The video contained in this article shows the almost certainly Masonic “Boule” member of congress Cori Bush giving a speech at the “March for Our Lives” protest in Washington, where attendees advocated for confiscating guns from law abiding citizens while also insisting that schools are left undefended by not allowing teachers to be trained to be armed and by insisting that more cops are not put into schools.
In her speech Bush claimed the Buffalo shooter was “indoctrinated by Tucker Carlson,” however the shooter actually described himself in his manifesto as a “leftist eco-fascist” who expressed distain for Fox News and he never mentioned Carlson. Bush also claimed that “she was a victim of gun violence” saying her boyfriend tried to shoot her twenty years ago; however if you listen to her story it is readily apparent that if he didn’t have a gun he would have simply tried to harm her some other way that would have been just as lethal.
The “March for Our Lives” protest was held in response to the recent Buffalo, New York shooting and Uvalde, Texas shooting, both of which have been shown to be elaborate hoaxes (see the links), as other similar events have been as well such as the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting and the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing.