About an issue with a statement made by Elon Musk about United Airline’s “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” agendas for training and hiring new pilots

In 2021 United Airlines had outlined a “woke” policy of 50% of its training and hiring for pilots being only women and minorities.  Image From Wikipedia.

Lately I’ve been impressed with what Elon Musk has been saying online, for example where he has been criticizing the replacement migration that has been happening in Europe and in the U.S. (link, and link), along with criticizing other similar intentionally harmful agendas.  (See this link, this link, and this link for examples of the problems that are occurring in the U.S. and Europe due to the immigration agendas.)

However, Musk recently endorsed a Tweet that ridiculously insulted the intelligence of students at historically Black colleges in relation to United Airline’s “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” agendas.  There are things that he could have legitimately criticized, but that is not one of them.  I wonder why he did that, I think it will only have negative and counterproductive consequences.  Perhaps he may have somehow been “forced” to do it by the powers that be who may have found his other recent comments to be too relevant.

Some media outlets have been reporting about the insulting Tweet, although most of them are the type that disseminate Establishment disinformation about topics such as BLM-type issues, and many are deceitful even in their response to this issue, for example this article only says Black students are being given “the opportunity to interview with the company’s career development program for pilots,” when the full truth of the matter is that United Airlines has stated that it is implementing quotas for training and hiring women and minorities for 50% of its pilots in the coming years.  (link, and link.)

United Airlines had already been implementing “woke” agendas for years such as forcing its employees to be vaccinated, running a television ad featuring a transvestite flight attendant (who later committed suicide), and publicly criticizing the state of Georgia for passing sensible election laws that includes requiring an ID to vote.

A recent ABC News article is typical of how the Establishment media attempts to promote harmful “LGBTQ+” agendas

A December 23, 2023 ABC News article attempts to portray efforts of state legislators to implement appropriate legislation outlawing ridiculous and dangerous “LGBTQ+” agendas as somehow being harmful in itself.

The article explains that a “record number of anti-LGBTQ legislation was filed in 2023,” where “The ACLU recorded at least 508 bills targeting the community in 2023.”

First it discusses efforts of state legislators to introduce legislation meant to protect children from being given puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex change surgeries, where it calls the legislation being an “assault” and an “acute threat to [their] liberty and well-being,” and it ridiculously refers to the sex-change treatments as being “gender-affirming care for minors.”

The article quotes an ACLU official Gillian Branstetter who said, “We’ve also witnessed incredible moments of strength in states and communities across the country who have made sure this political assault does not go unnoticed or is made any easier for politicians opposed to our very existence.  ..  For transgender people and our families across the country, 2023 was a devastating year of attacks on our safety, our dignity, and our freedom.”

The article does mention the following: “Supporters of these laws believe that gender transitioning is harmful to youth and young adults.  Some say patients should wait until they are older to make this kind of health decision.”

… However it then says, “Major national medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and over 20 more agree that gender-affirming care is safe, effective, beneficial, and medically necessary,” and “Gender-affirming hormone therapy has been proven to improve the mental health of transgender adolescents and teenagers, according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine.”— All of which are insane facts themselves.

The article goes on to state the following:

At least 14 laws impacting the LGBTQ community – including restrictions on drag performances, LGBTQ content in schools and gender-affirming care – are in the midst of court battles.

Even as the year comes to an end, some of these legislative efforts continue to trudge their way forward.

In Wisconsin, the legislature is considering legislation restricting transgender participation in sports.  However, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers has vowed to combat legislation he considers harmful to the LGBTQ community.  He previously vetoed a bill that would outlaw gender-affirming care for minors.

However, several states have instead passed protections for the LGBTQ community this year, including Minnesota, Michigan, New York, and California.

New protections included historic civil rights amendments protecting LGBTQ+ people, bans on conversion therapy, cultural competency programs in schools, and more.

Infiltrated Christian denominations are much to blame for harmful LGBTQ+ agendas


Many people know someone or people who are gay that are nice people, where such people are also appropriately subtle for example.  Therefore a lot of people have been in favor of implementing legislation that imposes homosexual agendas due to having such people in mind, however not all gay people are subtle and many lesser known issues exist with the agendas as well.

While many argue that it is not necessarily harmful for same-sex couples to be married, in many cases it actually is harmful even by the standards of many who advocate for it, and I believe the agenda is harmful for society anyway due to it eroding traditional family structures along with other reasons.

