[Note: March 13, 2020— Text of this article has been revamped.]
Yesterday I saw parts of a World War II documentary entitled “The Price of Empire” which was annoyingly loaded with Establishment disinformation, as most such documentaries are. Its narrative was seemingly taken verbatim from Establishment news that was disseminated in newsreels and printed on the front pages of the newspapers at the time, with the information also being infused with modern Establishment propaganda agendas.
As example of its bias, when the documentary introduced the rise of Nazism in the first episode, it claimed: “A new populist party OF THE RIGHT [emphasis mine] that had secured 2.5% of the vote previously, found its share jumping to 18.3% in 1930. The National Socialists are suddenly a serious political force.” But their claim that Nazis were “right wing” is not accurate, Nazis were LEFTISTS (socialists), not right-wingers. All of the most dangerous political movements in history have been left wing, including Neocons like the Bush family who are actually hard core leftists (and also Nazis) that pretend to be “right wing” so they can get away with it. See the video “Overview of America” for an explanation of the true meaning of “left wing” and “right wing.”
Another example of the documentary’s deceptive intent is in the episode entitled “A Day in Infamy,” where it gives a common Establishment narrative about the Pearl Harbor attacks that conceals the evidence showing that the United States facilitated the Japanese attack at the instructions of the global elite. (You can gauge a lot about the overall approach of any World War II documentary by first finding what it says about this event.) The documentary makes the ridiculous statement: “Japan did not want to wage war against the United States. Japan knew that it could never win such a war. What Japan wanted was to nullify American power for long enough to enable it to grab such a strong bargaining position that it would walk enriched from peace talks. That meant a preemptive strike designed to keep Americans out of the Japanese theater of operations.”
Interestingly though, the documentary makers apparently felt that they had no choice but to mention the fact that the commander of the U.S. fleet Admiral Kimmel and the army commander General Walter Short were publicly held responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack in a board of inquiry shortly after the attack, but were then exonerated after their deaths in 1999 “when a congressional committee found that intelligence reports that were available in Washington has not been forwarded to the two men..” However, the documentary makers seemed to do all that they could to try to insert that information in as brief of an aside as possible to make it seem as if it was an inconsequential aspect of the event, without mentioning the ramifications of it or any of the other facts associated with that matter.
A New American article by James Perloff entitled “Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not” is an excellent explanation of the deceit associated with the attack. Also see a summary of a book written by Perloff entitled “The Shadows of Power” which explains that situation and many other similar little known facts about the actual activities of the global elite. (The book was first published in 1988, eleven years before Kimmel and Short were exonerated in Congress.)
(The documentary did mention something that I didn’t know before though— the fact that most of the ships that were attacked at Pearl Harbor were docked in very shallow water so they didn’t actually “sink,” which allowed them to be quickly repaired and put back into action. Wikipedia says“All eight U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, with four sunk. All but the USS Arizona were later raised, and six were returned to service and went on to fight in the war…”)
I see that Bette Midler is advocating for the lynching of Donald Trump and his family on Twitter.
Remember though that Trump was a part of the entertainment industry world before he was President, and he and Midler (and Robert De Niro, etc..) are likely actually friends and the supposed “persecution” of him by such celebrities is essentially a scam give him credibility in the eyes of his supporters.
[Note: March 9, 2020— I’m critical of Trump, however I do think that he is very preferable to what a Hillary Clinton administration would have meant. Nonetheless I think it is important to call him out on issues where he is not actually doing what he has promised to do.]
[Another Note: March 13, 2020— Actually Trump isn’t that great at all! Hillary would have been horrible, but Trump is bad too. His “job” for the political Establishment is to play a role of making right wing and anti-Establishment views seem bigoted and unworkable, while actually implementing as little of his promises as possible. He’s done some bad things, with one of the worst being his endorsement of the Hitler-like Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte who urges the extra-judicial killings of suspected drug dealers.]
