The pro-freedom activist Laura Loomer is running for Congress in Florida

In this campaign video by Laura Loomer, she explains that she will expose and confront anti-American radicals in Congress who support terrorism, such as Ilhan Omar who wrote to a judge begging for leniency for nine men convicted of joining ISIS as well as voting against a bill that blocked life insurance payments to the beneficiaries of terrorists killed in attacks.

In this 2018 video, Laura Loomer is confronting Rashida Tlaib and IIlhan Omar for their ties to terrorist organizations such a CAIR, among other issues.

In this video, Laura explains that the Democrat mayor of West Palm Beach in Florida has banned the sale of guns and ammunition to law abiding citizens in the wake of George Floyd-related rioting, and he has also made it a crime for people with concealed carry permits to carry guns into public places; while at the same time Florida politicians such as Lois Frankel (who Loomer is running against in Congress) are actually thanking the violent rioters on Twitter and urging for the defunding of police.

Laura Loomer is a 26 year old investigative journalist and activist who is now running for Congress in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, which is a home to Donald Trump.  She is running against the Democrat Lois Frankel who is one of the first members of Congress to support impeaching Trump.

Loomer began her journalism career working for Project Veritas between 2015 and 2017, and she worked for Rebel Media during the summer of 2017.  She has exposed fraud and corruption in the Hillary Clinton Campaign, Islamic extremism on college campuses, issues with the Las Vegas shooting, flaws and corruption in the U.S. immigration system, and voter fraud in the United States, among many other issues.

Loomer is known for her guerrilla style journalism conducting ambush interviews on a live stream, which is known as getting “Loomered.”  People she has confronted include Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, James Comey, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Linda Sarsour, Alyssa Milano, and Keith Ellison.

Due to communicating her anti-Establishment views, Loomer is banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Medium, GoFundMe, Venmo, MGM Resorts, PayPal, Lyft, Uber and Uber Eats.

See her official websites at:, and

Seattle police have always been secretly complicit with the violent anti-freedom provocateurs in the city

Seattle police chief Carmen Best and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan

Seattle police chief Carmen Best gave the order to abandon the police precinct in the supposed “autonomous zone,” but the leftist  Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is denying that she told her to do that.

When violent Antifa and BLM leftists recently commandeered an area of Seattle as a police-free supposed “autonomous zone,” the news media constantly mentioned that they “kicked the police out of their precinct building” almost as an afterthought, as if there wasn’t really anything  out of the ordinary about such a thing happening.

On June 11, the Seattle police chief Carmen Best put out a video statement to police officers saying that “leaving the precinct [building] was not my decision,” but she did not mention who gave her the order to do so (except for saying “the city”), and she even also said, “We’re still evaluating about how that change came about (meaning trying to figure out “who” told her to do so!) but it didn’t come from me.”

Then the next day she tried to essentially deny the fact that the building was abandoned even though it certainly was: “[The department] did not — for clarification — abandon the precinct.   We did have to remove some personnel for a short period of time, and then it became unsafe.  ..  We’re currently working to get our officers back into the facility.”

Surprisingly then, the leftist extremist Mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan (and other leaders of Seattle) publicly denied giving the order to vacate the police building, despite the fact that she previously gave her wholehearted public support to the rioters and squatters and she even supplied them with concrete blocks to barricade the streets from vehicle traffic.

The behavior of the Seattle police (and the police of other cities) complying with the demands of violent Establishment backed  leftist rioters is nothing new though, as they have been secretly cooperating with such  groups for decades, as the following videos show.

Seattle police housed and protected the violent “Black Bloc” rioters during the 1999 Seattle  WTO Riots

This video compilation from the Alex Jones documentary “Police State II: The Takeover” shows how demonstrations at the 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle during the Clinton Administration were infiltrated by violent provocateurs sent by government groups in order to give law enforcement personnel an excuse to attack and suppress the peaceful legitimate protesters.

Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.

Seattle police side with violent foreign usurpers

Starting at 8:15 in this Alex Jones video clip “Endgame: Battle for the Republic,” it shows Seattle police enabling illegal aliens to violently attack a motorist who was annoyed by the street being blocked by their march, with the police then dragging the man out of his car and grinding his head against to pavement despite the fact that he was complying with their orders.

