“End the lockdown” protests are often infiltrated with gun wielding protesters

I think it is fishy that many of the “end the lockdown” protests that are happening in the U.S. often prominently feature people who are brandishing what are essentially assault rifles, which the media then focuses on to cast the protests and associated anti-Establishment views as being “dangerous.”  I think it is important that people are allowed to own such rifles, but I usually disagree with “open carry” laws where people can carry guns in public in such a manner (as opposed to “concealed carry.”)  In many if not most cases the people attending the rallies who are carrying such weapons are actually covertly pro-Establishment and anti-gun activists who are involved in “Cointel pro”-type operations seeking to neutralize the effectiveness of the protests.

For example, this article on the leftist media outlet “The Guardian” details issues with the protests that are happening at the capitol building in Michigan, explaining that protesters are bringing guns, Confederate flags (despite the fact that Michigan is way in the North of the U.S.), nooses, and swastikas to the protests; and a video interview of Michigan’s leftist extremist governor Gretchen Whitmer is shown where she implies that all of the protesters at the capitol share the views of the most extreme ones.  In reality, it is almost certain that most if not all of the controversial protesters at that event have been sent by the political Establishment in order to discredit it.

No gun can protect a citizen from a government’s armed forces, however gun ownership is still necessary for people to protect themselves when the government can not or (often intentionally) will not protect them.

(Also note: I think Henry “Kiki” Watson’s statements in the article following this one are what the Establishment has somehow “told” him to say for whatever reason, although that is just speculation on my part.  I doubt the extremity of his mentality is particularly common in any event, although I’m sure there are some people who actually think that way.)

Independent article: “Rioter in infamous footage of trucker being pulled from vehicle says ‘nothing has changed’ since 1992”

Reginald Denny was randomly pulled from his truck and nearly killed by black L.A. rioters in 1992, with the footage of the attack being recorded and broadcast by a news helicopter.

Henry “Kiki” Watson who took part in the random brutal attack on Reginald Denny during the Rodney King riots in L.A. in 1992 is explaining in this recent article that essentially he is the real victim since he is black (despite the fact that he only received less than six months in jail for the attack.)  (Here is a video of the attack.)

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Episode: “Just Tell Him You’re The President”

I happened to see this video segment from the Jerry Seinfeld “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” show that featured Barack Obama.  Of course Obama comes across as being a very nice guy, but his persona is one that was cultivated by the political Establishment in order to shield themselves from criticism while they were forwarding their harmful agendas, including the covertly anti-black “Black Lives Matter” organization.  I notice that this video got over 30 million views so far since it was posted in 2015.

Trump is controlled by the same political Establishment, but he is playing an entirely different type of role.  His “job” is to make anti-Establishment views seem bigoted and unworkable, and I think his supposedly being “persecuted” by the Establishment is mostly just a distraction from the fact that he is not actually following through on many of his promises.  Nonetheless I think he is definitely preferable to what a Clinton Administration would have been since he at least purports to be anti-Establishment, but I think his supporters are letting a crucial opportunity slip past by not properly criticizing him.

A man in Canada dressed as a police officer and driving a police car killed at least eighteen people, and the U.S. media essentially isn’t even mentioning it

Gabriel Wortman went on a shooting rampage in Canada while disguised as a police officer, killing at least eighteen people.  Wortman’s police car replica was so meticulous that it was only identified because of its ID being in the wrong location.

Following is a summary of this Brietbart article:

A wealthy 51 year old denturist went on a shooting rampage across northern Nova Scotia, Canada over a twelve hour period on Sunday while disguised as a police officer and driving a meticulously detailed replica of a police car, where he eventually killed sixteen [now the total is at least eighteen] people before being shot by police.  It was the worst mass shooting in Canadian history.  The perpetrator Gabriel Wortman put much planning into the attack, with his mock police car being so accurate that it was identified only because he painted its vehicle ID in the wrong location.

Wortman owned a denture clinic and several properties in Nova Scotia, with his business being successful enough to make him a millionaire.  Canada’s Globe and Mail reported that Wortman “Had shown an obsession for policing, buying law enforcement memorabilia and boasting about his hobby of refurbishing old police cruisers.”  One of his neighbors described his house as a “shrine” to the Canadian police and called his obsession with police memorabilia “freaky,” and Wortman had previously been seen driving his police car replicas while wearing a police uniform long before his shooting spree.


[NOTE: Surprisingly the mainstream U.S. media essentially isn’t even mentioning the shooting happening even though Wortman was white and therefore fits the Establishment’s “narrative” of someone who perpetrates such attacks.

Ownership of handguns in Canada is highly regulated and difficult to achieve, which presumably deprived many of Wortman’s victims of potentially being able to defend themselves.  Yet Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he would move ahead with additional gun control legislation in response to the shooting.

If people such as Wortman want to harm people they would find a way to do so even if they would not have access to a gun to do it, while at the same time people would not be able to effectively defend themselves against such attacks if they themselves did not have a gun.  Laws that outlaw guns disarm law abiding citizens while criminals mostly keep their guns.  Perhaps the U.S. media didn’t mention the shooting happening because it demonstrated the futility of gun laws in stopping shootings, or perhaps the shooting wasn’t one that the political Establishment was behind instigating and thus they don’t want to promote it.

More people should carry a gun in their knapsack or purse.  A recent example of a concealed weapon saving many lives was in December of 2019 when someone attempted to go on a shooting rampage in a Texas church but was immediately stopped by its armed security.  Also this article details a list of eleven recent situations where a “good guy with a gun” stopped violent attacks.  All religious congregations and schools should certainly be protected by people who have concealed weapons.]