I think many agendas that are being forced by the political Establishment need to be undone, including the gay marriage and gay adoption laws which have an unacceptable amount of potential for abuse, along with also being a gateway to other problems.

Federal legislation had been passed in the U.S. since 2015 that forces gay marriage onto the entire country, and I think it needs to be rescinded— perhaps in a manner that is similar to how decisions about the abortion issue have been given to the States for example, or even better through federal legislation that would actually reverse that situation in the entire country.

I think one of the most significant causes of such problems has been Christian church denominations that are infiltrated by Establishment organizations such as Freemasonry, where many churches now actually advocate for and celebrate homosexual agendas including flying “LGBTQ+” flags and pushing to implement legislation that forces such agendas onto the rest of society— despite the fact that a large number of writings in the Bible are very specific about being opposed to homosexuality.


“LGBTQ+” Issues with Protestant churches

Many Protestant denominations are not simply advocating to “forgive” and not persecute or harm homosexuals, but rather they have been working to help force the full range of harmful gay-related agendas onto society.  The churches that are most adamant about advocating to push the agendas include The United Church of Christ, Methodists (but not all of them), Episcopalians, and Presbyterians.

Evangelicals have generally been opposed to agendas such as gay marriage, however there have been attempts to convince them as well, such as this 2014 Washington Post article where an Evangelical minister is attempting to compare being opposed to “LGBT” agendas with staying silent during the Holocaust and civil rights movement.


“LGBTQ+” Issues with Catholicism

The Catholic Church had always been officially opposed to homosexuality and related issues, but Pope Francis has recently decreed that same-sex unions can be “blessed” by the Church and transsexuals can be baptized.  However diocese in certain areas such as Chicago have already been involved in “LGBTQ+” agendas such as homosexuality and transgenderism for decades.

See this article for details about those issues.


Many Christian church denominations have been infiltrated by Establishment organizations such as Freemasonry

This video that was produced by the organization Vatican Catholic
explains evidence that shows the evangelists Billy Graham and Pat Robertson are likely Freemasons, and it explains how the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Freemasonry.

[Note however that both Billy Graham and Pat Robertson never promoted homosexual agendas, and in fact they preached against it.  But their likely involvement with Freemasonry demonstrates how other Protestant leaders can be associated with the global elite as well.]


Additional information about potential Masonic involvement of Billy Graham

[Note: As I mentioned in the previous section, Billy Graham never promoted homosexual agendas and in fact he preached against it, but his likely involvement with Freemasonry is an example of how many other Protestant leaders can be associated with the global elite as well.]

Billy Graham was known as “America’s pastor” and the “Protestant Pope.”  He always publicly denied being a Freemason, however evidence exists that shows he was likely a high ranking member anyway.  Many allegations of his involvement exist online, however most of them aren’t adequately sourced.

Billy Graham’s first crusades in the late 1940’s were heavily promoted by the Establishment-associated media empire of William Randolph Hearst, which published glowing reviews of his events.  (link)

Graham was often criticized for supporting Establishment-type agendas, such as the ecumenical mission of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches whose mission was to combine all churches into one.  (link)

Graham was publicly associated with every president from Truman to Trump, and I doubt he would have been given such access if he wasn’t a member of the Masonic elite himself.

An illustration of Masonic handshakes

Billy Graham with President Truman.

Billy Graham with Jan Crouch and Paul Crouch.

Billy Graham apparently making a Masonic “Lion’s Paw” sign.


Polls about attitudes of Christians and other religions about “LGBTQ+” issues

Prior to legislation that was passed during the Obama administration in 2015 that forced the legality of gay marriage at a national level (after Obama campaigned saying that he wouldn’t do that), highly publicized polls were created such as this Pew poll that purported to show a large amount of support for gay marriage among Christians.

A 2014 Pew poll even claimed that 42 percent of American Muslims support same-sex marriage; however I think a claim of such large support among Muslims (even Westernized ones) is implausible due to the well-known anti-homosexual attitudes of the ideology (link, and link), which calls into question the legitimacy of the poll and the polling organization.

