmas tree in 2012
Hillary Clinton gave a Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang the State Department’s “Medal of Arts” and a $200,000 award for blowing up a Christmas tree in front of the Smithsonian museum in Washington DC in 2012, and when she presented him with the award she said it was advancing “diplomacy.”
Bill Clinton wants to rebuild Detroit by importing middle eastern refugees rather than employing local out of work people
At a February Clinton Global Initiative, former President Bill Clinton and the founder of the Chobani yogurt company Hamdi Ulukaya suggested that the US import middle eastern migrants to rebuild the city of Detroit. Clinton cited the fact that there are 10,000 empty structurally sound houses in the city and there is a lot of potential jobs for refugees to repair them, but he didn’t mention the employment potential for the thousands of out of work Americans who are already living there.
Following are points from a Breitbart article:
— Clinton’s statements underscore Donald Trump’s declaration that Hillary Clinton would rather give jobs to refugees from overseas than to unemployed African Americans. Trump also said that the amount of money Clinton would like to spend on refugees could rebuild every city in America.
— Hillary Clinton has called for a 550 percent expansion of the importation of middle eastern immigrants. Based on the figures she sites, she would potentially bring in at least 620,000 migrants which nearly equals the population of Detroit (677,116).
— 91.4 percent of recent refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps, and 68.3 percent are on cash welfare, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Department of Health and Human Services.
— Chobani yogurt company founder Hamdi Ulukaya then mentioned the potential transformation of entire communities that would result from large-scale immigration, saying “There’s a town actually in the eastern part of Turkey, it’s called Kilis, [where] sixty percent of the whole town is refugees. I mean, this all happened in the last three, four years,” and earlier he said, “I’m proud of what the people of Turkey and what people in the government are trying to do on this issue. It’s huge.”
— Clinton dismissed issues of potential terrorism resulting from the importing of the migrants, instead insisting that the traditions of Syrians are “amazing.”
— The Chairman of the House Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee has explained that there is “no real way of vetting, to any extent, these refugees coming in.”
— Ulukaya pointed to the work Germany has done in accepting large amounts of refugees, saying: “I listened to Madeleine Albright the other day… She said, you know, we’re not doing enough. And I was in Germany just after. Looking at Hamburg, Hamburg took almost 90,000 refugees. And I was with the mayor and for two days we looked at the refugee centers [and] what they did. They were prepared to take 500-600, you know, that’s what they were doing for years. Now they took 90,000.”
— Neither Clinton or Ulukaya mentioned that the U.S. already takes in 70,000 refugees each year, not including the migrants that Obama and House Speaker Paul Ryan are resettling in the country this year alone.
— Ulukaya proudly talks about having “11 different nationalities [represented] in Chobani factories” and how he had to hire “11 different translators into the factory” because the local company employees couldn’t communicate with one another.
— The journalist Leo Hoffman has previously reported, “[T]he state of Idaho, despite its reputation as a mostly white, conservative farm state, has been a popular destination for refugees in recent years— in large part due to Ulukaya’s efforts to import refugees to work in his yogurt factory. … Ulukaya opened the world’s largest yogurt factory in Twin Falls about two years ago, and the plant now employs 600 people with about 30 percent of those jobs filled by foreign refugees shipped to the U.S. from United Nations camps in the Middle East and Africa.”
— Twin Falls it to receive about 300 refugees this year, many of them Muslims from Syria, and the U.S. State Department has shipped more than 11,000 refugees directly from the Third World to Idaho since 2001. In the past year, 989 refugees have arrived in Idaho, with half of them coming from the world’s most extreme jihadist hot zones including Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Pakistan.
— In June, a group of Iraqi and Sudanese refugees sexually assaulted a five year old American girl in Twin Falls while recording the incident on video, and in August an African refugee sexually assaulted a 33 year old mentally disabled woman in Twin Falls.
— The Office for Idaho Refugees recently produced a brochure to help American employers who are looking to hire new refugees. It recommends avoiding eye contact with migrant employees due to Burmese migrants interpreting it as “an act of challenge,” and it also recommends avoiding discussion about the employee’s family members, which Afghan migrants see as “an act requiring revenge.”
The Chobani yogurt company owner Hamdi Ulukaya is at the forefront of advocating middle eastern immigration into the U.S.
The following information is summarized from a Breitbart article:
Hamdi Ulukaya is a Turkish born Entrepreneur who has become wealthy building the Chobani yogurt company in the United States, and he has become a vocal advocate for increasing middle eastern immigration into the country.
Ulukaya came to the US in 1994 to study business, and in 2005 he bought a Kraft Foods yogurt plant in central New York with a loan from the Small Business Administration. Due to Ulukaya’s political connections, especially with New York Senators Schemer and Gellibrand, Chobani is now the main supplier of yogurt for the US federal school system. In 2012, Chobani opened its second U.S. production facility in Twin Falls, Idaho, being the largest yogurt plant in the world.
