The current “border crisis” between Texas and the U.S. federal government is mostly a charade

This video explains that while the news media has been reporting a “crisis” happening between Texas and the U.S. federal government where the U.S. has been cutting through barbed wire that Texas has been putting up, portions of the “border wall” are actually open for migrants to cross through starting as close as half a mile from where the controversy exists.

[Note though that there are still questions of states rights vs. federal rights when it comes to immigration enforcement.  Actually I think it would be preferable for federal rights to have precedence in immigration issues since it would combat the harmful policies of “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states” once the federal legislation has been corrected (which is possible if an awakening will happen).

I believe the most effective deterrents to illegal immigration are to stop allowing migrants to apply for amnesty, ending the policy of birthright citizenship for illegal migrants, erecting a physical barrier that is actually effective, and deporting new migrants who illegally come into the country after those policies have been implemented.]

Mark Dice explains the border showdown between Texas and the federal government

In this video, Mark Dice explains the situation of the U.S. federal government attempting to tear down barbed wire barriers in a Texas state park where the state of Texas has been trying to impede the flow of illegal migrants coming over the border, along with other issues.

Dice explains that such a tactic of states is nothing new, where Democrat states allow “sanctuary cities” that interfere with the operations of the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop them from deporting illegal migrants.

He also explains the dangers of the situation of unvetted people coming over the border; the ease it is for anyone to claim asylum; the fact that such migrants are given asylum hearings as far away as ten years from now or more; the fact that there are at least 30 million illegal migrants in the country now; he explains Joe Biden’s plan to give a path of citizenship to all of the illegal migrants that are in the country; he explains California’s plan to give free health care to illegal migrants; and he shows video clips of politicians such a Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Chuck Shumer who previously spoke against illegal immigration.

Migrants are going door-to-door in New York City asking for money

This video explains that migrants are panhandling door-to-door in New York city neighborhoods.  [Note: Mayor Eric Adams shouldn’t be let off the hook because he has started speaking against the migration agenda.  He allowed it to happen for years knowing what the result was going to be. (link)]


Image from Wikipedia.

Many people across the U.S. post signs in their yards that say, “WE BELIEVE: Black Lives Matter, No Human is Illegal, Love is Love, Science is Real, etc, etc..”  I wonder how people living in those houses would respond to random migrants constantly knocking on their doors asking for money and to be taken into their homes to be housed.


This article on the website Border Hawk News explains that migrants are congregating and leaving a mess in the many local parks and neighborhoods in Manhattan such as Tompkins Square Park.


This video says the migrants living in New York City are being evicted from the (expensive) hotels where they have been housed for over a year.  I think many of such migrants will end up being distributed to towns across the United States and to areas such as the West coast.

Nearly 12,000 incoming illegal migrants have been processed in the Tucson sector of Arizona in the past week

(Click on the image to view its video.)

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article:

[Note the original article uses the Border Patrol’s term “apprehended” which I think creates an inaccurate impression of what is happening, so instead I’m using the phrase “being processed” where the migrants are usually signed up for asylum hearings in the future and in the meantime they are usually released into the interior of the U.S.]

The Tucson, Arizona Sector Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin posted a video which explains that the Border Patrol processed nearly 12,000 illegal migrants during the past week in that area, which is up from just under 10,000 one week earlier.

During the first three reporting periods in January, Tucson agents processed nearly 35,000 migrants (which is about 1,662 per day).  During the same period last year, about 10,200 were processed (which was about 486 per day).

Unofficial reports for December show that about 80,000 were processed by Tucson agents (which was about 2,500 per day).

2,500 year old lost cities have been discovered in Ecuador (Updated)

A new type of laser mapping technology known as LIDAR reveals lost cities in the foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes.

[UPDATE: This is actually summarized from this AP article:]

A cluster of lost cities has been reported as discovered in Ecuador, South America, which were established around 500 B.C. and were habituated for about 1,000 years.  The area is estimated to have been home to at least 10,000 farmers and perhaps as many as 30,000 at its peak.

Recent mapping by laser-sensor LIDAR technology reveals the lost cities which was a dense network of settlements and roadways in the forested foothills of the Andes.

The settlements date to about the same time period as the Roman Empire, and it predates the Aztec, Incan, and Mayan civilizations.  [Note: But it does not predate the much older Caral pyramids in Peru that date to about the same time period as the Egyptian pyramids.]

Earthen mounds and buried roads in the area were first noticed more than two decades ago by the archeologist Stéphen Rostain, who said he initially was not sure of how it all fit together.  He has recently reported his findings in the journal Science.

