Paul Watson explains that the same people who previously fomented the horrible conflicts in the Middle East will all be back in force with the same agendas if Joe Biden wins the election. [Also note that if Harris takes Biden’s place (which would likely happen), then I think such activities by her would be enthusiastically cheered by feminist organizations because they would claim that it shows she is a “strong woman.”]
Pennsylvania’s Governor is now mandating that people wear masks inside their homes, but he previously intentionally sent COVID-infected patients into nursing homes

A Gateway Pundit article explains that Pennsylvania’s governor Tom Wolfe has announced new COVID restrictions that include ordering people to wear masks inside their own homes, and it is now also mandated that anyone who visits the state must get tested within 72 hours before entering the state or be quarantine for 14 days.
Fortunately though his new orders don’t have much teeth as such quarantines are not planned to be enforced by the police, however Oregon’s governor Kate Brown is mandating and enforcing penalties of 30 days in jail and/or a $1,250 fine for anyone who hosts more than six people over the thanksgiving Holiday.
Despite Wolfe’s supposed concern about stopping the spread of COVID, it has been shown that him along with three other Democrat governors intentionally sent COVID-infected patients into nursing homes during the start of the pandemic, as this News of Interest.TV article explains. The mainstream news such as the Associated Press has even widely reported about that situation, but surprisingly (or not-so-surprisingly, unfortunately) almost nobody knows about that happening, and no charges have been filed.
Also see the article: Reports of COVID-19 cases are being radically exaggerated by the political Establishment.
Washington D.C. Police estimate that the attendance of the Trump march topped over one million
The mainstream media such as this corrupt NPR broadcast are trying to downplay the large attendance at the March in Washington D.C. on Saturday. This video shows the reality of the situation.
(Note NPR has also been behaving as if Biden has already won the election. It is most likely that Trump will end up winning, but such media outlets already behaving as if Biden is the president will cause a lot of unrest when that happens.)
Dr. Anthony Sutton explains how the Western political Establishment secretly financed and supported international Communism and Nazism
This video is an interview of Dr. Anthony Sutton who was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, who wrote the books “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy,” “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists,” and “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.”
In this video Sutton explains how the Western political Establishment secretly financed the Communist Soviet Union throughout its existence, including during the height of the cold war and Vietnam war when the U.S. supplied it with raw materials and technologies that were used against U.S. troops in Vietnam; and he also explains how they supplied Adolph Hitler with technology and raw materials before and during World War II, along with the U.S. intentionally avoiding bombing certain German factories.
“Trump supporters” were accused by the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus of spray painting on gravestones at a Jewish cemetery on the day before the election

A local news report in Michigan reported on the day before the presidential election that vandals spray painted “MAGA” and “TRUMP” on headstones at a Jewish cemetery in Michigan, and it says that The Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus released the following statement about it: “The desecration at Ahavas Israel is evocative of the febrile political atmosphere our country finds itself in right now. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Time and again, the President of the United States has sided with antisemites, white supremacists, racists, and bigots of all kinds. Now, our country is paying the price. Tomorrow, we will end it.”
Is it possible that… perhaps it wasn’t Trump supporters who did that?
How Islam has already conquered Europe
I just found this Alex Jones Infowars video that was created in 2018 talking about the out of control immigration situation that is happening in Europe. This will be the situation in the United States if Joe Biden is allowed to steal the election. (Note the last few minutes of the video contain graphic images.)
See this article, and this article on News of Interest.TV containing much summarized information about issues with Islam.
Also see this article, and this article about Biden’s extreme and dangerous immigration agendas.
Video of CNN’s “Van Jones” crying while claiming that Joe Biden won the election
The election certainly isn’t over, but all of the Establishment media outlets have been celebrating Biden’s supposed “win” non-stop to make his supporters simply assume that it is the case. In this video, CNN’s “Van Jones” goes on a ridiculous blubbering rant making all sorts of false and exaggerated claims about Trump.
The election isn’t over yet, but Trump could have won easily if he really wanted to
I see that the most corrupt of the mainstream media outlets have declared Joe Biden to be the winner of the election, but the election is not over yet, and in fact there is much reason to be believe that Trump might end up winning.
Most of the in-person voting machines were almost certainly able to be hacked, so really nothing about the election is legitimate. Also there are all sorts of reports about fraud happening with the post-election counting (see here, and here), however NPR is trying to claim that there isn’t any fraud by cherry-picking a minor inaccuracy in a Millie Weaver report, then going on to say that such people should be censored, calling her reports “worrisome to misinformation researchers.”
