A New Jersey Imam says he is praying that non-Muslims’ homes, wealth, land, and children become “booty” for Muslims

(Note: click on the above image of the video to view it on its original page.)

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has posted a video of a sermon of an Imam in a New Jersey mosque where he emphasized the importance of Jihad against Israel, and he prayed that Allah would give the wealth, possessions, and even the children of non-Muslims to Muslims as “booty”— meaning spoils of war.

The cleric whose name was not mentioned in the video said the following:

“Oh Allah, punish the infidels, come upon them from wherever they do not expect.  Oh Allah, instill fear into their hearts.  Oh Allah, destroy their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers.  Oh Allah, let us inherit their homes, wealth, and land where we have not set foot yet.  Oh Allah, turn them, their wealth, their children, and their lives into booty for Islam and the Muslims.  Oh Allah, turn them into booty for Islam and the Muslims.”

See this PJMedia article by Robert Spencer for more information about the video.

Hostile pro-Palestinian leftist groups disrupted an annual Christmas Eve caroling event in Washington Square Park in New York City

(Note this video is poorly edited but it contains significant information, I recommend watching it.)

On Christmas Eve, pro-Palestinian protesters in a car caravan disrupted an annual Christmas caroling event in Washington Square Park, where demonstrators circled their cars around the location, blaring music and honking their horns while others chanted through bullhorns on the sidewalk as the carolers attempted to sing Christmas songs.  A New York Post article explains the situation, saying that the holiday revelers were undeterred and “they sang themselves hoarse” during the dueling events.

Organizations that were involved in this or other disruptions around New York City during the weekend include leftist extremist groups such as “People’s Forum,” “Palestinian Youth Movement,” “Mothers for Justice in Palestine,” and the Long Island chapter of the “Party for Socialism and Liberation.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters stormed a live Christmas celebration in Melbourne

The stage of an annual televised Christmas Eve celebration in Melbourne, Australia was stormed by leftist pro-Palestinian protesters carrying flags, which prompted children who were performing to be rushed to safety.

One of the protesters tried to grab the microphone, managing to say “while you’re caroling, kids are dying in Gaza” before the audio was cut and boos from the audience grew louder.

The onstage host handled the situation well, saying, “Ok, lets take it easy, nice and easy..  It is a very hard time in this world, but let’s all come together on a night like this too.  There is a lot of pain out there..  We’re just going to settle everything down for a second and we’re all going to be fine.”

The Biden-Harris 2024 campaign created a graphic that likens Trump to Hitler

The 2024 Biden-Harris campaign has created a ridiculous graphic that compares statements that Donald Trump made side-by-side with statements made by Adolph Hitler, and they posted it to Twitter.

Obviously Trump doesn’t act like Hitler, but ultimately his opponents get away with such attacks due to his history of making needlessly divisive statements and the other annoying ways that he communicates.

Despite the insane catastrophe of Biden’s administration, him and Trump are only neck-and-neck in the polls, which shows how incredibly uninformed most Americans are, but it also demonstrates the damage that is caused by Trump’s divisive communication.  (And also note that polls can’t be trusted.)

I think Ron DeSantis would have been a better candidate because he doesn’t communicate in such a divisive manner.  He has shown that he supports most of the important issues such as being anti-illegal immigration, anti-forcing homosexuality onto everybody, being pro-gun rights, anti-vaccine, and he even said Anthony Fauci should be in Jail.  However all Presidents are required to do as they are told by the global elite and DeSantis undoubtedly would have been forced to do that as well, especially since an awakening hasn’t happened yet.

I doubt that DeSantis’ low poll numbers were genuine, where I think they were fabricated in order to ensure that Trump would be the Republican candidate.

In any event, improvements could happen if Trump wins the election and his supporters take initiative this time to criticize him properly and don’t sit around waiting for him to do everything.

A video from a leftist Islam apologist is typical of the Establishment’s agenda of whitewashing the ideology

I saw this video of an apparently Establishment media host claiming that Bill Maher “berated” Palestinians in a recent show, where he falsely claimed that Maher makes unfounded accusations about the nature of Islam, and he attempted to claim that Palestine has historically always been offered deals that are “unfair” to agree on in the peace process.  The comments on the video are overwhelming in favor of what he is saying.

