This is footage of a man in Texas being arrested for not wearing a mask. I sympathize with him, but it is important that people do what is necessary to have the laws changed in the first place, which is possible. Managers of stores often don’t have any choice but to call the police if someone isn’t wearing a mask, so people simply deciding not to comply isn’t really an effective enough strategy.
Fauci is now advocating for wearing TWO masks, even after being vaccinated, despite admitting in March that masks are not even effective
Anthony Fauci saying it makes “common sense” to wear two masks instead of one.
A Breitbart article explains that Anthony Fauci is endorsing the idea of wearing two masks for additional protection from COVID-19, and he is even saying that people should continue to wear masks even after being vaccinated against the disease.
Fauci made the statements during an appearance on America’s Newsroom, where he said experts do not yet know whether the vaccine “protects against infections so that people who can be vaccinated and feel very well and have no clinically apparent disease could still have virus in their nasal fairings because they got infected but they did not get any symptoms.”
Fauci listed a “couple” of reasons why he thinks people should continue to wear masks after receiving a vaccination: “And just to be doubly sure, there are a couple of reasons to wear masks even after vaccination. One, you want to protect other people in case you have virus in your nasal fairings, and if you look in the community, there’s enough virus out there that before we start pulling back on things like public health measures, you want the overwhelming population vaccinated. And as I’ve said, the calculation — even though it’s still an estimate — would be somewhere between 70 and 85 percent of the population.”
Contrary to his current statements, Anthony Fauci said in March on “60 Minutes” that face masks are only useful when symptomatic people wear them.
Merck is scraping its COVID Vaccines, saying it is more effective to simply get the virus and recover
Image from Wikipedia.
A Summit News article is explaining an admission from Merck that they are scrapping their COVID vaccines due to the fact that they offer less protection than simply contracting the virus and developing antibodies.
In their statement, the company said their V590 and V591 shots were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, but they generated an “inferior” immune response in comparison to natural infection. The statement goes on to say that the company will focus on research into therapeutic drugs labeled as MK-7110 and MK-4482, which they say aim to protect patients from an “overactive immune response” to the virus.
[Note: I wouldn’t be surprised if the “MK-7110 and MK-4482” drugs they are developing are simply a variant of the very effective Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc treatment. Merck needs to be able to recoup its losses from not offering a vaccine since it was being given $356 million to do so.]
A group of 12 assaulted and brutally beat a man, then robbed him of his phone and clothes in Manhattan’s Chinatown
The New York Post is reporting that the New York Police posted a video of a gang who beat, slashed, stomped on, stripped, and robbed a man in the street after he got off a bus from Atlanta. In a Twitter post, they wrote, “This mob attack happened in Lower Manhattan on Friday. A 26 y/o was attacked by a gang of people, had his cellphone stolen and was then STRIPPED NAKED with nothing left on the street. This wasn’t a rare attack, this is the reality of our streets. If you have info come forward.”
[Note: That sort of thing never happened when I lived in New York in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, it was always a very safe place to be no matter where you went. New York is (or “was” I suppose) a healthy high-functioning area by nature. I think the city could be restored if the people there wake up and become informed and do what is necessary to vote out the leftist politicians who are destroying the city and the state.]
Orders for ICE to “release them all” has been retracted, but ICE will essentially be disabled for at least the next 100 days
Tucker Carlson explains that a memo sent to ICE agents telling them to “release them all” has been retracted a day and a half after it was issued, however ICE will cease essentially all deportations anyway starting on February 1.
Carlson speaks with former White House senior advisor Stephen Miller who explains the implications of Biden’s presidential directive. Miller says that it is the most extreme directive in the history of law enforcement.
Acting secretary Pekoske issued a memorandum the day of the inauguration putting into place a hundred day deportation moratorium, which will cease essentially all deportations from occurring except in rare cases such as terrorism or espionage. Miller explains that last year, 92% of the 180 thousand people who were deported were either charged or convicted of a crime, but such people would now not be deported. Starting on February 1, every sheriff’s office and police department that for years has been handing over illegal immigrants to ICE for deportation will now not be allowed to do so, and instead the migrants will be released back into the communities. Additionally, the memo forbids visa overstays from being deported.
Miller says, “As of January 20, Biden has declared ‘there is no more workplace immigration law.’ You as a U.S. citizen no not have the protection of your laws, your civil rights do not matter. … the whole system [is] dismantled.”