This September 2023 Newsweek article claims that a whopping 79% of Protestant Christian leaders support gay marriage, according to a 2015 PRRI poll.  The article explains that the leaders of the churches are more in favor of those agendas than the congregants, and it ridiculously claims that it is because “[the] clergy are potentially more likely to trust biblical scholars on the interpretation of scripture and how it relates to the modern-day world than the everyday churchgoer,” and it says it is because “[the clergy] are far more likely to be college-educated than their congregations.”

Polls cannot be trusted, however.  Obviously easy opportunities exist for polling organizations to skew their data at every stage of the process, so presumably they can essentially create whatever results that they want— which in the case of high profile organizations such as the Pew Research Center and the PRRI, their results could be whatever the political Establishment wants them to be.  (But don’t worry, Pew says that polls can be trusted as long as they are “well-designed.”)

Remember that even THE ELECTRONIC VOTE COUNTING MACHINES that are used everywhere are easily hackable, with that fact even being reported by the mainstream media, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that there is almost no attention being given to the question of if polls are actually legitimate or not.


Editor’s note: My opinion about “LGBTQ+” issues

I’ve always been entirely a heterosexual and I don’t understand homosexuality or what causes people to be that way.  I would think the cause is genetics, however I’ve heard it claimed that there is no known evidence for that.  So if genetics is not the cause then I think it must be due to some sort of environmental factors such as exposure to conditions while developing in the womb or when young, and I think it could be due to conditions of nurturing which could also include being abused, or perhaps it could be due to a combination of such factors.

I also believe that many people just “do it anyway” even though the preference is not really ingrained into them, especially in today’s society where people are encouraged to have bisexual mentalities due to “woke” ideologies.  I think that situation will continue to increase over time and it will have harmful consequences for society unless the promotion of it is curtailed.

I doubt it could really be possible for someone to change their sexual orientation unless they really wanted to do so, and I think it could even be a bad idea to try if someone’s sexual orientation is deeply ingrained into their nature.  For example I think it would be very unfair for a woman to be stuck with a male partner who is also attracted to males, or for her to be stuck with a male partner who is actually even only attracted to other males but is “trying” to like women.  I’ve heard that a lot of males who are abusive to females are actually frustrated homosexuals.  Likewise I think it would be a miserable situation for a woman to try to be with a male partner if in fact she finds doing so to be very unpleasant or even repulsive.

In any event I think the situations should generally be reverted to how they were in the 90’s or early 2000’s, where of course legal protections must exist to ensure that homosexuals are safe from being harmed, but also where unspoken norms are common which more or less ensure that an appropriate amount of discretion exists.

The Catholic Church is becoming more tolerant of harmful LGBTQ+ agendas

The Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Image from BigStockPhoto.

Until recently the Catholic Church had been at least officially opposed to homosexuality and related issues, but Pope Francis has decreed that same-sex unions can be “blessed” and transsexuals can be baptized.  However, diocese in many areas such as Chicago have already been involved in such agendas for decades.

This is a part of the article: “Infiltrated Christian denominations are much to blame for harmful LGBTQ+ agendas


Recent pro-“LGBTQ+” agendas of the Catholic Church

A December 18, 2023 article explains that Pope Francis has issued a decree allowing “blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex,” despite the fact that it is contradictory to the teachings of the Church.

This November 8, 2023 article explains that a recent decree from Pope Francis says that transgenders can be baptized, among the following other issues:

— Transgenders can be baptized if they had “undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery.”

— Baptism could be given to “children or adolescents with transgender issues.”

— “An adult transsexual who had also undergone hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery may be admitted to the task of godfather or godmother.”

— “There is nothing in current universal canon law that prohibits a transgender person from being a witness in a marriage.”

— And “[T]here must be a founded hope that the infant will be brought up in the Catholic religion.” (Which the article laments is something that is impossible since the child would not naturally be theirs, and due to the fact that they are actively rejecting Catholicism with their homosexual lifestyle.)


Catholic churches in many areas have been promoting “LGBTQ+” agendas for decades

Diocese in many parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world have already been engaged in “LGBTQ+” agendas for years, including endorsing all types of homosexuality and transgenderism, including for priests.

See this article that explains the history of such issues in Chicago, which founded the nation’s first officially gay Catholic parish in 1988.


Pope Francis is an agent of the New World Order

This image of Pope Francis making the Masonic “hidden hand” sign had been used to represent him in mainstream media articles.

