A recent video of Israeli children singing a genocidal song may have been posted with ulterior motives (updated November 28, 2023)

(Updated November 28, 2023:) A video of Israeli children singing a genocidal song advocating for “annihilating everyone in Gaza” was uploaded to the “X” (formerly Twitter) account of an Israeli national broadcaster Kann News, and it was deleted soon after it was posted due to a massive backlash.

I believe that it is possible that the people who posted the video were aware of the backlash that it would create, where perhaps it may have been posted by the political Establishment with a motivation of “leveling the playing field” by trying to create a false impression that typical Israelis act that way, in order to help ensure that many Western leftists and others continue to rally behind Islam and against Israel.

For example, I saw the video featured in a debate about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where it was shown as a supposed example of the hostile nature of Israelis.

In any event I think it is likely that the video was at least created with genuine intent, since many Israelis do have hawkish attitudes due to the country constantly being bombarded with terrorist attacks, such as random missiles being sent from Gaza as well as waves of suicide bombers occurring in the past.

Nonetheless it is not common for average Israelis to behave as those girls do, as opposed to the situation in Palestine where children are systematically indoctrinated for jihad in their schools and elsewhere, such as by their textbooks glorifying suicide bombers and their textbooks not even showing Israel existing on maps, as is explained in this video.

Regardless of the motivation for posting the video, the following facts are true:

1. Unknown to most Jewish people and Muslims, all sides of the current Israel-Palestine conflict (including Hamas) is controlled by the few Illuminati global political elite, where the conflict is being implemented in order to forward the elite’s nefarious long-term agendas (link), including an agenda of continuing to import large amounts of often hostile and incompatible Muslims into Western countries (link).  Essentially all of Islam, including radical Islam, is covertly controlled by the few global elite individuals (link, and link).

2. As a part of the elite’s agenda of “divide and conquer,” they want mainstream left wing activists (and the various antisemites among the right wing) to rally behind Islam— despite the fact that the Palestinians were the aggressors in the October 7 conflict in a massive horrific terrorist attack, and despite the fact that the Islamic culture is always against gays and often executes homosexuals (link), and despite the fact that the Islamic culture is always oppressive to women (link).  Therefore most leftists need to be tricked into supporting Islam through the true nature of the ideology being concealed and Palestinians being made to seem as purely innocent victims in the conflict.  (Ultimately the Palestinians are victims of the few global elite just as everyone else is including average Israelis, but that is not at all apparent on the surface and the Establishment wants naive leftists to think the terrorist actions of Hamas are not serious or they are somehow justified.)  The political Establishment makes use of its control over Islam as a weapon (link), so it works hard to conceal the true nature of the ideology— with its true nature being the fact that conformity to its oppressive ideologies are enforced with intimidation and violence, often even including the death penalty (link).

(Updated November 28, 2023:)  In this video, Wid Lyman from BorderHawk.news explains how pro-Palestinian protests are being orchestrated by the political Establishment.  [Note: Many of the leftist protesters that are spoken about in this video are ridiculously supporting Hamas and by extension its atrocities.  In other words they are advocating to kill Jews, including with their “from the river to the sea” chants.]


In this video, Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch (link, and link) explains that the supposedly “moderate” West Bank Palestinian Authority had issued an edict to be preached to Muslims on October 19, where it advocated for the extermination of all Jews by citing the following passage from the Islamic Hadith: “The hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, until the Jew hides behind the stones and the trees and the stones or the trees say ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, Come and kill him.’”  (The video is a part of this CBN article talking about that issue among other topics.)

3. It is well-known that Palestinian children are systematically indoctrinated in their schools and elsewhere to have genocidal mentalities toward Jews and Israel, as the following videos show:

This video shows footage of children being indoctrinated for violent Jihad against Israel in the Palestinian public schools and elsewhere.  Much of the footage has been acquired by being recorded from over-the-air broadcasts of the Palestinian Authority Television.  See this link for its video page.

In this video, children in a 2019 assembly at the Philadelphia branch of the MAS sing songs of Jihad and beheadings.  Also see this article about that matter.

This is one of hundreds of videos that show separate Jihadist training situations for Islamic youth.  Note that the motivation of Jihad according to Islamic writings is ultimately “offensive,” and not “defensive.”


Following are examples horrific atrocities committed by Jihadists in the 2023 Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  (Note that there are also reports of Israelis engaging in atrocities against their own people during the October 7 attacks such as shooting indiscriminately with their helicopters, which I will report about in the future.)

This article shows a video of the aftermath of a horrific attack on a woman that occurred during the October 7 attacks.

This article explains that the IDF showed the foreign press 43 minutes of Hamas bodycam videos and photos of murder, torture, and decapitations from Hamas’s October 7 attacks, and it explains that they are not releasing the footage to the public out of respect to the families.  [Note: I disagree with that policy, where I think the identities of the victims should be appropriately blurred and then released to the public.  I think it is more disrespectful to the victims and also very dangerous to not let the world know what is happening.  For example many naive leftists around the world are currently protesting in favor of Hamas!  Also very few people understand the level of casual depravity of Jihadist militants.]

This article shows videos of children as young as ten years old taking part in the Hamas October 7 terrorist attacks against civilians in Israeli towns that are adjacent to Gaza.  It explains that Hamas has used its nearly two decades of rule over Gaza to weaponize a generation of Palestinians against the Jewish state.  Michael Milshtein, the head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center of Tel Aviv University said, “Hamas directed the education system, the media, and the religious institutions to brainwash children, who make up half of Gaza’s 2.2-million-person population, … Israelis got their first up-close look at this Palestinian Gen Z on Oct. 7.”

This recent report explains that two men in the West Bank were executed by a cheering mob due to being accused of spying for Israel, where their legs were cut off and their bodies were then discarded in a pile of trash.