Biden is planning to remove the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations

An article on the website Bare Naked Islam* explains that the Biden administration is considering removing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations.

Former Vice President Mike Pence was sent to inform Israeli officials during a visit last week that the Biden administration is considering de-listing the IRGC “in return for a more narrow commitment not to target Americans,” prompting Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to issue the following statement in response:

“The IRGC is responsible for attacks on American civilians and American forces throughout the Middle East, including in the past year.  The IRGC were behind plans to assassinate senior American government officials.”

“The IRGC were involved in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians, they destroyed Lebanon and they are brutally oppressing Iranian civilians.  They kill Jews because they are Jews, Christians because they are Christians, and Muslims because they refuse to surrender to them.”

“They are an integral part of the brutal machine of oppression in Iran.  Their hands have on them the blood of thousands of Iranians and the crushed soul of the Iranian society.”

“The attempt to delist the IRGC as a terrorist organization is an insult to the victims and would ignore documented reality supported by unequivocal evidence.  We find it hard to believe that the IRGC’s designation as a terrorist organization will be removed in exchange for an unreliable promise not to harm Americans.”

The statement also noted that the IRGC is behind Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen, and the militias in Iraq.

The IRGC was established in April 1979 after the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, with its role being to oversee the enforcement of the brutal tyrannical laws that were then imposed on the people in the country, such as the compulsory veiling of women, strict dress codes, banning of “Western” clothes, hairstyles, mixed-sex parties, and consumption of alcohol.

A branch of the IRGC called the “Qods Force” is in charge of foreign interventions, and has been involved in regional conflicts for decades in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.

[Note that Iran and even the IRGC are covertly controlled by the same people who control the Biden Administration, as is detailed in the book Hostage to Khomeini.

*Also note: I found the information for this article on the website Bare Naked Islam, which I think is a comprehensive source of information, however I don’t agree with everything they say or aspects of their approach.  A number of articles on this site use information that I have found on that site.]

The death of Philip Haney, the former DHS agent who exposed the Establishment’s empowerment of Jihadist activity in the U.S., is now being investigated as not being a suicide [Updated March 21, 2022]

[UPDATE: March 21, 2022— The following article was originally posted on this site in April of 2020.  On March 9 of this year the Amador County sheriff along with the FBI who helped in the case declared that Haney “committed suicide,” despite the facts clearly showing otherwise.  Brannon House of Word News Weekend released a video speaking with Usama Dakdok, Anni Cyrus and Leo Hohmann about the situation.]

This video on World View Weekend entitled “Is This Why Deep State Was Afraid of Phil Haney?” was posted on February 24, 2020, a few days after Philip Haney was killed:

In this video, former Homeland Security agent Philip Haney is onstage explaining that the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings, the 2015 San Bernardino Shootings, and the 2016 Orlando nightclub massacre would have been stopped if the U.S. government hadn’t shut his cases down and deleted the information that was associated with them.  [Editor’s note— It is great to see how enthusiastic the audience is in the video.  This is the first that I’ve heard of this media outlet that I’m still exploring.  I like its anti-Establishment agendas such as being opposed to leftist and Islamist encroachment in the U.S.]

Following is a summary of this March 23, 2020 New American article by William Jasper:

The coroner’s office of the Amador County Sheriff’s Department in California has changed its ruling about the death of the Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney, after initially stating that his death appeared to be “self-inflicted.”  It is now saying that the sheriff’s office is in the beginning phases of an investigation, and news reports that claimed his death to be a suicide were “misinformation.”  Haney was found dead of a gunshot wound on February 21 in California.

Hanley was the author of the book See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, that exposed the political Establishment’s covert agendas of furthering Islamic Jihad in the United States, including detailing the Obama Administration’s scrubbing of crucial data in the DHS database about Islamist terrorist organizations and hundreds of individuals in the U.S. who are involved with Islamic radicalization.  Hanley was a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security following the 9/11 terror attacks.

Relatives, friends, and colleagues of Hanley immediately voiced opposition to the initial finding of his death being a “self-inflicted” gunshot, with key points they mentioned including the following:

— Phil Haney was a devout Christian who considered suicide a sin.

— He was a happy and upbeat person who was making plans for his forthcoming book and book-speaking tours.

— After grieving for his wife who died of cancer, he had found love again and was set to marry his fiancee.

— He even stated to many people that if he is ever found dead of a supposed “suicide” to “never believe it for a minute.”

— He was looking forward to returning to work in the DHS under President Trump.

— He said that he had massive amounts of digitally archived files from DHS with damning evidence.

