This news report explains that a mob of hundreds of Muslims went on a rampage in Nigeria to try to find and kill a woman who was rumored to have made a blasphemous comment about their religion, after a similar mob killed another woman in another part of the country for the same reason a few days earlier.
[Also see this video of a woman being murdered by a mob of hundreds of Muslims in Afghanistan due to her being accused of burning a page of the Quran.]
The borders of the U.S. being eradicated will increasingly invite the types of Jihadists in the above videos to come into the country, and much evidence shows that the global elite has an intention of utilizing such mentalities as a weapon against the people who are already living here. Right now that process is already well underway in Europe, see the videos at the end of this article as well as at this link explaining that issue.
Remember that in October of 2021 Joe Biden brought an airlift of Jihadists from Afghanistan into the U.S. who were selected by the Taliban at the Kabul airport to be supposed “refugees” (link)— after which 700 of them chose to abruptly disappear into the U.S. never to be heard from again (link) rather than receiving large monthly sums of money from the U.S government for being “refugees”!
The primary motivation of the “Great Replacement” is not simply to “get Democrat votes” as the Establishment media has been claiming recently, but rather it is to disempower and eliminate Westerners altogether due to such people generally being very healthy, functional, self-sufficient, and compassionate— since those traits would make them the most likely and capable to stop the coming homicidal agendas of the global elite. (See the video “Muslim Demographics” and the other videos at the end of this article that explain shocking information about what is currently happening in Europe.) [Note: October 13, 2022— Of course everyone can be compassionate, but my point is since such people have generally been existing in a state of functional health, it often naturally leads to having a compassionate mentality. By contrast, people who have been trying to survive in a dysfunctional society don’t always have the luxury of developing “spare” compassion to the same degree, although of course everyone is an individual.]
The global elite hate people being healthy and self-sufficient since it deprives them of an excuse to have control over them, therefore they’ve been in a process of incrementally trying to engineer humanity into a permanent underclass of impoverished, dependent, and dumbed down “serfs and slaves” who have little or no principals or morals. See this video of the KGB defector Yuri Bezmonov explaining that agenda.
If anyone doubts that the global elite wants to harm White people as well, remember that the same people killed over 100 million Europeans and Americans in pointless wars over the past century, with the elite fomenting and controlling both sides of all of the conflicts. (See this article, this video, and also see this information that explains how Hitler was a Freemason.) Additionally, the same people also enslaved and killed tens of millions of people in the Soviet Union during the past century. (See this link.)
One of the most significant factors that is stopping people from becoming informed about the agendas of the global elite is it often being equated with “The Jews,” however many of the most high ranking people involved are not Jewish, such as the Rockefeller and Morgan families, for example. Even the Rothschild family is not actually really “Jewish” anymore since they’ve often married gentiles, however they need people to think they are Jewish in order to stifle criticism. The Establishment (the Freemasons) depend on antisemitism in order to make criticism of them unpalatable to most people, therefore they do whatever they can to try to foment and organize it.
I never trust activists who are antisemitic since they are either naive or more likely controlled opposition.
[Note that I find the activist Henry Makow to be a very informative source of information, although I don’t always agree with his approach. For example he sometimes focuses on criticizing Judaism in a manner that I think can be unbalanced and counterproductive. Makow doesn’t blame all Jewish people, but to people who are unfamiliar with enough background information his information can sometimes seem to be antisemitic.]
Most Americans aren’t aware of the catastrophic problems that are occurring in Europe due to the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening there, which is enabled by a media blackout about the topic. Following are some videos that explain the situation. (Also see the article “A Summary of Islam Related Issues” that contains much more information about the matter.)
This video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.
The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless. See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.
This segment from the Black Pigeon Speaks video “Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West” explains what happens to societies during their various stages of being replaced by Islamic populations.

This video contains a compilation of video footage of the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening in Europe. See its video page at this link.

This video shows the shocking situation outside of the large Calais refugee camp in France in 2015. The camp was located close to the entry of the Channel Tunnel into England.
I have re-edited this from the original video that I found on the internet. See its video page at this link.