Ulukaya, who is now a billionaire, represents a new globalist reality of big government and big business being intermeshed. He’s used local, state, and federal resources at every stage of his business growth.
The Chobani company began to hire middle eastern refugees to work in its upstate New York plant in 2008, and Ulukaya frequently proselytizes about the hiring practice at establishment events such as the Clinton Global Initiative and Davos. Ulukaya’s speeches about the issue of refugees combined with his extensive political connections makes both Republican and Democrat establishment politicians line up to form “business / government partnerships” with him. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are vocal supporters of him.
Earlier this year, a five-year-old girl was raped by three Muslims migrants brought by Chobani to Twin Falls, and more recently a Muslim refugee molested a mentally disabled woman. The news of the assaults was initially covered up by the media, and the then-Mayor of Twin Falls Greg Lanting was eventfully forced to apologize for attacking in the media the family of the five year old who was raped by migrants. The occurrence was the first that most people have heard about such refugee resettlement programs.
In January 2016 Ulukasya launched his Tent Foundation, which is “a personal foundation focused on helping refugees,” listing other founding partners as companies like Airbnb, Ikea Foundation, MasterCard, LinkedIn, UPS, and Western Union. The Tent Foundation’s main three focuses are said to be “direct giving, generating employment opportunities for refugees, and incentivizing partners to source products and services from companies that employ refugees and their host communities, or support refugee causes.” Ulukaya describes the Tent Foundation as “a platform for corporate leaders to join forces to more effectively leverage the support, ingenuity and dynamism of the world’s businesses to help end the refugee crises.”
From Breitbart: “Ulukaya lives in the rarefied world of the ‘doing well while doing good’ crowd, a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires whose supposed altruism always seems to pay off handsomely for them. … Now a billionaire, Ulukaya pledges the majority of his personal wealth ‘to help refugees and help bring an end to this humanitarian crisis.’ He does this through the Giving Pledge, an organization started by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.”
Warren Buffet also helped to finance a local Twin Falls newspaper “The Times News”, which defends the refugee program and repeatedly attacks critics of it as racist, as the reporter Michael Patrick Leahy points out.
Ulukaya is also on the boards of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York despite still being a Turkish citizen.
In January 2016, Ulukaya made an appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he called on more businesses to begin taking in refugees as workers, saying that it is ‘mind-blowing’ how little firms are doing to economically integrate refugees.
Video: “Every High School Principal Should Say This”
From the video: “If every high school principal said this, it would change students’ lives and would change America. So what exactly should every high school principal say? Dennis Prager explains.”
Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide and future potential White House Chief of Staff Huma Abedin has supported extreme Islamic views, Clinton also supported Abedin’s radical mother
Note: This article is broken into three parts— A summary, and two details of New York Post articles where the information is from.
Huma Abedin is a devout Saudi-raised Muslim that has been Hillary Clinton’s top aide for decades, and she may be the future White House chief of staff. She is Clinton’s longest-serving and most loyal aide who started to work for her during Bill Clinton’s Administration, followed by in the Senate, and later in Obama’s State Department. She is now helping to run Hillary’s presidential campaign as vice chair.
During the time Abedin was working for Clinton, she also edited an extremist anti-women Islamic journal that her mother published which argued that working mothers shouldn’t be classified as families, it blamed women for being raped, and it rationalized domestic beatings.
Huma Abedin’s mother Seleha also translated and edited a book in 1999 which promotes stoning and lashing of adulterers, killing of apostates, required sexual submissiveness of women, female genital mutilation, and the right of women to “participate in fighting when jihad becomes an individual duty.”
In 1995, Abedin’s mother Seleha headlined a Washington conference lobbying against a UN women’s rights platform, saying it was a “conspiracy” against Muslims, also saying that men who beat their wives are “victims of a different kind, and they are simply taking [their frustrations] out on women.”
Despite Seleha’s extremist background, in 2010 Hillary Clinton visited a girl’s college in Saudi Arabia which Seleha founded and runs as the dean. While speaking to a roomful of girls at the school, Hillary said that Americans should stop stereotyping Saudi woman as oppressed and said not all women in America “go around in a bikini bathing suit.”
The next year, Clinton invited Saleha and the president of the Saudi school to Washington to participate in an Obama state department event for “leading thinkers” on women’s issues.
A spokesperson for the Clinton Campaign Nick Merril told the New York Post in response to its initial article that Huma Abedin didn’t actually do any work for the radical journal during her long tenure there (despite the fact that she was listed as an editorial staffer from between 19996 and 2008). However, Merril had no comment when asked if Clinton “regrets honoring the Islamist mother and bestowing legitimacy on her extreme views.”
