Tucker Carlson explains the Trucker Freedom Convoy that is currently occurring in Canada

In this Fox News broadcast, Tucker Carlson explains what is occurring with the cross-country “Freedom Convoy” that is happening in Canada, where thousands of truckers are traveling to Ottawa in protest of new vaccine mandates that Canada is imposing for truckers.

The convoy is over 40 miles long, and so far they have raised over $6 million in donations for fuel and other expenses.  [Note: Also the fund raising platform GoFundMe has frozen most of the money in the account that was donated for the convoy.]

Canada’s Prime minister Justin Trudeau claimed that “he had a COVID exposure” and therefore can’t meet with the truckers, and he also stated in a press conference that they are just a “small fringe group” which “do no represent the views of Canadians.”

Carlson then speaks with Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, who explains that the goal of the convoy is to get rid of the vaccine mandates and vaccine passports that are now being mandated for truckers.

A woman who came in contact with overturned CDC lab monkeys on the road near Danville, PA is now reporting symptoms of illness

A few days ago a truckload of live CDC lab monkeys overturned on the road near Danville, PA, where a few escaped but were later found and euthanized.

A woman named Michelle Fallon who was driving behind the vehicle when it crashed stopped to help, and she reached into a crate after being told the truck was carrying cats, however she instead encountered a Macaque monkey who hissed at her.  She is now reporting having Covid-like symptoms and pink eye, raising questions of what the moneys may have been infected with.

[Note I went to high school in Danville, which is a nice town on the Susquehanna River in central Pennsylvania.]