According to the Wikipedia page for Pope Francis, he is a member of the Jesuit order and the first “Jesuit” Pope.  He is a staunch supporter of the agendas of the New World Order such as mandating that people take mRNA vaccines, “LGBTQ+” agendas, replacement migration, and imposing climate change legislation.

The society of Jesuits are a secretive controlling group that has existed since 1540, and they are the subject of many theories about their having a leading role in the New World Order, where some claim that they are the most significant controlling group.  But in any event they are controlled by the same global elite that controls Freemasonry, if they are not actually a part of it.


Previous agendas of the political Establishment infiltrating the Catholic Church

The following information is from this link:

A former Catholic Priest Piers Compton explains in his book “The Broken Cross” (link, and link) that the Papacy was subverted by the Illuminati in 1958 when John XXIII became Pope, which happened after 200 years of efforts to infiltrate the Church.  The Illuminati regarded the Catholic Church as their chief enemy and their goal was “the complete annihilation of the Catholicism and even ultimately of Christianity.  If Christianity were to revive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later revive and live.”

In 1892, Pope Leo XIII identified two Kingdoms, one is the kingdom of God on Earth and those who desire to be united with it, and the other is the kingdom of Satan being those who refuse to obey divine and eternal law and have aims in contempt of and against God.

When Leo XIII died in 1903 he was nearly replaced by a Freemason whose appointment was vetoed at the last moment, and the Illuminati then had to wait 55 additional years to gain control of the Church.

Freemason John XXIII’s first acts as Pope in 1958 was to remove the element of Divine Revelations from Catholic teaching, and to embrace naturalism, materialism, and Communism.

John XXIII was replaced by Freemason Pope Paul VI in 1963, who was also a Socialist.  In a speech to the United Nations he said: “It is your task here to proclaim the basic rights and duties of Man.  You are the interpreters of all that is permanent in human wisdom; we could almost say of its sacred character.”  “Paul also embraced a sinister symbol used by Satanists in the Sixth Century, which has been revived by Vatican Two.  …  This was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ.  Black magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages had used it for occult purposes.  It represented the ‘Mark of the Beast.’  …  Compton: ‘Yet not only Paul VI but also his successors the two John Pauls carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for the anti-Christ.’ ”

Paul VI said in 1969: “We are about to witness a greater freedom in the life of the Church … fewer obligations and fewer inward prohibitions.  Formal disciplines will be reduced … every form of intolerance will be abolished.”  “This attitude is explained by reports that from 1936-1950, the future Paul VI was part of a Communist espionage network, a part owner in a chain of brothels and financed erotic films.”

Pope John Paul II was the first non-Italian Pope since 1522, and he supported the idea of Communism and legalized secret society membership for Catholics in 1983.


The following information is from this link:

Bella Dodd (1904-1969) was a Communist Party organizer from 1932-1948 and a member of the National Council of the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) from 1944-48.  In her book “School of Darkness” (link, and link) she said Communists infiltrated and took control of liberal and socialist groups and unions such as the NY State Teachers Union.

At a lecture in 1950, Dodd said: “In the 1930s, we put eleven hundred men into the preisthood in order to destroy the church from within.”  Makow explains that the idea was for these men to be ordained and then climb the ladder of influence.  Dodd continued, “Right now they are in the highest places of the Church.  They are working to bring about change in order that the Catholic Church would not be effective against Communism.  ..  The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the church but rather the faith of the people.”  She explained that a “guilt complex” would be introduced into the church, then labeling it the “Church of the past,” to shame leaders into a more flexible attitude so Communism could gain a further foothold to undermine the Church.


Judicial Watch video: “Biden FBI Caught TARGETING Catholics!”

This November 2023 video by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch explains that his organization and the organization Catholic Vote sued the Biden FBI and Justice Department with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain documents showing that Biden’s FBI had an interest in targeting, spying on, and treating traditional Catholics as terrorists.  Fitton explains that the agenda is the same as how the Biden administration’s FBI targets parents who criticize leftist school boards and pro-life organizations.

Harmful LGBTQ+ issues have existed in the Archdiocese of Chicago for decades

A photograph of an “LGBTQ pride” flag in Chicago’s officially “gay parish” which was the center of a controversy.