Following are points from the first New York Post article: “Huma Abedin worked at Muslim journal that opposed women’s rights”
— Abedin edited a radical Muslim publication “the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs” that was run by her mother that opposed women’s rights. The journal was founded and funded by the former head of the Muslim World League. Abedin worked for the journal from 1996 to 2008.
— Hillary Clinton listed as one of her biggest accomplishments on her website being her support for the 1995 UN Women’s conference in Beijing where she famously declared “Women’s rights are human rights,” which was a focal point of her Democratic convention this year.
— A year after Hillary made her proclamation at the Bejing woman’s conference, Abedin’s journal published an article entitled “Women’s Rights Are Islamic Rights,” which argues that only traditional couples with children should be recognized as families, and it also says that women wearing revealing clothing is an invitation for them to be raped by men.
— In another 1996 article, Abedin’s mother (who was the Muslim World League’s delegate to the UN conference) wrote that Clinton and other speakers were advancing a “very aggressive and radically feminist” agenda that was un-Islamic and wrong because it focused on empowering women, and she even rationalized domestic abuse as being a result of “the stress and frustrations that men encounter in their daily lives” and despite denouncing such abuse she didn’t think it did much good to punish men for it.
— The same 1996 article made the following statements: “Among all systems of belief, Islam goes the farthest in restoring equality across gender.” And, “More men are victims of domestic violence than women . . . If we see the world through ‘men’s eyes’ we will find them suffering from many hardships and injustices.”
— Abedin does not apologize for her mother’s views, and even made following statements in a recent profile in Vogue, “My mother was traveling around the world to these international women’s conferences talking about women’s empowerment, and it was normal.” [The Vogue article also referred to her mother as an “outspoken, much respected feminist.”]
— Abedin’s mother published a book in 1999 [called “Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations”] that was edited by her mother that justifies the practice of Islamic female genital mutilation and claims “man-made laws have in fact enslaved women.”
— In 2010, Abedin arranged for then-Secretary of State Clinton to speak alongside Abedin’s mother at an all-girls college in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where Clinton said that Americans have to get past “the stereotypes and the mischaracterizations” of oppressed Saudi woman, also assuring the audience of Burka-clad girls that not all American girls “go around in a bikini bathing suit.”
— At no point during Clinton’s visit to the Saudi Arabian college, which included a question-and-answer session, did she protest laws barring women from driving or traveling anywhere without male guardians, or any of the other extreme human rights violations that Saudi Women suffer under Sharia law that Abedin’s mother promotes.
— The article says, “If fighting for women’s rights is one of Clinton’s greatest achievements, why has she retained as her closest adviser a woman who gave voice to harsh Islamist critiques of her Beijing platform?”
Following are points from the second New York Post article: “Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book”
— Seleha Abedin is the mother of Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin, and is the editor of a publication entitled “The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs,” which opposes women’s rights as un-Islamic, arguing that Western “empowerment” of women does more harm than good.
— In 1999 Seleha translated and edited a book entitled “Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations,” which prescribes stoning and lashing of adulterers, the killing of apostates, required sexual submissiveness of women and female genital mutilation under Sharia law. The book does make an exception to the division of sexual roles, however: “Women can also participate in fighting when jihad becomes an individual duty.”
— On the back cover of the book Seleha says she is “pleased to launch” it as a part of a series on the “study of women’s rights in Islam,” which is sponsored by the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC), which Seleha founded and is a chairperson.
— The Cairo based IICWC which Seleha founded has advocated for the repeal of Egypt’s laws in favor of implementing extremist Sharia law which allows female genital mutilation, child marriage, and marital rape.
— Seleha is paid by the Saudi government to advocate and spread Sharia law in countries such as America.
— In 1995 Seleha headlined a Washington conference organized by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to lobby against a UN women’s rights platform where she angrily argued that it runs counter is Islam and was a “conspiracy” against Muslims. Seleha called into question the provisions of the platform that condemned domestic battery of women, saying that men who serially beat women tend to be unemployed, making their abuse more understandable. She said “They are victims of a different kind, and they are simply taking [their frustrations] out on women.”
— Despite Seleha’s extreme anti-women views, in 2010 Huma arranged for the then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton to travel to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to meet with her and speak at a girl’s school she founded and runs as the dean. When speaking to a roomful of girls, Clinton said Americans should stop stereotyping Saudi woman as oppressed and said not all women in America “go around in a bikini bathing suit.” While there, Clinton formed a partnership with the college called the “US-Saudi Women’s Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, and promised to reverse post-9/11 curbs on Saudi student visas to America.
— Then the next year, Clinton invited Saleha and the president of the Saudi school to Washington to participate in an Obama state department event for “leading thinkers” on women’s issues, as revealed by internal emails released in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch.
— Paul Sperry is author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”