A Summary of Evidence Showing that the 2012 Sandy Hook School Shooting was an Elaborate Hoax [updated October 3, 2021]

[NOTE: October 3, 2021— I have included some information from “debunking” sources, making corrections to this article where necessary, including updating the written description of the “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook” video, and including two “debunking” videos with written descriptions at the end of this article.]

When the Sandy Hook school shooting was first being reported in the media in November of 2012, I remembered thinking that aspects of it were strange even before hearing about the avalanche of issues with it.  For example, I heard an NPR broadcast where they interviewed one of the grieving parents when the shooting was just starting to be reported, where he was crying: “If ONLY the state assembly would have passed bill HR-15.853.23.58 [or whatever] last month that didn’t pass by five votes in an extended session [or whatever]!” ect..  Even though it was at the beginning of his supposedly grieving.

An overwhelming amount of evidence shows that the shooting was an elaborate hoax, as I detail in this article.  I present two documentaries: “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions,” and “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook”.

Of course it is preferable that such attacks are hoaxes rather than real, however the motivation for doing so is to strip people of their rights, such as to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.  And the political Establishment also engages in real attacks as well for the same nefarious types of reasons, such as the 9/11 attacks.


Does this look like a genuinely grieving parent?!  Notice that he was initially smiling.

Look at this photograph of the same man Robbie Parker with his children.  Look at the legs of the children sitting on his lap— are they amputees?


A Masonic Lodge was adjacent to the school.  I think the hoax is obviously a Masonic one, as it would be the only way that so many different types of people could be directed in such a manner.


This video footage shows people circling around at the firehouse near the school while the shooting was supposedly still happening, in an apparent coordinated attempt to appear chaotically preoccupied while a news helicopter was circling overhead.  The video also points out that no evacuated children are seen in the footage while parents of the children are seen milling around in the same manner nonetheless.  (Also is was shown that one of the key “witnesses” that the media often interviewed Gene Rosen was also among the people in that parking lot rather than being where he claimed to be.)

[NOTE that a “debunking video” exists about the video where they claim that the footage was looped for deceptive purposes, as is apparent due to watching a car on the top left.  However, it is obvious that the people were milling around for the visual effect nonetheless

ALSO NOTE: October 3, 2021— I have found another video that claims to debunk the footage, saying that people were walking in circles because areas of the firehouse were locked, and it claims that the people were milling around in such a manner because they were worried.  The video is at the end of this page.]


UPDATE: October 1, 2021— I previously wrote that I thought this video was likely some sort of disinformation, however after looking at it again I realize that he is trying to determine the exact time of the day when Gene Rosen was seen in the parking lot by using “Shadow Direction Analysis.”


This well-made documentary “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions,” by Sofia Smallstorm explains many issues with the Sandy Hook shooting hoax.

[Note:  I didn’t find out about this documentary until I was finished transcribing “We Need to Talk”.  Both are different from each other and they mostly talk about different aspects of the event with little overlapping.  This one is shorter and I like that it doesn’t use silhouettes when people are talking, but I also recommend watching the other documentary as well.]


This documentary “We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook” exposes many aspects of the Sandy Hook school shooting that show the event was a staged hoax.

[DISCLAIMER:  This video contains a lot of good summarized information, but I do have some issues with it though.  Most significantly, the people speaking in the video certainly should have identified themselves rather than simply being presented as “silhouettes”!  That wasn’t always a problem when they present news footage for example, but in other cases they make claims where it would be beneficial for them to endorse it to reassure the viewers that what is being said is legitimate.  The video contains enough concrete evidence for it to be included in this article nonetheless, but I definitely think that it should be remade without any anonymity.

I have found some supposed “debunking” information online that finds minor issues with some of the information, such as at this link, but it certainly does not debunk the event being a hoax.

NOTE: October 3, 2021— I have added corrections to the end of the following summarized points in bold italic text.]

Following is a summary of points mentioned in this documentary:

— It is shown that many of the parents of the supposed victims were Establishment connected leftists and gun confiscation advocates; with many ramping up their activism after the supposed shooting to exploit the event to advocate for extreme anti-gun legislation.

