A resolution passed by the student government at the University of California, Irvine, seeks to give admissions preference, housing, and funding to unvetted Muslim migrants

University of California, Irving
Image from Wikipedia.

The following is a summary of this Breitbart article

A resolution passed by the student government at the University of California, Irvine, seeks giving admissions preference, housing, and funding to college-aged “Syrian” refugees.  The resolution passed unanimously in the student senate on October 18, and must be approved by a committee before being passed to the University administration for approval.  The decision was made behind closed doors.

The bill cites other Universities who are already doing the same, such  as Illinois Institute of Technology, Bryn Mawr College, Michigan State University, and the University of Southern California.

UCI College Republicans President Ariana Rowlands expressed her concern about the process by which this decision was made.  “… I have a problem with a closed student government politically and artificially endorsing policy measures that limits the ability of every prospective UC Irvine student to attain one of a finite amount of seats at this university by favoring non-American over American students. This top-down decision made by the student senators behind closed doors has yet to be announced publicly and does not represent the student body of UC Irvine but rather, represents the social justice objectives of the elite.  … Taking seats away from deserving American citizens and giving them to refugees is just political pandering at the expense of citizens already here, further requiring them to look to government for a handout, in turn furthering government’s power,” She said.

An October 20 statement posted to the UC College Republicans Facebook page said, “We cannot allow political correctness to overshadow reality,” the statement read. “While it would be ideal that our system allows us to help all those in want, such is not possible if a fair, merit-based, financially stable system is to be upheld.”

Video: Islam had established and has been engaging in the African slave trade for over 1,400 years

View a video that describes little-known information about Islam’s extensive involvement in the African slave trade.

Following is a transcript of the video:

Introductory narrator:  “I must admit that I, too, among hundreds of millions of educated people, was under the impression that the African slave trade was the sole responsibility of the Christian Europeans, the white race.  That is, until I started exploring the subject in greater depth, and especially after reading an incredibly enlightening book called ‘The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa,’ by John Alembillah Azumah.  My whole perspective and understanding has changed dramatically.  I would like you to tell us more about this subject.”

The success of Mohammedan Islam in deceiving, misinforming, deforming, and contorting both history and reality over a period of almost 1,400 years has been astounding, that is until now.  The greatest tragedy of this particular subject is that most of the decedents of African slaves in the Americas, around the world, as well as the African blacks are totally ignorant of the actual facts.

Before we loose concentration of our listeners, I would like to make the following statement and then prove it.  The worst, most inhumane, and diabolical institution of the black African slave trade was initiated, refined, perpetrated, and implemented by the Mohammedan Arabs and later aided and  abetted by the black converts to Mohammedan Islam.

I predict that as usual the two subcultures of denial of facts and of political correctness will attack us without once disproving a single statement, and / or conclusion that we make.

Slavery was not created by the white races, because it has existed throughout the human history, and practiced by every tribe, culture, civilization, racial group, and religion.  In fact, the very word “slavery” has its root in name “Slav,” based on the Slavic people of Europe who were subjugated by other Europeans.

The arabic word “abed” is synonymous with the meaning of the word “slave,” and in the language of the Arabs, black people are called “abeed” with is plural for “slaves.”

While much has been written about the transatlantic slave trade, very little attention has been paid to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean.  While European involvement in the African slave trade over the Atlantic lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the African save trade has lasted for 14 centuries, and in some parts of the Mohammedan world is still continuing to this day.

The birth of Mohammedan Islam and its conquests brought about the birth of institutionalized, systematized, and religiously sanctioned slave trade, on a massive and global scale.  In fact, the Koran allows the taking of slaves as booty or reward for wars of aggression against any and all unbelievers, which are most of the human population.  This has led to an enormous number of so-called “holy wars”—jihad in Arabic.  There was, and is, absolutely nothing holy about these wars which were primarily to plunder, slaughter, rape, subjugate, and rob other human beings of their wealth, produce, freedom, and dignity.  Muhammaden Muslims attacked other non-Muslim groups to achieve these objectives.

Although Islamic jurisprudence laid down regulations for the treatment of slaves, incredible and heinous abuses have occurred throughout the history of Mohammedan Islam.  By the Middle ages, the Arabic word “abed” was in general used to denote a black slave, while the word “Mamluk” referred to a white slave.

