It is strange to see the uproar that has been occurring due to comments Jill Biden made complimenting the breakfast tacos that are eaten in the Texas region where she was giving a speech, where Hispanic organizations have been speaking out about what she said, and hundreds of memes have been made about it.
She said: “Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio — is your strength.”
Obviously there was nothing inappropriate about what she said, especially since she is (supposedly) an advocate for Latin Americans.
The statement is no different than mentioning maple syrup in Canada, bratwurst in Germany, pierogies in Poland, or sushi in Japan, for example.
Also that situation is not the same as if a politician made some sort of a “watermelon” comment to African Americans for example, due to the history of issues with that.
The world is going up in flames, and Joe Biden has made proven useless and deadly vaccines available for young children under five years old, yet hundreds of activists everywhere have for some reason decided to dedicate thousands of hours to making a fuss about the nothing issue of her statement, such as making memes about it.
I’m very opposed to illegal immigration, but I don’t have anything against Hispanic people.
I’m fan a genuine tacos (but not really the American-ized crunchy shell variety,) and recently I’ve been making them frequently (perhaps even too frequently) after buying a tortilla press. Real tortillas need to be prepared from scratch and eaten immediately after being made, therefore they are not able to be purchased in stores; which is somewhat similar to how pre-made pancakes can’t be bought in stores, although tortillas are not the same as pancakes of course.
I like the cookbook “Vegan Tacos: Authentic and Inspired” that explains how to make veganized versions of genuine tacos, where is also explains the large variety of chilies, salsas and condiments that are used.

Here is a “real” taco as opposed to the Americanized crunchy-shell variety. The picture is from the cookbook Vegan Tacos: Authentic and Inspired.