An Overview of the New World Order (updated November 23, 2023)

Here is a summarized overview of the global elite’s plan for a New World Order, with links to supporting information.

[Note: November 20, 2023— I have updated this information and I will continue to do so in the future.]

The SOURCE of the New World Order:  The global elite are about 300 families that own the world’s central banks, who over time have covertly gained control over almost all of the countries and politicians in the world.  Those central banks create the money that the countries of the world use, where the bankers loan the money to the countries and charge interest for it.  (link, and link)

The GOALS of New World Order:  The global elite are working to bring about a world government that will be a totalitarian “post-industrial feudal system,” involving the destruction of nationhood, regional identities, religions, and traditional family structures; where almost all of the people on the Earth are planned to be mixed together, impoverished, dumbed down, depopulated, and made to be as dependent on the global elite as possible in a permanent underclass.  (link, and link)

Key MECHANISMS that the elite use include:  

Their control of the media.  (link)

Their implementation of controlled opposition activists.  (link)

Their control of sports and entertainment celebrities.  (link)

Their use of fraudulent voting machines.  (link)

Their use of secret societies such as Freemasonry.  (link, link, and link)

Their covert control of the world’s major religions.  (link, link, link, and link)

Their creation and control of organizations such as the UN (link, link, and link), the EU (link), the CFR (link, and link), the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the World Economic Forum, and the Bilderberg Group (link).

Their owning the world’s intelligence agencies such as the British MI-6, the CIA, and Israel’s Mossad.

Key MEANS of the elite include:  

Their fomenting pointless wars where they secretly control all sides of the conflicts.  (link, link, and link)

Their engaging in false flag attacks in order to deceive the public into supporting agendas such as going to war and giving up their rights.  (link)

Their unleashing diseases on the public or exaggerating the effects of diseases such as COVID in order to implement depopulation agendas, including forcing the vaccination of the populace with useless and deadly vaccines.  (link , and link).

Their lying about environmental issues such as global warming in order to create an excuse to implement oppressive international controls.  (link, and link)

Their disarming law abiding people in order to deprive them of the ability to defend themselves from non-law abiding people.  (link)

Their intentionally creating crime in order to create an excuse to implement Communist controls over the populace.  (link, and link)

Their covertly implementing Communism in the countries of the world including in the Soviet Union and China.  (link, and link)

Their employing a strategy of “dragging everyone down” by deceitfully claiming to be “bringing everyone up” in order to justify their harmful and deceptive leftist social intervention agendas.  (link)

Their forcing the immigration of often incompatible people such as Islam into Western countries.  (link, and link)

Their forcing homosexual agendas on the populace to destroy traditional morality and for depopulation agendas.  (link)

Their secret control over Islam including radical Islam which they make use of for nefarious purposes.  (link)

Their potentially causing earthquakes using tectonic weapons.  (link)

Their altering the environment using chemtrails (link) and ionosphere altering installations  (link).