Ibn Khaldun (1332 – 1406), the preeminent Islamic medieval historian and social thinker wrote: “The negro nations are as a rule submissive to slavery, because they have attributes that are quite similar to dumb animals.”  It should also be noted that black slaves were castrated, based on the assumption that the blacks have an ungovernable sexual appetite.

When the Fatimid Caliphate came to power in Egypt, they slaughtered all the tens of thousands of black military slaves of the previous caliphate and raised an entirely new slave army.  Some of these slaves were conscripted into the army at age ten. From Persia to Egypt to Morocco, slave armies from 30,000 up to 250,000 became common-place.

The Islamic slave trade took place across the Sahara Desert, from the coast of the Red Sea, and from East Africa across the Indian Ocean.  The Trans Sahara trade was conducted along six major slave routes.  Just in the 19th Century, for which there are more accurate records, 1.2 million slaves were brought across the Sahara into the Middle East, as well as a further 450,000 down the Red Sea and 442,000 from East African coastal ports.  That is a total of 2 million black slaves – just in the 1800’s.  At least 8 million more were calculated to have died before reaching the Muslim slave markets.

A comparison of the Islamic slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some extremely interesting contrasts.  While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Islamic slave trade.  Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims.  While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Trans Sahara and East African slave trade was a staggering 80 to 90%.  While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems and for military service.

While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survive.  While most slaves who arrived to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and the majority of the children born to the women were killed at birth.  It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions.  Only 5% of the slaves ended up in the United States.)

However, a minimum of 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East.  Since at least 80% of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from 1,400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been over 112 million.  When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the Trans Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 million people.

What is obscene about this whole subject is the Mohammedan Muslim and Arab culture of denial regarding their complicity in the African slave trade, as well as the ignorance of black Muslims about the reality of their past and present conditions.  The statistics and reports are based upon the log books taken from the African slave ships, travelers reports, eyewitness accounts, ect.

Ladies and gentlemen, the facts and realities of Mohammedan Islam’s complicity in the slave trade and their inhuman depravity are infinitely more devastating, more staggering, and more incomprehensible than all the nightmare fictions in the world.

Deception is permissible and even prescribed in Islam through the practices of “Taqiyya,” “Tawriya,” “Kitman,” and “Muruna”


Various forms of deception are permissible in Islam as specified in the Quran, consisting of four different types of deceit known as “Muruna,” “Taqiyya,” “Tawriya,” and “Kitman.”   Such deceptive practices manifest in numerous ways, including in the agendas of many Islamic organizations and in Islamic media.


Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or surroundings, believing that it is permissible to deceitfully behave in an un-Islamic manner if it serves the greater goal of advancing Islam.

View a video explaining the Islamic “Muruna” strategy:

Walid Shoebat, a former member of the PLO who has reformed and converted to Christianity, explains how the extremist Muslim Brotherhood organization makes use of the “Muruna” strategy by temporarily behaving in a moderate fashion to gain the trust of the West in order to ensure their long term strategy of subjugating the entire world with Sharia law.  He cites as an example what has recently happened during Egypt’s so-called “secular revolution” which was actually a Brotherhood cover to implement Islamic extremism.

Shoebat explains that Sheikh Yusef Abdallah al-Qaradwi, who was involved in the overthrow of Egypt, had said, “.. to balance between good and evil, and if the good and evil conflict with each other we make priority as to when we put ahead evil for the sake of an interest, and determine when an evil deed is forgiven for the sake of an interest.” … In other words, al-Qaradwi has been rationalizing his doing evil things for the sake of so-called “good.”


The information in this section is summarized from this article by Raymond Ibrahim:

The Quran is known for permitting Muslims to be deceptive in certain situations, including when reconciling two or more quarreling parties, when placating one’s spouse, and for gaining strategic advantage during war;  however, in most other cases the Quran is opposed to Muslims deceiving other Muslims, but deception directed at non-Muslims is acceptable and is legally permissible, usually being known as “taqiyya.

Taqiyya has historically been used by Islam as a defense against religious persecution or as a jihadist weapon against unbelievers, and in fact it is often depicted as being equal or superior to other military virtues such as courage, fortitude, or self-sacrifice.

According to Shari’a, which are the legal rulings which define how Muslims should behave in all circumstances, deception is permitted in many situations and it is even obligatory in others.   For example, Muslims are permitted to lie and feign apostasy (abandoning one’s religion) rather then suffer persecution.   Taqiyya is fundamental to Islam, essentially every sect agrees to it and practices it, and it is prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.