Police in Portland, Oregon are secretly associated with its Antifa groups

At 3:30 in this video, Paul Watson shows Antifa groups illegally trying to direct traffic in Portland, Oregon while police officers are hiding out down the street.

Establishment groups such as The Council on Foreign Relations infiltrate activist groups with “controlled opposition” leaders

This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections to the anti-WTO movement which are meant to ensure continued propagation of globalist agendas.

Street demonstrators turned the area of the World Trade Organization into a war zone.    Over 500 National Guardsmen and State police were called in to restore order in what became known as the “Battle of Seattle.”

The major media focused on the chaos and the mob’s demands, but they carefully avoided the issue as to how the groups on the street are organized and funded, or whether their leaders might have a hidden agenda.    The media portraits such demonstrations as natural outpourings of genuine grassroots concern.

For those who orchestrate these events, it’s the illusion that counts.

William Norman Grigg, Senior Editor, New American Magazine:  “The familiar media melodrama of the anti-globalization movement that we have seen in Seattle and some of the other protest venues is really a classic example of the bracketing of false alternatives, because we are told that these people ‘oppose’ the global agenda— after all they are called ‘anti-globalization activists.’    Well, what it is they oppose?    They don’t oppose global government, they believe there is ‘too much free market capitalism’ in the world, and government— at a global level— has to be more assertive in imposing controls over the free exchange of goods and services.”

William F. Jasper, Senior Editor, New American Magazine: “You see that both of these sides are really calling for empowering the United Nations.”

The media further stage manages the illusion of conflict by promoting those designated as the official opposition.    The media appointed spokesperson for the Anti-WTO forces is Lori Wallach, who heads the “Global Trade Watch.”    Ignored by the media is the fact that Wallach receives funding from the Ford Foundation, which is closely tied to the CFR.    The friendly relationship between Wallach and the CFR agenda was made clear in “Foreign Policy Magazine”— a major conduit for CFR thinking.    This issue [of the magazine] signals to media leaders that Lori Wallach should be represented as an “expert” on trade issues.   By ensuring that only false opposition is offered to its revolutionary agenda, the CFR internationalists can’t loose.

“Black Bloc” provocateurs got a green light to rampage at the 2010 Toronto G20 economic summit

This video clip describes the government sponsored provocateur group “The Black Bloc” (spelled in this video “The Black Block”) rioting in the streets, smashing windows, and setting fire to police cars on the streets of Toronto for an hour and a half while police only watched from a distance during the June 2010 Toronto G20 economic summit.

From the video’s YouTube page:

A photo Journalist describes his experience following the black block as they rampage through the streets of Toronto during the G20 Summit.

20,000 police and security officials and a $1 billion security budget were not enough to stop 75-100 black block anarchists from smashing windows and torching police cars during a 1.5 hour rampage.   The Black Block were able to rampage through the street for 24 blocks until they reached the ‘official protest zone’ where they quickly changed clothes dispersed through the crowd of peaceful protesters and then left the site.

The police were fully aware of the rampage and watched the black block from a distance at a number of locations.   It wasn’t until they had dispersed into a crowd of peaceful protesters who thought that they were in a sanctioned area that the police took action beating innocent people with batons and spraying them with pepper spray.

Why was this allowed to happen?   Police abandoned police cars at Bay and King when they didn’t need to, why?   Was this allowed to happen so the Harper government could justify an outrageous security bill when there was no credible terrorist threat (according to CSIS)?   Who led this group of vandals?   Were they infiltrated by government paid provocateurs as was the case in Montebello where police with masks and rocks attacked their own riot squad?

Corrupt police are almost always Freemasons

Masonic police officer sculpture Toronto

A statue of a police woman who is building a Masonic pyramid is (or at least was) in front of the Toronto police headquarters.   I do not know if the statue is still there.   Not many pictures of it seem to exist though, despite it being such a shocking statue.

Also see a 2012 photograph of it; a 2013 photograph; another 2013 photograph; and a 2016 photograph.

Note that Canada and European countries such as the U.K. are “Masonic tyrannies.”   From this link: “Masons secretly control every aspect of British society with over 500,000 being in England and ‘lodges being associated with every local government, police, bank, military unit, hospital, university, church, court and of course Westminster.  .. What passes for politics is basically members of the same Lodge contending for office to decide how to enact the Masonic agenda.’”

