Typical deceitful tactics used by leftist candidates

I was looking at the campaign website of Gretchen Whitmer, who recently won the Democratic candidacy for the governor of Michigan, and I noticed some deceitful tactics that she used when she spoke about “women’s issues.”

First of all, her website is making totally  false claims about the supposed “wage gap” issue.  It says “.. Women still struggle with inequity in Michigan’s economy, earning just 74 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn for the same work.”

Wait.. for the same work?!

Here is what an online “fact sheet” says about the wage gap.. “In Michigan, median annual pay for a woman who holds a full-time, year-round job is $37,486 while median annual pay for a man who holds a full-time, year-round job is $50,479.  This means that women in Michigan are paid 74 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to an annual wage gap of $12,993.”

.. But how is that for the same work though?  It’s not!

She then fear mongers that Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is going to overturn Roe vs. Wade and she outlines what she would do if that happens, however Kavanaugh is certainly not going to do that.  (A lot of online articles from leftist publications try to paint Kavanaugh as some sort of a pro-life zealot because of a controversy of him not allowing an undocumented immigrant who was being held in a federal shelter to get an abortion, but him doing that definitely doesn’t mean that he will overturn Roe vs. Wade.)

Whitmer came to my attention because she won the candidacy for governor over Abdul el-Sayed, who is one of the “Democratic Socialist” candidates that Ocasio-Cortez endorsed.  I think perhaps Cortez knew that el-Sayed was projected to lose and she endorsed him knowing it would happen in a high profile manner, as a continuation of a potential agenda of giving false reassurance to opponents of extreme leftist agendas.

Whitmer seems to be rather extreme herself, and her site doesn’t even mention her stances on most of the controversial issues.  She is another one of those “Emily’s list” candidates.

A mob of mostly white anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian bicyclists descended on UK’s “Speaker’s Corner” to chant anti-Jewish slogans

On Sunday a mob of about 100 mostly white bicyclists who were all wearing the same cycling outfits descended on UK’s “Speakers Corner” to chant anti-Semitic slogans such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”— which is essentially a genocidal term saying that the people of Israel should be “eliminated” from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.

A Jewish man found himself surrounded by the group and he recorded the above video.  This JihadWatch article contains an interview of him explaining what he experienced.

YouTube is adding “fact check” text blurbs underneath videos that expose global warming deceit

YouTube is now adding “fact check” text blurbs below videos that expose Establishment deceit about global warming issues.

YouTube is adding text that says “Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related effects.  Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming.” underneath the videos, with a link to a Wikipedia article which talks about global warming issues.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki had mentioned the agenda at SXSW 2018, however YouTube has not released official information about what they have done, and they have not informed users who have uploaded videos that are affected by the new policy.

Issues with tech company censorship and how to most effectively circumvent it

I remember a joke about two women who are at a restaurant, where one of them says, “The food here is so terrible!” and the other one says, “Yes, and the portions are so small..”

The problem

Starting this morning, YouTube, Apple, Facebook, and other companies have all at the same time banned hosting content that has been created by Infowars.com, claiming it to be “hate speech,” which has caused almost universal condemnation of those companies by activists who are opposed to Establishment corruption.

What those companies have done has made a martyr out of Infowars.  However, those companies will also increasingly censor smaller independent organizations that criticize corrupt Establishment agendas, such as media outlets that communicate about problems associated with Islam, for example.  As evidenced with what they’ve done to Infowars, such companies will certainly ban anti-Establishment communication even if it’s not “hate speech”— it only needs to be information that the Establishment doesn’t want people to become informed about.  I certainly agree that people should be screaming about how those companies are behaving.

What to do about it

As a result of what has been happening, Infowars has been essentially demanding that the government step in and start regulating who those companies serve, arguing that those companies are “public utilities” and “monopolies,” but I think in doing so Infowars is creating an impression that effective alternatives to those companies don’t exist.

In many ways, Infowars’ response has been anti-libertarian in nature and I think it almost serves to “deify” the companies that have banned it.  For example I don’t understand the logic of demanding that the government starts intervening to enforce equal access to Facebook of all companies, since Facebook has always been a CIA front that exists for the purpose of spying on people!

In fact, all of those companies in question are essentially corrupt organizations that are aligned with the political Establishment.  However, none of them are actually “monopolies” because online alternatives do exist for all of them.  The definition of a “monopoly” is “exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action”— which is a definition that doesn’t really apply to any of those companies.  All that anybody needs to do is to enter a URL of a preferable alternative company into their web browser, and no more “monopoly”!

I think people should instead be focusing on ramping up communicating about the serious issues associated with the companies in question and boycotting them while also endorsing preferable companies, rather than pushing to have the government enforce everyone having equal access to those companies.

But what about “net neutrality”?

