I saw this article reporting that Israel is apologizing for striking a refugee camp where more than 70 people were killed, and this article explains that they think the conflict with Hamas will continue to last for months.
I haven’t been critical enough of Israel’s deadly and ultimately pointless bombing strategy in Gaza, which can’t be justified even “on the surface” due to how the militants infuse themselves into the population to turn the people into human shields— and the situation is actually much worse under the surface considering the fact that the global elite have been controlling all sides of the conflict anyway, including Hamas (link, and link.)
Apparently this entire conflict has been an expansionist move by Israel, among potentially other even more nefarious agendas by the global elite (link), where now unsurprisingly Israel is advocating for other parts of the world (i.e. the U.S. and Europe) to take “refugees” from Palestine (link, and link), after those people have been covertly engineered by the elite for decades to be radicalized against the West (link, link, and link.)
The antisemitism that has been happening in the West such as on campuses is something that has been engineered by the political Establishment (link, and link) in order to frighten Jews and others into not speaking out against Israel’s actions, among other reasons.
What is happening is ultimately the fault of the global elite, and by extension it is the fault of Israel since it is closer to the elite. If there is no possibility of a “two state solution,” then the appropriate action would be for the entire area to be turned into one country— which could potentially lead to many Israeli people migrating to Western countries, where they would be entirely compatible whereas Palestinians would not be.
I like Jewish people, who are victims of the global elite just as everyone else is; but as the current conflict demonstrates the idea of a “homeland for Jews” is unnecessary and harmful under the circumstances, especially when you view the actual truth of what has been happening in the world.