Biden is planning to remove the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations

An article on the website Bare Naked Islam* explains that the Biden administration is considering removing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations.

Former Vice President Mike Pence was sent to inform Israeli officials during a visit last week that the Biden administration is considering de-listing the IRGC “in return for a more narrow commitment not to target Americans,” prompting Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to issue the following statement in response:

“The IRGC is responsible for attacks on American civilians and American forces throughout the Middle East, including in the past year.  The IRGC were behind plans to assassinate senior American government officials.”

“The IRGC were involved in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians, they destroyed Lebanon and they are brutally oppressing Iranian civilians.  They kill Jews because they are Jews, Christians because they are Christians, and Muslims because they refuse to surrender to them.”

“They are an integral part of the brutal machine of oppression in Iran.  Their hands have on them the blood of thousands of Iranians and the crushed soul of the Iranian society.”

“The attempt to delist the IRGC as a terrorist organization is an insult to the victims and would ignore documented reality supported by unequivocal evidence.  We find it hard to believe that the IRGC’s designation as a terrorist organization will be removed in exchange for an unreliable promise not to harm Americans.”

The statement also noted that the IRGC is behind Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen, and the militias in Iraq.

The IRGC was established in April 1979 after the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, with its role being to oversee the enforcement of the brutal tyrannical laws that were then imposed on the people in the country, such as the compulsory veiling of women, strict dress codes, banning of “Western” clothes, hairstyles, mixed-sex parties, and consumption of alcohol.

A branch of the IRGC called the “Qods Force” is in charge of foreign interventions, and has been involved in regional conflicts for decades in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.

[Note that Iran and even the IRGC are covertly controlled by the same people who control the Biden Administration, as is detailed in the book Hostage to Khomeini.

*Also note: I found the information for this article on the website Bare Naked Islam, which I think is a comprehensive source of information, however I don’t agree with everything they say or aspects of their approach.  A number of articles on this site use information that I have found on that site.]