— He said that his new book would be “naming names” and it would blow the lid off the ongoing corruption in the DHS and intelligence community.

— He said there are many operatives in the “DC swamp”— both active and retired — who would have motive for stopping him.

— One of Haney’s closest friends and colleagues Brannon Howse who runs the World View Weekend media outlet said Haney was planning to use “National Security Meltdown” as the title for his new book, and WVWTV also posted the above video entitled “Is This Why Deep State Was Afraid of Phil Haney?” a few days after his death.

The following is from the description of Haney’s book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad” on Amazon:

How the Bush administration stripped him and other frontline officers of their ability to define the threat;

How much the Obama administration knew in advance of the Boston Marathon bombing and how it launched an ongoing cover-up on behalf of a major ally;

The administration’s stealth policy to protect Islamic leaders with supremacist beliefs and violent-jihadist ties, allowing them to freely travel between the U.S. and the Middle East;

The scope of access to the White House and the classified information the Obama administration gave to members of Muslim Brotherhood front groups;

The damning intelligence on Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders invited to sit at the table and help form national-security policy;

The “words matter” memo imposing the demands of radical U.S. Muslims leaders on the DHS, including stripping intelligence and official communications of any mention of Islam in association with terrorism;

The purging of training material that casts Islam in a negative light;

The erasing and altering of vital intelligence on terrorists and terror threats;

The fear-based tactics imposed by the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. and their accomplices that paralyze officials, members of Congress and any Department of Homeland Security employee who dares to expose or resist their agenda;

And much more …

A recent BBC propaganda video creates a false impression about conservative activists

I saw this BBC video the other day called “Louis Theroux — Forbidden America,” and I disagree with essentially all of the aspects of it.  It is a hit piece that talks about “right wing extremism” in the U.S., where it profiles “right wing” personalities through presenting activists who I think are mostly straw man controlled opposition.  I’ve never heard of most of the people that it profiles, although I have seen Nick Fuentes’ show.  I’ve never presented Fuentes on my websites since I disagreed with what I’ve seen him say, but I had previously never seen him say anything as divisive as the excerpts this documentary shows.  It is his right to say what he wants to say, in any event.

The documentary attempts to reinforce inaccurate assumptions about what the term “right wing” actually means.  The political Establishment wants to keep Europeans in particular confused about the meaning of the term, therefore the media there constantly use the terms “right wing” and “far right” as a slur for “racial bigotry.”  See this informative article that clarifies the true meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”

Many people point to Neocons such as George Bush and Dick Cheney as examples of harmful right wing politicians, however Neocons such as them are actually hardcore leftists (pro-New World Order) who pretend to be “right wing” so they can get away with it.

I think another significant stumbling block to the truth about matters becoming known is how the problems in the world are often blamed on “the Jews.”  Many of the global elite are Jewish, but many non-Jewish people are also involved at the highest levels as well.  I think it is much more accurate to blame Freemasonry instead, although even that is a bit of an oversimplification.  The Freemasons depend on anti-Semitism in order to deflect blame off of themselves, so they often foment and organize anti-Semitism as a strategy through their covert control of political organizations and activist groups.  For example, the KKK has always been a Masonic organization, as is explained in this video.

Canada has lifted its recently imposed tyrannical “Emergency Act” about the trucker convoy

Recently Canada had implemented tyrannical “Emergency Act” powers in response to the peaceful trucker convoy that has been occurring in Ottawa, which allows the government sweeping powers such as arresting anyone deemed to be causing a disruption and freezing anyone’s bank accounts, but yesterday Justin Trudeau had announced that Canada will be lifting those restrictions.

During the time while the act was implemented, Canada had frozen the bank accounts of Canadians who donated as little as $50 to the protest, arrested organizers of the protests and denied them bail, and dismantled the encampments of the protest.  People who were arrested were(?) facing being detained for long periods of time without due process.  It will be interesting to see what will happen with the protests.

Following are some FreedomToons cartoons that have been created during the protests:

“Honk Honk is a N*ZI SLUR ?”

A member of parliament from Justin Trudeau’s party ridiculously claimed that a slogan used by the truckers “honk honk” is actually an acronym for the “Heil Hitler” Nazi salute.


“Trudeau vs The Honkening”

[I think it is strange that Trudeau dressed up in blackface on numerous occasions despite being the son of a previous Canadian Prime Minister when he did that.  It is frightening to see how the public gives politicians a pass if they think they are “liberals” or in a “liberal” political party, such as Trudeau or Joe Biden.  The situation in the world will continue to degrade until people understand the “false left-right paradigm”— where almost all politicians are in fact covertly controlled by the same ruling elite, most significantly through them being Freemasons.]