Brannon Howse video: “Coming Military Draft For U.S. Girls & Forced Social Justice Community Service For U.S. Students?”

From its video page:

Part 1 of 2 in this series by Brannon Howse.

On March 25, 2020 a report was released that was commissioned by President Obama & John McCain in 2016.  The commission is recommending to the U.S. Congress that all women 18-26 register for the Selective Service and be subject to any future military draft.  Why is this dangerous for American families and the U.S. military?  The commission is also calling on the U.S. Congress to implement social justice brainwashing disguised as service learning & a required controversial & invasive federal test for middle school & high school students.  The commission recommends to the U.S. Congress that their radical plans include homeschool students.  Brannon explains the long history and radical players behind the goals of this commission and their March 2020 report.

Brannon Howse video: “National Test & Curriculum to Create Socialist Voters & Globalist Thinkers?”

In part 2 of this series, Howse continues to explain how the political Establishment wants to use the findings of its recently published Obama and McCain commission to force leftist indoctrination of kids under the guise of “national service,” with the current Coronavirus issue potentially being used as an excuse for doing so.

Howse also explains that he has been exposing such agendas of the Establishment since the early 1990’s.  For example at about 52 minutes into the video he explains when he spoke at a school board meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1996 where the Hillary Clinton-appointed person who was supposed to debate him backed out of doing so, leaving the entire 90 minutes of the meeting open for him to explain the frightening aspects of what was being attempted to be implemented; after which the audience of about a thousand people gave him a standing ovation, which frightened the political Establishment so much that they had the local corrupt newspapers publish front page articles and cartoons comparing him to the Ku Klux Klan and the blacklisting of the 1950’s.

[Note—  I continue to be impressed with how Brannon Howe exposes the Cultural Marxist agendas of the global elite.  It is very important for people to have an understanding of that topic.

The Establishment doesn’t like “labels” to exist for opposition to its agendas, and therefore it attempts to demonize the term “Cultural Marxism” by publishing a lot of articles that claim it to be an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” such as this “Southern Poverty Law Center” article.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is a corrupt Establishment organization that is used as a weapon by the global elite to silence dissent against its agendas, for example it falsely labeled the anti-Islamization activist Robert Spencer as a “hate group,” and thus credit card companies and fund raising platforms refuse him the right to do commerce, as this article explains.]

The “Killing Europe” documentary by Michael Hansen

This is a documentary that details the horrific situation that is happening in Europe due to the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening there.

This video was removed from Amazon and YouTube in 2019 due to it supposedly being “hate speech” because it “encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group.”  It is now on BitChute.

[Note that ultimately it is the Masonic Lodge that is most responsible for the problems that are happening in Europe.  The countries in Europe such as the UK are Masonic tyrannies, and the Freemasons also control the media including much of the supposed “alternative media.”]

[Note: March 21, 2022 — I have embedded the video in this article.  I don’t agree with everything that the channel hosting the video says, but I appreciate that Bitchute allows people to have freedom of speech.]

World View Weekend video: “Pandemic At Center of Globalist & Psychological Warfare Against Freedom”

Brannon Howse of World View Weekend explains that the World Economic Forum’s “Wheel of Strategic Intelligence” interactive website specifically details the Establishment’s agenda of making use of the public trauma created by the Coronavirus issue to help usher in a totalitarian world government.

[Note— I’m very impressed with this media outlet that I’ve only just recently discovered.  I’m amazed that I’ve never heard of it before!]

A Muslim Somalian truck driver randomly stabbed four women at a Knoxville, Tennessee truck stop, killing three of them

Idris Abdus-Salaam

Following is a summary of this WBTV article:

A 33 year old Durham, North Carolina based truck driver Idris Abdus-Salaam randomly stabbed four women who were working at a Knoxville truck stop in the early morning, killing three of them.  He was shot and killed by police after refusing to drop his knife.

From left to right: Patricia ‘Denise’ Nibbe, Joyce Whaley and Nettie Spencer have died in the attack. They were all employees of the Pilot rest stop.

[Note that Abdus-Salaam was most likely a Somalian migrant who was brought into the U.S. by the “Refugee Resettlement Program.”  Truck drivers are very well-paid, yet he still felt the need to massacre innocent people for his religion.  This is yet another example of why more people should carry a concealed gun in their knapsack or purse.]

Brannon Howse Speaks With Tom Littleton About Christian Colleges Inviting Jihadis to Brainwash Students

Branon Howse speaks with Tom Littleton explaining issues with major conservative Evangelical organizations in the U.S. such as the Moody Bible Institute and major bible colleges being co-opted by the political Establishment in order to dupe Christians into supporting Jihadist Islamism.  They explain that the radical Islamic organization the Muslim Brotherhood (also see this link) is a driving force behind the agenda.

Howse explains that traditionally conservative Evangelical churches in America have been heavily penetrated by the political Establishment because they had been one of the last lines of defense in the country against the corrupt agendas of the elite, and he explains that such infiltration has actually even turned such churches into one of the greatest threats to America.  He also mentions that his book “Marxianity” explains such agendas of the political elite in detail.

[Note:  The Muslim brotherhood is a Masonic organization, and Freemasonry is also the most significant force behind the Illluminati’s infiltration of Churches.  Many Christian leaders are also Freemasons, however Freemasonry is not actually compatible with Christianity.

Also note, Littleton mentioned that Obama had chosen the eighteen U.S. States where the Islamic “Refugee Resettlement” program is taking place, however the program was actually established by Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter in the early 1980’s.  See this article for a detailed summary of that program.]