Police in the UK are corrupt Freemason wimps

This video is a compilation of Muslim Jihadist rallies in the UK.  Watch the clip of a hostile rally starting at 6:00 where the response of the police is totally passive and emasculated.   This is precisely what the political Establishment is planning to implement in the United States.

The “Central Park ‘Karen’” and George Floyd issues are not actually as the media is portraying them to be

The news media has been focusing on various race-related issues lately, in particular the issues related to the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota, as well as an issue where a white woman in New York called the police on a black man who threatened to poison her dog, and as usual the media has been distorting the the truth about the situations.

About the “Central Park ‘Karen’” issue

Amy Cooper, the “Central Park ‘Karen’” is being falsely accused of a hate crime by the media.

In late April of this year a white woman was walking her dog in New York’s Central park without a leash in an area where dogs are supposed to be leashed, which prompted a black man to threaten to poison her dog.  The woman then called the police while the man recorded her doing so, with the footage then going viral and getting millions of view due to worldwide mainstream news reports creating an impression that he was simply minding his own business when she called the police.  The woman has since reportedly received death threats and lost her job at a financial firm “Franklin Templeton” because of it, and she was also pressured into surrendering her dog because she was accused of choking it in the video.

Surprisingly (or rather “not-so-suprisingly,” unfortunately), the media reports are almost never reporting that the man did in fact threatened her dog, despite the fact that he even admitted to doing so in a Facebook post!  Instead, most media reports such as this one, and this one create an impression that she fabricated the accusation as some sort of a hate crime, and they are treating the man as if he is some sort of a victim or a martyr.

Despite the media’s claims, the man did in fact explain in a Facebook post specifically what happened which clearly shows that he did threaten her dog.  Bradley Cooper wrote the following on his Facebook account (in a post which he has apparently since taken down):

Central Park this morning: This woman’s dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble.

ME:  Ma’am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times.  The sign is right there.
HER:  The dog runs are closed.  He needs his exercise.
ME:  All you have to do is take him to the other side of the drive, outside the Ramble, and you can let him run off leash all you want.
HER:  It’s too dangerous.
ME:  Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.
HER: What’s that?
ME (to the dog):  Come here, puppy!
HER:  He won’t come to you.
ME: We’ll see about that…

I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence.  I didn’t even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.


That’s when I started video recording with my iPhone, and when her inner Karen fully emerged and took a dark turn…


.. So clearly the issue was not anything that is actually newsworthy, yet the woman’s entire life is supposedly being ruined because of it.  The man never mentions the fact that he actually did threaten her dog when he is being interviewed about it, and the woman has constantly been profusely apologizing in the media despite the fact that she doesn’t have any reason for doing so.


About Violence Stemming from the George Floyd Issue

The political Establishment is running a psy-op to cultivate an inaccurate “victimhood” mentality in blacks in order to incite violence as a part of strategy of creating an excuse for implementing evil anti-freedom leftist agendas.

These videos that I’ve posted in the past explain the situation well..

In this video, Paul Watson of explains statistics that show that people of all races are killed by police in relatively equal proportions in the U.S., and that the organization “Black Lives Matter” is created and controlled by the Establishment in order to create racial animosity.

From the Prager University YouTube video page: “Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans?  Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimination?  Heather Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, explains.”


The Establishment’s Current Strategies are Nothing New

I often still see the Rodney King incident that happened in 1992 being mentioned by activists, however that situation was distorted by the media in a similar manner as well.  The news reports at the time intentionally withheld the full video footage showing that King initially attacked the police officers, which the media strategically hid to create a public impression that King was more of a victim than he actually was in order to cause the riots that happened after the trial.  

(Start watching at 7:45 in the above video to see important details about the matter.)


The California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been pushing her corrupt leftist Establishment agendas for decades.  Like all black politicians, she is in the Masonic “Boule” secret society where she is required to do exactly what the political Establishment tells her to do.  In this recent MSNBC video Waters is applauding the recent rioters and saying that Trump is a racist and a dangerous human being.

In this video, Tucker Carlson talks about how in 1992 Maxine Waters actually endorsed the violent random attack on the white truck driver Reginald Denny during the race riots that were happening in Los Angeles, and he explains that she even visited with the mother of one of the attackers Damien Williams in order to offer her support.

