Image from Wikipedia.
[Note: This is somewhat old news by now, but it is still worth reporting.]
A South Dakota tribe has “banned” the Republican governor Kristi Noem from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation after she spoke about wanting to send razor wire and security personnel to Texas to help deter the illegal immigration and crime that is crossing the border of the U.S., as this article explains.
I think the leaders of such tribes are told by the political Establishment to make such statements, presumably through them most likely being Freemasons. (link, link, and link)
I doubt a lot of members of those tribes actually share such beliefs that their leaders are espousing, or at least I don’t think they would if they were better informed about the matter.
What I think makes the statement of the tribe leader particularly ridiculous is the fact that he is “enforcing the border” of his reservation in response to what she said. Does his open borders philosophy for the U.S. mean that he also thinks the borders of his reservation don’t have any meaning and anyone can move and live there, including white people?
To me the mentalities of such leaders have a lot of similarities with the corrupt and dishonest Black Lives Matter organization, as this link explains, and in fact it is almost certainly being directed by the same global elite.
I do think native Americans have a legitimate grievance with sports teams using native American imagery however, and such teams should be renamed— but aside from such cultural appropriation I can’t really think of other modern grievances that are “on the surface” in such a manner, although the political Establishment has been harming them in many other ways as I’m explaining in this article.
This John Stossel video explains the situation of Indian Reservations in the U.S., where native Americans are in the process of being turned into Communists.
The configuration of the United States being a Democratically Elected Constitutional Republic is the best and the most fair government in the world, as the videos on this article explain, and the global elite is in the process of attempting to destroy that in order to usher in their planned Communist New World Order. (link)