Barack Obama attacked nationalism and capitalism while promoting Establishment totalitarian global rule in a speech in South Africa

A New American article by Alex Newman criticizes a recent speech that Barack Obama gave in South Africa celebrating the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth, where Obama pushed for the globalist Establishment’s totalitarian control over the world.

In his speech, Obama attacked nationalism, free market capitalism, and leaders such as Donald Trump, saying that he prefers the vision of Nelson Mandela and South Africa, despite the fact that Mandela was a Communist terrorist who was convicted of 193 counts of terrorism that killed thousands of innocent people, and despite the fact that South Africa is currently mired in extreme poverty and agendas of leftist terror being perpetrated by Mandela’s political party.

Obama claimed that the world should follow South Africa’s example, despite Nelson Mandela’s political party the “African National Congress” currently being responsible for the following:

— Genocide occurring against South African minority communities.

—  Poverty Levels exploding in South Africa.

—  Racist land-expropriation programs being implemented.

—  Threats of civil war and societal collapse looming in South Africa.

From the article:

“.. Ironically, one of the key themes of Obama’s speech was inequality.  What he did not say was that, since Apartheid ended and Soviet-backed Communists took over, inequality and poverty have exploded far beyond the levels that existed under the previous regime, making South Africa one of the most unequal societies on Earth.  Average life expectancy has plummeted more than 10 years under the new regime, according to UN data.”

“Obama was also clear about what he opposed.  For instance, he blasted ‘populist movements’ as a backlash against the inevitable forces of progress and globalization, and suggested that those involved in fighting back against big government, globalism, and open borders were merely pawns being ‘cynically funded by right-wing billionaires intent on reducing government constraints on their business interests.’  He also lambasted people who hope to secure their borders and maintain their nations, liberties, and self-government, suggesting that everyone who opposes his agenda was a vile racist living in the past.  …”

Newman also mentions an article that examines Mandela’s “heros” that include the mass-murdering Communist dictator Fidel Castro and his chief executioner “Che” Guevara.  “… Mandela claimed that Che Guevara, who executed thousands of alleged ‘counter-revolutionaries’ after sham trials or no trial at all, was an ‘inspiration for every human being who loves freedom.’”