“End the lockdown” protests are often infiltrated with gun wielding protesters

I think it is fishy that many of the “end the lockdown” protests that are happening in the U.S. often prominently feature people who are brandishing what are essentially assault rifles, which the media then focuses on to cast the protests and associated anti-Establishment views as being “dangerous.”  I think it is important that people are allowed to own such rifles, but I usually disagree with “open carry” laws where people can carry guns in public in such a manner (as opposed to “concealed carry.”)  In many if not most cases the people attending the rallies who are carrying such weapons are actually covertly pro-Establishment and anti-gun activists who are involved in “Cointel pro”-type operations seeking to neutralize the effectiveness of the protests.

For example, this article on the leftist media outlet “The Guardian” details issues with the protests that are happening at the capitol building in Michigan, explaining that protesters are bringing guns, Confederate flags (despite the fact that Michigan is way in the North of the U.S.), nooses, and swastikas to the protests; and a video interview of Michigan’s leftist extremist governor Gretchen Whitmer is shown where she implies that all of the protesters at the capitol share the views of the most extreme ones.  In reality, it is almost certain that most if not all of the controversial protesters at that event have been sent by the political Establishment in order to discredit it.

No gun can protect a citizen from a government’s armed forces, however gun ownership is still necessary for people to protect themselves when the government can not or (often intentionally) will not protect them.

(Also note: I think Henry “Kiki” Watson’s statements in the article following this one are what the Establishment has somehow “told” him to say for whatever reason, although that is just speculation on my part.  I doubt the extremity of his mentality is particularly common in any event, although I’m sure there are some people who actually think that way.)

Independent article: “Rioter in infamous footage of trucker being pulled from vehicle says ‘nothing has changed’ since 1992”

Reginald Denny was randomly pulled from his truck and nearly killed by black L.A. rioters in 1992, with the footage of the attack being recorded and broadcast by a news helicopter.

Henry “Kiki” Watson who took part in the random brutal attack on Reginald Denny during the Rodney King riots in L.A. in 1992 is explaining in this recent article that essentially he is the real victim since he is black (despite the fact that he only received less than six months in jail for the attack.)  (Here is a video of the attack.)

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Episode: “Just Tell Him You’re The President”

I happened to see this video segment from the Jerry Seinfeld “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” show that featured Barack Obama.  Of course Obama comes across as being a very nice guy, but his persona is one that was cultivated by the political Establishment in order to shield themselves from criticism while they were forwarding their harmful agendas, including the covertly anti-black “Black Lives Matter” organization.  I notice that this video got over 30 million views so far since it was posted in 2015.

Trump is controlled by the same political Establishment, but he is playing an entirely different type of role.  His “job” is to make anti-Establishment views seem bigoted and unworkable, and I think his supposedly being “persecuted” by the Establishment is mostly just a distraction from the fact that he is not actually following through on many of his promises.  Nonetheless I think he is definitely preferable to what a Clinton Administration would have been since he at least purports to be anti-Establishment, but I think his supporters are letting a crucial opportunity slip past by not properly criticizing him.

A man in Canada dressed as a police officer and driving a police car killed at least eighteen people, and the U.S. media essentially isn’t even mentioning it

Gabriel Wortman went on a shooting rampage in Canada while disguised as a police officer, killing at least eighteen people.  Wortman’s police car replica was so meticulous that it was only identified because of its ID being in the wrong location.

Following is a summary of this Brietbart article:

A wealthy 51 year old denturist went on a shooting rampage across northern Nova Scotia, Canada over a twelve hour period on Sunday while disguised as a police officer and driving a meticulously detailed replica of a police car, where he eventually killed sixteen [now the total is at least eighteen] people before being shot by police.  It was the worst mass shooting in Canadian history.  The perpetrator Gabriel Wortman put much planning into the attack, with his mock police car being so accurate that it was identified only because he painted its vehicle ID in the wrong location.

Wortman owned a denture clinic and several properties in Nova Scotia, with his business being successful enough to make him a millionaire.  Canada’s Globe and Mail reported that Wortman “Had shown an obsession for policing, buying law enforcement memorabilia and boasting about his hobby of refurbishing old police cruisers.”  One of his neighbors described his house as a “shrine” to the Canadian police and called his obsession with police memorabilia “freaky,” and Wortman had previously been seen driving his police car replicas while wearing a police uniform long before his shooting spree.