— The official story of the children being evacuated from the school does not at all match police dash cam footage from the parking lot.  [It has been shown that the date on the dash cam was incorrect, however the children are still not seen because the footage of them being evacuated was redacted.]

— The school principal was quoted in newspapers talking about the shooting, however she was later claimed to be killed in the shooting.

— Much police activity was apparently initially occurring at the house next door to the Lanza residence crime scene where the shooter is alleged to have murdered his mother that day, rather than at the Lanza residence itself. [It has been shown that the report about the event said that the police parked at the house next door.]

— Many media reports showed people who survived the supposed shooting (as well as parents) being calm and nonchalant when they were interviewed about it on television, with some of them even smiling when they did so.

— A year before the shooting, a bill was passed in Connecticut to block the disclosure of all aspects of pediatric autopsy reports, which was initially opposed by the chief medical examiner Wayne Carver, but he then inexplicably did an about-face and supported the bill as its primary sponsor.

— On the weekend of the event, the Newtown town clerk Debbie Aurelia broke the law by refusing requests of the Associated Press, New York Post, and other media outlets to supply copies of the death certificates of the supposed victims, and later she even crafted legislation with State Representatives to restrict all death records related to the supposed event, including 911 calls, crime scene photographs, and witness statements.  She was also previously the subject of two ethics hearings in 2010.

— Shockingly, the ruling was then extended to cover all homicides in Connecticut, making all homicides records inaccessible for scrutiny by the public or the media.  Advocates of open information who were opposed to the suppression of the information about crimes were continually berated as being insensitive.  A five year prison term felony provision was also suggested for the public release of any information relating to any homicide in Connecticut.

— Footage is shown of Connecticut Senators who were strongly opposed to that suppression of public records about crimes, calling it “Orwellian”, explaining that it would make reversing wrongful convictions impossible, and saying “it undermines transparency and accountability in our criminal justice system on a massive scale.”

— Due to the legislation, the political Establishment in the state of Connecticut can now get away with committing any serious crime that it wants without any possibility of being exposed for it.

— Information about the mental state of the supposed shooter Adam Lanza was suppressed, with the parents of the supposed victims strangely not being interested in that information being released despite the fact that it could help to stop future shootings.

— It is shown how the media portrayed a man named Gene Rosen as helping students running from the shooting, however he continually gave completely differing accounts of what happened to the media, and helicopter footage shot during the morning of the event shows him in the parking lot of the firehouse which entirely contradicts all of his other claims of what happened.

— Web pages related to the event were put online before the event took place, which has been cached on Google.  For example, an article entitled “Talking with your child about the Sandy Hook Tragedy” was posted on December 10, 2012 (which was before the shooting), and the Google cache date was on the 13th, which was one day prior to the event.  The issue with the article became well-known soon after the event, prompting apparent disinformation agents attempting to confuse the matter by publishing reams of technical jargon that attempted to distract from the issue. [Information has come out showing that it is likely that the cache dates were incorrect due to technical issues.]

— The United Way organization also “jumped the gun” on the event, publishing a webpage before the event entitled “Sandy Hook School Support Fund”, dated December 11.  Once the issue of that page became well known, Google then released a ridiculous statement about it, claiming: “This is a technical glitch on our end.  [T]he date Google’s search engine first ‘saw’ the page was 12/14/2012 at 6:58 pm.  We’re looking into a fix, but it may take some weeks.”  However, even if that date was actually when it was posted, it would still be an impossibility because of the lengthy amount of time it would have taken to set up the fund and create the web content for it.  Well-meaning people have donated millions of dollars to that account.  [It is claimed that it would be easy for United Way to create the web page in one day, however I don’t really believe that.]

[ADDITIONAL NOTE: October 3, 2021— I had previously mentioned that the United Way account is “fraudulent.”  The rest of the evidence about the event shows that the shooting is a hoax, but I’m sure that at least some people involved with the account did not know anything about that.]