Trudeau vs The Truckers

This video was created when the protests were starting, when Trudeau called the protesters a “tiny fringe minority.”

A BDSM homosexual activist has been appointed by the Biden DEO to a post regulating the handling of nuclear waste

This video shows Sam Briton advocating for people to use pronouns for people that the people want them to.

A garish transvestite BDSM (“bondage, discipline, dominance, and submission”) activist Sam Briton has been appointed by the Biden administration to a key DEO position regulating nuclear waste, as is explained in this Infowars article.

Among other issues, the article explains that a homosexual news website “Metro Weekly” had previously profiled him in January, showing pictures of him dressed in bondage outfits with other men dressed as dogs.

[Note: I don’t hate homosexuals and of course I don’t wish for them to be harmed, but the situation in the world has degraded to the point where the political Establishment has been trying to force homosexuality everywhere possible (with malicious intent), such as in the above case, as well as Biden having an agenda of forcing doctors to perform sex-change operations on children (see here, and here); the many cases of men being required to be allowed into women’s changing rooms (see here, and here); men being mandated to be allowed to compete in women’s sports (see here); public schools implementing homosexual agendas against the wishes of parents (see here, here, and here), and the list goes on and on.  More people need start standing up against the government forcing harmful leftist “woke” agendas on society.

The first step to standing up against such agendas is to understand who the political Establishment actually are, what they are actually trying to do, and why they are doing it, which is what I explain at length in my websites.  I think the best place to start is to learn what the political scale from “left wing” to “right wing” actually means, which is explained in this informative article.  (Note that I’m not saying that some government intervention isn’t useful, however understanding what that scale is actually measuring is an essential foundation that is important for people to understand.)

UPDATE: February 13, 2022: … The article “A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite” on News of Interest.TV is also an important place to start of course.

Also note: I hope the resolution can happen soon.  I really wonder what is happening on the “other side” of the situation.  I’ve always explained that it would be problematic if “groups” of people vote on if they want to be involved or not, rather than the people making that decision individually, because that would mean that some of the people in such groups would end up being involved who didn’t actually want to be involved.  There doesn’t necessarily need to be a lot of people involved, especially at first.  What I really need is to simply understand what the situation is, which will enable me to make the proper decisions about how to configure my organizations for moving forward in the best possible manner.  I hope all is well!]

Michelle Obama is actually a man

Over the past few years I’ve been hearing that Michelle Obama is actually a man, and I didn’t believe it at first, but since then I’ve become very convinced it is the reality of the situation after seeing many videos explaining it.

[Note: February 4, 2022— The following three videos explain the situation well, but they don’t contain all of the evidence about the matter.  I’ve make edits to each of the videos that I’ve found online and posted them to my Bitchute account and here.]

“Michelle Obama Accidentally Reveals Her Manhood on the Ellen Degeneres Show” (Video Edit)

This video shows a clip from a well-known broadcast of the Ellen show where something is seen bouncing in Michelle Obama’s pants while she (he) dances.  Many other similar videos exist as well.


“Evidence That Michelle Obama is Actually Man” (Video Edit)

This video explains issues with Michelle’s body proportions, Adam’s apple, and wardrobe malfunctions that reveal his genitalia underneath his clothing that shows he is actually a man.


“Who are the Actual Parents of Malia & Sasha Obama?” (Video Edit)

This video explains who the real parents of Malia and Sasha Obama most likely are.

[Note: February 4, 2020— This video briefly mentions that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, which many people assume is an allegation that was “debunked”, however in fact it was not debunked at all, but rather the political Establishment resorted to trickery to convince people that it was, including apparently even recruiting Donald Trump to falsely claim that he found the allegation to be unfounded.  Of course it is too late to do anything about it now, but what happened is still interesting and indicative of the deceptive techniques of how the political Establishment operates.  See this video about the matter.]


Obama was completely dishonest during his presidency, since his controllers knew that he would be able to get away with it, as this summary article explains.

During his presidency Obama also instituted a lot of harmful homosexual-related legislation as well, such as allowing open homosexuality in the military, forcing private businesses to cater to homosexuality, and instituting hiring quotas for homosexuals.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that open homosexuality is a catastrophic situation for the military.  Co-ed boot camps have never existed, so why should they allow open homosexuality?  Men in general are much more sexually aggressive, so when men are having sex with each other there isn’t anything keeping that in check.  The problem will certainly become much worse with time, such as with perverse gay bathhouses being established alongside military bases and drill sergeants being homosexuals.  I think “don’t ask, don’t tell” was the appropriate policy for the military, where it allowed such problems to be addressed.