Until recently the Catholic Church had at least officially been opposed to homosexuality and related issues, however diocese in many areas have already been involved in such agendas for decades, including endorsing all types of homosexuality and transgenderism, including even for priests.

This article explains the history of such issues in Chicago, which founded the nation’s first officially gay Catholic parish in 1988.  The article focuses on issues with the current Cardinal Blase Cupich and a previous Cardinal Joseph Bernardin.

[Note: Many other diocese in the U.S. and in other parts of the world have similar issues, but I’ve chosen this one to present as an example.]

This is a part of the article: “The Catholic Church is becoming more tolerant of harmful LGBTQ+ agendas



Image from Wikipedia.

Chicago’s Catholic Cardinal Blase Cupich is often reported in the mainstream media as being a “progressive” church leader and a “defender of LGBT rights.”  His policies are very much in line with the extreme anti-traditionalist views of Pope Francis, where he is often called “America’s Pope Francis” and he refers to himself as being “a product of the Second Vatican Council.”

Following are issues that show Cupich is a strong supporter of all types of extreme “LBGTQ+” agendas as well as harmful Establishment agendas in general.

— In 1997, Father Daniel Montalbano, an openly homosexual pastor of Chicago’s first officially “gay parish” was found dead in his rectory bedroom while attached to a homemade sex machine that actually killed him, as was claimed by a priest Fr. Paul Kalchik.  Kalchik explained that following the discovery of his naked body, two closets full of homosexual porn materials were found that had to be carted out along with the sex machine.   Kalchik explained the circumstances of Montalbano’s death in 2018 media interviews, after he became the center of a controversy for burning a rainbow flag with a cross superimposed on it that Montalbano displayed when he performed mass.  Soon after news of Kalchik burning the flag was reported in the media, Chicago’s heavily pro-“LGBTQ+” Cardinal Blase Cupich told the media that either Kalchik must agree to receive psychological counseling for what he had done or he would be arrested for trespassing on parish grounds, and he soon expelled Kalchik from the diocese because of it.  (link, link, and link.)

— Cupish allows a priest who advertises on the internet as a “gay masseur” who does “man to man bodywork” to host an openly homosexual group at his Catholic priory.  (link)

— Cupich supports a radical pro-homosexual priest Fr. James Martin, inviting him for speaking engagements and calling him the “foremost evangelizer” of young people in the church today.  (link, link, and video)

— Cupich has known a male transvestite Alexander Whitney for years, who had claimed in social media posts that he advises Cupich on “transgender issues,” such as saying, “For years I have communicated with Archbishop Cupich and advised him on the concerns of transgender Catholics.  I wish to announce my gratitude for the opportunity the Archbishop gave me to speak freely with him and the speed with which he removed Fr. Kalchik.  Thank you, Cardinal.”  (link)

— Cupich rejects the idea that homosexuals are more likely to commit sexual abuse, where he acknowledged the fact that the vast majority of clergy abuse is homosexual, but he claimed homosexuality is “not a cause” while not providing an explanation for the overwhelming disparity.  (link)

— Cupish referred to the former Bishop of Pittsburg Cardinal Wuerl who allegedly protected 32 predatory priests “a man of good conscience.”  (link, and link)

— When Cupish was asked by NBC News about allegations by a former high ranking Church official who claims Pope Francis knew about sexual misconduct of Theodore McCarrick before promoting him to Cardinal, he replied, “The Pope has a bigger agenda.  He’s got to get on with other things, of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the church.  We’re not going to go down a rabbit hole on this.”  The church official also said McCarrick was responsible for the Cupish’s appointment in Chicago.

— Cupish invited U.S. Bishops to a series of conferences in 2016 that featured speakers who advocated for issues such as same sex marriage, and featured a speaker who had written an essay on a Jesuit website where she said, “any claim that there are only two kinds of humans, male and female, is simplistic.”  (link)

— Cupish believes that priests should not refuse giving Communion to anybody, including politicians who advocate for agendas that are very contrary to the Church’s teachings.  (link, link, and link)

— Cupish led a youth conference in Vatican City in 2018 where he questioned the Church’s emphasis on the traditional nuclear family, saying that the Church should be more accommodating of other forms of “unusual familial circumstances.”  (link)

— Pro-life leaders in Spokane, Washington are saying Cupich urged diocesan priests and seminarians in a meeting to not go ahead with plans for peacefully praying in vigils outside of abortion clinics.  (link)

— Cupich is an aggressive advocate for gun control.  (link)

— Cupich agrees with Pope Francis’ stance about advocating for Establishment climate change agendas, saying “the ecological crisis” is “essentially a spiritual problem .. an ecological sin that requires repentance and firm purpose of amendment. .. Ecological sin is due to human greed, .. [we should] re-think our over-cooled and overheated homes and workplaces.”  (link)

— Cupich said critics of Pope Francis “Quite frankly … don’t like him because he’s a Latino.”  (link)



Image from Wikipedia.