— The owner of the home next to the Lanzas (where the strange police activity was apparently happening) was John Trentacosta, who is the President and CEO of the Newtown Savings Bank that is associated with the United Way Sandy Hook Fund.  Trentacosta is also a member of a council at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

— The official report about the event was a 6,500 page “data dump” that was deprived of any useful information due to the large number of redactions that were implemented.  It also contains many inconsistencies and contradictions inside of it, despite taking an entire year to be published.  Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police was involved with the publishing of it, and he is also notorious for having arrogant tyrannical views.

— There are many issues with the DNA evidence from the supposed crime scene, where the DNA found on the trigger of the rifle, the pistol grip of the rifle, and the shoulder stock of the rifle was eliminated as potentially coming from Nancy or Adam Lanza.  The only place where Adam’s DNA was found was in a “mixture” on the forearm of the rifle, where a “mixture” means it contains the DNA of more than one individual.  Then in 2013, a match was found with a New York convict’s DNA profile when he wrote a letter about the Sandy Hook incident, but the issue was swept under the rug and buried in the data dump.  A Connecticut TV news station reported about the man writing the letter and the fact that the issue was buried in the report.  [It has been found that Adam’s DNA has been found on the Bushmaster rifle, and it has been shown that the DNA of the New York convict was only found on an envelope.]

— Very strangely, the DNA of one of his teachers Lauren Rousseau was found on many components of his weapons, such as the pistol grip of the rifle, shoulder stock of the rifle, the feed area inside of the magazine, on many of the other magazines, and on thirteen bullets in the magazines.  Most of the DNA found was “mixtures.”  The only unredacted DNA source that is distinctly listed alone is of the principal Dawn Hochsprung, whose DNA has strangely been found on many of the weapons, including even on bullets that were inside the loaded magazine. [See the documentary at the end of this article for information about the DNA.]

— Inconsistencies exist with the meta data stamps of photographs and videos that were often shown in the news. [The EXIF data on images can easily be manipulated, so the date data on photographs and videos cannot be trusted.]

— It was reported in the media that a custodian named Rick Thorne was a “Paul Revere” where he supposedly ran through the school saying “A gunman is coming!  A gunman is coming!”, but a recording of a 911 call he made contradicts such media reports.  Also it appears that previous school pamphlets and documents were modified to deceitfully claim that he worked at the school in the previous years, despite the fact that he was still living and working in Chelmsford, Massachusetts at that time.

— Video evidence shows that roads to the school were blocked by police cars so ambulances could have no access, and instead ambulances were parked at a nearby firehouse.  Presumably the gridlock was created to keep unwanted medial personnel out who were not in on the hoax.  Some EMTs later complained in the media about not being given access to help people.

— There was no evidence of a chaotic scene at the school in the parking lot, where there were no ambulances as well.  It was later reported that a few people were supposedly still unaccounted for at the time, however there was no urgency in the parking lot, where dash cam footage shows officers setting out buffets of snacks on the hood of a police car and engaging in idle chit-chat, despite the fact that it was in the middle of a mass shooting event where massacred first graders were supposedly just feet away!

— The Connecticut police received $2.5 million in taxpayer money for “healing”, and the Obama administration gave $7.1 million to first responders, victim’s families, and law enforcement.

— No EMTs were allowed in the school building (except three as mentioned later), and it was eventually announced that the bodies were to be kept in the building, with the ambulances waiting down the street at the firehouse.  The EMS services did not behave in any way as protocol dictated, since a genuine shooting would have had trauma helicopters flying in and out, performing CPR the entire way to the hospital, with the patients being declared dead only at the hospital after extensive measures were taken.  However, despite the obvious supposed negligence of the emergency response workers, not a single one of the parents has filed a lawsuit about it!

— Video footage is shown of people circling around at the firehouse in a ridiculous coordinated attempt to appear preoccupied while a news helicopter was circling overhead.  Similar footage is also in the documentary “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4 & 5 Dimensions” [A video at the end this article claims that people were walking around in such a manner because parts of the firehouse were locked, and it claims that people were walking in circles because they were worried.]

