I wasn’t paying much attention to the abortion issue previously because I assumed that it is one that is well-covered due to it having large amounts of advocates on both sides.
I also made a somewhat similar assumption about Covid and vaccines, where I assumed that since that issue isn’t even a matter of a “difference of opinion” but rather just the “accuracy of the facts” which can easily be clarified— combined with the fact that there isn’t even anything that is non-PC about communicating about issues with it— and the fact that even the official government sources quietly detail the truth of the actual non-severity of the Covid virus and the uselessness and the harmfulness of the vaccines— as well as the situation of enormous amounts of people being reported to be harmed by the vaccines— that it would all naturally lead to people doing something about the situation since there are eight billion people on the Earth and it effects everyone. However, amazingly that has not been the case, although many people have been at least reporting about the situation. (And like I mentioned before, I suspect that the harm that is reported to be caused by the vaccines may be often somehow a hoax, because I cannot imagine how people would continue to allow that to happen otherwise. At least I hope it is a hoax.) See these articles for more information about Covid and the associated vaccines.

I saw this meme yesterday, which led to a me thinking of a concept of an “abortion court” that is comprised of a panel of doctors who would decide if an abortion can be allowed to happen or not (at least for later-term surgical abortions.) That way, abortions could happen in the rare cases of women needing them for legitimate medical reasons, and it would not allow non-legitimate reasons being used as a loophole such as “she is depressed because of the pregnancy,” for example. The proceedings of the panels should then also be made available for scrutiny by people in the local communities.
Obviously many other people must have had this idea as well, so I’m surprised that I’ve never heard of it before. Why haven’t large amounts of people already been advocating for such a solution since it would undoubtedly be a very effective solution to the problem?

Also speaking of vaccines and memes, many people might be familiar with this meme of a distressed woman and a cat. I always assumed that the image was chosen because she was upset about something ridiculous, such as due to someone “misgendering” someone or something, and I also thought the meme was funny because it has a picture of a cat sitting at a plate of vegetables.
However, the reality of the meme is that she is upset about a serious situation related to her ex-husband who is now deceased, therefore it is inappropriate for the image to be used in such a manner.