The following two paragraphs are authoritative Islamic commentaries concerning the matter:

“If you [Muslims] are under their [non-Muslims’] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them with your tongue while harboring inner animosity for them … [know that] God has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels rather than other believers—except when infidels are above them [in authority].   Should that be the case, let them act friendly towards them while preserving their religion.”   Muhammad ibn Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923)

“Whoever at any time or place fears … evil [from non-Muslims] may protect himself through outward show.”  As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad’s close companion Abu Darda, who said, “Let us grin in the face of some people while our hearts curse them.”   Another companion, simply known as Al-Hasan, said, “Doing taqiyya is acceptable till the Day of Judgment [i.e., in perpetuity].” (Ibn Kathir d. 1373)

Prominent Muslim Scholars such as Abu ‘Abdullah al-Qurtubi (1214-73) and Muhyi ‘d-Din ibn al-Arabi (1165-1240), have extended taqiyya to allow Muslims to behave like infidels or worse— such as by worshiping idols, offering false testimony, and even exposing the weaknesses of their fellow Muslims to the infidel enemy— anything short of actually killing another Muslim: “Taqiyya, even if committed without duress, does not lead to a state of infidelity—even if it leads to sin deserving of hellfire.” (Mukaram, At-Taqiyya fi ‘l-Islam, pp. 30-7)

The earliest historical records of Islam show the prevalence of taqiyya as a form of Islamic warfare, where Muslims would lie their way out of binds by denying or insulting Islam or Muhammad at the approval of the latter. (Mukaram, At-Taqiyya fi ‘l-Islam, pp. 11-2)   “Taqiyya was used as a way to fend off danger from the Muslims, especially in critical times and when their borders were exposed to wars with the Byzantines and, afterwards, to the raids [crusades] of the Franks and others.” (Ibid., pp. 41-2)

People of all religions are known to practice deception in war, but Islam will never stop thinking of itself as being at war until it conquers the entire Earth.

From the original article:  “… Deception of the enemy during war is only common sense.  The crucial difference in Islam, however, is that war against the infidel is a perpetual affair—until, in the words of the Qur’an, ‘all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to God.’ (Qur’an 8:39)”

EmileTyan states in his entry on jihad from the Encyclopaedia of Islam: “The duty of the jihad exists as long as the universal domination of Islam has not been attained.  Peace with non-Muslim nations is, therefore, a provisional state of affairs only; the chance of circumstances alone can justify it temporarily.”

In fact, all four schools of Sunni agree that “jihad is when Muslims wage war on infidels, after having called on them to embrace Islam or at least pay tribute [jizya] and live in submission, and the infidels refuse.”

Unprovoked Islamic expansionist Jihad is made acceptable in the eyes of many mainstream Muslims by their viewing it as an “altruistic endeavor,” where non-Muslims are thought of as “living in bondage” due to being deprived of the goodness that would exist by all humanity living in accordance with Islamic law.

Muhammad and Islam are well known for abruptly and brutally breaking war treaties in surprise attacks once the Muslim forces have regrouped for renewing their offensives.   They justify this by believing (even without evidence) that if their opponents are about to break the treaty, they can preempt by breaking it first, and also Muslim leaders are allowed by certain Muslim schools to “abrogate” treaties for any reason that would be advantageous for Islam.

In modern days, militant Islamic leaders such as Osama bin Laden address their victims saying they are attacking due to specific “grievances” which they list, but they never mention the fact that the attacks are actually mostly due to their targets simply being non-Muslim infidel entities.

The Quran states: “We [Muslims] renounce you [non-Muslims].   Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us—till you believe in God alone” (Qur’an 60:4)

Muslims who have a particularly zealous belief in Islam are more likely  to not able to be detected as being deceitful due to the fact that they think of themselves as genuinely doing god’s work when lying.

The following are the closing paragraphs from the original article:

“… [M]ost Westerners continue to think that Muslim mores, laws, and ethical constraints are near identical to those of the Judeo-Christian tradition.  Naively or arrogantly, today’s multiculturalist leaders project their own worldview onto Islamists, thinking a handshake and smiles across a cup of coffee, as well as numerous concessions, are enough to dismantle the power of God’s word and centuries of unchanging tradition.  The fact remains: Right and wrong in Islam have little to do with universal standards but only with what Islam itself teaches—much of which is antithetical to Western norms.”