— The state police reported that 25 of the bodies “weren’t even worth rushing to a hospital,” and only three EMTs were allowed access to the school to assess the dozens of bodies.  The bodies were supposedly left sitting in the school during the entire day.

— It was said by Adam Lanza’s father that he could barely tie his own shoes, yet it was claimed that he was able to supposedly kill 26 people in minutes and then carry all the bodies to a central location. [It was actually said by his mother that he couldn’t tie his own shoes.]

— Documents show that Adam Lanza likely didn’t even attend Sandy Hook elementary school, but rather he went to a school called St. Rose of Lima. [That information is revealed to be based on on “recollections” in a report.]

— The news initially reported that Adam’s older brother Ryan Lanza did the shooting instead.

— In 2013, Newtown charities raised $27 million in response to the supposed incident, the state of Connecticut was given $50 million to demolish and rebuild the Sandy Hook school, GE gave a $15 million donation to Newtown, the U.S. Department of Education awarded a $1.3 million grant and later a $1.9 million grant to “further support recovery efforts,” and online fundraisers raised millions of dollars.  Even two years after the event, the families are continuing to ask for more money, where many are soliciting “goals” of receiving tens of thousand of dollars, with some having goals of receiving upward of $500,000, not counting government grants!

— President Obama used the supposed Sandy Hook shooting as a justification to advocate for a $500 million gun control plan that included background checks, banning high capacity magazines, increased school security, and more mental health screening.  The families went along with the agenda hand-in-hand, frequently publicly advocating for it.

— There is no confirmation of Adam Lanza’s mental health history, yet it didn’t stop the political Establishment and pharmaceutical industry from lobbying and passing lucrative mental health related legislation.  Adam Lanza’s stated Psychiatrist Paul Fox was forced to surrender his license in July of 2012 for drugging patients and having sex with them, and he has since fled to New Zealand.

— It was claimed that Adam Lanza’s medical records were destroyed since they are over five years old, however it has been proven that the supposed five year claim is false, and instead the limit is seven years, which means that the records were still accessible when they were inquired about.

— Adam Lanza’s entire existence is shrouded in mystery.  It appears that the most recent pictures of him have been altered to be googly-eyed to make him appear to be a deranged psychopath.  Speculation also exists that Adam and and his older brother Ryan might actually be the same person.

— Fox News interviewed someone from the town named Joshua Flashman, and they falsely created an impression that he was somehow “intimately acquainted” with the Lanza family and said that he knew Adam’s motives firsthand, but instead he simply mentioned to them what he heard being said around town.  That behavior of Fox News was typical of the deception that the Establishment media was engaging in about the situation.

— Adam Lanza’s father was initially not speaking to the media, but he eventually spoke with Andrew Solomon of the New Yorker.  The father of the journalist Andrew Solomon is Howard Solomon, who was then CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Forest Laboratories that manufactures the drug “Lexipro”.  In the article is was claimed that since Adam discontinued using Lexipro it resulted in the attacks.  The police report contradicts the article though, since it doesn’t mention Lexipro, but instead it mentions a drug called “Celexa”, that turned Forest Laboratories into a giant.  The journalist Andrew Solomon is a notorious advocate for the use of pharmaceutical antidepressants, and he is a member of the secretive group the Council on Foreign Relations.

— All of Adam Lanaz’s alleged psychiatrists were from the Yale child study center, and Ezra Griffith from Yale University was appointed to sit on the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission to recommend mental heath care in that State, where he advocated for dangerous psychotropic drugs.

— The political Establishment has been aggressively attempting to conceal or redact any information that shows the attack being a hoax, using an excuse that it would be “traumatizing” for the public to see the information.


 Debunking video:  “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook Debunked Ultimate !!!!”

This documentary explains issues with some of the claims made in the “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook” documentary, but it does not debunk any of the most significant evidence that was presented.

The following is a summary of points made:

— The time on the dashcam video of one of the squad cars was wrong, so it did in fact show officers running into the building, however the rest of the footage has been “redacted” when the students were claimed to be walking out of the school.