I saw this news article with a video about a housing boom in Boulder, Colorado. I grew up in a suburb twenty miles to the east of Boulder where there was mostly empty prairie filling the space between the two areas. Needless to say there isn’t much empty prairie there any more. I’m surprised to read about the huge increase in the of value of the houses, although Boulder has always been a fancy area though.
I think it’s strange that they say there is such a supposed housing “shortage” though.. All of the right half of Colorado to the east of Boulder and the Rocky Mountains is flat with mostly just prairie and wheat fields, so what is stopping people from continuing to build outward? They could easily build fast trains going into the urban areas from such outlying areas.
The video clip shows a Boulder councilwoman actually complaining about the city being too affluent! I think it’s ridiculous to be complaining about that. Ask cities in the rust belt or much of the rest of the country what they think of that “problem”! My point is that there is unlimited space to expand outward to the east, so it only means that there would be an easy commute into the city for lower income residents— So what’s the big deal? The video falsely claims that “there isn’t any room to expand” while showing clips of driving in the mountains— but they don’t mention the unlimited expanse of prairie to the East. So why not just keep expanding outward?— The answer is because doing so wouldn’t let them implement their leftist agendas as easily.
Boulder is located where the Midwest prairies meet the Rocky Mountains.Here is a view of Boulder from the mountains. Most people live in the flat part and not in the mountains. Outward from that is the great plains of the Midwest... It’s mostly farmland and prairies for a thousand miles out! So where is the supposed space shortage that they are talking about?
[Note: March 9, 2020— I have re-written portions of this article.]
The “Far-Right” Swedish Democrat party made some gains in that country’s election last night, but a Reuters story has labeled them as “a party with roots in the white supremacist fringe”:
“The Sweden Democrats, a party with roots in the white supremacist fringe, won 17.6 percent and 63 seats, up from 12.9 percent and 49 seats in the last election four years ago, the biggest gain by any party in Sweden’s parliament, the Riksdag.”
“The results were largely in line with the conventional opinion polls tracked by Reuters in the run-up to the election but well below some online surveys that had predicted the Sweden Democrats could become the largest party.”
The Wikipedia page about the Sweden Democrats lists many of the alleged racist controversies of the group.
Actually, such “far-right” political parties often do have roots in extremism, but usually it is because of Establishment infiltration or because the entire party has been founded as an Establishment “controlled opposition” group.
Unfortunately that sort of infiltration in such groups is so prevalent that it has given the Establishment media an excuse to co-opt the term “far-right” to imply that it refers to white supremacism and neo-Nazis.
The term “far-right” only actually means “to be very against government meddling and control,” and of course it doesn’t mean “racism and bigotry.” See an interesting video here that explains what the terms “left wing” and “right wing” actually refer to.
A problem that has been keeping Europe headed on its current self-destructive path is the fact that the organizations that push against leftist Establishment corruption are often compromised to act in a bigoted manner due to infiltration, forcing activists to choose between various false alternatives.
[Note: March 9, 2020— I have re-written this article in a more summarized fashion.]
A strange “rare New York Times anonymous Op-Ed essay” by someone who claims to be “part of the resistance inside the Trump Administration” has “vowed to thwart parts of [Trump’s] agendas and his worst inclinations,” however the essay actually seemed to be created with the intention of causing Trump’s supporters to rally behind him due to making it appear as if he is being persecuted from within his own administration.
In the op-ed, the “insider” claimed that Trump is “amoral, opposed to freedom, reckless, ill-informed, and mentally incompetent”; and he said that John McCain is an example of a politician who should be “revered” instead because he had “the high aim of uniting through our shared values and love of this great nation.” He also said that Trump “feared” McCain who was “a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue.”
Here are some of the quotes from the “anti-Trump” op-ed:
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
I would know. I am one of them.
To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. …
But we believe our first duty is to this country, and the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.
That is why many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump’s more misguided impulses until he is out of office.
The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. …
Although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.
In addition to his mass-marketing of the notion that the press is the “enemy of the people,” President Trump’s impulses are generally anti-trade and anti-democratic.
From the White House to executive branch departments and agencies, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the commander in chief’s comments and actions.
Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.