“… [I]f war with the infidel is a perpetual affair, if war is deceit, and if deeds are justified by intentions—any number of Muslims will naturally conclude that they have a divinely sanctioned right to deceive, so long as they believe their deception serves to aid Islam ‘until all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to God.’ (Qur’an 8:39)”


The information in this section has been summarized from this article by Raymond Ibrahim:

From the article:  “… Now meet tawriya, a doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances—including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah—provided the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is true to him.”

Tawriya is a manner of “creative lying” by making use of “double-entendres,” where the speaker says something that means one thing  while the listener thinks it means something else, during which the speaker’s words technically support the listener’s alternate meaning.

For example, if someone says “I don’t have a penny in my pocket,” the listener would assume that the speaker means that he doesn’t have any money at all, but a speaker practicing tawriya might actually have other currency such as quarters or dollar bills.  Another example would be someone asking “Where’s Mike?” with the person answering who doesn’t want to divulge Mike’s location by saying “I don’t know” while deceptively picturing a different Mike in his mind.

From the article:  “All these are legitimate according to Sharia law and do not constitute ‘lying,’ which is otherwise forbidden in Islam, except in three cases: lying in war, lying to one’s spouse, and lying in order to reconcile people.  For these, Sharia permits Muslims to lie freely, without the strictures of tawriya, that is, without the need for creativity.”

In all other cases, according to the words of Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajid: “Tawriya is permissible under two conditions: 1) that the words used fit the hidden meaning;  2) that it does not lead to an injustice” (With the “injustice” defined by Sharia rather than Western standards).

Muhammad had said, “Allah has commanded me to equivocate [(meaning to use ambiguous language to conceal the truth)] among the people inasmuch as he has commanded me to establish [religious] obligations”; and “I have been sent with obfuscation [(meaning to confuse or bewilder)]”; and “whoever lives his life in dissimulation [(meaning concealment of one’s thoughts, feelings, or character)] dies a martyr” (Sami Mukaram, Al Taqiyya Fi Al Islam, London: Mu’assisat al-Turath al-Druzi, 2004, p. 30).

Many Muslim leaders are known for using tawriya, such as Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, who is the founder of one of Islam’s four schools of law in Saudi Arabia.  Once when he was teaching a class, someone came knocking asking for one of his students, to whom bin Hanbal answered, “He’s not here.  Why would he be here?”, while pointing to his hand, making the person falsely assume that the student wasn’t in the room.

Following is another example of tawriya:  Imagine someone protests that Surah 1 of the Quran demeans Christians and Jews, but a Muslim practicing “tawriya” might reply, “Surah 1 never mentions Jews or Christians,” while knowing that despite the fact that it never technically mentions them by name, the word “those” in that passage is meant to refer to them nonetheless.

The same sort of deception would be used where someone would say “he’s not here” when someone comes asking for a person at the front door, with the speaker actually only meaning that the person isn’t in that particular room of the house.

From the article:  “… As Sheikh al-Munajid puts it: ‘Tawriya is permissible if it is necessary or serves a Sharia interest.’  Consider the countless ‘Sharia interests’ that run directly counter to Western civilization and law, from empowering Islam to subjugating infidels.  To realize these, Muslims, through tawriya, are given a blank check to lie—a check that surely comes in handy: not just in trivial occasions, like avoiding unwanted callers, but momentous ones, such as at high-level diplomatic meetings where major treaties are forged.”


The information in this section has been summarized from this article by Louis Palme:

Kitman is characterized by someone telling only part of a truth, for example if a Muslim were to say that Jihad refers to an “internal spiritual struggle” when actually only a few passages in the Quran refer to it that way.

Another common use of kitman is to quote peaceful passages from the Quran that actually have been “abrogated” by contradictory militant verses which have been written later and are required to take precedence.  Here is an example:

(earlier) “There is no compulsion in religion” (Surah 2:256) Early Medina

(later abrogated) “Are they seeking a religion other than Allah’s, when every soul in the heavens and earth has submitted to Him, willingly or by compulsion?” (Surah 3:83) Later Medina

Another example:

(earlier) “Permission to take up arms is hereby given to those who are attacked, because they have been wronged.” (Surah 22:39) Late Mecca

(later abrogated) “When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them.  Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” (Surah 9:5) Late Medina

Germany is projected to become an Islamic State: Almost 40 percent of under fives are now of a “migrant background”


Following is a summary of this Breitbart article:

The journalist and historian Michael Paulwitz has written an article following the Friday release of figures by Germany’s Federal Statistics office which show massive demographic changes on the horizon for Germany.  He predicts the changes will be the death of Germany’s welfare state, where “hard struggles” over resources will make native Germans “inevitably loose out.”

