Why are many protesting the current Israel-Palestine conflict but they didn’t do so for other more deadly Middle East conflicts?

I’m very opposed to how Israel is bombing Palestine, but I agree with people who have been pointing out the fact that many Muslims and others have been protesting this conflict while they hadn’t said much at all about more deadly conflicts in the Middle East where Israel wasn’t fighting.

While many people claim that Muslims simply have an issue with Jews being involved in the conflict, there are other factors as well such as essentially all activists groups being controlled by the political Establishment.

In this video, Fox News’ Judge Jeanine explains that there were no protests when ISIS was killing and beheading Arabs in Syria, Libya, and Iraq; there were no protests when dictators in Syria and Libya killed 100,000 Arabs; and protests also didn’t occur when 400,000 Yemenis were killed by Saudi Arabia; and she thinks activist groups are now coming out en mass since Jews are involved in the current conflict.


Almost all activist groups are controlled by the political Establishment

The protests that have been happening about the conflict aren’t actually “naturally occurring outpourings of concern,” but rather they are being directed by the same global elite who are creating the conflict in the first place (link, and link), through their covert control of the activist groups.

See this video that explains how Black Lives Matter leaders are tied to international Communism and Palestinian terrorism.

See this video that explains a leftist plan that is being implemented by the political Establishment which is calling for guerrilla warfare in the streets of the U.S. to facilitate the establishment of Communism in the country.


This mainstream news article says that Black students in Universities have “a history of solidarity with Palestinians” due to the Black Lives Matter movement being attached to Palestinian activism, where it says that there is a kinship between Blacks and Palestinians due to “settler colonialism” and it claims that what is happening in Palestine “resembles the experience that [Blacks] are seeing at home.”

However, the BLM movement’s claims are proven to be deceptively inaccurate in order to empower harmful ulterior motives (link), which most of its members must be aware of, therefore many of such people must have some sort of alternate motives for their activism— such as potentially looking to show themselves as being willing to go along with Establishment agendas in order to help secure their placement into the workforce after they graduate.


Was Palestine an “open air prison” before the current conflict?

Israel left the Gaza Strip entirely in 2005, however Palestinians soon voted Hamas into power, where it then took totalitarian control of the region and engaged in terrorist attacks against Israel such as rocket attacks and suicide bombings, which led to Israel implementing a blockade of the Gaza Strip where entry and exit from the area were prohibited from the sea and air, and the flow of goods and people were restricted.

Despite Palestine having such problems (that were almost entirely caused by Hamas), it was not a “concentration camp” or an “open air prison” as was often claimed by Establishment activists and media.

This video that was made in 2021 explains the harmful behavior of Hamas towards Palestinians.

This video shows the streets of Gaza in the week before the October 7th terrorist attacks.


What are the attitudes of Palestinians about Israel and the October 7th attacks?

Of course not all Palestinians support Hamas, but many do.  A December 14, 2023 Reuters poll claims that 72% percent of Palestinian respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the attack of southern Israel was “correct” given its outcome so far, while only 22% said it was “incorrect.”

The goals of Hamas are ultimately “offensive” and not “defensive,” as they are based on Islamic Jihadist scripture.  See this video that explains the stages of Jihad.

In 1988, Hamas wrote its first charter where it advocated for the obliteration of Israel through Jihad, the rejection of peaceful settlements with Israel, and it incited to kill Jews by citing scripture from the Quran.  See this article about that matter.

Many Muslims who hate Jews do so simply because they are told to do so by their scripture, and because they are told to do so by their leaders rather than being due to actual grievances; although some have grievances as well, especially recently in Palestine.

This video explains that Palestinian children have been systematically taught in their public schools and elsewhere to hate Jews; where their textbooks advocate for violent Jihad and even suicide bombing, and the state of Israel is not even depicted on their maps.

This article contains video clips from a Palestinian children’s show that was created from 2007 to 2009 that focused on creating violent incitement against Jews and Westerners, including advocating for the children in its audience to be suicide bombers

This article explains that footage exists of thousands of Palestinians celebrating when they learned about the 9/11 attacks, also explaining that most of the footage was suppressed by the Associated Press.

A new ridiculous big-budget Hollywood film depicts the U.S. descending into a civil war

A trailer has been released for a Hollywood movie “Civil War” which depicts a large insurrection in the U.S. where 19 states have seceded from the Union and the country has a “three term President,” with the U.S. military being shown engaging in battles with “right wing” insurgents including in Washington D.C.

The movie which is set to open on April 26 is attempting to create an impression that people who are opposed to the corrupt direction of the U.S. are some sort of dangerous extremists.  The movie is made by Alex Garland, who wrote the movies “28 Days Later,” “Ex Machina,” and “Annihilation.”

The premise of the movie is particularly far-fetched since almost nobody had even bothered to simply even be activists about the fact that the Covid vaccines which people were forced to take were easily proven to be useless and deadly for example, along with only few people being activists about any of the other crazy issues that have been happening as well.


This FreedomToons cartoon depicts the difference between how conservatives are portrayed in the Establishment media versus how most of them actually are.