Tomi Lahren explains why total abortion bans are problematic

In this video Tommy Lahren explains her opinions about the current situation of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, where she says that most people’s opinions about the issue are located within a spectrum between the two extremes.

I agree with Lahren’s point of view, where I think total abortion bans are not practical and Republican candidates attempting to bring them will result in voters electing Democrats instead as a response.  Total abortion bans have little support from even Republican voters, mostly except for ones that are in activist groups who advocate for them.

Nonetheless it looks like many Republican candidates will be bringing platforms of such total bans no matter if their constituents actually want them or not, for example with the Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake (who has only a “slight lead” rather than a large one) and Harriet Hagman who is vying to be the Wyoming Republican senate candidate instead of the very unpopular RINO Liz Cheney.

The wave of Republican candidates winning that would have happened in the coming election will now be stifled by many of them advocating for total abortion bans, which I think is a situation that has been purposely engineered by the political Establishment for nefarious purposes.  See this article explaining that matter.