Joseph Bernardin was the Archbishop of Chicago from 1982 until his death in 1996.  During his term he launched the nation’s first diocesan gay office, he appointed openly gay priests, and recently he had been exposed in a scandal of hiding abuse by priests in his diocese.


ABC News article: “Cardinal Joseph Bernardin helped hide priest abuse in Chicago, documents show”

Following is a summary of this January 21, 2014 WCPO Cincinnati ABC News article:

As head of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin was previously credited in the media for instituting reforms and getting rid of of guilty priests in child abuse scandals, however more than 6,000 pages of internal documents have been released in January 2014 showing that he actually helped to cover up for sexual abusers.  (link)

Joseph Bernardin was Archbishop of Chicago from 1982 until his death in 1996.

The documents include internal communications between church officials, testimony about specific abuses, and letters from distressed parishioners.

The documents were released through settlements between attorneys for the archdiocese and victims, where they show that the highest levels of the archdiocese moved accused priests from parish to parish while hiding the clerics’ histories from the public, where Cardinals John Cody, Joseph Bernardin, and Francis George approved the reassignments.

The documents cover only 30 of the at least 65 clergy for whom the archdiocese says it has substantiated claims of child abuse, and Vatican documents related to the cases were not included under the negotiated terms of the disclosure.

Following are some of the claims made in the documents:

— Bernardin not only refused to pursue a canonical trial to remove from the priesthood Rev. Norbert Maday, who was a convicted child molester, he actually increased his salary to help him in prison after loaning him $100,000 for his criminal defense.  In 1996 letter to Maday in prison, Bernardin wrote, “I have decided I will not seek your dismissal from the clerical state … I do not judge that justice and equity would be served by so severe a sanction.  You have suffered enough by your present deprivation of ministry and your incarceration.”

— Bernardin knew that Rev. John Curran molested children as early as 1990, but he promised not to disclose his knowledge of the allegations, and Curran continued to have access to children until 1995.  Bernardin then ordered Curran to go to treatment, and he was finally suspended in 1996 because he refused treatment rather than because of abuse.

— Rev. William J. O’Brien, a priest who allegedly raped a nun, abused a seminarian and had sexual relationships with married women was allowed to remain a pastor after the vicar for priests told Bernardin that demoting him would destroy O’Brien’s career and be “demoralizing” for him.  The first memo about the issue was written in 1991, and he was finally removed as a pastor in 2005 after continued sexual accusations, and he resigned from the priesthood in 2006.

— Bernardin removed Rev. Kenneth Ruge as a parish pastor and sent him to a hospital for “personal issues” after he was accused by nine boys of molesting them.  In 1992 the archdiocese was served a grand jury subpoena about him, and he was sent to treatment, but by 1994 he was working again at Catholic Charities.

— The vicar for priests wrote in a 1989 letter to Bernardin that he worried about parishioners discovering the record of the Rev. Vincent E. McCaffrey, who was moved four times because of abuse allegations.  McCaffrey admitted to molesting more than a dozen victims between 1976 and 1990, and was sentenced to 20 years for child pornography.  He wasn’t defrocked until 2010.

— A 13 year old boy reported in 1979 that a priest raped him and threatened him at gunpoint to keep quiet, and the archdiocese assured his parents that the priest would receive treatment and not have any further contact with minors.  However Rev. William Cloutier, who already had been accused of molesting other children, was returned to ministry a year later and went on to abuse again before he resigned in 1993, two years after the boy’s parents filed a lawsuit.

If a “two state solution” is not possible, then only one state should exist which is not associated with any one religion

I saw this article reporting that Israel is apologizing for striking a refugee camp where more than 70 people were killed, and this article explains that they think the conflict with Hamas will continue to last for months.