The people who inhabited the area are called the “Upano.” Instead of building with stone as the Incans and Mayans did, they built with mud in an elaborate system of organized labor.

The buildings were residential and ceremonial and they were erected on more than 6,000 earthen mounds, where they were surrounded by agricultural fields with drainage canals.  The largest roads were 10 meters wide and stretched for 6 to 12 miles.

[Note: January 21, 2024— I’m very impressed with Native American culture, I think it is amazing how they accomplished what they did without having contact with other cultures.  See the videos on this page.  This video is one of my favorites (personally I recommend watching the second one in the series that I linked to here before the first one.)]

A black rapper has announced a baby shower for five different women that he has impregnated

This video explains that a New York rapper announced a baby shower for five different women that he has impregnated.

I think it is almost a certainty that those kids will be paid for with welfare money if for no other reason than they will be able to get away with it, but even if not almost all of many others in similar situations are paid for that way.

Many black people have been conditioned to think of themselves as being victims such as by BLM propaganda for example, and as a result many use it to rationalize behavior such as his.

The people who run the world actually see dysfunctional mentalities such as his as being ideal for the coming New World Order.

“Watch: Iranian National Who Illegally Entered U.S. Issues Dire Warning About Biden’s Open Borders”

Following is from this Infowars article:

An Iranian national who illegally entered the United States from the open southern border gave a dire warning about the future of America’s national security should it go to war with China or Iran.

The Iranian national told journalist Ben Bergquam in Jacumba, California, that terrorist sleeper cells have likely already exploited the collapsed border and positioned themselves for attacks should a conflict break out with China or Iran.

“If an incident between U.S. and China occur in Taiwan, what will these people do?” the man asked as he pointed to the many other illegal aliens around him.

“Are they on the side of the U.S. or will they take China’s side?  I don’t know.  And no one knows.”

The Iranian national described the route he took to reach the U.S. southern border, and said potential terrorists are likely using a similar route.

“I come to Turkey, Turkey to Mexico, Mexico to United States,” he said.

“What would prevent a terrorist from doing the same thing?”  Bergquam asked.

“Nothing.  Exactly.  Nothing,” the man said.

The man went on to say that Joe Biden is a clear and present danger not just for the U.S., but for the entire world due to his destructive inflationary spending policies which could trigger a worldwide recession.

“If the U.S. falls, everyone falls,” he said.

This comes just days after an Iranian national with terrorism ties was apprehended crossing the U.S. at the northern border at a Niagara Falls port of entry.


Of course, Alex Jones recently warned of terrorist sleeper cells embedding themselves in the U.S. using the open border to sneak in amid Israel’s conflict with Hamas.

“It’s clear that Hezbollah and Hamas have tens of thousands of men and women as sleeper cells that are, quote, ‘other than Mexican,’ that the Border Patrol lists every month, tens of thousands coming across the Texas and Arizona and California sectors,” Jones told Tucker Carlson.

“And it’s an easy equation to predict that there’s a wide probability that Hezbollah and Hamas, at some point, are going to attack sports stadiums.  They’re going to attack colleges.  They’re going to attack synagogues.  They’re going to shoot up mass gatherings if they’re given the order by Iran, if we go to war with Iran.”

“And then when this happens, our government won’t get in trouble for dissolving the border and letting these people come in, just like on 9/11, our government clearly had prior knowledge.  There was clearly a major stand-down that went on.  And the government got more power, [and] more control.  And now they’re not pointing the homeland security apparatus at the Russians like they did in the Cold War or the Islamists after 9/11,” he added.

Even FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted to Congress in October that Hamas could launch a surprise attack inside America as they did inside Israel on Oct. 7.


[Editor’s Note— Iran is actually covertly controlled by the same political Establishment that controls the Biden administration (link, and link), however a danger of people being aware of that is the fact that it can lead to people believing that it makes the country “not be a threat,” since most people do not understand the actual insidious nature of the Illuminati global elite.

Contrary to what some might think, Iran was not subjugated by the elite in order to “protect” the West or anyone else, but rather it was done in order to eventually make use of the country as a weapon against the West in order to help usher in the elite’s totalitarian New World Order.]

Trump is promising to fix the illegal immigration issues in the U.S. if he is elected

In this video of Trump speaking in Iowa, he says “As soon as I take the oath of office, I’ll terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history.”  The video is from this Tweet.

What Trump is saying sounds much like his rhetoric last time.  In his last term he did do some things about the immigration problems, but also he didn’t do a lot of what he said he was going to do.   He often explained away the situations such as saying, “I would have started refusing asylum to people illegally entering the U.S., but an Obama-appointed federal judge told me that I can’t do that, etc..” (link)  (Note: I think in that case Trump should have went ahead and simply stopped giving the asylum anyway even though a judge said that he couldn’t do that— he could have then let the judge try to sue him and have it turn into a national media issue.)

