A man shouted “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing a British woman in Australia, and police are saying it has nothing to do with religion


The following information is summarized from this Infowars article:

A 29 year old Muslim man in Australia on a temporary visa stabbed a 21 year old British woman Mia Ayliffe-Chung to death and seriously injured a British man at a backpacker’s hostel while shouting “Allahu Akbar,” however local police only attributed the attack to “mental health issues,” saying the attack was not about race or religion.

Such claims by authorities concealing Islam as the cause of the violence is commonplace:

— Last week in Strasbourg, France, a Jewish rabbi was stabbed by a man shouting “Allahu Akbar,” with police dismissing the attacker as being “mentally ill.”

— Earlier this month, six people where stabbed during an attack in London, with the police calling the attacker “mentally ill” despite the fact that he was a devout Muslim who supported various Islamic terrorist groups.

— On August 7, two policewoman in Brussels were wounded when they were attacked by a man wielding a machete shouting “Allahu Akbar,” with a police spokesman saying man had “mental health problems.”

A study shows that Canadian Islamic schools and mosques are filled with extremist literature

Image from BigStockPhoto.

The following information is summarized from this Star article:

A study by a Thomas Quiggin, a former Canadian intelligence analyst, and Saied Shoaaib, a journalist originally from Egypt, shows that many Mosques and Islamic schools in Canada are espousing extremist teachings.

The authors of the study entitled “Lovers of the Death? Islamist Extremism in Mosques and Schools” say that what worries them the most is not so much the presence of the extremist literature, but the fact that they found nothing but such writings in several libraries.

They say the amount of openly available material and their analysis of social media postings confirm their views that many Canadians, including its politicians, are turning a blind eye to the dangers.  They also warned that many young Canadians have become radicalized to violence.

The Canadian government will soon announce details of its creation of a National Office of Counter-Radicalization for conducting research and coordinating actives in Canada.

Last year the Senate defense and security committee issued a report saying that a number of foreign-trained Imams had been spreading extremist Islamic ideologies in Canada.  It called for the government to work with Muslim communities to “investigate the options that are available for the training and certification of imams in Canada.”

The report was not supported by liberal senators on the committee and it was denounced by the National Council of Canadian Muslims as stigmatizing and failing to offer effective solutions for the challenge of violent extremism.

A survey finds only 11% of French see immigration as positive

Image from BigStockPhoto.

The following is summarized from an Express UK article

A study by the polling group Ipsos Mori shows that the French hold more anti-immigration feelings than their neighboring countries, with only 11 percent thinking immigration had a positive impact on their country, compared to 18 percent in Germany and 20 percent in Spain.

Also, 38 percent thought closing the borders would be a good idea, and 67 percent thought that terrorists are waiting in the country disguised as migrants.

The study took place between June 24 and July 8, weeks before the terrorist attacks in Nice and Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray.

Erika Steinbach and Mahin Mousapour describe Christian migrants facing persecution by Muslims in German refugee asylum centers

The following information is summarized from this Breitbart article

National Parliament of Germany (Budenstag) member Erika Steinbach and Iranian-born pastor Mahin Mousapour held a press conference this past Monday calling for much stronger sanctions against Muslims who abuse Christians in Germany.

Following are points made by Ms. Mousapour, who converted to Christianity more than 25 years ago:

— She criticized Germany for granting Islam “too much respect,”  highlighting the fact that Christians suffer violence, harassment, and death threats in migrant lodgings.

— Christians living in migrant housing are often told they are “impure as a dog” and deserve death for rejecting Islam.

— In migrant housing toys of Christian children are often destroyed, Christian asylum seekers are told not only to wash their own dishes after eating but also that they must clean the entire kitchen as it would otherwise be “unclean.”  Many Muslim asylum seekers call all Christians “unclean.”  Church services are held in secret, bibles and crucifixes need to be hidden.

— Even converts who no longer live in migrant housing attract the ire of Muslims, and she recounted her experience of being threatened at knifepoint on the street.

— She called the anti-Christian hate crimes “horrific attacks on our fundamental values and our Constitution.  This kind of crime weighs on me more heavily than shoplifting.  If we do nothing about it we will lose our foundations in this country.  We are here in Germany, in a Christian country!  We must not allow others to change that.”

— She said she felt that a “misconceived tolerance” had led Germany to be overly respectful to Islam, pointing to Ramadan arrangements as a “disastrous” example of this.  During the Islamic month of fasting, migrant shelters in Germany catered to Muslim eating schedules, with Christians receiving only leftovers.  The timing saw Christians disturbed by Muslims eating and reciting surahs before sunrise and then staying up very late for dinner.