— Only 21 percent of the total German population currently has a migrant background, but 36% percent of German children under five currently have foreign roots.

— In the city of Berlin, people with a migration background comprise 30 percent of residents.  Germans are already a minority in its district center and many of the surrounding central districts.

— Paulwitz wrote in his article, “First in the cities, later throughout the country, ethnic Germans are to become a minority in their own city and in their own country.  Will Germany still be, in the coming years and decades, the land of the Germans when immigration of people from non-European cultures continues at a high level?  One does not need much imagination to imagine how profoundly the population picture will change within the next two decades.”

— People with foreign roots are twice as likely to be unemployed as ethnic Germans and are much more likely to be educated to only a lower secondary school level or have no education background at all.

— Current mostly ethnic German citizens of 45 to 65 years old will have retired and withdrawn from the workforce in twenty years, ceasing to pay taxes and making the social and redistributive state no longer sustainable.

— The data was collected in 2015 and it fails to include the more than 1.6 million immigrants who arrived in 2015 and the first half of 2016, or the huge number of illegal immigrants living in Germany.

— While Angela Merkel’s open door policy was a “dramatic escalation” of previous policies, even before that a quarter of people aged between 15 and 45 had foreign roots in 2014.

— Through “family reunification,” this number [1.6 million] is expected to at least double if not multiply.

— There is an “inexhaustible supply” of Arabs and Africans who want to move to Germany, which Paulwitz describes as “demanding” but “lack the education or drive to create their own wealth.”

— Ethnic Germans are “pacified” and “aging” and he forecasts “hard struggles over resources” creating a grim future for Germany.

— Considering the huge number of people with foreign roots already present and their far higher fertility rates, and with no end in sight for the country’s policies of importing hundreds of thousands of migrants a year, Germans “will inevitably loose out.”

— Sexual assaults will also continue to increase along as the migrant populations do.

— Paulwitz concludes: “A government that decides to change the ethnic and cultural structure of the country without asking its people violates the principle of popular sovereignty,” also adding that it is surprising that so few citizens are trying to fight the change at the ballot box.

Megan Kelly interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her life and her new book (with additional commentary)

Megan Kelly interviews the ex-Muslim activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who talks about her life growing up as a Muslim in Africa, and how she came to convert from the religion and become an activist while living in the Netherlands.   Ali mentions her new book “Heretic— Why Islam Needs Reformation Now,” which advocates reforming Islam.

Note: March 21, 2020— Now that I have a better understanding of Islam I don’t actually agree with with some of what is said in this video.  In it, Hirsi Ali (who is endorsed by the political Establishment) creates a false perception that “normal” Islam is not dangerous, and she claims that Islam can be “reformed” when in fact actually it realistically cannot be, and she makes those claims instead of more appropriately advocating that people leave Islam altogether.

For example, in the video they show Ali explain that when she was young in Somalia they were just “regular Muslims,” but then “things started to change,” and they started “preaching violence to women.”  I don’t doubt that the violence was increased as she says, however the statement creates a perception that Islam is not normally violent and oppressive to women, which it certainly is.

In another example, she explains that she has written a book with a “five point plan” to reform Islam by “getting rid of Sharia law,” however she still advocates that Muhammad should be considered to be God’s prophet, despite the fact that he was a mass murdering rapist and enslaver of humanity.

Video: Turkish soccer fans overwhelmingly booed and chanted during a moment of silence for the victims of the November 13 Paris nightclub attacks

At a soccer match between Turkey and Greece held in Istanbul, Turkish fans overwhelmingly booed, shouted, and whistled during a one minute moment of silence for the victims of the November 13 Paris attacks which killed 130 people.  The crowd can be heard chanting “Martyrs don’t die.  The homeland will never be divided” and “Allahu Akbar,” and later they also booed the Greek national anthem.

Some apologists claim that the fans were chanting in support of the victims of the Paris attack but that is not true for a few reasons.  First of all because Turkey is predominantly Sunni Muslim and support for ISIS exists in the country, particularly because of Turkish opposition to Kurdish rebels who ISIS also opposes.  And also the fans booed the Greek national anthem in the same manner, which the Turkish President Recep Erdogan later chastised but did not mention the moment of silence.