I also think gay marriage is unnecessary and it creates an inaccurate perception that homosexual couples are simply the same as a heterosexual couples.  Perhaps some gay couples might be somewhat similar (especially perhaps women couples), but I’m sure large amounts are not.  I think gay marriage is particularly harmful because it is then used as an excuse for the government to force all types of homosexuality into all of the other aspects of everyone’s lives.


Many leftist parents bring their children to “Drag Queen Story Hour,” where men who are dressed as women come to twerk and read books to their children (with many of them being found to be pedophiles as well.)  Note that all the drag queens in the following video could get married to other men and adopt very unlucky children:


Many public schools are also pushing homosexual agendas as much as possible.  If parents don’t reign in such harmful agents, public schools will no longer be a safe place to send their kids.

And of course some schools are establishing ridiculous policies where males who dress as females are allowed to change in the female locker rooms.  (See this link, this link, and this link.)

“Homeschooling” could be a good alternative, however doing that is not practical for most parents.  Perhaps like-minded parents could organize “homeschool clusters” to keep toxic leftist agendas from destroying their kids if the public schools in their area reach the point of being beyond saving.


The political Establishment doesn’t have “good intentions” with what they are doing, but rather they are intentionally trying to harm society as much as possible.

[Note: UPDATED February 5, 2022—  When I went to public school and university, there were never any leftist agendas being forced onto the students as is the case now.  My teachers were always people of the highest quality, and I’ve never experienced any aggravating situations where I knew the teacher was lying to the students or advocating for corrupt agendas, such as with issues like global warming, “critical race theory,” and all of the other deceitful and harmful leftist agendas.  (And of course that also includes the leftist COVID agendas such as useless and dangerous mask and vaccine mandates.)]

Tucker Carlson explains the Trucker Freedom Convoy that is currently occurring in Canada

In this Fox News broadcast, Tucker Carlson explains what is occurring with the cross-country “Freedom Convoy” that is happening in Canada, where thousands of truckers are traveling to Ottawa in protest of new vaccine mandates that Canada is imposing for truckers.

The convoy is over 40 miles long, and so far they have raised over $6 million in donations for fuel and other expenses.  [Note: Also the fund raising platform GoFundMe has frozen most of the money in the account that was donated for the convoy.]

Canada’s Prime minister Justin Trudeau claimed that “he had a COVID exposure” and therefore can’t meet with the truckers, and he also stated in a press conference that they are just a “small fringe group” which “do no represent the views of Canadians.”

Carlson then speaks with Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, who explains that the goal of the convoy is to get rid of the vaccine mandates and vaccine passports that are now being mandated for truckers.

A woman who came in contact with overturned CDC lab monkeys on the road near Danville, PA is now reporting symptoms of illness

A few days ago a truckload of live CDC lab monkeys overturned on the road near Danville, PA, where a few escaped but were later found and euthanized.

A woman named Michelle Fallon who was driving behind the vehicle when it crashed stopped to help, and she reached into a crate after being told the truck was carrying cats, however she instead encountered a Macaque monkey who hissed at her.  She is now reporting having Covid-like symptoms and pink eye, raising questions of what the moneys may have been infected with.

[Note I went to high school in Danville, which is a nice town on the Susquehanna River in central Pennsylvania.]

Some Establishment journalists are starting to express doubts about the COVID situation

I saw this Bill Maher video clip where he interviewed Bari Weiss, a New York Times reporter who said “she is ‘done’ with COVID,” where she said that she questions why the situation has not returned to normal despite the widespread vaccinations; she explained that masks don’t work to stop the spread of airborne diseases; and she said vaccine passports are useless since vaccinated people can continue to spread the disease anyway, among other issues.

[Note I think it is good that she is being critical of the situation, but overall I think she is still not conveying the whole truth of the matter about COVID essentially not being more dangerous than the normal seasonal flu (see the links in the next paragraph).]

Also interviewed is a dishonest (and almost certainly Masonic Boule-member) New York politician Ritchie Torres who parroted corrupt Establishment statistics about COVID such as mortality numbers that are shown to be wildly exaggerated or even completely false (see this link, this link, and this link.).  (Essentially all politicians are secretively or secretly Freemasons, almost without exception.)

Bill Maher does also report the truth about other issues such as the death penalty for apostasy in Islam, which he should be applauded for, however he has also shown in the past that he is nonetheless ultimately beholden to the political Establishment as all such media personalities are.