In any event, Trump would have been widely supported and popular if not for his constant intentionally ridiculous and divisive communication, as well as if he would have effectively pointed out the fact that the police don’t have a homicidal bias. But since he at least generally has anti-Establishment views it makes him preferable, because at least he is something to work with. However, none of Trump’s supporters were able to figure out when they needed to criticize and correct him, therefore none of them were capable of making anything happen. I think Alex Jones certainly should have criticized Trump more as well.
It would be a terrible situation if Trump lost, incredible amounts of harmful corruption would be unleashed through Biden / Harris and the media would constantly cover it up. I think if Trump’s supporters weren’t able to even figure out when to correct him for his gaffes, then they certainly wouldn’t be able to overcome the evil that a Biden Administration would bring.
Actually though, it is possible that Trump could end up winning the election if fraud can be proven in court, which Rodger Stone explains is what he thinks will happen on the Alex Jones Show. Obviously fraud is happening, it is just a matter of accumulating enough evidence and presenting it in court, which would be easy for Trump to do.
Also Joe Biden said in the first debate that he would not declare victory until the election is independently certified, yet he has totally gone against his word.
I’m worried about what would happen if it turns out that Trump actually wins the election with so many people thinking Biden is now the president. I’m sure that it would cause thousands of Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters all over the country to riot.
(I also see that Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani actually just said “The next U.S. administration will surrender to the Iranian nation”!)
The recent Texas Biden / Trump supporter highway incident is not as most people think it is
Which vehicle is at fault here?
The media is talking about a situation where Trump supporters surrounded a Biden campaign bus while driving down the road in Texas, with a traffic altercation happening because of it. Footage is trending of a white minivan being rammed by one of the Trump trucks, at this link.
It was rather juvenile for the Trump caravan to be there in the first place, but the white minivan was actually trying to run the truck off the road, so the truck needed to push back. The above footage that most people are seeing only shows the truck pushing back. Biden then made a big deal out of the situation and cancelled his appearance saying he was attacked by Trump supporters, ect..
However, if you watch THIS video (near the end of it,) it shows that the white van was actually at fault in the altercation by trying to run the truck off the road.
(I wish people would post elsewhere than Twitter, but that is where this story is.)
Anyway, Trump isn’t that great but he is preferable. Biden and Harris are unbelievably corrupt. People need to be careful— the political Establishment cultivates an image of the Democrats being the “compassionate good guys” in order to use them as a cover to propagate their most corrupt agendas. Trump isn’t very palatable to many people on the surface, but his policies are more against the corrupt Establishment. Don’t ever vote for a Democrat no matter how “foreign” it might feel not to do so!
No rational person would believe that 32% of black people think whites will attack them at the polls, yet CBS News is reporting that anyway
Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in a zombie movie where everyone has gone either stupid, corrupt, or both.
A good example of why I think that is this CBS News broadcast that is attempting to claim that 32% of black people think that they will be intimidated or attacked by whites when they are voting! They are basing that claim on some “Axios” poll, however any such “polls” can say whatever they want to say— ultimately they are just some person typing the text of what they want people to think that a “poll” says.
I don’t think any rational person would believe that 32% of black people actually think that they will be harassed or attacked by whites when voting. I’m sure that some black people would be concerned about that, there are a few cases of white people acting in such a manner. Trump did also say that people should volunteer to watch the polls, but of course that doesn’t mean that black people would be harassed by them.
How would any black person even think that they would be “harassed” in that situation anyway? I just can’t envision it. Do they think that a white person will say to them, “When you come out of the booth, tell me how you voted, and if you voted for Biden— you’ll be sorry!” Or do they think that white people will bring them into the booth at gunpoint for them to cast their vote? Perhaps these black people would assume that to be the case, but I just don’t accept that it would be a widespread view.
If it is in fact true that 32% of black people actually think that they will be harassed or attacked by white people at the polls, it is because the Establishment media has been blowing a statement that Trump made way out of proportion, as usual.
In any event, what would “people watching the polls” as Trump suggested accomplish anyway though? What is there to “watch for”? I guess they could make sure that they are not letting people vote without IDs, which I suppose could happen, but in any event it is more likely that the machines themselves will already be rigged.