Following is a summary of an article from Bare Naked Islam:
[Note that I don’t agree with everything that BNI says or aspects of its approach, but it is an important resource about Islam where I have learned a lot.]

An underground parking lot in Hanau, Germany, has unveiled priority parking spaces for migrants and homosexual drivers only, announcing that the new spaces are to to be used by drivers with “a special need for protection.”
The overwhelming majority of migrants in Germany are Muslims, so the parking space is essentially for them.
City councilor Thomas Morlock said at the unveiling of the parking spaces that the aim is to help people who are more “diverse” than others.
The same parking spaces are reserved for both groups, despite the fact that adult homosexuality is prohibited in Islam with the penalty of death.

In some parts of the Islamic world, homosexuals are executed by being thrown off of high buildings, with their corpses then being stoned by mobs of people where they land.

Homosexuals are hanged in Iran. [Note that Iran is covertly controlled by the exact same people who control the Biden Administration.]
Also see this article about the issue.
[Strangely though, only homosexuality between two ADULTS is prohibited in Islam. Adult Muslim men having sex with young boys is accepted and it is widely practiced. A PBS Frontline documentary “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan” details that.]