An Israeli woman Noa Argamani being taken captive by Hamas militants.
Hamas had stated that their reason for taking hostages during their October 7 terrorist attacks was to use them as a bargaining chip to make Israel and Israeli authorities free all of the 5,200 Palestinian prisoners that are in its jails.
A senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera on October 7, “Our detainees in [Israeli] prisons, their freedom is looming large. What we have in our hands will release all our prisoners. The longer fighting continues, the higher the number of prisoners will become.”
On November 25, Israel agreed to release 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of 50 hostages held by Hamas, and large crowds of Palestinians gathered at the prison to celebrate their release.
Following is from this Washington Post article about the matter:
The majority of the people on the list are male teenagers arrested in the past two years. None of the men on the list are older than 18. The youngest boys included are 14. One of the 14-year-old prisoners was arrested on charges of throwing stones and making an explosive.
There are about 30 women and girls on the list, ranging from teenagers to women in their 30s and 50s. The oldest woman on the list is Hanan Barghouti, 59, who was arrested in connection with suspicion of supporting terrorism. She was taken from her home near Ramallah during an Israeli raid earlier this year.
The people on the list are accused of crimes that range from throwing stones to attempted murder, but it is unclear how serious many of the accusations are without more information on each case.
Many of the women on the list are accused of carrying out stabbings, in cases that received significant media attention, partially because women make up such a small fraction of the thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons.
Nafoz Hamad, 15, the youngest woman on the list, was convicted of attempted murder for a stabbing in East Jerusalem that injured her neighbor. Another woman was arrested for allegedly attacking an Israeli soldier with a pair of scissors.
The Israeli government has refused to release prisoners convicted of murder, but a number of people accused of attempted murder are listed.
Many of the Palestinian people including many children have genocidal mentalities toward Jewish people and the West, as the following videos show:
This video shows footage of children being indoctrinated for violent Jihad against Israel in the Palestinian public schools and elsewhere. Much of the footage has been acquired by being recorded from over-the-air broadcasts of the Palestinian Authority Television. See this link for its video page.
This is footage of Palestinians celebrating when learning about the 9/11 attacks which killed thousands of Americans. Also see this article which explains that much more of such footage has been suppressed by the AP.
Similar situations of leftist militants in Nicaragua taking hostages to free violent prisoners
Hamas taking hostages to exchange for prisoners is similar to what Sandinista Communist militants did in Nicaragua in the 1970’s, where they took a Christmas party hostage that was attended by many high ranking government officials, and later they took the entire Nicaraguan Congress of 1,500 people hostage. In both cases they demanded the release of convicted Sandinista felons who later returned with the militants to wreak suffering on the people of Nicaragua after the Sandinistas took power.
Anastasio Somoza, the popular democratically elected president of Nicaragua at the time, wrote about how he dealt with those situations in his memoirs “Nicaragua Betrayed.” I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING both the full summaries of the chapters that explain each of those events. This link is the summary of the situation of the terrorists taking the Christmas party hostage, and this link is the summary of the terrorists taking the Nicaraguan Congress of 1,500 people hostage.
Following is some of what Somoza wrote in the chapter about the Nicaraguan Congress being taken hostage:
The prisoners, whose release was demanded, were all convicted felons, each one of them had been tried in an open court of law and found guilty. Their crimes ranged from murder to assault with a deadly weapon. The fact that the terrorists could come up with only fifty-nine names should have surprised the world. According to so many press reports from the Sandinistas, we had thousands of political prisoners. I tried to explain the magnitude of that lie but until the terrorists submitted their written list, I was not successful. All of the prisoners named were alive and in good health. This is also contrary to certain press reports and claims by the Sandinistas. Remember, my government had been accused of torturing and killing political prisoners. That was one more ploy used by the Communists and my other political enemies to inflame public opinion against me.
Now that the Communists are in control of Nicaragua, there should be no political prisoners and there should not be torturing and killing. On this one issue, Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, Alan Riding, and Karen De Young should have a field day. As I have already shown, some three thousand men, women, and children of Nicaragua have been tortured and killed since the Sandinistas assumed power. These crimes are a matter of record but the “bleeding heart” press says nothing. Additionally, over eight thousand men and women are political prisoners. Their number is so great that many are exposed to the elements and all of them are on a starvation diet. What a difference!
The terrorists and criminals received a hero’s welcome in Panama and Venezuela. They were wined, dined and treated as celebrities. Pastora, the leader of the Communist terrorists, was honored with a special meeting with President Carlos Andres Perez.
… What we had been through in Managua, I thought, represented a complete breakdown of international law and order. I knew that so long as terrorists, airline highjackers, and international law violators had a safe haven, these crimes would continue. The fact that the Managua terrorists had two countries which welcomed them made me angry inside. Cuba, of course, would have made three countries, but Cuba takes criminals from anywhere. Panama and Venezuela were looked upon as civilized countries and, yet, they not only welcomed the terrorists, they aided and abetted a criminal cause.
In chapter 13 of the book Somoza explains that many of the Sandinistas were trained by the PLO:
Most of the leaders of the offensive were trained in Cuba, Panama, and by the PLO, and usually the leaders escaped. Somoza says, “When it appeared the Guardia Nacional would win, they followed a well-established routine. They would tell the local Sandinistas they were going for reinforcements and then they would never come back. On foot, they would generally make their way to Costa Rica or Honduras.”
In chapter 16 it is explained that the Sandinistas were using a tactic they learned from the PLO:
The invading forces were using a technique that the Nicaraguans were not familiar with which may have been taught by the PLO in the Middle East, which was cutting holes in the sides of buildings they occupied to fire out from which allowed them to move from one building to another without exposing themselves. Somoza explains a tragic situation where it was decided that a police headquarters that was surrounded needed to be abandoned, and from the time the troops started their evacuation to the time they arrived in another city they were completely exposed, with most being gunned down along the way due to the attackers having the protection of the walls.
(Note that the PLO is claimed to be a Palestinian “adversary” of Hamas, however the PLO’s involvement in the Communist overthrow of Nicaragua demonstrates how it is controlled by the political Establishment just as Hamas is.)