Maher is far from perfect, but his stances on Islam are very accurate and relevant and he should be applauded for that.  See this important video that explains the death penalty for apostasy in Islam which contains some clips from Maher’s show, and see this this article that explains many other little-understood aspects of the ideology.

Contrary to what the host in the video is attempting to claim, Palestine was offered “fair” deals to agree on many times in the past, but they always wanted only the entire piece of land.  See this link and this link that contain information about that matter.  

In 2006 the Palestinians voted Hamas into power and they widely supported it along with its terrorist attacks of Israel such as suicide bombings and rocket attacks, while its founding document advocated for the genocide of all Jews by citing Islamic scripture.

The host of the show is apparently working to reinforce corrupt Establishment agendas such as creating a false impression of Islam being a peaceful ideology in order make Westerners agreeable to importing it into their countries.  (See this link, this link, and this link.)

A Palestinian television show “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” advocated for children to become suicide bombers [updated December 19, 2023]

A Palestinian children’s television show “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” which had 21 episodes that were created from 2007 to 2009 focused on creating violent incitement against Jews and Westerners, including advocating for the children in its audience to be suicide bombers.  The show featured adults dressed in costumes who interacted with children on the set in a format similar to the shows “Sesame Street” and “Barney,” and it allowed children to call in from home.

[Note: December 19, 2023— The Wikipedia page for the show says it was created between 2007 to 2009, however this video clip that was recorded in 2022 is in a modern video format— if it is not actually the “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” show then it is a new show that is exactly like it.  The original episodes of the show have apparently continued to air on Palestinian television in reruns since their creation, and the show apparently also has an international audience in places such as Europe.]

In this episode of the show, the children of a female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi who (actually) killed herself and others in a terrorist bombing attack are featured, where they show a video reenactment of her actions for the children in the television audience to watch.  The child host of the show is then shown saying, “These are the children of the Shahid [Martyr] the heroic Jihad fighter who sacrificed all that she had for her homeland.  She cared less about her own flesh and blood and for their sake, she sacrificed [herself] for Allah.  We say to the occupier, that we will continue in the footsteps of the Shahida [Martyr], the Jihad fighter Reem Riyashi, until we liberate our homeland from your hands, usurper.”’


This this episode, a girl calls into the broadcast saying she is from Holland, where she and the children on the set sing a song entitled “When We Become Martyrs,” which has the lyrics: “When we get martyred we will go to Paradise.  No, don’t say we are too small.  This life has made us grown-ups.  Without Palestine our childhood means nothing.  Even if they gave us all the money in the world, it won’t make us forget.  I am willing to sacrifice my blood for my country.”


This video clip, a nine year old girl calls into the show to recite a passage from a Hadith that advocates to kill Jews.  [Note the person who posted this video clip edited out the portions of the Hadith that specifically advocated to kill Jews.]


This video clip shows sections from two episodes of the show, where in the first episode it shows a recurring Mickey Mouse-lookalike main character named “Farfour” who is being given the “keys” to his ancestral land by his “grandfather” who was on his deathbed, and then another episode is shown where Farfour was killed by an Israeli because he refused to sell his land to him.

[Note:  In the episodes after this one, Farfour was never revived but he was replaced by a bumblebee character named “Nahol,” however Farfour was sometimes still mentioned along with the fact that he was killed by a Jew.  When Nahol was introduced, he said, “I want to continue in the path of Farfour – the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, of the mujahideen,” and the character constantly expressed terrorist views.  Nahol then died in the show because he was sick and in need of an operation but he was blocked from reaching a hospital in Egypt by the Israelis.

Nahol was then replaced in the show with a Bugs Bunny-type character named Assoud who said he will “will finish off the Jews and eat them.”  On his deathbed after being injured in an Israeli attack he instructed the children in the audience that they must fight and die to liberate iberate Haifa, Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities.

The final co-host of the show was a brown bear named Nassur who claims to have come to the Gaza Strip to become one of the mujahideen and to defend the children of Palestine, although he gives evidence that he may have come from Iran.]

