Brannon Howse Speaks With Tom Littleton About Christian Colleges Inviting Jihadis to Brainwash Students

Branon Howse speaks with Tom Littleton explaining issues with major conservative Evangelical organizations in the U.S. such as the Moody Bible Institute and major bible colleges being co-opted by the political Establishment in order to dupe Christians into supporting Jihadist Islamism.  They explain that the radical Islamic organization the Muslim Brotherhood (also see this link) is a driving force behind the agenda.

Howse explains that traditionally conservative Evangelical churches in America have been heavily penetrated by the political Establishment because they had been one of the last lines of defense in the country against the corrupt agendas of the elite, and he explains that such infiltration has actually even turned such churches into one of the greatest threats to America.  He also mentions that his book “Marxianity” explains such agendas of the political elite in detail.

[Note:  The Muslim brotherhood is a Masonic organization, and Freemasonry is also the most significant force behind the Illluminati’s infiltration of Churches.  Many Christian leaders are also Freemasons, however Freemasonry is not actually compatible with Christianity.

Also note, Littleton mentioned that Obama had chosen the eighteen U.S. States where the Islamic “Refugee Resettlement” program is taking place, however the program was actually established by Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter in the early 1980’s.  See this article for a detailed summary of that program.]