Also see this CBS News article about the issue.

Kirralie Smith: Australian law superior to Sharia

In this video, the Australian activist Kirralie Smith mentions many important issues with Islam.   Following is a summary of her statements:

— Some people accuse her of being divisive because she criticizes Islam, but in fact she is only pointing out what is divisive in Islam itself.  People also accuse her of promoting hate speech, but she is only criticizing the hate speech which is in the Quran and Hadith.

— She does not hate individual people but rather the ideology of Islam which condones the oppression of women and the persecution of gays and minority groups.  She highlights and exposes the violence in the Quran and Hadith, and she criticizes Muhammad condoning and encouraging rape, slavery, murder, cutting off limbs, chopping off people’s heads, and striking terror into the hearts of unbelievers.

— Some Muslims contact her privately and claim that Muslims who literally obey the Quran are not “real” Muslims, but she disagrees.  They try to argue to her that Allah and true Muslims are peaceful, and her response to them is that they should be devoting their time and energy to trying to convince devout Muslims who are violent that they are not being genuine Muslims.  Despite people claiming that groups like ISIS are not “true Muslims,” the truth of the matter is that such groups are actually following literal interpretations of the Quran and Hadith to justify their vile behavior.

—OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) nations such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Indonesia, and Malaysia actually govern according to Sharia law, which follow explicitly violent and oppressive verses of the Quran and Hadith.  Many Islamic governments strike fear into the hearts of their citizens, and they achieve “peace” by threatening to stone, whip, cut off limbs, or execute people— which is all according the the direct and explicit commands of the Quran.

— Mainstream public Muslim figures should speak out against negative practices of Muslim groups and nations, but they do not.  Also individual everyday Muslims should stop wasting their efforts on inaccurately countering critics of Islam but instead they should criticize those who practice literal interpretations of what is written in the Quran and Hadith- but those who are brave enough to do so are severely punished by other Muslims.

— Muslims are expected to consider Muhammad to be a perfect example to follow, yet he married one of his wives when she was only six years old (and he was 55).  Due to this, the practice of grown men marrying children in Pakistan is not banned because doing so would be blasphemous and against the prophet himself.  Also in Turkey there are attempts to lower the age of consent to twelve years old.

— “Do true Muslims think Allah got it right when he said ‘women are deficient in the head?’  Who is the true Muslim, the one who agrees with Allah, or the one who disagrees?”

— Allah said that gays need to be executed, and there are Imams in Australia who say Allah is never wrong and it is a justifiable response to gays according to Sharia.

— The Quran teaches Muslims that they only need to follow the rules of the countries they live in only until Sharia law takes over, which is the ultimate goal of Islam.

— Instead of criticizing Western nations for not doing enough for refugees, Muslims should campaign for Islamic nations to use their wealth to fund and house the refugees.  Middle eastern countries do little if anything to help Syrian refugees, but instead they offer to help build mosques in places like Germany for asylum seekers to spread more Islam.  Muslim countries are acting the way that they are because their goal is the Islamization of the west.

— Anyone who continues to insist that Islam is peaceful is simply not credible or believable anymore.  It is obvious that many Muslims around the world are acting on hateful literal interpretations of the Quran and the Hadith.  Some are striking terror into the hearts of unbelievers by cutting off people’s heads and limbs.  Most Islamic governments literally apply Sharia law to oppress and create fear.

— Unfortunately it is important to spread the word about the fact that there are many dangerous Muslims in the world who think that Allah and Muhammad never made any wrong commandments.

Visit Kirralie Smith’s website:  https://kirraliesmith.org/

Visit Kirralie Smith’s YouTube Channel.

Thousands of Islamic State Fighters in Syria and Iraq are ‘missing’ according to intelligence officials


Following is a summary of this Breitbart article:

Several Arab and Western intelligence agencies have reported that tens of thousands of ISIS fighters have “gone missing” in Syria, Iraq, and Libya; not being found where they are expected to be at the conclusions of conflicts.  Battles “did not yield thousands of dead or captured fighters” as expected, according to an Arab intelligence official.

“That’s why it’s worrisome – these people are gone.  They either integrated into noncombatant communities or, more likely, infiltrated into neighboring countries – to Turkey, and from there to Europe and other Middle Eastern countries, and in Libya’s case, all over North Africa,” the official said, also mentioning that 700 Tunisian fighters are unaccounted for, while thousands more are being sought.