A Democrat Senate staffer was caught filming a gay video in the Senate Hearing Room in Washington D.C.

(Note the image of the Senate Hearing Room is from Wikipedia.)

A member of the “LGBTQ+ community” who is a staffer of the Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin has been exposed in the media for recording a perverted video of himself having anal sex on a table in the Senate hearing room, which is where lawmakers sit to ask questions during important proceedings such as Supreme Court nominations, as reported in this Brietbart article.  [Note: I do NOT recommend looking at the video that is embedded on that article even though it it blurred.]

The Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin

The staffer who was later identified as Aidan Maese-Czeropski was fired by Sen. Cardin after news of the video broke, and he has since released a ridiculous statement on his LinkedIn page which blames the fallout about the matter on Homophobia, as reported in this article.  In the statement he said, “This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda.  While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgement, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace.  Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters.”

[Note: I realize that most homosexuals do not behave like him, but some do.   This is an example of yet another reason why I can’t allow “voting” in my organizations, because people would try to come to support this and all other sorts of leftist agendas either maliciously or otherwise.  Such problems as him are only going to get much worse over time unless the pro-homosexual agendas are reigned in.  Homosexuality belongs in the closet where it always has been, instead of being forced onto everyone such as in schools and being allowed in the military for example.  Also I’m going to advocate to repeal gay marriage legislation due to it being a gateway to all of the other gay-related problems along with other issues.]

Many gays support Islam despite its homicidal attitudes toward them

This Sky News video explains that many homosexual groups have been coming out in support of Hamas and Palestine.

Since the start of the Middle East conflict on October 7th, I’ve been seeing many reports of “LGBTQ+” individuals and groups attempting to embrace Islam as a response, which they have also been doing for many past years.

However, Islam is 100% opposed to adult homosexuality, and in fact in many parts of the Islamic world Homosexuals are executed as an official policy.  I do not think it could be possible that most homosexuals in the West would not be aware of that, yet a large number of them seem to support Islam anyway for some reason.

While some leftists are just naive, I believe that many such as Antifa members and other types of Establishment aligned people actually have malicious intent with their support of the ideology.


In this video, Glen Beck speaks with Ami Horowitz who explains the homicidal anti-gay mentality of many if not most mainstream Palestinians, and how American leftists usually support such people.  [Note: I don’t agree with the use of the term “progressives” to refer to leftists, which I think is way too positive of a term and many of them actually use it to refer to themselves.  Have you ever had a conversation with anyone who was criticizing harm that is being caused by leftists or liberals, etc, who uses the term “progressives”?]

They are discussing this video that Horowitz created in 2022, where he asks people on the street in San Francisco if they support Palestine or Israel, where most answered that they support the Palestinians.  In the video Horowitz is then shown visiting Palestine where he explains that gay men and women are frequently tortured and killed; he interviews many people on the street where almost everyone expresses the most extreme views against homosexuals; and he interviews people who have been personally affected by anti-gay violence in Palestine.  Horowitz then shows the footage he recorded in Palestine to the people he spoke to in San Francisco, who said it changed their views.


This video shows examples of many leftist Western TikTok “influencers” recently praising Islam.

Many leftist alternative media articles also advocate for homosexuals to support Palestine, such as this one, this one, this one, and this one.


There is an enormous amount of examples of Muslim leaders and preachers stating that homosexuals must be killed.


In some parts of the Islamic world, homosexuals are executed by being thrown off of high buildings, with their corpses then being stoned by mobs of people where they land.


Homosexuals are hanged in Iran.  [Also note that Iran is covertly controlled by ultimately the same people who control the Biden Administration (link, and link).]

Also see this article about the issue of homosexuals being killed by Islam.

Ridiculously though, only homosexuality between ADULTS is prohibited in Islam.  Adult Muslim men having sex with young boys is accepted and it is widely practiced in some parts of the Muslim world.  A PBS Frontline documentary entitled “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan” details that situation.

What does the word “Jihad” actually mean?