It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t.
Take foreign policy: In public and in private, President Trump shows a preference for autocrats and dictators, such as President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and displays little genuine appreciation for the ties that bind us to allied, like-minded nations.
… But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.
This isn’t the work of the so-called deep state. It’s the work of the steady state.
Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. …
The bigger concern is not what Mr. Trump has done to the presidency but rather what we as a nation have allowed him to do to us. We have sunk low with him and allowed our discourse to be stripped of civility.
Senator John McCain put it best in his farewell letter. All Americans should heed his words and break free of the tribalism trap, with the high aim of uniting through our shared values and love of this great nation.
We may no longer have Senator McCain. But we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue. Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere them.
There is a quiet resistance within the administration of people choosing to put country first. But the real difference will be made by everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.
[Note: March 8, 2020— I have revamped the text of this article.]
I can’t believe the endless media coverage about John McCain’s death. He was a very deceitful politician. I think the Establishment media’s massive outpouring of eulogies for him was calculated to send a message to the rest of the politicians that there isn’t consequences for being compromised and doing whatever they are told to do.
It’s interesting to see what different media outlets have to say about John McCain’s passing..
Breitbart called McCain a “Conservative Frenemy, American Hero.”
However, Alex Jones spoke about the truth of McCain’s corruption. Following is from this article: “Alex Jones explains the true character of the late John McCain, a notorious Deep State neocon who sold out the U.S. to ISIS, the ChiComs, and the big banks.”
The rest of the media has often been spinning the issue as an “Anti-Trump” story, such as in this Yahoo article where they talk to an African American guy who talks about the shamefulness of Trump not lowering the flag for more than a full day, ect..
And McCain’s death is still news, even today [over a week after it happened], such as in this NPR article: “McCain Makes A Final Return to Washington For Rare Honors.”
Various online fundraising platforms have recently blacklisted and ceased the availability of outstanding payments for the activist Robert Spencer who runs the website Jihad Watch, due to Establishment organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center falsely labeling him as a “hate group.”
Robert Spencer is an anti-Islamization activist whose name is often confused with Richard Spencer who is a neo-Nazi, although that was not the reason for the blacklisting.
An online financial payment service called “GoFundMe” has notified Robert Spencer that they are not going to reimburse him for over $3000 that he has raised on that platform. The company told him: “It seems you’re using WePay for one or more of the activities prohibited by our Terms of Service. Unfortunately, you can’t use WePay to accept additional payments. Any pending payments will be canceled and you won’t be able to withdraw funds at this time.”
The actual terms in question are: “WePay is unable to process payments related to Hate, violence, racial intolerance, terrorism, the financial exploitation of a crime, or items or activities that encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct others regarding the same.”
Spencer explains, “GoFundMe, like Patreon and MasterCard, allow no appeal, no discussion, no questioning of the SPLC’s fiat … [And it] isn’t just the SPLC; it is now taken for granted by large segments of the American population, and by innumerable people elsewhere, that to oppose jihad mass murder of innocent civilians and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others is ‘hate’.”
“I’m going to be doing what I can to challenge GoFundMe’s uncritical acceptance of the SPLC’s smear of me, and the likely same uncritical acceptance by MasterCard/Patreon. But the SPLC has hundreds of millions of dollars and I don’t. And many who don’t realize how vulnerable they are will applaud what is happening to me because they don’t realize or believe how easily the same tactics can and will be turned on them. But they will be.”
A MasterCard spokesman wrote in an email to Spencer: “As part of our normal process, we share information about websites that may have illegal content with the acquirer – or merchant’s bank – that connects them to our network to accept card payments. The acquirer would then review the site for compliance with legal requirements and our standards. They would then determine what action to take. In this case, the acquirer advised us that they decided to terminate acceptance.’”
.. To which Spencer laments: “So to what ‘illegal content’ is MasterCard referring? It is not (yet) illegal in the United States to criticize Islam and oppose jihad mass murder and the Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others. It is, however, illegal to do so under Sharia. Is MasterCard operating according to Sharia blasphemy laws now?”
