The Establishment media has been covering up Islamic ties to recent terror attacks, using Islamic terror as a part of a destabilization program

In this video clip, Alex Jones explains issues with the mainstream media covering up Islamic terrorist ties to recent attacks such as the recent Munich shooter who killed nine people.  Jones shows that the Munich shooter was shouting “Allahu Akbar,” and that the French terrorist truck attacker had accomplices.  Jones explains that the Establishment is making use of Islamic terror as a part of a program to destabilize Western countries in order to create an excuse for ramping up tyrannical control over those populations.

Also see this Infowars article.

A Clinton Supreme Court could rule for 40 years and kill gun rights

Image from NRA-ILA.

Following is a summary of this Washington Examiner article

A Washington Examiner article explains that if Hillary Clinton would win the presidency she likely would be able to put enough of her picks on the Supreme Court for them to rule for forty years due to many of the current justices becoming too old or ready to quit.  “A Hillary Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone,” said an NRA spokesman Chris Cox.

More than one million Muslims have immigrated to the U.S. from Islamic countries since the year 2000, many have not been properly vetted, Clinton could bring in close to one million more during her first term

This Breitbart article shows that at least 2.5 million immigrants from Islamic countries currently live in the United States, with more than 1 million of them arriving between 2000 and 2013.

This Breitbart article article projects that Hillary Clinton would likely end up permanently resettling as many as 214,000 Muslim immigrants in the U.S during the first year of her administration if she wins the presidency, with the total amount of Islamic immigrants during her first term in office being almost 1 million if she would continue that trend for each of the four years.

And this Breitbart  article explains the issue of many potentially radical Muslims being allowed into the U.S. due to its lax immigration policies.  It explains that adequate vetting has not been done on the many Somali and Iraq refugees which have been allowed into the country.

An Eritrean asylum seeker broke into a woman’s apartment in Sweden, raped and almost killed her; and a judge is allowing him to stay in the country


On April 29, a 26 year old Eritrean asylum seeker forced his way into a woman’s home in Falkirk, Sweden and sadistically raped her, leaving her for death in a pool of her own blood.  The man was initially sentenced to only a 2.5 year prison term and deportation back to Eritrea, but he recently won and appeal allowing him to stay in Sweden and to remain on welfare benefits.  Despite hearing the horrifying aspects of the rape, the judges allowed the rapist to stay in the country because they deemed the offense to be “not sufficiently serious.”

See this translated article on FriaTider, and an article on MadWorldNews.

A man in Finland has been imprisoned for using “excessive self-defense” to fight off a home invasion

Finland House

Following is a summary of this Russia Today article

“A homeowner in Finland has been sentenced to four years in jail and a hefty fine after fighting off three intruders who attempted to rob his house.   The thieves, meanwhile, got lesser prison terms and are to be paid damages by their victim.”

In April a 35 year old man in the town of Hyvinkää was attacked in his home by three strangers who pushed into his house with baseball bats and a gun after he answered the door.   The man was able to grab a knife in the kitchen and fight off the intruders who he seriously injured.

In a shocking ruling, the court convicted the man of “excessive self-defense and attempted manslaughter,” reported by Helsinki News.  The man must serve four years in prison and pay his attackers €21,000 in damages.

The attackers were convicted of “felony home invasion and assault,” and all were only sentenced to one year “conditional sentences” which is similar to probation or house arrest in Finland where the offenders will serve their sentences out of jail.

Sexual assaults have occurred at another music festival in Germany

Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this Express UK article

Police are investigating eighteen cases of sexual assaults and had arrested six Afghan suspects during a five day music festival in Bremen Germany.  Teenagers as young as 17 had been cornered and groped by groups of men on the busy dance floor, and a band who was performing described witnessing the assaults from the stage.  All of the suspects have been released from custody on Monday.

Islam is the fastest-growing religious group in the world

Following is from this Washington Examiner article

“Muslims are the fastest-growing religious group in the world, with 23 percent of the global population, and will take over Christianity as the top religion by the end of the century, according to the Pew Research Center.” …

“A review of Muslims by the nonpartisan organization also found that Muslims comprise a growing share of the immigrants granted permanent residency in the United States each year. Their share doubled from 5 percent of the annual permanent residency flow in 1992 to 10 percent in 2012, representing 100,000 Muslim immigrants granted permanent residency in the U.S. each year.”

A Moroccan Muslim stabbed a woman and her three daughters aged 8 to 14 at a French Alps resort because they were wearing shorts and t-shirts

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Daily Mail UK article

A mother and her three young daughters were stabbed and critically injured while eating breakfast on vacation in France in the village of Garda-Colombe by a Moroccan born Muslim who was an acquaintance of the family.   Mohamed Boufarkouch attacked the woman and her three daughters aged between eight and 14, and he is custody under suspicion of attempted murder.  He was also on holiday with his own family including two children from his home near Paris.   The youngest victim is most critically injured with a punctured lung.   As Boufarkouch was attacking the woman and children he was making references to them “being too lightly dressed.”

An Iranian asylum seeker was arrested for raping a teen in Denmark

The town square of Haderslev, Denmark.  Image from BigStockPhoto.

Following is a summary of this article

A 24 year old Iranian asylum seeker is facing charges of having raped a 19 year old woman in the town of Haderslev, Denmark over the weekend.   The rape occurred at a school building at 3:30 am on Saturday.

Haderslev is a town which has been having many issues with woman being sexually harassed by asylum seekers.  (See this article.)

Police were dispatched to the school by residents hearing screaming, finding a shocked woman wandering away from the scene of her attack.    She was taken to a nearby hospital where personnel confirmed she had been raped.

Police spokesman Anders Hansen said the man was still on the scene when they arrived.    “He was nearly caught in the act because he stood there practically zipping his pants up when we found him,” he said.

The attacker currently resides in one of the 80 asylum centers across the country, and is not speaking to police or the court.  He will be held in detention until August 11 as the police continue their investigation.

The EU is to set up a permanent policy to invite migrants to legally settle in the continent year after year, and it will fine states €250,000 per each allocated migrant they refuse

Image from Wikipedia.

Following is a summary of this Breitbart article

The European Union is to establish a permanent policy to invite migrants to legally settle in the continent year after year.    The “EU Resettlement Framework” will offer legal routes for people deemed “in need of protection,” which the European commission says that it hopes will deter migrants from paying people smugglers to transport them to Europe.

Frans Timmerman, the Commission’s Vice-President said: “We need to move up a gear in our common efforts to provide international protection, and that includes resettling refugees in Europe in a safe and orderly way.  … It is an integral part of the larger objective of ensuring that protection is offered to those who need it, reducing the incentives for irregular migration and protecting migrants from exploitation by smuggling networks and dangerous journeys to reach Europe.”

The framework also explains how the unelected European Commission plans to relocate migrants throughout the continent.    The EU will give countries €10,000 for each migrant that they agree to take from other member states, and the commission will fine countries €250,000 per migrant allocated that they refuse.

[Editor’s note:  Opponents of Brexit often aren’t aware that situations like this are imposed by the EU.]