This image from Wikipedia was posted in 2012, with its caption being: “Gazan children display military tactics at a kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza City.  After winning Palestinian legislative elections against Fatah in 2006, Hamas launched a successful coup in June 2007 to purge Gaza of remaining Fatah presence.  Hamas security forces shot and tortured Palestinians who opposed Hamas rule in Gaza, and in one instance, threw a Fatah operative from the 15th floor of a Gaza building.”

Despite the fact that the Islamic term “Jihad” technically only means “to strive, endeavor, labor, take pains, and exhaust on behalf or for the sake of something,” in reality the term is almost always only used in connection with aggression towards non-Muslims, despite the Western media constantly attempting to claim otherwise.

An article on the website “Center for the Study of Political Islam” explains that in Islam there is a “greater jihad” which refers to “an inner spiritual struggle,” and a “lesser jihad” which refers to the “killing of others.”  The article explains that 98% of the writings in the Hadith that refer to jihad do so by calling the “killing jihad” as the best action.  [Note that some people claim that only the writings in the Quran should be considered to be legitimate instead of other writings such as the Hadith, however people who espouse that view (“Quranists”) are viewed as “heretics” by both Sunni and Shia Muslims who make up the vast majority of Muslims worldwide.]

A different article entitled “The Many Faces of Jihad” by Raymond Ibrahim explains that while the word “jihad” does technically only mean to “strive” for something with no connotation of violence, in reality the term has most significantly been used in connection with Islam’s history of aggression against non-Muslims, such as to “fight, battle, [and engage in] holy war against the infidels, as a religious duty.”  Ibrahim explains that in modern times, Islam also often engages in other types of aggression against others such as the “jihad al-mal” which means “money jihad” where alms are contributed to hostile Islamic groups; “jihad al-wilada” meaning “demographic jihad” where Muslims strive to create as many offspring as possible as a strategy to outnumber non-Muslims; and “jihad al-kalam,” “jihad al-lissan,” and “jihad al-qalam”— meaning jihad of words, tongues, and pens, respectively, meaning “propaganda.”

About the “propaganda jihad” aspect, Ibrahim says:

“Whether in speaking or writing, here the Muslim’s chief purpose is to empower Islam and/or demoralize the West.  This jihad usually appears as apologetics for Islam and polemics against the West—many of which consist of out-and-out lies; it emanates from Muslim academics, activists, journalists, politicians, and others.

For example, when writer Qasim Rashid used his “pen” to deceive the Washington Post’s infidel readership about the word jihad—saying it only pertains to defensive, never offensive, war—he himself was performing jihad.

Today, many Muslims remain committed to the jihad against and subjugation of the West.  But whereas they can not—they also need not—resort to conventional war.  Words, words, and more words—twisted and false and yet still manipulating the West—are sufficient.

An enormous amount of disinformation articles exist which attempt to claim that Jihad is only a benign term, such as this one by the corrupt “Snopes” organization which makes claims that are easily provable as being fraudulent, such as the following:

“… jihad can be understood in at least two ways: the “greater jihad,” involving the struggle against the lower self (to purify one’s heart, do good, avoid evil, and make oneself a better person,) and the “lesser jihad,” involving the struggle against outside forces, or “any obstacle that stands in the way of the good.”  This can involve fighting against oppressors and aggressors who commit injustice; however, Islamic tradition requires specific ethical conditions in place, such as the requirement ‘to protect non-combatants.’”

… Note for example the references to “fighting against oppressors and aggressors who ‘commit injustice’,” with “specific ethical conditions in place.”  None of those claims have any truth, as the links at the end of this article demonstrate.  The amount of harm that is caused by disinformation articles such as that one are incalculable, as they have been directly leading to naive Westerners throwing open the floodgates of Islam into their countries for years.

For some most relevant and accurate examples of what “jihad” most significantly means, see this link, this link, and this link.  Also see the article “A Summary of Islam Issues.”

The amount of causalities in Gaza are likely less than reported

(Video of drone footage of the aftermath of Israeli attacks in Gaza.)

This article explains that while many people have been killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7, Hamas’ claims of the number of casualties can’t be trusted for many reasons, including the fact there there is no evidence of mass graves that their claimed 16,000 deaths would have required, the fact that Hamas is claiming that about 30,000 have been wounded when the total number of hospital beds in all medical facilities in Gaza is only about 3,000, and the fact that the Israeli forces usually attempt to warn residents before they attack an area.

