Whoopi Goldberg says Hillary is the real victim of Bill Clinton’s rapes, another host calls his accusers “tramps”— all to roaring laughter from the audience

On today’s episode of the show “The View”, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar belittle the women who accused Bill Clinton of raping them and also the woman whose rapist was defended by Hillary Clinton.

Whoopi Goldberg:  “[(In a disapproving tone)] Before the debate, Donald Trump had a press conference with several woman who accused Bill Clinton of inappropriate sexual behavior in front of an audience in the town hall.   May I just point this out?  Some of those woman slept with Clinton knowing he is a married man.  So, [Hillary] is the victim here, she’s the victim here.  And they are saying [Hillary] attacked some of those women?  They’re lucky— I don’t know about y’all, but if someone slept with your man, or your man— I do believe I would not be as polite!  We wouldn’t be all cute.. We would be ‘Nah, bitch!”  [ roaring laughter from the crowd ]   “Let’s start with the fact that she was the victim in this, she was the person to who dirty was done.  And Donald re-did the dirty by reintroducing it to the victim.”

Later in the clip another host Joy Behar referred to the women as “tramps”, also to laughter from the audience.

The magazine “Rolling Stone” entirely concealed Trump’s allegations about Bill Clinton’s rapes


Most establishment media outlets have been burying Donald Trump’s allegations about Bill Clinton’s long history of rapes as deep within their reporting about Sunday’s debate as possible, but the magazine Rolling Stone took it a step further and just obliterated his statement entirely.

Here is what Donald Trump actually said in the debate:

“If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse: mine are words, his was action.  This is what he has done to women.  There’s never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that’s been so abusive to women, so you can say any way you want to say it, but Bill Clinton was abusive to women.  Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.  Four of them are here tonight.”

Here is what the Rolling Stone article “14 WTF Moments From Off-the-Rails Second Presidential Debate” said about Trump’s statement:

“On Trump’s comments about Bill Clinton being an abuser of women”

Clinton:  “When I hear something like that, I am reminded of what my friend, Michelle Obama, advised us all: ‘When they go low, you go high.'”

Trump:  “And I’ve gotten to see some of the most vicious commercials I’ve ever seen of Michelle Obama talking about you, Hillary.  So, you talk about friend – go back and take a look at those commercials.  A race where you lost fair and square. Unlike the Bernie Sanders race, where you won, but not fair and square, in my opinion.  All you have to do is take a look at Wikileaks and see what they say about Sanders, and see what Wasserman-Schultz had in mind.  Never had a chance.  I was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil, but when you talk about apology, I think the one you should really be apologizing for, and this thing you should be apologizing for, are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and that you acid-washed, and then the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week taken from an office and are now missing.”

A masked teenager in a Belarus shopping center decapitated a woman with a chainsaw and seriously injured another


Following is a summary of this Express UK article

A masked 18 year old who was carrying a hammer and a chainsaw burst into a busy shopping mall in Minsk, Belarus, decapitating one woman and seriously injuring another.

An onlooker told the Belarus news website Onliner: “He lashed out at the nearest person and cut off her head.  When he took out a chainsaw, shoppers first thought it was some kind of game.  Then he cut one woman badly with the chainsaw and hit her with a hammer.  She died.  He also attacked others.”

Hundreds of people were in the shopping center at the time of the attack.  Police say the assailant was detained at the time of the attack.

An Ohio Muslim immigrant murdered his successful daughter in an honor killing while she slept

Jamal Mansour and his daughter Tahini

Following is a summary of this WND article

A 63 year old Muslim immigrant from Jordan shot his 27 year old daughter twice in the head while she was sleeping, killing her.

Jamal Mansour, of Rock River, Ohio, walked into his daughter Tahini’s bedroom at about 1:15 a.m. and shot her twice in the head while she slept.  Police rushed to the house after Tahani’s brother called 911 to report the shooting.  She died about ten hours later at a local hospital.

On the day of the shooting, Mansour stood before a judge and claimed shooting her in the head twice was an “accident.”  When the family was asked why they thought the father would shoot his own daughter, they blamed a medical condition, claiming he is a diabetic.  However, Lt. George Lichman with the Rocky River Police said that an evaluation showed that the father was not under any medical care at the time of the incident or since he’s been in jail.

Police say they don’t know of any motive other than an argument occurring between the father and daughter, but Daniel Akbari, an expert on Islamic honor killings, says what happened bears all the hallmarks of an honor killing:  “Mr. Mansour might have assimilated to Western culture sufficiently to shave his beard and wear jeans but not to accept his daughter behaving like western girls.”  Akbari is the author of “Honor Killing:  A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations and Ghayra Violence from the Islamic Sources.”

Tahini’s father was angry with her for taking a business trip to Las Vegas of which he did not approve, the family members told police.

Tahini was educated and successful, having a doctorate of pharmacy from Northeast Ohio Medical University in 2013.  She worked as a pharmacist for university hospitals and taught at the University of Findlay’s medical school.

Mansour emigrated from Jordan to the United States in 1978 and became a U.S. citizen.  He owns several businesses in the Cleveland area with his brother including gas stations and grocery stores, and he is participating in a family business venture in Jerusalem involving the construction of an apartment complex.

Almost 11,000 African migrants have been picked up in the Mediterranean earlier this week

Following is a summary of this Reuters article

More than 6,000 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast on Monday, and 5,000 were rescued on Tuesday and Wednesday, making the total at the beginning of the week almost 11,000.  Also as many as 78 people have died and three women had given birth.