SPLC spokesman Heidi Beirich said about the situation, “We want PayPal, we want Mastercard, we want all of them to stop servicing hate groups,” and she said that it was actually a group called “Color of Change” who was the driving force behind Spencer’s blacklisting.
“Color of Change” is a leftist Establishment organization that was founded by CNN’s “Van Jones.” The same Breitbart article linked to in the previous paragraph explains that Color of Change attempted to associate Robert Spencer with white supremacists in a statement which also announced that they pushed MasterCard to “take proactive steps to stop processing payments for white supremacist groups.” (Note— I couldn’t find that statement online, but I did find a link on their website entitled “Stop corporate funders of hate groups,” which contains only a single image of a credit card being held in front of a neo-Nazi website. It’s interesting that the Color of Change organization is closely aligned with the “Black Lives Matter” organization, which is itself a hate group.)
Issues with a “Daily Beast” smear article about Robert Spencer
A leftist website called “The Daily Beast” ran a smear article gloating about the situation of Spencer being kicked off of the Patreon platform, claiming that he is a white supremacist. Following are excepts from Spencer’s reply to the allegations:
On what aspects of my work do you base this false and libelous implication? Can you produce even one statement from me, from 18 books, thousands of articles, and 50,000 blog posts, that gives even a hint of support for white supremacy? Or are you just taking the SPLC’s word for it?
You claim that in my “2017 memoir that [I’m] fine with being ‘the right kind of Islamophobe.’” Are you aware that the book in question was not actually a memoir? Are you aware of the context of the statement, which was that I noted that any opposition to jihad terror and Sharia oppression was labeled “Islamophobic,” and stated that everyone should actually oppose jihad terror, Islamic anti-Semitism, stonings, amputations, the brutalization of women, etc., and thus become that kind of “Islamophobe”? Surely you oppose such things yourself, don’t you?
Spencer also notes about the article’s author: “Remember: the Nazis operated in exactly this way, first barring those they hated from holding various professions and making it impossible for them to make a living. Sommer and his ilk are quintessential neo-fascists.”
A Breitbart article written by Allum Bokhari explains the current situation of all online credit card payment companies discriminating against activists for their political views.
Following are issues that are mentioned in the article:
Issues with fundraising platforms
— The fundraising platform Patreon doesn’t allow groups that it accuses of being associated with “hate speech,” although it has a double standard of discriminating against conservatives who don’t actually engage in hate speech while it continues to allow fundraising for leftist hate groups such as ANTIFA who even engage in violence.
— The fundraising platform Kickstarter banned the project of a Swedish academic Ann Heberlein who was raising funds to study the correlation between immigration and rape in Sweden since the government has ceased to keep records about that.
— The fundraising platform GoFundMe deleted the fundraising campaign for a Christian bakery in Oregon which was facing a $135,000 fine for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, and it also deleted campaigns for a Jamie Glazov anti-Sharia law tour, a campaign to expose Hillary Clinton’s anti-Israel sentiments, and a campaign to raise funds to protect the family of an organizer of a “Draw Muhammad” contest.
— The crowdfunding site IndieGoGo bans any campaign that “promotes hate” or “promotes hate symbols and/or hate terms on their website, as defined by the Anti-defamation league,” and it bans any gun rights related crowdfunding. (The Anti-defamation league blames “Trump supporters” for increasing anti-Semitism.)
Issues with the online payment processors “PayPal” and “Stripe”
— “In order to build a fundraising platform, you need a payments processor. And the market for payments processors is dominated by just two companies: PayPal and Stripe. And they’re just as intolerant as the fundraising platforms.”
— The conservative activist Lauren Southern was banned from Patreon, so she set up her own fundraising platform which made use of the “Stripe” payment processor. But after she was banned from the U.K. for distributing leaflets satirizing Islam, Stripe withdrew their service from her.
— “Stripe has also withdrawn services from FreeStartr, an alternative to Patreon and GoFundMe set up by free speech maximalist Chuck Johnson. Johnson says the platform has also been banned by PayPal.”
