The UK is now implementing draconian COVID lockdown rules, despite the minimal risk

This is a compilation of footage of nurses who don’t have anything better to do than to learn dance moves.

Following is a summary of a article:

Similar to what is being implemented in Canada, anyone traveling to the UK from a country on the government’s “red list” of 33 countries are now required to quarantine themselves in a hotel for ten days at their own expense of almost two thousand pounds.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock made the announcement, saying that he makes “no apologies” for such extreme measures.  Hancock also said that anyone caught breaking quarantine could be fined ten thousand pounds, and people who lie about the countries they were in could be jailed for up to a decade.

Even people who are not coming from the 33 “red list countries” will have to test negative and quarantine at home for ten days while allowing authorities to “check that they are obeying the rules.”  [Note that “33” is a significant number to Freemasonry, and the UK is essentially a “Masonic Tyranny.”]

Hancock did not say how long the rules would be in place, but members of the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have suggested that lockdowns could last for “several years.”

A conservative MP Jeremy Hunt and SAGE have also suggested that citizens should be tracked using mobile phones.

[All of these measures are being implemented despite the fact that the virus is not more dangerous than the normal flu, and despite the fact that a “vaccine” supposedly even exists for it as well.]

Tucker Carlson explains that Joe Biden is waiving COVID tests for illegal immigrants who are being released into the US

Tucker Carlson reports that the U.S. will be releasing illegal migrants into the interior of the U.S. without even testing them for COVID-19, despite the fact that the country is being locked down using the excuse of the virus.

Carson also mentions that media outlets such as MSNBC are attempting to claim that people complaining about Biden’s dangerous open borders policies are “white supremacists.”


In this video, Carlson speaks with AJ Louderback, the Jackson County, Texas Sheriff, who explains how the border patrol is now releasing illegal aliens into the interior of the United States without even being tested for COVID, and he explains that illegal migrants will no longer be deported if they commit crimes.  Louderback explains that Biden’s policy is a message to the world that people can come to the U.S. illegally and also even be caught committing crimes in the U.S. and still remain in the country.

The CDC admits that at least 96% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were from other causes

COVID is shown to not be more dangerous than the normal flu, even according to the official numbers.  This broadcast explains that hospitals have been counting people who die from other causes as dying from COVID.

An October 21, 2020 CDC report explains that of the 220 thousand deaths attributed to COVID-19, 87 thousand of them have died from influenza and pneumonia, another 17 thousand from chronic lower respiratory disease, 26 thousand from respiratory distress syndrome, 44 thousand from hypertensive diseases, 23 thousand from heart disease, and 28 thousand from cardiac arrest and heart failure; however all of them have been classified as dying from COVID.

Doctors who spoke with One America News explain that 131 thousand people who are being considered COVID deaths already had life-ending diseases, and the CDC reports that additionally 10 thousand people were already on hospice care meaning “terminally ill” when they died.

Doctors also explained to OAN that the “Cares Act” that was implemented in March gives doctors a large bonus if they list a death as occurring due to COVID, even if there is no indication that the death happened because of COVID.

Even the CDC itself explains that coronavirus by itself is only responsible for 6% of all deaths that are attributed to COVID, with the other 94% being due to pre-existing comorbidities!

[Note I think it is insane that people are not challenging the draconian measures despite even the official numbers showing that COVID is not a serious threat!  Also see this article that explains how the cases are being radically exaggerated.]

A U.S. Mosque allowed an American woman to convert to Islam without even informing her of the consequences

I saw this video that shows an American woman who converted to Islam after seeing the religion being portrayed on a television show.  In the video she explains that she read about the religion after watching the show and then eventually visited a mosque, where she converted right away.  She said, “[The people at the Mosque] were shocked to see me I think, but yeah, I became a Muslim right that day, right after that prayer.”  In the video she mentions that she likes the “peace” in Islam and how they “help the oppressed.”

I wonder if converts such as her are initially told about the death penalty for apostasy from Islam and the horrible way that they treat women.  It seems that they neglected to inform her about those things or any of the other disturbing issues with the ideology when she was deciding to convert, since they apparently allowed her to convert in a very abrupt manner.