Brannon Howse of World View Weekend explains that the World Economic Forum’s “Wheel of Strategic Intelligence” interactive website specifically details the Establishment’s agenda of making use of the public trauma created by the Coronavirus issue to help usher in a totalitarian world government.
[Note— I’m very impressed with this media outlet that I’ve only just recently discovered. I’m amazed that I’ve never heard of it before!]
A 33 year old Durham, North Carolina based truck driver Idris Abdus-Salaam randomly stabbed four women who were working at a Knoxville truck stop in the early morning, killing three of them. He was shot and killed by police after refusing to drop his knife.
From left to right: Patricia ‘Denise’ Nibbe, Joyce Whaley and Nettie Spencer have died in the attack. They were all employees of the Pilot rest stop.
[Note that Abdus-Salaam was most likely a Somalian migrant who was brought into the U.S. by the “Refugee Resettlement Program.” Truck drivers are very well-paid, yet he still felt the need to massacre innocent people for his religion. This is yet another example of why more people should carry a concealed gun in their knapsack or purse.]
Branon Howse speaks with Tom Littleton explaining issues with major conservative Evangelical organizations in the U.S. such as the Moody Bible Institute and major bible colleges being co-opted by the political Establishment in order to dupe Christians into supporting Jihadist Islamism. They explain that the radical Islamic organization the Muslim Brotherhood (also see this link) is a driving force behind the agenda.
Howse explains that traditionally conservative Evangelical churches in America have been heavily penetrated by the political Establishment because they had been one of the last lines of defense in the country against the corrupt agendas of the elite, and he explains that such infiltration has actually even turned such churches into one of the greatest threats to America. He also mentions that his book “Marxianity” explains such agendas of the political elite in detail.
[Note: The Muslim brotherhood is a Masonic organization, and Freemasonry is also the most significant force behind the Illluminati’s infiltration of Churches. Many Christian leaders are also Freemasons, however Freemasonry is not actually compatible with Christianity.
Also note, Littleton mentioned that Obama had chosen the eighteen U.S. States where the Islamic “Refugee Resettlement” program is taking place, however the program was actually established by Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter in the early 1980’s. See this article for a detailed summary of that program.]
Also see the official website for this World View Weekend documentary that contains additional video clips.
[Note: This documentary contains a lot of useful information, but I think it has a flaw of not identifying the single Illuminati political Establishment as covertly being in control of all of the countries of concern that are being talked about such as Russia and China, and it doesn’t mention the fact that Trump is actually controlled by the Establishment as well.
Nonetheless, the conflicts and concerns that are mentioned are still very relevant and something to worry about because the Illuminati has very specific plans to subvert the entire world with totalitarian Communism (via the New World Order), and it has a long history of making the countries that it covertly controls fight each other to ultimately achieve that goal, such as during World Wars I and II for example.
Also note that even though Trump and Republicans are also controlled by the political Establishment, they are definitely preferable to Democrats. But Trump needs to be called out much more by his supporters who generally never criticize him. Trump supposedly being “persecuted” by the Establishment is a trick to make his supporters unquestionably support him even though he has not actually been doing what he has promised to do. Trump’s supporters have been letting a crucial opportunity go to waste by not calling him out about issues, he has actually been intentionally accomplishing as little as he can get away with doing. For example, he has been continuing to secretively import tens of thousands of unvetted Islamists into the U.S. during his administration even though he could have easily made the decision not to do so.]
A seven-year-old girl Emily Jones was riding a scooter in a park in the UK when she was randomly stabbed in the neck and killed by a woman who was sitting on a bench as she rode past her on Sunday. She was rushed to a hospital after the attack where she was later pronounced dead.
The acting senior coroner Alan Walsh described her death as one of the most tragic that he has dealt with in his 20 years at the position.
The 30-year-old woman who attacked her has been arrested and is being detained under the “Mental Health Act.” She was not known to Emily’s family.
[Note: The Daily Mail article does not mention this, but the perpetrator was apparently initially identified in the media as a Somalian Muslim migrant, however her identity will now likely remain a secret since she has been detained under the “Mental Health Act.”]
Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon, the author of the book “White House Reds: Communist and Socialist Security Risks Running for President, 2020,” where Loudon explains the frightening reality of the extreme Communist “Democratic Socialists of America” movement encroaching in American politics and the associated Cultural Marxist agendas that are being propagated with it. Loudon explains why the upcoming Presidential election will be entirely a choice of “Communism vs freedom.”
In this video, Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon, the author of the book “White House Reds: Communist and Socialist Security Risks Running for President, 2020,” where they discuss the situation of churches in the West being usurped by the leftist political Establishment.
Howse and Loudon compare the current situation with what happened during World War II where the German churches compromised their ideals to be aligned with the leftist Nazi party, explaining that even Evangelical churches today aren’t standing up for their values but instead are increasingly “going along to get along” with Establishment dictated leftist “politically correct” agendas.