Even if Trump does win, it will not be for an entire year— while thousands of migrants are pouring over the border every day and they are given court dates for asylum hearings in the distant future, and in the meantime they are being distributed across the U.S. and signed up for welfare benefits.

It won’t be practical or usually even preferable to deport people unless they are completely undocumented or commit crimes.  Most of the illegal immigrants are in the U.S. awaiting their asylum trials which will take place years from now while in the meantime they are working, collecting welfare, and having kids.  So of course Trump will not realistically be able to deport them.  Also sanctuary cities and states such as California would never allow deportations in even the most extreme of cases anyway.

Trump stressing “deportations” in his rhetoric are apparently a part of his divisive persona that will enable the Establishment media and celebrities to pretend as if they are inflamed by what he is saying.

Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” plan was a step in the right direction, but it wasn’t implemented until later in his administration, it still allowed the migrants to wait for asylum hearings, and it easily allowed the flow of immigration to start up again after Biden stole the election.  And Trump’s supposed “wall” was actually simple to cut through and for anyone to crawl over with ladders.

Despite my issues with him, I do think Trump is much preferable to Biden.  He can be effective as long as his supporters don’t unquestioningly trust him while sitting around waiting for him to do everything as they did last time.  All presidents and almost all other politicians serve the same group of global elite individuals and they are required to do whatever they are told to do, so you can only count on a certain amount of cooperation from most politicians.

Without people knowing that the voting machines are rigged and the extent of all the other problems the United States will soon disappear.

Also see the article “A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States.”

Video: “Vivek Ramaswamy Live from Washington County, IA”

[Note: I think Vivek Ramaswamy would have been a great candidate, his stances were good and he’s a good communicator.  However I’m sure that the political Establishment would never have let that be the situation.  A significant awakening will need to happen before such politicians will be able to be run as the candidate and be elected.]

Following are points that Ramaswamy made at the above recent campaign speech in Washington County, IA:

— He wants to end affirmative action and racial group quota systems in every area of American life.

— He says a person’s first act upon entering this country cannot be breaking the law, as the case is now with illegal immigration.  He will secure the southern and northern borders by stationing the U.S. military there.

— He says the people who are elected to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government, rather than the shadow government and “Deep State” that pulls the strings today.  His biggest priority will be the war on the shadow government in the United States.  He will start with a mass firing of 75% of government bureaucrats, and shut down government agencies that should no longer exist.

— He says elections should be able to be trusted, where a national holiday should be established for voting, paper ballots are issued, government IDs are required, and English is the only language that appears on the ballots.  [Note: I think ballots should be available in other languages, but I support the concept of English being the official language of the United States.  Also it is important that the entire election system is revamped where the voting standards are federalized, no form of electronic vote counting is allowed, and non-citizens are not allowed to vote.]

— He will strip pharmaceutical companies of the exemptions that they have against being sued for harm that is caused by their vaccines.

— He is against the CO2 pipeline that is being implemented across the U.S., where the land for it is seized by eminent domain.  He correctly refers to the climate change agenda as being “absolutely a hoax.”

— He says Ronna McDaniel needs to resign as the chairwoman of the Republican party.

— He will pardon every peaceful January 6th protester on his first day in office, due to the situation being the result of government entrapment.

— He says that his biggest donor is himself, and he became wealthy with his businesses through hard work and dedication.  So far he has put between $20 million and $30 million into his campaign.

— He says he will not comprise on his pro-life principals, and he wants greater sexual responsibly for men where a woman can require a man to be the primary caretaker of the child if he is confirmed as the parent through DNA paternity tests.  [Note: But how could he be counted on to be a suitable parent if the only reason he is doing so is because a court is forcing him to do it?]

— He is advocating for the U.S. to return to extracting domestic oil and natural gas.

— He says Donald Trump didn’t “drain the swamp” by engaging in mass firings in the bureaucracy as he promised that he would do because he was erroneously told that they were entitled to civil service protections.

— He wants to reform the Federal Reserve with a 90% head count reduction, and the dollar should be attached to commodities again [(such as gold and silver)].  [Note: I’m not sure if attaching the Federal Reserve to commodities again would be a good idea, however I think its decisions should be made by Congress rather than by the unaccountable private bankers who control it now.  See the article “A Summary of the Book ‘Surviving the Cataclysm.’”]

— He said he agrees with 90% of Trump’s policies, and he respects him for his accomplishments for the country.