— Stripe withdrew their service from FreeStartr because it had a legal defense fund for the white supremacist Richard Spencer. Johnson says, “Everyone will think like, ‘oh it’s Richard Spencer, he can go f*** himself’ — but they shut down my entire business over his account.”Johnson explains that his goal was to build an open, neutral platform, and not to personally endorse the people who use it.
— Johnson further explains, “My position on this is simple, it’s the same position the ACLU had in Skokie. .. Everyone has certain rights … If they need a legal defense, and people donate to it, and all the money’s legal, then I don’t see an issue with it. People have a right to donate to controversial causes.”
— “Johnson says the platform has also been banned by PayPal. Already notorious for freezing WikiLeaks’ account in 2011, PayPal also withdrew services from nationalist YouTuber Faith Goldy earlier this week.”
— An organization called “MakerSupport” is another alternative to Patreon that promised to allow creators to raise funds regardless of their political affiliations, but Stripe has also withdrawn their services from that platform.
— It would be nearly impossible for a conservative company to be created to compete with Stripe or Paypal because of the regulatory hurdles and the massive resources that would be needed to create such an organization.
Even banks discriminate based on political views
— “Citi, the fourth-largest bank in America, announced in March that it would withdraw its services from weapons and ammunition stores that refuse to accept a range of progressive gun control demands, none of which are mandated by U.S. law. These included prohibitions on the sale of bump stocks and ‘high-capacity magazines.’”
Some activists are still able to make use of those services
— The dissident Canadian academic Jordan Peterson is still able to be supported by over 9,500 small donors on Patreon.
— Memories Pizza, the Indiana-based pizza parlor which was forced to close its doors after it was publicly attacked by the Establishment media for refusing to cater to gay weddings, was able to reopen after its supporters raised over $800,000 via GoFundMe.
The Brietbart article that was summarized in the previous section of this article explains why it would be almost impossible for a payment processor company that supports free thinking to be able to be created to compete with Stripe or Paypal:
“Can a conservative competitor to Stripe or PayPal be created? Almost certainly not. The regulatory hurdles of setting up a payments processor, the difficulty of forging relationships with major banks, and the complexity of the technology and scarcity of talented programmers with experience in the field mean the operating and start-up costs are high. A payments processor targeted at the niche market of former Patreon users who have since been banned from the platform will not turn a profit. Anyone willing to set one up would have to be willing to burn a lot of money. Much like competing with Google or Apple, it’s easier said than done.”
“Moreover, a PayPal or Stripe competitor would still be dependent on business relationships with banks and credit card providers, none of which have any incentive to be first amendment friendly. MasterCard proved that back in 2011 when they joined a financial services boycott against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In order to fully guarantee a politically neutral service, you would need more than your own version of PayPal: you’d need your own bank and your own credit card business.”
Clearly such companies are monopolies and they are also “finite resources,” and as such the government should step in to implement First Amendment protections for the people who make use of those services.
Currently those companies formulate their policies based on the agendas of corrupt Establishment organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Cryptocurrency is digital money such as “BitCoin” or “Eherium” which is used as a medium of exchange over the internet similar to how credit cards are used. The currency is made up of computer code which is distributed on the internet in a decentralized peer-to-peer encrypted “blockchain” that keeps track of the existence of the currency without any government oversight.
Following are many of the benefits of cryptocurrency:
— Cryptocurrency minimizes fraud due to it not being possible to counterfeit or reverse engineer that system.
— Cryptocurrency transactions are immediate and automatic without the involvement of other people, and they involve little or no fees unlike traditional money transfers.
— Cryptocurrency does not use your identity, unlike a credit card which draws information from a centralized database which is maintained by the credit card company.
— Anyone anywhere with an internet connection can make transactions using cryptocurrency, which makes it available to be used by people in the developing world.
— The process of cryptocurrency is completely decentralized. A network of computers all over the world keeps track of the transactions, with the owners of the computers receiving a small commission for every transaction.
—Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they operate without a single potential point of failure as traditional currency systems do.