Howse explains that traditionally conservative Southern Baptist churches are turning into Establishment “community organization” social service centers rather than preaching traditional Christianity, being socialism masquerading as Christianity which is what he calls “Marxianity.”
Loudon explains that the political Establishment always seeks to infiltrate where “money, influence, and respectably” exist in order to subjugate societies, which makes churches so appealing to them because they have all of those characteristics.
Two bomb-sniffing dogs that were on loan from the U.S. to Jordan, where their Muslim handlers neglected them, with many such dogs dying because of their mistreatment.
Dogs in are considered to be “haram” (taboo) in Islam, and thus they are often tortured and killed in Islamic countries. Dogs are permitted in Islam for hunting and herding sheep, but in all other cases they are not. Dogs are not allowed in the houses of Muslims, and black dogs are thought to be “a devil.”
This article explains how the U.S. has ceased supplying bomb-sniffing dogs to Muslim countries due to the dogs being abused by their handlers, how Muslim cab drivers in Western countries frequently refuse to drive passengers with disabilities who have guide dogs, an example is shown of how dogs in Islamic countries are often tortured and killed, and specific Islamic writings are shown that are the basis for such attitudes.
In 2019 the United States has recently banned the transfer of military-trained bomb-sniffing dogs to the Middle East due to such dogs routinely being abused by their Muslim handlers. See this Breitbart article (where the above images came from) and this Judicial Watch article about the topic.
Following are some mainstream news reports of Muslim cab drivers refusing to drive passengers who have guide dogs:
The above footage of a Somalian taxi driver in England refusing to take a passenger who had a guide dog, which eventually led to the cab company saying they will no longer give the cabbie work, but with him still free to work for any other cab company. See a 2016 DailyMail article about the matter.
A 2018 Leichstershire Live article explains that a man boarded a cab with his guide dog in Leicestershire, UK, which sent the Muslim cabbie into a frenzy and made him promptly demand that he get out. The passenger then filed a complaint with the local magistrate and the cabbie pleaded not guilty, saying the dog licked the gear stick and would have potentially triggered the hand brake.
A 68 year old sight impaired woman with her dog were refused a ride in a Worchester UK Taxi, according to a 2019 Worchester News article.
In the above 2019 Tampa, Florida news report, a blind woman explains that she was told by a cabbie that she needed to “put her dog in the trunk.” See the link for the report as well.
A 2019 Swindon Advertiser article says that a survey shows that 75% of blind people in the UK have been told that they cannot use a taxi or they have been disallowed from entering a shop or restaurant.
In 2019, a Muslim cab driver lost his license after he refused to pick up a blind man and his dog from a pub in Nottingham, UK. See a article.
A 2020 British Columbia, Canada Surrey Now-Leader article explains that a cab drove past a sight disabled man when it saw that he had a guide dog.
Warning: This is an extremely disturbing video. It shows dogs and puppies on the streets of Iran being killed with acid being injected into them. Instead of using a humane method to euthanize the dogs, an acid is used in the video which is the least expensive poison that makes the dogs cry out in horrible agony as they die.
The Angel Gabriel allegedly said: “.. We do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” Sahih Muslim 5511/81 (2104)
“It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah ordered that dogs be killed.” Sahih Muslim 4016/43 (1570)
“It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said: ‘The Messenger of Allah used to order that dogs be killed, and I went throughout Al-Madinah, and we did not spare any dog but we killed it, to such an extent that we would even kill the dog of a woman belonging to the desert people.” Sahih Muslim describes 4018/45
[Note: After some of Muhammad’s followers complained about the ruling of killing dogs due to their using dogs for hunting and herding sheep, Muhammad gave the following command:] “It was narrated that Ibn al-Mughaffal said: ‘The Messenger of Allah enjoined the killings of dogs, then he said: ”What is the problem with them and dogs?“ Then he granted concession with regard to dogs for hunting and herding sheep.’”
“.. [a man’s] prayer will be interrupted if a donkey, a woman, or a black dog passes in front of him. … What is the difference between a black dog, and a red or yellow dog? He said: “O son of my brother, I asked the Messenger of Allah the same question, and he said ‘the black dog is a devil.’” Sahih Muslim Hadith 1032
An electron microscope image of Vibrio choleraethat, which is the bacteria responsible for the gastroinestinal disease cholera. In order to get the disease cholera, the bacteria must be able to colonize in the small intestine.
[Note: March 31, 2020— This is another example of the type of an organization that the United Nations actually is. Many people are under the impression that it is some sort of a “benevolent organization” with “high minded ideals,” however it is actually the instrument of an unelected dictatorial world government that is run by privately owned central banks. Its innocuous facade is carefully cultivated to make it seem humane and altruistic, but its agendas actually forward harmful ulterior motives.]
A leaked UN report shows the UN’s guilt in dumping raw sewage into a Haitian river in 2010 that caused a widespread epidemic of cholera which killed potentially tens of thousands of people while former President Bill Clinton was the UN “Special Envoy for Haiti” overseeing UN relief efforts following the catastrophic earthquake that struck that region.