Multitudes of ISIS mass graves containing up to 15,000 bodies have been discovered in Iraq and Syria, with hundreds remaining to be found

Image from Wikipedia: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_graves#/media/File:US_Navy_030507-M-5882G-049_Human_remains_found_at_mass_gravesites_near_a_farm_on_the_outskirts_of_Al_Mahawil.jpg
Image from Wikipedia.

The following information is from a Russia Today article

The Associated Press has gathered documents and testimonials to produce a picture of widespread atrocities in Iraq and Syria where 55 ISIS mass graves have been located in Syria and 17 in Iraq, containing as many as 15,000 victims.

The information came from a satellite intelligence firm named AllSource that matches photos from space with eyewitness accounts, and also from aid groups such as Yazda, and often from ISIS itself that brags about its atrocities of killing “infidels” and “traitors.”

An investigator for the Iraqi Kurds said, “They are beheading them, shooting them, running them over in cars, all kinds of killing techniques, and they don’t even try to hide it.”

The biggest known massacre was committed in Tikrmt in June 2014, when ISIS gunned down up to 1,700 unarmed Shiite Iraqi Air Force recruits, forcing them to shout slogans as they laid down waiting to be executed.  Thirty-six of the perpetrators were hanged for the war crime earlier this month.   Another similar massacre also happened two days earlier near Ramadi as described by survivors who played dead and escaped during the night with 15 others.

With the war still ongoing in many areas such as Hardan, which is a Kurdish area, the authorities have only roped off the mass graves for excavating the dead in the future when resources will exist to do so, currently leaving the bodies exposed to the elements, to the horror of local villagers.

Since ISIS is enemies with different sects such as Shia and Yazidis, and different ethnicities such as Kurds, and even certain Sunni tribes, there are estimated to be hundreds of mass graves that will take years to be fully mapped for their victims to be given a proper burial.

“This is a drop in an ocean of mass graves expected to be discovered in the future in Syria,” said Ziad Awad, who is cataloging the ISIS massacres.

Officials are saying many unvetted ISIS militants have been coming to Europe and the U.S., with resources of security agencies being improperly configured and stretched beyond their limits


Following are points from a CNN article:

— European security officials estimate that 30 to 40 suspected ISIS terrorists who supported the November 13 Paris shootings that killed 130 people are still at large, and they believe they are preparing for more international attacks as the resources of security agencies are stretched beyond their limits.

— The Paris attacks that killed 130 was meant to be even broader and include other countries such as the Netherlands, and an operative allegedly linked to the Paris attackers remained free for months after authorities learned of his existence.

— The European countries most at risk are the ones launching attacks against ISIS:  France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Denmark, as well as Germany.

— The US is vulnerable also due to its porous border with Mexico, and Western European passport holders can travel to the U.S. without a visa.  U.S. nationals are able to travel to and from Syria and Turkey from the U.S. via Western Europe.

— It is essentially impossible to track ISIS sympathizers and former fighters due to its structure of concentric rings of secrecy where militants are unaware of who the others are that are involved.  For example the people supplying the weapons used in the Paris attacks had no idea what they would be used for.

— The number of European passport holders who have traveled to Syria and Iraq range from 6,000 to 9,000 people, many of whom traveled to fight for ISIS.

— As ISIS suffers losses in Syria and Iraq, its fighters will return to Europe in record numbers to launch attacks and mobilize others.  Security officials say that Europe tightening security would prompt ISIS to send as many fighters there as possible in the awareness that its ability to do so would not last indefinitely.

— During the past few years a wave of foreign fighters, a general increase in the Salafi movement, and “a sky-rocketing of right-wing-motivated criminal offenses” stretched security agencies beyond their limits.  Security services in Western and Central Europe and the Balkans are operating at full capacity just by trying to identify those returning from Syria and Iraq and then trying to identify those who are a threat.  Problems arise from budget and resource constraints along with sub-optimal intelligence sharing practices.

— An example of problems arising from inadequate security measures is the fact that it took months for one of the Paris attackers Abid Tabaouni to be tracked down as he was visiting Amsterdam and Brussels, with him posting pictures online of the Amsterdam’s waterfront skyline on a few occasions.

— ISIS propaganda is focusing on overwhelmingly inciting “lone wolf” individuals to launch independent attacks such as the Orlando nightclub shootings, which is a difficult element for security services to contend with.