I haven’t been critical enough of Israel’s deadly and ultimately pointless bombing strategy in Gaza, which can’t be justified even “on the surface” due to how the militants infuse themselves into the population to turn the people into human shields— and the situation is actually much worse under the surface considering the fact that the global elite have been controlling all sides of the conflict anyway, including Hamas (link, and link.)

Apparently this entire conflict has been an expansionist move by Israel, among potentially other even more nefarious agendas by the global elite (link), where now unsurprisingly Israel is advocating for other parts of the world (i.e. the U.S. and Europe) to take “refugees” from Palestine (link, and link), after those people have been covertly engineered by the elite for decades to be radicalized against the West (link, link, and link.)

The antisemitism that has been happening in the West such as on campuses is something that has been engineered by the political Establishment (link, and link) in order to frighten Jews and others into not speaking out against Israel’s actions, among other reasons.

What is happening is ultimately the fault of the global elite, and by extension it is the fault of Israel since it is closer to the elite.  If there is no possibility of a “two state solution,” then the appropriate action would be for the entire area to be turned into one country— which could potentially lead to many Israeli people migrating to Western countries, where they would be entirely compatible whereas Palestinians would not be.

I like Jewish people, who are victims of the global elite just as everyone else is; but as the current conflict demonstrates the idea of a “homeland for Jews” is unnecessary and harmful under the circumstances, especially when you view the actual truth of what has been happening in the world.

Why are many protesting the current Israel-Palestine conflict but they didn’t do so for other more deadly Middle East conflicts?

I’m very opposed to how Israel is bombing Palestine, but I agree with people who have been pointing out the fact that many Muslims and others have been protesting this conflict while they hadn’t said much at all about more deadly conflicts in the Middle East where Israel wasn’t fighting.

While many people claim that Muslims simply have an issue with Jews being involved in the conflict, there are other factors as well such as essentially all activists groups being controlled by the political Establishment.

In this video, Fox News’ Judge Jeanine explains that there were no protests when ISIS was killing and beheading Arabs in Syria, Libya, and Iraq; there were no protests when dictators in Syria and Libya killed 100,000 Arabs; and protests also didn’t occur when 400,000 Yemenis were killed by Saudi Arabia; and she thinks activist groups are now coming out en mass since Jews are involved in the current conflict.


Almost all activist groups are controlled by the political Establishment

The protests that have been happening about the conflict aren’t actually “naturally occurring outpourings of concern,” but rather they are being directed by the same global elite who are creating the conflict in the first place (link, and link), through their covert control of the activist groups.

See this video that explains how Black Lives Matter leaders are tied to international Communism and Palestinian terrorism.

See this video that explains a leftist plan that is being implemented by the political Establishment which is calling for guerrilla warfare in the streets of the U.S. to facilitate the establishment of Communism in the country.


This mainstream news article says that Black students in Universities have “a history of solidarity with Palestinians” due to the Black Lives Matter movement being attached to Palestinian activism, where it says that there is a kinship between Blacks and Palestinians due to “settler colonialism” and it claims that what is happening in Palestine “resembles the experience that [Blacks] are seeing at home.”

However, the BLM movement’s claims are proven to be deceptively inaccurate in order to empower harmful ulterior motives (link), which most of its members must be aware of, therefore many of such people must have some sort of alternate motives for their activism— such as potentially looking to show themselves as being willing to go along with Establishment agendas in order to help secure their placement into the workforce after they graduate.


Was Palestine an “open air prison” before the current conflict?

Israel left the Gaza Strip entirely in 2005, however Palestinians soon voted Hamas into power, where it then took totalitarian control of the region and engaged in terrorist attacks against Israel such as rocket attacks and suicide bombings, which led to Israel implementing a blockade of the Gaza Strip where entry and exit from the area were prohibited from the sea and air, and the flow of goods and people were restricted.

Despite Palestine having such problems (that were almost entirely caused by Hamas), it was not a “concentration camp” or an “open air prison” as was often claimed by Establishment activists and media.

This video that was made in 2021 explains the harmful behavior of Hamas towards Palestinians.

This video shows the streets of Gaza in the week before the October 7th terrorist attacks.


What are the attitudes of Palestinians about Israel and the October 7th attacks?