Officially, almost 10,000 Haitians died amid the epidemic, but studies show that potentially as many as 30,000 have succumbed to the disease spread by the UN. At least 800,000 became infected with the disease that struck after almost 500 UN troops from Nepal sent to occupy Haiti were allowing their raw sewage to flow into the rivers that Haitians used for drinking water, bathing, and washing. Studies show that the disaster could have been averted for as little as $2,000.
The UN always claims immunity in court for its crimes in Haiti, which include the negligence of dumping toxic sewage into public drinking water, deliberately slaughtering unarmed civilians on other occasions, and widespread sexual exploitation and abuse of children across Haiti by the UN forces occupying it. The UN is largely dominated by unfree governments and dictatorships.
Thousands of Haitian victims of the UN’s cholera-spreading actions have banded together to sue the UN in U.S. court, but the UN has refused to even appear in court citing diplomatic immunity, and on August 18 a U.S. court agreed with the UN and the Obama administration that the UN is above the law, and it dismissed the lawsuit.
A confidential report sent to the UN by a law professor Philip Alston in August 8 of this year was leaked to the press, stating that among other things, the cholera epidemic that struck Haiti starting in 2010 “would not have broken out but for the actions of the United Nations.”
In the report Alston also said, “[It is] morally unconscionable, legally indefensible and politically self-defeating. It is also entirely unnecessary. … [It] upholds a double standard according to which the U.N. insists that member states respect human rights, while rejecting any such responsibility for itself. … [The policy also] provides highly combustible fuel for those who claim that U.N. peacekeeping operations trample on the rights of those being protected.”
The UN boss Ban Ki Moon’s deputy spokesman Farhan Haq responded the New York Times about the matter saying “Over the past year, the U.N. has become convinced that it needs to do much more regarding its own involvement in the initial outbreak and the suffering of those affected by cholera. … [To that end,] a new response will be presented publicly within the next two months, once it has been fully elaborated, agreed with the Haitian authorities and discussed with member states.” He also claimed that Ban’s office “wanted to take this opportunity to welcome this vital report.”
Other reports about the UN Cholera issue in Haiti have been coming out as well. A report by the UN’s investigations department known as the “Office of Internal Oversight Services” explains that for years UN forces across Haiti dumped sewage in to public Haitian canals and even ignored warnings from laboratories about the fecal contamination and also failed to maintain water-treatment plants at the UN camps. The report supplies “smoking-gun” evidence of the UN’s guilt, which is no surprise as the UN has a fanatical obsession with reducing the human population, in particularly the number of Africans.
Other UN reports document similar criminal negligence by UN missions around the world. It appears that wherever the UN troops go, by dumping their waste using unsanitary methods they create massive public health hazards for the people they are supposedly sent to protect, and they then lie about doing so and hide behind “diplomatic immunity” to avoid accountability for the massive death and suffering that they cause.
A longtime Haitan journalist Jonathan Katz reported, “Once you start lying about something at the beginning, once you start covering up what you’ve done, literally, I mean I watched the soldiers at that base dig up their pipes and literally cover up evidence, once you start doing that, it’s very hard to stop. Because then not only do you have to admit what you did in the first place, you then have to admit also, you’ve been lying about it for all these years. There need to be mechanisms, there need to be systems to hold powerful people, powerful countries, powerful entities, responsible for the things they do in places where people are very, very vulnerable.”
The UN forces have also earned a reputation as being savage predators who exploit and terrorize the local population, as UN troops are now infamous in Haiti for raping and sexually abusing woman and even children, and doing so with impunity. In one case, UN troops kidnapped a mentally handicapped young boy and brutally raped him for five years, and in another case a Haitian boy was raped by UN troops in an incident that sparked a global outcry. Similar horrors occur all over the world, from trafficking child-sex slaves out of Yugoslavia to raping young children across Africa and Asia. In one Ivory Coast town, a survey revealed that eight out of 10 under girls reported being regularly sexually abused and raped by UN forces.
UN forces have also been known to slaughter Haitians with impunity, such as in 2006 when UN forces entered the Haitian community of Cité Soleil and began massacring random people, including children and pregnant woman, as a form of collective punishment for a protest the UN was unhappy about. Similar massacres have happened before and after, sometimes involving the murder of dozens of civilians or more.
The UN’s approach to all of these atrocities is to cover it up as best as they can and claim diplomatic immunity, while whistleblowers are ruthlessly persecuted by top officials.
From the New American article: “It is time for U.S. taxpayers to stop funding the UN’s deadly and grotesque crime spree. The best way to do that would be to pursue an American exit from the dictators club — also known in Congress and beyond as an ‘Amexit.’ Legislation already in Congress, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (HR 1205), would end U.S. membership in the UN and evict its spy-infested headquarters from American soil. All that is needed for the bill to become law is sufficient public pressure on Congress. In the meantime, lawmakers should cut off all funds for the corrupt and deadly UN as soon as possible.”