Following are points made by the politician Erika Steinbach, who is a member of German parliament:

— She advocated deportation for Muslims who attack or insult Christian migrants on the basis of their religion.

— She is a vocal critic  of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy to open Germany’s borders, calling for the European Union to set up refugee camps outside the bloc’s external borders where the migrants would “stay until the war is over, then go back home.”

— She called for the system of catering to the Muslims for Ramadan should be overhauled for next year, suggesting that migrant housing serves “breakfast, lunch and dinner as usual,” and that people who want to fast can save their meal to eat later on.

Christian refugees cannot sleep for fear of Muslims in German refugee centers

A German news report explains that the media has previously been denied access to an overcrowded refugee camp in Giessen, but politicians finally gave in to pressure and let the media inside to look around.

Once inside the camp, the media discovers that Muslim and Christian refugees are not separated from each other despite Christians being extremely persecuted by the Muslims.

The journalist speaks to a Christian refugee who says that he’s frightened because he thinks the camp is housing ISIS supporters and he can’t sleep at night because of it.

The refugee goes on to say that they loudly recite very specific verses of the Quran which bring back terrible memories to him every night— being the words ISIS says before they cut the heads off of people in Syria.  He also says a friend of his was killed in that manner by ISIS.

He says, “For God’s sake I cannot stay here with IS and all.  I am a Christian and I am afraid.  There are so many problems here.”

The media was led through the camp with restrictions that they had to stay together and never leave the group, and preferably they were to speak with only a handful of chosen refugees despite many of them crowding the reporters anxious to speak to them.

The “Hero” Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary is reported to be recruiting an army of extremists behind bars in England

The folllowing information has summarized from this Express UK article:

The notorious Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary is reported to be “raising an army” of jihadists who regard him as a hero behind bars during his 11 year prison sentence in England.

He has been held in the prison since last year and has been sentenced to 10 more years for inviting support for the Islamic State.

Currently Choudary is being held in “The Unit,” which is part of the prison that houses the most dangerous inmates.  Sources report that he has befriended and has been trying to recruit followers among the most hardened criminals in his block.

From the article:

“Choudary is thought to have inspired at least 110 Britons into committing terrorist acts over 20-years, including Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale who hacked soldier Lee Rigby to death in 2013 outside Woolwich Barracks in London.”
“Choudary, a father of five, who milked hundreds of thousands of pounds in benefits, was also linked to the [Editor’s note: Establishment false flag] 7/7 terror attacks in the capital in 2005.”

The news comes as the UK Ministry of Justice has revealed plans to combat Islamic extremism in British prisons.

The FBI is probing an Islamist terrorist knife attack that wounded two in Virginia

The following is a summary of this ABC News article

The FBI has launched a federal terrorism investigation into a weekend stabbing in Roanoke, VA., as it has become apparent that the attacker was trying to behead one of his victims while yelling “Allah Akbar.”

The attacker is a 20 year old man named Wasil Farooqui who has lived in the area.  The authorities claim to have been aware of him for some time.

Sources say that he traveled to Turkey and tried to sneak into Syria as an ISIS supporter.

He was arrested on Saturday and is being held on charges of assault with malicious wounding after attacking a man and a woman at an apartment complex with a knife.  Authorities believe that he likely picked his victims at random.

Farooqui and his two victims are hospitalized after the attack.

North Carolina teachers have been ordered to avoid calling students “boys and girls”

Following is an article by Adan Salazar on Infowars.com:  

Educators at a North Carolina public school district have been ordered to avoid using gender-specific pronouns when addressing pupils, according to a recently published training manual.

A slideshow presentation, entitled “Supporting Transgender Students,” provides guidance for the upcoming school year to K-12 teachers of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district, directing them how to properly handle students with gender identity issues.

“Transgendered,” “transsexual,” “transvestite,” “MtF or FtM,” “Cross Dresser,” and “Drag Queen/King,” are all terms teachers are instructed to avoid in order to “maximize academic achievement for every child.”

Instead, the slideshow suggests, teachers should familiarize themselves with terms such as “Questioning,” “Cisgender,” “Non-binary,” “Genderqueer,’ and “Gender nonconforming.”

A worksheet with a purple unicorn appears amid the instructional, which students are intended to fill out with their own gender identities.

Among techniques to “avoid gender specific classroom management,” the slideshow tells teachers to line students up by birth month, favorite color, or alphabetized, rather than “boy/girl.”

Children should also be addressed as “scholars or students vs. boys and girls,” the guidance recommends.

