A new political ad is indicative of problems that will be caused by abortion restrictions that are too extreme

I saw this political ad that was created by an abortion advocacy group that shows a doctor explaining to a couple that their child has a “catastrophic brain abnormality” and it will be able to survive only a few hours after birth, after which they learn they won’t be able to abort the child because of the policies of the Texas governor Greg Abbot.

In the video the doctor says, “If she is to survive, she will live only a matter of hours after birth. During that time, she will experience a multitude of seizures and ultimately aspirate on her own bodily fluids. She will suffer.  A decision will need to be made on termination.  I wish I could tell you what to do, but there is only one person who can make this choice.”

… At which point the mother says, “How much time do I have?—”

And the doctor says, “… And that person is Greg.”

The husband then says, “Who the f**k is Greg?”

At which point the doctor opens a cabinet with a picture of the Texas governor Abbot and calls him on a red phone, after which the doctor hangs up the phone and says to them, “Yeah, that’s gonna be a no.  Best of luck to you.”

After looking into the issue, I have found that Texas makes exceptions and allows later term abortions in cases where it would save the mother’s life or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.”  However I have not found information that claims it allows later term abortions in cases such as in the above video, therefore unfortunately the premise of the video is presumably accurate.

Texas has a six week time limit for abortions (a “heartbeat bill”), which I think is acceptable as opposed to total abortion bans which are not practical, however exceptions certainly need to be made for later term abortions due to medical necessity such as in the above video.

The video is indicative of campaigns that pro-abortion advocates will constantly be implementing everywhere, which will ensure that Republican politicians who advocate for too extreme of abortion restrictions will lose their elections— such as if they try to bring total abortion bans or not allow later term abortions for medical necessity

I found the video on a Yahoo reprint of a Huffington Post article that explains the video was created by an organization “Mothers Against Greg Abbot.”  While I agree with the organization’s stance on the need for later term abortions for medical necessity, I strongly disagree with its other stances that are among the most extreme of leftist views, such as opposing pornographic book bans in schools, supporting racist anti-white CRT agendas in schools, supporting mask and vaccines mandates, and advocating transgenderism to children.  All of such harmful agendas are being empowered due to Abbot not properly allowing later term abortions for medical necessity.

Tomi Lahren explains why total abortion bans are problematic

In this video Tommy Lahren explains her opinions about the current situation of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, where she says that most people’s opinions about the issue are located within a spectrum between the two extremes.

I agree with Lahren’s point of view, where I think total abortion bans are not practical and Republican candidates attempting to bring them will result in voters electing Democrats instead as a response.  Total abortion bans have little support from even Republican voters, mostly except for ones that are in activist groups who advocate for them.

Nonetheless it looks like many Republican candidates will be bringing platforms of such total bans no matter if their constituents actually want them or not, for example with the Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake (who has only a “slight lead” rather than a large one) and Harriet Hagman who is vying to be the Wyoming Republican senate candidate instead of the very unpopular RINO Liz Cheney.

The wave of Republican candidates winning that would have happened in the coming election will now be stifled by many of them advocating for total abortion bans, which I think is a situation that has been purposely engineered by the political Establishment for nefarious purposes.  See this article explaining that matter.