[Note: In any event ultimately all sides of the conflict are being controlled by the same group of global elite individuals (link, and link), so of course any loss of lives on all sides are senseless and homicidal.]

Following are key points from a December 6, 2023 article entitled “Hamas’ Gaza Casualties Can’t Be Trusted; Biden Was Right the First Time.”

— News outlets have been reporting nearly 16,000 deaths in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip since the October 7th attacks, however those numbers come from the Hamas-run “Health Ministry” which has a history of making deceptive statements.  Hamas’ founding charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews, and in 1995 the United States had designated the Iran-backed group as a terrorist organization.

— Claims by the group that their causalities are “mostly women and children” are used to destroy support for Israel on the world stage and let Hamas survive by stopping or reducing Israel’s campaign of “indiscriminate” attacks, as is being advocated by congressional Democrats in the U.S. and the anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish left.

— Even if the casualty numbers being supplied by Hamas are correct (which they can’t be as is explained later), it would be a proportion of 2.63 civilian casualties to every 1 combatant causality, whereas in 2015 the UN put combatant to non-combatant deaths caused by the US and British forces in Afghanistan and Iraq at between 3:1 and 4:1.  [Note: I think in all those cases the ratios are horrible as well, of course.]

— During the 50-day Israel-Hamas 2014 war in the Gaza strip, Israel had gone out of its way minimize the non-combatant deaths, including warning the civilians of the impending attacks in their neighborhoods.

— During the current conflict, the Israeli forces have been dropping leaflets, making phone calls by Arabic-speaking IDF soldiers, and otherwise warning citizens to flee from Hamas targets.  Additionally Israel has even fired on Hamas soldiers to protect Palestinian civilians, as is explained in this article.

— After the 2014 war, Hamas has stopped specifying fatalities by age and sex, thus making them “fanciful propaganda statistics” as Lenny Ben-David of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs said in an article “The Casualty Figures in Gaza Are a Scam.”  [Note: In the article he also says, “… Hamas facilities and leaders hide behind civilians and under schools and hospitals.  Hamas fighters block civilians from evacuating.  And then, Hamas’ Ministry of Health inflates the casualty figures. … Israel repeatedly warned Gazan residents of north Gaza to evacuate their homes.  Leaflets were dropped in their neighborhoods, and even private phone calls were made by IDF Arabic-speaking soldiers.  An estimated one million Gazans took the warnings seriously and avoided Hamas attempts to keep them in the north as human shields.  Lower casualty rates of women and children should have reflected their leaving the north.”]

— In another analysis by the Jerusalem Center entitled “Hamas’ Numbers Warfare,” it is explained that neither the Hamas leadership or the Ministry of Health reported a single causality among the Hamas forces in the first five weeks of fighting, and it points out that no one questioned their claims of about 30,000 wounded when the total number of hospital beds in all medical facilities in Gaza did not exceed 3,000.  The author Prof. Kobi Michael explains that he estimates the number of dead and wounded Gazans to be 50 percent of the total amount that is reported by Hamas officials, with at least half of those being Hamas members.

— A former US intelligence analyst Malcom Nance wrote a Tweet where he explained that there was no way that doctors would have been able to pass on information about the verified dead due to them not having a working integrated medical reporting system prior to the cease-fire; he also said there would have been no way for Hamas to know how many people have died outside the hospitals; and he said that it is in fact possible to make estimates of numbers of deaths from mass graves as he had done at Mariupol, Ukranian ISIS sites, however there is no evidence of 160 mass graves existing (assuming 100 bodies in each) that would have been needed to bury so many people.  He ends his Tweet by saying “Sorry it is just Impossible to verify ANY HAMAS health ministry death tolls.  The media, NGOs & UN uses HAMAS figures.”

— After their October 7th attacks, Hamas pledged to attempt more genocidal raids into Israel until the Jewish state and its Jews are destroyed.  Israel believes the organization started the war with 30,000 gunmen, and Hamas terrorists fight among Gaza’s civilians, which means that eradicating them will continue to result in noncombatant deaths.