— The EXIF data on images can easily be manipulated, so the wrong date data on photographs and videos cannot be trusted.

— They briefly made a claim saying that it is possible for people to make Google cache dates be whatever they want them to be, but they didn’t provide any evidence or links for the claim other than saying that they “previously did it,” despite the fact that explaining it would have been good “debunking” evidence for this video.

— They said that another report clarifies what rifles were being talked about with the DNA evidence report, which shows that Adam Lanza’s DNA was found on the Bushmaster rifle as well.

— They said that the .22 caliber cartridges were the only ones searched against the DNA database because the others had “DNA from too many people on them.”

— It was claimed in the documentary that there was a DNA match with a convicted felon on the .22 cartridges, however the DNA was actually only found on an envelope flap of a letter that was sent from the convict.

— Adam Lanaza has been listed as “not eliminated as a contributor” of DNA on some of the weapons where the documentary said they didn’t find any from him.

— The official report does say that the police parked their vehicles on the neighbor’s driveway.

— Claims that Adam Lanza didn’t attend Sandy Hook were based on “recollections” in a report.

— To “debunk” the firehouse scene where the people are seen in helicopter footage walking in circles around the building, they said that people were doing so because certain doors were locked due to the police having a command post set up in the building.

— They then raised the issue of the boy in the yellow sweatshirt milling around, claiming that he was actually just worried and being consoled by an adult.  However they neglected to show or talk about the rest of the footage showing the rest of the people milling around as well.

— They claimed that Adam Lanza’s father didn’t actually say that Adam couldn’t tie his own shoes in a New Yorker article, and then they actually showed the excerpt from the article where in fact the father recalled the mother being surprised that Adam could tie his own shoes on a hike. The line actually reads: “Adam had difficulties with coordination and, when he was seventeen, Peter told Nancy they he had to pause to tie his shoes on a hike. Nancy replied in astonishment, ‘He tied his own shoes?’”

— For the final point, they pointed out that the documentary said a “police report” said Adam Lanza piled the bodies in a bathroom, however it was actually a first responder who reported seeing the bodies there instead.


Debunking video: “We Need to talk about Sandy Hook – Cached Time Debunked”

This video gives a plausible explanation of how the search engine cache date on a web page talking about the Sandy Hook Event was set to be before the event, it claims that the United Way Sandy Hook shooting fundraising page would have been able to be set up in one day, and it claims that Bing cache dates on a Newtown Bee article can’t be correct.

Following is what it talked about in the video:

A web page was created by a school in Arlington, Ohio talking about the Sandy Hook incident, with its URL having the date of December 10, 2012, and its Google index cache date being on the 13th, which was one day before the event.

The makers of the debunking video explain that the owner of a web marketing company called Spire Advertising that built the Arlington web page said the earlier date of the page was being used as a workaround to a technical glitch that was not yet reported to them, and he then showed Google Analytics data that showed the article had not been viewed until December 17.

The owner of the company then said, “Google indexes these posts based on the date that we ‘send’ them, not based on the date it was posted.”  [Note: But why did they “send” Google this date and time: 12/13/2012, at 01:22:20— which was three days after the backdating?  Google is huge and it presumably crawls pages in a consistent manner, so why is it simply not using the date when it actually indexes the page, since that is what it actually claims the date and time are showing?  I would be convinced of their argument if I could see evidence of Google behaving that way with other pages.]

I’m much less convinced about their supposed “debunking” of the United Way fundraising page issue, however.  It would be technically possible for that page to actually be set up on in one day since it was not custom designed, but it is difficult for me to believe that they would be able to coordinate all of that in one day if they were not already prepared.

The video then mentions another issue with some pages that were indexed by Microsoft “Bing.”  Two separate Microsoft tech support people did confirm that the page was accurate, but the debunkers claim that since it was only Microsoft tech support people confirming it that it couldn’t be trusted because they couldn’t possibly be able to understand such complexities.

In any event, even if the index dates in all of the mentioned cases are actually misunderstandings, it does not change the rest of the overwhelming evidence showing the event being a hoax.