— As long as you store your cryptocurrency properly, it is not possible for it to be “revoked” by a centralized power such as a government.
— The ownership of your currency is determined by you owning your cryptographic “keys” for it. The cryptographic keys are only long garbled strings of text which you need to keep track of and protect. Your identity is not attached to those keys.
— Cryptocurrency transactions happen whenever you need them, they aren’t limited by the time, day of the week, or holidays.
— There is no other type of electronic cash system where your account isn’t owned by someone else.
— Cryptocurrencies aren’t linked to the laws, rules or regulations of any government, corporation or bank.
Due to all of these reasons it’s easy to see why cryptocurrency is an ideal monetary system to be used by people who speak about topics that the political establishment wants to censor.
If the current situation with the financial service companies continues as it is, it’s likely that cryptocurrency will become much more widely adopted.
A Fordham University professor Christina Greer speaking on MSNBC yesterday dismissed the media coverage about Mollie Tibbets who was found murdered by a Mexican illegal immigrant after being missing for five weeks. Greer complained that Fox New is talking about “a girl in Iowa” instead of continuing to focus on the ongoing trails of Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort. Greer is also an author of pro-immigration books.
Due to an outrage caused by Greer’s statements, she released an apology but in doing so she continued to advocate for her corrupt views: “Yesterday I said something flippant the was unintended. Mollie Tibbets was a promising young woman who lost her life. My hope is that her family will find peace and justice and that her murderer is not used to justify a discriminatory immigration policy.”
The body of Mollie Tibbets was found on August 21, five weeks after she was reported missing. She was allegedly abducted and killed by a Mexican illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera who attacked her while she was jogging and then dumped her body in a cornfield.
NBC News Chicago reports that nearly 60 people have been shot in Chicago over the weekend, with six of them dying from their injuries. Four of the fatalities were teenagers.
In a video on the page, Chicago’s police Superintendent Eddie Johnson explains that it is usually the same small group of people who are responsible for most of the shootings. He said they have three people of interest in custody who have been potentially involved with the shootings, and 83 illegally owned guns have been taken.
18 people were shot on Friday evening, 17 people were shot on Saturday, and another 18 were shot on Sunday.
In a statement Johnson said, “As long as we fail to create repercussions for carrying and using guns, or more importantly holding violent offenders accountable for their actions, we’re simply going to continue to have these discussions on Monday morning. … There is a small subset of people who [get] a slap on the wrist despite legislation we had passed last year for being a repeat gun offender and breaking the law. … These shootings are not random, they are fueled by gang conflicts. .. We continue to send the message that it is okay to commit these crimes.”
Almost 1,900 people have been shot in Chicago so far since the beginning of the year.
Hundreds of residents of an upscale community in Wichita, Kansas have signed a petition being opposed to the zoning of 15 acres adjacent to theirs which will contain 90 “tiny homes” which range in price from $75,000 to $100,000.
Residents are concerned about their properly values falling due to the addition of the development, and they are upset that the local zoning laws didn’t require the developers to notify them or require a hearing about what is being built due to the tiny homes already technically fitting the zoning specifications for the area.
Many of the residents are worried about what would happen if the development becomes a “failed concept” with it turning into cheap rental homes that would damage their property values.
The owners of the “MicroMansions” development has said that the neighborhood would have a homeowners association and covenants though.
The controversy has caused the Wichita County Commission to approve some building code changes related to tiny homes.
Editors Note: (updated March 8, 2020)—
I think the neighborhood would work fine being alongside the other ones as long as the homeowners association and covenants that the developers mentioned are very strict about the exterior appearances of the houses and yards.
It would be important for the owners of the houses in the new neighborhood to be required to sign agreements saying that they would not put anything in their yards such as above ground pools or swing sets, otherwise the neighborhood would take on an unsightly appearance that would be unfair to the residents of the original adjacent neighborhoods. Perhaps the neighborhood could also have uniform natural landscaping throughout the development.
I don’t think such rules are important for all neighborhoods though of course, but I think it would work best in that case.