I think internet “content hosting” companies such as Google and Facebook should in many ways technically have the right to do what they want to do as long as they don’t actually harm people, however I feel differently about companies that consist of the actual physical infrastructure of the internet itself.  I believe broadband ISP companies definitely should be regulated as utilities via “net neutrality” legislation because they are a “finite” resource, unlike the content companies that merely exist on the internet which can be thought of as “infinite” resources.

I’ve explained more about issues with content hosting company censorship and net neutrality at this link, this link, and this link.

The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society and other “religious contractors” are responsible for much of the importation of frequently anti-Semitic migrants from overseas

The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society is an Establishment organization that facilitates importing often extremely anti-Semitic Muslims into Europe and the U.S., despite the fact that it is a Jewish organization.

Over the past few years there has been large increases in anti-Semitic violence happening in Europe and elsewhere, mostly due to the increases in Islamic immigration that has been occurring.

This 2016 AFP News Agency broadcast explains that many Jewish people in France are facing persecution due to frequently increasing anti-Semitism, requiring them to relocate elsewhere.

Also this 2016 Guardian Video explains that large rises in anti-Semitic attacks mostly by Islamic migrants has been happening in London and Manchester.

The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society is one of nine taxpayer subsidized “religious contractors” in the United States that advocate for increased importation of  Muslim migrants from overseas, and they also coordinate signing up the migrants to receive social services once they arrive.  This Refugee Resettlement Watch article explains those organizations.

Also see a News of Interest.TV article that summarizes issues with the refugee resettlement program.

The Trump / LeBron James controversy is Establishment calculated divisiveness

Many people are labeling Trump’s recent statement which insults the intelligence of LeBron James and Don Lemon as being “racist,” but really that isn’t actually the case because Trump never mentioned their race.  However, James is a hero to many African Americans so obviously Trump’s statement has been calculated to be off-putting to people in that demographic.

But the situation goes deeper than that.  It starts with recent statements that James made saying Trump is “using sports to divide the nation.”  It is true that Trump has made “divisive” statements about Colin Kirkpatrick’s behavior of kneeling during the national anthem in the past, and Kirkpatrick’s behavior has been divisive itself.

Like most major sports celebrities, apparently both Colin Kirkpatrick (link, link) and LeBron James are associated with the Illuminati establishment.  And like all Presidents, Trump is also apparently a member of the Illuminati as well.  None of those people would be allowed to be in those positions if the political Establishment didn’t have a large degree of control over them.

In other words, when it comes to this controversy, the people involved are apparently being stage managed by the political Establishment to reinforce divisiveness in order to ensure that Trump’s base doesn’t expand beyond its current demographics.

The Establishment has been doing whatever it can to ensure that minority groups don’t identify with Trump, because they want such people to remain on the Democratic “reservation,” continuing to vote as they’ve been manipulated into doing and being kept dependent on the government’s assistance as a means of controlling them.

Why isn’t the “Village Voice” newspaper mentioning veganism?

I think it’s interesting that the Village Voice newspaper which touts itself as “New York News, Food, Culture and Events” really isn’t accommodating of vegan culture at all.  I’m sure that a lot of its readers are vegan or at least they like vegan (and raw vegan) food, so why isn’t there any mention of that anywhere?

For example, I saw the “Best New Restaurants of 2017” article that is featured, but all of the restaurants that it mentions are traditional and meat-serving.  In fact the first restaurant on the list serves “foie gras torchon, doled out in stout pucks the size of stereo receiver dials..,” ect.. Foie gras, really?  All of the the rest of the restaurants on the list are the meat serving type as well, with none of them being vegan or raw vegan restaurants!

Also, the homepage of the newspaper currently has all sorts of pictures of big piles of hot dogs and meat barbecues, and the “Ask New Yorkers: What’s on the Grill” article doesn’t even feature a single group of people having a vegan barbecue.  They couldn’t find anybody doing that?

In New York people have the option to go to vegan restaurants as easily as any other, so I wonder why the stories aren’t focusing on that at all.  The newspaper has potential to be influential, so why is it only following meat eating habits?

Europe is quickly becoming a totalitarian state

[Note: March 8, 2020— I have revamped this article.]

Europe has increasingly been becoming a repressive totalitarian state, with exactly the same political Establishment being responsible for its current problems as has been responsible for the World Wars that have ravaged it during the last century.

How could Europeans not have learned from what has happened to them?  The specific laws that outlaw free speech in Europe are a direct cause of the serious (and soon to be fatal) problems that Europeans are experiencing now.

I’m amazed by how so many Europeans have turned into uninformed politically correct zombies.  What most don’t realize is that the same people who are telling them what to think now have been telling them what to think during World Wars I and II, and for the same ultimate agendas!

What sort of a society thinks that it is acceptable to criminalize free speech?!  Europeans need to wake up about what is happening to them.