Libya is 180 miles from the Italian island of Lampedusa, and people smugglers have been using the island as their preferred destination for reaching Europe due to it’s closeness.

The latest surge in arrivals means that at least 142,000 have come to Italy since the start of the year, and 3,100 have died while attempting to make the trip.  In 2015, 154,000 came to Italy and 2,892 died.

Most of the refugees come from Africa, including Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Gambia, Sudan, Ivory Coast and Somalia.

The migrants are brought to Italy, where they are fingerprinted and identified by EU and Italian officials.  Migrants are required to stay in the country were they first enter the bloc, and Italy is becoming overwhelmed by the immigrants.  As a result, the European Commission devised a plan last year to move thousands of new migrants to other EU countries, where as many as 40,000 migrants could be relocated from Italy over two years, but so far most countries have been reluctant to accept them.

A University of British Columbia female student was attacked with a knife by a Saudi Muslim student in her dorm room

Mary Hale, an 18 year old British Columbia Student was attacked in her dorm room at the University of British Columbia by a fellow student who is an immigrant from Saudi Arabia that was enrolled in a special program for first-year international students.

Mary Hale, a UBS student who was attacked Tuesday morning

Following is a summary of this CBC article:  

Eighteen-year-olds Luca Berg and Adam Casey

Eighteen-year-olds Adam Casey and Luca Berg are credited with saving the life of Mary Hale, who was being choked on the floor by a student Thamer Hameed Almestadi in a dorm of the University of British Columbia.  They learned of the attack after running into distraught girls in the hallway who were frantically trying to find people to help her.

Casey said he had five years of marital arts training, and he put Almestadi into a chokehold.  When Berg arrived he attacked the assailant’s legs which were around her neck and removed them, allowing her to get out of the room to safety.  They both then held Almestadi until the police arrived.

Donald Trump is controlled by the political establishment, as all major candidates are


As the saying goes— “In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happened, you can bet it was planned to be that way.”

Most people aren’t extremely politically aware, but rather they choose a political party as a “team” which they perceive as being representative of themselves no matter what the underlying reality of their party or candidate might actually be.

Also, many people don’t pay much attention to the news and thus are only informed by the most prevalent news headlines.  Therefore, any potential inflammatory statements made by candidates are a large determining factor of who supports a candidate and who opposes them.  Trump is perceived by many Americans as being “racist, xenophobic, irrational, and sexist” based mostly on the inflammatory statements that he has made, and thus he is often despised by many people.  This is harmful to his candidacy because people who currently don’t support him have little potential of changing their minds to support him in the future.

Here is a list of many of Trump’s relatively recent gaffes from June 2015 to May 2016.  I agree that many of his gaffes are reprehensible and some I think are not as much.  However, in all cases his statements are inflammatory, which serves to repel potential supporters and solidify Clinton’s base.  Trump also often makes inflammatory statements and then later clarifies or changes his stance after the damage has been done.

This graph shows the poll numbers of the candidates from July 27, 2015  to October 2, 2016.  Notice the points in time when the charts abruptly change directions.  Whenever Trump is set to surpass Clinton, suddenly his popularity takes a dive.  From:   http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/us-election-polls-2016-donald-8883803


The above chart shows how “hated” Trump is, which is at record levels for any major candidate since 1980.  Notice how he eclipses Clinton who is in second place as the most hated.  Trump’s gaffes are serving to make the horribly corrupt Hillary “appealing” by comparison.


Trump has been a long-time friend with the Clintons as well, as this New York Times article explains.

Trump’s campaign promises are almost all entirely against the long term plans of the global elite establishment (Illuminati), however Trump is actually a member of the Illuminati, as is shown in the following pictures.

Trump is a member of the Illuminati as all other major politicians and celebrities are.  Note his hand signs:









Videos showing people reading extreme passages from the Old Testament but telling people it is the Quran spread inaccurate perceptions of Islam as not being a violent and repressive ideology

(Note June 7, 2019— I have added more information about extreme passages in the Bible.)

Videos like this one are one of the biggest reasons that people don’t understand the serious threat that is posed by Islam.  Islam is in no way similar to Christianity— it is more than only a religion, it is an ideology and a political system which dictates how its followers are required to live all aspects of their lives, and Muslims are expected to take it very seriously.  In many Islamic countries, Muslims who leave their religion are actually executed for doing so.

As the above video shows, there are extreme passages in the Old Testament of the Bible such as ones talking about stoning people for blasphemy and adultery, however it does not mention that there are  no such passages in the New Testament, and the New Testament certainly takes precedence to Christians.  Christ was a pacifist and a healer who came to put an end to suffering, he was not a conquering warlord and an enslaver as Muhammad was.

There are a few examples of Christian terrorism being inspired by the Old Testament, but it is statistically insignificant compared to the massive amounts of Muslim terrorism which occurs based on the instructions of the Quran.

There is a passage in the New Testament which is often misinterpreted as Jesus telling his followers to kill people (Luke 19:27) which reads as follows:  “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them] before me.”  However, this statement is misinterpreted because it can easily be taken out of context.  In fact Jesus spoke those words when he was in the middle of telling a parable— he was telling a story about someone else and not actually giving a command to his followers.  See this link for more information about that passage.

See the Open Minded Realism article “A comparison of aspects of Christianity with aspects of Islam” which discusses important differences between the regions in more detail.