The Dutch activist Paul Nielson makes informative videos

I have recently found works by the Dutch activist Paul Nielson.  Following are some videos from his YouTube channel.  (I have also previously posted another video by him as well, not knowing who made it.)

“‘Educated’ to hate the West”

Nielson explains how the Netherlands is appointing “multicultural” individuals such as Imara Limon in order to modify the history of the country in its museums, with it being replaced with dangerous Cultural Marxist agendas.

[Note: I can be fine with statues being removed if the people they depict genuinely committed atrocities, such as Joseph Stalin.  What Nielson is really criticizing is the agenda of the Netherlands to try to re-write the history of the country itself in favor of harmful leftist agendas.]


“The Infiltration of the Dutch political system (part 1)”

Nielson explains that the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Sigrid al-Qaq (who was appointed rather than elected) has close ties to Palestinian terrorism, she sends Dutch taxpayer money to terrorist groups such as the PLO and the Muslim Brotherhood, and she also funds extreme leftist organizations who are focused on destroying Dutch culture.  The video also explains how the PLO’s Yassir Arafat actually supported terrorism despite some people being under the impression that he did not.

Also see his video “The Infiltration of the Dutch political system (part 2).”


“The Real-Life Consequences of Leftist Indoctrination”

Nielson explains two northern European girls who naively traveled to Morocco to hike in the mountains, where they were then killed.  Nielson explains how people are now commonly being indoctrinated in European schools with inaccurate beliefs about other cultures.