An Ohio RINO Republican Steve Stivers wants to require people to be vaccinated in order to receive stimulus checks

In an interview, Republican Ohio Congressman Steve Stivers said, “While I am not for giving a $1,400 stimulus check for anything, I’d be willing to sign off on a stimulus check of $1,400 for people who take the vaccine.  And I hope the administration will look at that option because we actually buy something with our $1,400 and that’s herd immunity.”

Stivers hold those views despite the fact that the vaccines are shown to be dangerous, as well as the fact that COIVD has a 98% survival rate.

Biden’s Justice Department is asking the Supreme Court to reverse a Trump-era ruling not allowing Presidents to block critics on their social media accounts

The Epoch Times is reporting that Biden’s Department of Justice is asking the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court ruling that found Donald Trump blocking comments of critics on his Twitter account to be a violation of their first amendment rights, saying the ruling was “deeply problematic.”

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall argued in a supplemental brief filed on January 19 that President Biden, as well as future presidents and government officials, should not be bound by the court’s decision for Trump.

In 2019, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled unanimously that Trump’s use of his personal Twitter account, created “an official channel of communication,” therefore he should not be allowed to block critics.  When doing so they were upholding a 2018 decision by U.S. District Judge Naomi Buchwald, a Clinton appointee.  She ruled that Trump being President makes his account a “designated public forum” and thus political speech on it must not be discriminated against.  Her decision extended to all public officials.

The feed for Trump’s account had been constantly filled with replies from users who taunted and insulted him, often using expletives, and Trump had complained to the Twitter management on many occasions.

In his brief, Wall stated “Twitter’s power to unilaterally shut down the @realDonaldTrump account [underscores] the Second Circuit’s error in holding that the account is a ‘public forum.’”

[Note: I think it is ridiculous that Trump was disallowed by law to block critics on his Twitter account, which is yet another reason that he never should have used such services.  I was never aware of that ruling.  It will be interesting to see if they change that ruling for Biden, I presume that they will.]

Biden’s weird anti-“white male” agenda when distributing COVID financial aid to business owners is unsettling on many levels

I’m sure by now most people have seen Biden making his ridiculous pledge to distribute COVID financial aid to essentially all business owners except ones who are white males.

Due to his doing so, news reports have typically been making claims along the lines of:  “There is backlash due to Biden ‘prioritizing minority owned businesses,’” however what he is doing is actually different than that, in the fact that he is obviously blatantly “excluding” white males from such aid.  I’m sure few if any people of any demographic appreciate Biden discriminating in such a manner, except perhaps for the most extreme of leftist cultural Marxists.

I think the entire notion of even factoring in the race and sex of the recipients of such financial aid is ridiculous, since the lockdown effects all such businesses in a universal manner, and I’m sure that Biden and the Dems actually even secretly realize that.

So then the question is— “Why” are they proposing something that is so ridiculous and divisive?  Obviously them doing that has been designed to grate on the nerves of conservatives.  Apparently the political Establishment is attempting to incite a response— either to try to goad conservatives into attacking politicians, or to create a perceived justification for conservatives to be blamed for attacks that the political Establishment will stage in order to create an excuse to crack down on the rights of everyone.

Note that the political Establishment previously let people get away with physically threatening Trump, such as how “Snoop Dog” or whoever did, however the same will not apply to conservatives who try to do the same type of thing.  The penalty for threatening a U.S. President is severe, it is a felony that is not protected by “free speech.”  Don’t ever threaten physical harm against politicians in any way, even jokingly— you can be arrested and imprisoned!

I also think more conservatives should stop wasting their time playing video games, and instead they should spend as much time as possible becoming more politically aware and active.

Many National Guard troops turned their back on Biden’s motorcade, and “Snopes” is claiming they were “looking out for potential threats”

Video has emerged of National Guard troops turning their backs to Biden’s motorcade out of disrespect, which of course is not a surprise under the circumstances.

However, the situation is being spun by the National Guard, where they are attempting to claim that the troops were actually “looking outward for threats,” which anyone can see is obviously a ridiculous assertion.

Biden will implement harmful agendas starting on his first day

Joe Biden saying he will end Trump’s “vile” and “Islamophobic” travel restrictions from countries that are hostile to the U.S.

Following is a summary of a Fox News article explaining various agendas that Joe Biden will implement on his first day:

Send a DACA bill to Congress — Biden will send a bill to Congress to create a pathway to citizenship for the “Dreamers” (immigrants brought to the U.S. as children,) as well as 11 million [(Note:  Actually way more than 11 million people— easily 30 million or more)] undocumented people living in the country, as well as many other dangerous immigration agendas.

— Reverse Trump’s “travel bans” from hostile countries — Biden will end Trump’s supposedly “vile” and “Islamophobic” travel restrictions from countries that are hostile to the U.S.

— Rejoin the totally useless and economy-killing “Paris Climate Agreement” — The U.S. would be required to reduce fossil fuel emissions by 30% by 2025.  See this video explaining issues with the Green New Deal.   “Man-made global warming” is absolutely a hoax.

— Implement an executive order on wearing masks — Biden will sign an executive order to require masks everywhere that he can, such as in Federal buildings, interstate travel such as on planes, trains, and buses, and he will “work with governors and mayors” on their own mask mandates.

— Reverse Trump’s asylum limitations — Biden will eliminate President Trump’s decision to limit asylum, and undo the executive orders that eliminated Obama-Biden enforcement priorities on national security and public safety.

— Move to raise taxes on wealthy — Biden has repeatedly promised that he “will not increase taxes on anyone making less than $400,000” annually.  [Note:  However he will implement devastating types of “stealth taxation” that will burden everyone, such as his economy-killing global warming initiatives.]

— Sign executive orders regulating oil and gas — Biden will implement deceptive and draconian agendas under the guise of supposedly “helping the environment,” such as requiring aggressive methane pollution limits for oil and gas sectors, adding rigorous fuel economy standards and re-implementing the Clean Air Act, and re-instituting wide-ranging and unnecessary “protections” on federal land and water.