Of course not all Palestinians support Hamas, but many do.  A December 14, 2023 Reuters poll claims that 72% percent of Palestinian respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the attack of southern Israel was “correct” given its outcome so far, while only 22% said it was “incorrect.”

The goals of Hamas are ultimately “offensive” and not “defensive,” as they are based on Islamic Jihadist scripture.  See this video that explains the stages of Jihad.

In 1988, Hamas wrote its first charter where it advocated for the obliteration of Israel through Jihad, the rejection of peaceful settlements with Israel, and it incited to kill Jews by citing scripture from the Quran.  See this article about that matter.

Many Muslims who hate Jews do so simply because they are told to do so by their scripture, and because they are told to do so by their leaders rather than being due to actual grievances; although some have grievances as well, especially recently in Palestine.

This video explains that Palestinian children have been systematically taught in their public schools and elsewhere to hate Jews; where their textbooks advocate for violent Jihad and even suicide bombing, and the state of Israel is not even depicted on their maps.

This article contains video clips from a Palestinian children’s show that was created from 2007 to 2009 that focused on creating violent incitement against Jews and Westerners, including advocating for the children in its audience to be suicide bombers

This article explains that footage exists of thousands of Palestinians celebrating when they learned about the 9/11 attacks, also explaining that most of the footage was suppressed by the Associated Press.

A new ridiculous big-budget Hollywood film depicts the U.S. descending into a civil war

A trailer has been released for a Hollywood movie “Civil War” which depicts a large insurrection in the U.S. where 19 states have seceded from the Union and the country has a “three term President,” with the U.S. military being shown engaging in battles with “right wing” insurgents including in Washington D.C.

The movie which is set to open on April 26 is attempting to create an impression that people who are opposed to the corrupt direction of the U.S. are some sort of dangerous extremists.  The movie is made by Alex Garland, who wrote the movies “28 Days Later,” “Ex Machina,” and “Annihilation.”

The premise of the movie is particularly far-fetched since almost nobody had even bothered to simply even be activists about the fact that the Covid vaccines which people were forced to take were easily proven to be useless and deadly for example, along with only few people being activists about any of the other crazy issues that have been happening as well.


This FreedomToons cartoon depicts the difference between how conservatives are portrayed in the Establishment media versus how most of them actually are.

Islamic gunmen massacred at least 140 Christians in Nigeria in unprovoked attacks between December 23 and Christmas Eve

[Note the death toll has since risen to 160, as this Jihad Watch article explains.]

The Associated Press has reported that at least 140 people were killed by gunmen over two days in remote villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state, where the assailants targeted 17 communities in unprovoked attacks and most of the houses in the area were burned down, which the Governor of the area Caleb Mutfwang explained in a broadcast on local television.

Mutfwan said, “As I am talking to you, in Mangu local government alone, we buried 15 people.  As of this morning, in Bokkos, we are counting not less than 100 corpses.  I am yet to take stock of (the deaths in) Barkin Ladi..  It has been a very terrifying Christmas for us here in Plateau.”

Amnesty International Nigeria’s office told the Associated Press that it has so far confirmed 140 deaths in the Christian-dominated Bokkos and Barkin-Ladi areas based on data compiled by its workers on the ground and from local officials, though locals fear a higher death toll with some people unaccounted for.

(Another report explains that an official of the Bokkos Local Government said that the attacks started occurring on Saturday and continued into when the residents were celebrating Christmas Eve.)

Some of the locals said that it took more than 12 hours before security agencies responded to their call for help.  Sunday Dawum, a youth leader in Bokkos said, “I called security but they never came.  The ambush started 6 in the evening but security reached our place by 7 in the morning.”  At least 27 people were killed in his village including his brother, he said.

The AP report says, “No group took responsibility for the attacks though the blame fell on herders from the Fulani tribe, who have been accused of carrying out such mass killings across the northwest and central regions …”  (However note that as is typical for such media outlets, the report did not mention the fact that the Fulani are Muslims, which is the most significant aspect of the issue being spoken about.)

Amnesty International Nigeria director Isa Sanusi told the AP that the Nigerian government haven’t taken any “tangible action” to protect lives and ensure justice for victims in the conflict-hit northern region, saying, “Sometimes they claim to make arrests but there is no proof they have done so … The brazen failure of the authorities to protect the people of Nigeria is gradually becoming the ‘norm.’”