[NOTE: Surprisingly the mainstream U.S. media essentially isn’t even mentioning the shooting happening even though Wortman was white and therefore fits the Establishment’s “narrative” of someone who perpetrates such attacks.

Ownership of handguns in Canada is highly regulated and difficult to achieve, which presumably deprived many of Wortman’s victims of potentially being able to defend themselves.  Yet Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he would move ahead with additional gun control legislation in response to the shooting.

If people such as Wortman want to harm people they would find a way to do so even if they would not have access to a gun to do it, while at the same time people would not be able to effectively defend themselves against such attacks if they themselves did not have a gun.  Laws that outlaw guns disarm law abiding citizens while criminals mostly keep their guns.  Perhaps the U.S. media didn’t mention the shooting happening because it demonstrated the futility of gun laws in stopping shootings, or perhaps the shooting wasn’t one that the political Establishment was behind instigating and thus they don’t want to promote it.

More people should carry a gun in their knapsack or purse.  A recent example of a concealed weapon saving many lives was in December of 2019 when someone attempted to go on a shooting rampage in a Texas church but was immediately stopped by its armed security.  Also this article details a list of eleven recent situations where a “good guy with a gun” stopped violent attacks.  All religious congregations and schools should certainly be protected by people who have concealed weapons.]

Brannon Howse video: “Coming Military Draft For U.S. Girls & Forced Social Justice Community Service For U.S. Students?”

From its video page:

Part 1 of 2 in this series by Brannon Howse.

On March 25, 2020 a report was released that was commissioned by President Obama & John McCain in 2016.  The commission is recommending to the U.S. Congress that all women 18-26 register for the Selective Service and be subject to any future military draft.  Why is this dangerous for American families and the U.S. military?  The commission is also calling on the U.S. Congress to implement social justice brainwashing disguised as service learning & a required controversial & invasive federal test for middle school & high school students.  The commission recommends to the U.S. Congress that their radical plans include homeschool students.  Brannon explains the long history and radical players behind the goals of this commission and their March 2020 report.

Brannon Howse video: “National Test & Curriculum to Create Socialist Voters & Globalist Thinkers?”

In part 2 of this series, Howse continues to explain how the political Establishment wants to use the findings of its recently published Obama and McCain commission to force leftist indoctrination of kids under the guise of “national service,” with the current Coronavirus issue potentially being used as an excuse for doing so.

Howse also explains that he has been exposing such agendas of the Establishment since the early 1990’s.  For example at about 52 minutes into the video he explains when he spoke at a school board meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1996 where the Hillary Clinton-appointed person who was supposed to debate him backed out of doing so, leaving the entire 90 minutes of the meeting open for him to explain the frightening aspects of what was being attempted to be implemented; after which the audience of about a thousand people gave him a standing ovation, which frightened the political Establishment so much that they had the local corrupt newspapers publish front page articles and cartoons comparing him to the Ku Klux Klan and the blacklisting of the 1950’s.

[Note—  I continue to be impressed with how Brannon Howe exposes the Cultural Marxist agendas of the global elite.  It is very important for people to have an understanding of that topic.

The Establishment doesn’t like “labels” to exist for opposition to its agendas, and therefore it attempts to demonize the term “Cultural Marxism” by publishing a lot of articles that claim it to be an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” such as this “Southern Poverty Law Center” article.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is a corrupt Establishment organization that is used as a weapon by the global elite to silence dissent against its agendas, for example it falsely labeled the anti-Islamization activist Robert Spencer as a “hate group,” and thus credit card companies and fund raising platforms refuse him the right to do commerce, as this article explains.]

The “Killing Europe” documentary by Michael Hansen

This is a documentary that details the horrific situation that is happening in Europe due to the out of control Islamic immigration that is happening there.

This video was removed from Amazon and YouTube in 2019 due to it supposedly being “hate speech” because it “encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group.”  It is now on BitChute.

[Note that ultimately it is the Masonic Lodge that is most responsible for the problems that are happening in Europe.  The countries in Europe such as the UK are Masonic tyrannies, and the Freemasons also control the media including much of the supposed “alternative media.”]

[Note: March 21, 2022 — I have embedded the video in this article.  I don’t agree with everything that the channel hosting the video says, but I appreciate that Bitchute allows people to have freedom of speech.]