Additionally, faculty should “allow students to dress in accordance with their gender identity” (emphasis theirs), and “students must have access to the restroom/changing facilities that correspond to their gender identity,” in accordance with a recent Fourth Circuit court ruling.

“A student’s transgender status is confidential,” the Powerpoint presentation reminds teachers, and “Staff must take care not to ‘out’ a student to others, including the parents of an older student, without the student’s permission.”

“In contacting the parents, use the student’s name/pronoun on birth certificate unless student or parent says otherwise,” slide #34 reads.

Speaking to the Charlotte-Observer, Superintendent Ann Clark said little to nothing would change for most students.

“I would say to parents in this community that very little is going to be different in terms of your child’s experience unless you are the parent of a transgender student,” she stated.

But residents say the school’s new guidelines are an exercise in cultural Marxism.

“It’s a radical sexual revolution being forced on our kids,” Charlotte resident David Benham said to Fox News.

“What they are doing is highlighting and exploiting the transgender community and trying to push their radical agenda on the rest of the students,” Benham told Todd Starnes.

“It was really slick,” another parent told WCNC. “It is friendly looking and deceitful because that unicorn, to me, represents the religion of sex. It is silencing and penalizing those of us who believe we were created male and female and should be able to use those terms.”

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg 2016-2017 school year begins on Monday, August 29.

A “Black Lives Matter” gang attacked and robbed people in Akron, Ohio


Following is a summary of this Cleveland 19 News article

A gang of seven men chanting “Black Lives Matter” attacked and beat up seven white victims in Akron, Ohio early Sunday morning.   Police said victims were walking when they were approached by five black men and two white men who started hitting them with bottles, punching and kicking them.  One of the victims was kicked in the head a few times before loosing consciousness.  The suspects took the belongings of the victims before running away.  The police then located and arrested the suspects nearby.

Video: A 6 year old girl was married to a 55-year-old Imam in exchange for a goat and cooking oil in Afghanistan

The following information is summarized from this France 24 article:  

Video of a six year old girl named Gharibgol who was sold into marriage to a 55 year old Imam is being widely shared on social media in Afghanistan where many are expressing shock by the marriage, in particularly because it was in exchange for a goat and some food.

According to Afghan law, a woman can get married from age 16 and men from age 18, but despite those laws it is not rare for underage girls to get married in Afghanistan.  However such a huge age gap as in this case is not common though.

The journalist Fawad Ahmady who recorded the video explained:

“About 40 days ago Gharibgol was forced to marry the mullah of Obeh, the village where she lives with her family.  She was sold to him by her father in exchange for a goat, a bag of rice, tea, sugar, and a few litres of cooking oil.”

“After their marriage, her husband took her to Firozkoh, in Ghor province, to stay at a distant relative’s house.  This host first thought that Gharibgol was the mullah’s daughter.  But then the host realized that he was undressing her at night.  So he asked the mullah: she’s not your daughter?  The mullah replied: no, she’s my wife; her father gave her to me.  The host told a friend, who called the local women rights bureau for Ghor province.  The bureau called the police, and called me, as well.”

“The next day, on July 31, police arrested the mullah, and then went to arrest Gharibgol’s father in his village…”

“Gharibgol is now living with her mother in a safe house in Firozkoh.  Negineh Khalili, the head of the women’s rights bureau for Ghor province, told me she will do her best to make sure that her father loses his parental rights and that Gharibgol is granted a divorce.  She and the mullah were only married religiously, which makes things more difficult – a judge cannot divorce them; another imam must do that.  And divorce remains very taboo in Afghanistan…”

“This is just one of so many acts of violence against girls in Afghanistan”

“Under the law, nobody is allowed to marry underage children.  But imams like this mullah are quite respected, and don’t always face consequences.  Moreover, there’s the problem of poverty – the girl’s father said that he was having trouble making ends meet and that selling her not only meant gaining a goat and two months’ worth of food, it meant one less mouth to feed.  He tried to defend himself by saying that the mullah had promised he wouldn’t sleep with his daughter until she was 18.   I really hope that both men will serve time in jail.”

“This is just one of so many acts of violence against girls in Afghanistan.  Most don’t make the news.  But there have been a few cases that shocked the nation lately: one was the case of Zahra, a girl who was forced to marry at the age of eight.  At age 18, last month, she was burned to death after by her husband’s family after a dispute with her parents.  Then there was Rokhshana, 19, who was stoned to death last year.  She had been married when she was underage and was accused of having sexual relationship with a boy of her own age.  A video of her stoning drew shock from around the world.”

According to a 2011 UN survey, half of marriages in Afghanistan are to women under the age of 18, but according to Afghan human rights activists the real number is probably much higher due to many marriages not being registered in rural areas.