Articles blaming discipline problems in schools on supposed racism of teachers are typical of harmful “woke” agendas

Image from Wikipedia.

I think black people can often be disadvantaged, but not really how the Establishment media usually claims that they are.  For example I think they are constantly targeted with psychological warfare in the media and elsewhere, and I think predominantly black public schools are often intentionally made to be dysfunctional, where I think one of the most significant sources of those and other problems is the fact that essentially all black leaders are Freemasons.

I’ve always thought that significant improvements could come about if public schools adopt a more increased focus on discipline in particularly dysfunctional areas where that is a problematic issue.  However, recently I saw articles such as this one that complain that there is too much discipline in black schools, and they claim that since there is a disparity between the amount of discipline applied between black students and white students that the cause must be “racism”— not taking into account the actual reality and needs of the situations, just like with all of the other ridiculous and dishonest intentionally harmful “woke” agendas.  [Note: This is another example of a reason why I won’t allow “voting” in my organizations, since many people would come to vote in favor of the harmful types of agendas that the article is advocating for.]

I think perhaps there could be “two” types of schools in particularly dysfunctional areas where the students can choose to attend— the first option could be more or less the same as how the schools are now, where sensible parents can continue to try to improve that situation; and the second option could be more disciplined schools where students can choose to go instead, where the students wear uniforms as in private schools, the discipline could be as “extreme” as it is in a military academy for example, and where the students aren’t taught toxic “woke” ideologies.

In any event I think the worst idea is “bussing” of dysfunctional students into highly performing school districts, which won’t help the bussed students much but instead it would result more in dragging down the other students if many are bussed in, which I believe is an agenda that the political Establishment has actually been anticipating with their long-range planning.

[Note: I’ve been meaning to make a summary article talking about harmful Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agendas.  I’ve never seen an accumulation of information about those issues properly summarized in one place.  The Establishment media and “fact checking” websites often try to deceive and claim that those agendas aren’t significant or don’t even really exist.]

About an issue with a statement made by Elon Musk about United Airline’s “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” agendas for training and hiring new pilots

In 2021 United Airlines had outlined a “woke” policy of 50% of its training and hiring for pilots being only women and minorities.  Image From Wikipedia.

Lately I’ve been impressed with what Elon Musk has been saying online, for example where he has been criticizing the replacement migration that has been happening in Europe and in the U.S. (link, and link), along with criticizing other similar intentionally harmful agendas.  (See this link, this link, and this link for examples of the problems that are occurring in the U.S. and Europe due to the immigration agendas.)

However, Musk recently endorsed a Tweet that ridiculously insulted the intelligence of students at historically Black colleges in relation to United Airline’s “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” agendas.  There are things that he could have legitimately criticized, but that is not one of them.  I wonder why he did that, I think it will only have negative and counterproductive consequences.  Perhaps he may have somehow been “forced” to do it by the powers that be who may have found his other recent comments to be too relevant.

Some media outlets have been reporting about the insulting Tweet, although most of them are the type that disseminate Establishment disinformation about topics such as BLM-type issues, and many are deceitful even in their response to this issue, for example this article only says Black students are being given “the opportunity to interview with the company’s career development program for pilots,” when the full truth of the matter is that United Airlines has stated that it is implementing quotas for training and hiring women and minorities for 50% of its pilots in the coming years.  (link, and link.)

United Airlines had already been implementing “woke” agendas for years such as forcing its employees to be vaccinated, running a television ad featuring a transvestite flight attendant (who later committed suicide), and publicly criticizing the state of Georgia for passing sensible election laws that includes requiring an ID to vote.