— He says Trump was told that he couldn’t end “birthright citizenship” because the U.S. Constitution doesn’t allow it, but actually he could have done that because the Constitution doesn’t apply to non-citizens.

— He says Trump was told that he couldn’t go ahead with mass deportations because there weren’t enough ICE agents, however he could have legally done so anyway by allowing local law enforcement to serve the warrants.  [Personally I believe it would usually be unfair to deport immigrants who are in the country awaiting their asylum trials, but it is not clear if Ramaswamy is really advocating for that.  If people don’t like the fact that migrants are in the country under those circumstances then they need to be activists to stop it from continuing to happen.  In fact it could be rationalized that it is “their fault” it has been happening in the first place due to them never bothering to be an activist against it.]

— He says Nikki Haley would not be allowed anywhere near the White House in his administration.

— He says what is happening on our southern border is an invasion and the Federal government is facilitating it.  The “Great Replacement” is not a conspiracy theory but rather it is simply a collection of public statements by those who are implementing it.

— He explains that the illegal immigration situation on the southern border is a process that is orderly and organized on a massive scale.  He says the border crisis can be stopped by stopping giving money to Central American countries unless each of them builds a border wall; putting aquatic barriers in the Rio Grande; using the U.S. military to secure the southern border; stopping using money to fund sanctuary cities; ending birthright citizenship of illegal immigrants; returning everyone who is in the country illegally to their country of origin; and ICE agents need to be allowed to work with local law enforcement.

[Note: I believe the best way to stop illegal immigration is to cease giving amnesty to people who are crossing the borders, ending the policy of birthright citizenship, and being strict about deporting everyone who illegally comes into the country after those policies have been enacted.  Also migrants who are currently in the country under amnesty should be deported if they commit crimes, the borders should be patrolled by the military, and a genuinely effective physical barrier should be built.  See the article “A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States.”]

— He says the U.S. is more vulnerable to cyberattacks and EMP attacks than it ever has been.  The billions of dollars being sent to Ukraine should instead be spent on hardening our electric grid.  He thinks $100 billion dollars should be spent on improving the electric grid, and $50 billion should be spent on cyberdefense.

— He says prices and interest rates are going up but wages are remaining flat.  He thinks the supplies of everything that matters should be increased, such as the supply of energy like drilling, fracking, mining of coal, and nuclear energy; unconstitutional regulations of the EPA should be eliminated; land use restrictions for houses should be eliminated; and the workforce should be increased by incentivizing people to work rather than stay at home.

— He says he grew up in a traditional home, and now 25% of kids are raised in fatherless homes which is being paid for with taxpayer dollars.

— He believes the country should return to the values of faith, family, patriotism, and hard work which it was founded upon for its national character to be revived.

Articles blaming discipline problems in schools on supposed racism of teachers are typical of harmful “woke” agendas

Image from Wikipedia.

I think black people can often be disadvantaged, but not really how the Establishment media usually claims that they are.  For example I think they are constantly targeted with psychological warfare in the media and elsewhere, and I think predominantly black public schools are often intentionally made to be dysfunctional, where I think one of the most significant sources of those and other problems is the fact that essentially all black leaders are Freemasons.

I’ve always thought that significant improvements could come about if public schools adopt a more increased focus on discipline in particularly dysfunctional areas where that is a problematic issue.  However, recently I saw articles such as this one that complain that there is too much discipline in black schools, and they claim that since there is a disparity between the amount of discipline applied between black students and white students that the cause must be “racism”— not taking into account the actual reality and needs of the situations, just like with all of the other ridiculous and dishonest intentionally harmful “woke” agendas.  [Note: This is another example of a reason why I won’t allow “voting” in my organizations, since many people would come to vote in favor of the harmful types of agendas that the article is advocating for.]

I think perhaps there could be “two” types of schools in particularly dysfunctional areas where the students can choose to attend— the first option could be more or less the same as how the schools are now, where sensible parents can continue to try to improve that situation; and the second option could be more disciplined schools where students can choose to go instead, where the students wear uniforms as in private schools, the discipline could be as “extreme” as it is in a military academy for example, and where the students aren’t taught toxic “woke” ideologies.

In any event I think the worst idea is “bussing” of dysfunctional students into highly performing school districts, which won’t help the bussed students much but instead it would result more in dragging down the other students if many are bussed in, which I believe is an agenda that the political Establishment has actually been anticipating with their long-range planning.

[Note: I’ve been meaning to make a summary article talking about harmful Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agendas.  I’ve never seen an accumulation of information about those issues properly summarized in one place.  The Establishment media and “fact checking” websites often try to deceive and claim that those agendas aren’t significant or don’t even really exist.]