Video: “The Sheep At Their Best – Primrose Hill, London”
In a video, a man make a statement over a bullhorn at a park in the UK telling people that they need to disperse when two police women arrive. The video demonstrates how most people automatically comply without question.
Biden’s senior advisor Anita Dunn listed the homicidal Communist Mao Zedong among her “favorite political philosophers”

Image from Wikipedia.
A Daily Caller article explains that Biden’s senior advisor Anita Dunn said the Chinese dictator Mao Zedong was one of her “favorite political philosophers” in a speech at a high school graduation in 2009.
In her speech, she said the following to the audience:
“In 1947, when Mao Zedong was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over … the nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said how could you win? How could you do this?”
“And Mao Zedong said, ‘You fight your war and I’ll fight mine.’ Think about that for a second. You don’t have to accept the definition of how to do things, and you don’t have to follow other people’s choices and paths. You fight your own war, you lay out your own path.”
Dunn was serving as Obama’s White House Communications Director when she made the statements, and she resigned a month after Glenn Beck first reported what she said.
Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” policy led to the murder of an estimated 45 million Chinese people from 1958 to 1962, making him one of the biggest mass murderers in human history.
Dunn later attempted to claim that her making the statement was intended to be “ironic.”
Despite Dunn’s statements, Joe Biden’s campaign has said in a campaign email, “She will be working closely with us on campaign strategy and overall coordination on budget and personnel as we build a bigger campaign for the next phase,” as reported by the New York Times.
Eric Holder is urging the Democrats to pack the Supreme Court
Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder
A Breitbart article explains that Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder urged Democrats in a seminar hosted by the Brookings Institution to add seats to the U.S. Supreme Court, and he also made other ridiculous comments such as saying, “Democrats and progressives, are, and have been, uncomfortable with the acquisition and the use of power.”
The idea of adding seats to the Supreme Court is known as “packing the court,” which is a strategy to dilute its influence to further empower corrupt anti-constitutional Establishment agendas.
Holder has been involved in a lot of corrupt activities in the Clinton and Obama administrations, and he is almost certainly a member of the Masonic “Boule” secret society, as are essentially all black politicians.
Watch video of Joe Biden ridiculously saying, “You’ll know my opinion of court packing when the election is over.”
ICE agents have been ordered to release all illegal aliens they have in custody, including criminals
Tucker Carlson explains that ICE agents have been instructed in an official memo to “release them all, immediately,” despite the fact that Joe Biden’s memorandum didn’t specifically say that.
Following is a summary of a Breitbart article explaining the situation:
ICE agents have been ordered to release all detainees that they have in custody due to Joe Biden halting all deportations.
Tucker Carlson reported about a verified January 21 ICE memo that was sent to agents saying “Release them all, immediately,” but it is unclear if the memo was referring to the mass release of all 14,195 detainees in its custody, where 71.45 percent of them are convicted criminals or have pending criminal charges. The detainees are currently held in approximately 138 facilities across the United States.
[Note that would be (or “is” apparently) a catastrophe. I think people who are awaiting deportation in custody should still have been deported no matter what the new policy is, since potentially dangerous criminals presumably would have been given prison sentences in the U.S. if it was known that they would not have been deported. Very few people were actually being deported anyway, and usually only with very good reason.]
(Also another Breitbart article explains that Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan said Joe Biden made America less safe within hours of being sworn-in on January 20 due to his executive orders ending the Trump “Remain in Mexico policy,” and stopping construction of the border wall. Morgan said he was amazed by how quickly Biden submitted the orders without even taking time to talk to experts in the border patrol about the impact of his decisions.)
A 15 year old who is in a coma after being attacked by a mob of migrants in Paris is a preview of what Joe Biden will bring
A French new outlet “” is reporting that on January 15, a 15 year old Ukranian boy was attacked in Paris by a large gang of migrants, who beat him with a hammer and iron bars, leaving him with a broken nose, arm, shoulders, ribs, fingers, and his skull was a broken in several places. He is alive but in a medically induced coma.
The same sort of situation will increasingly be happening in the U.S. due to Joe Biden lifting the travel ban from hostile countries, his ramping up the importation of Muslims through the secretive “Refugee Resettlement Program,” his essentially opening the borders of the United States to allow anyone who will walk across (or fly into the country and not leave), and he will offer all types of expensive government welfare to the people who will be surging into the country.