“White privilege” is a myth, but black people are often disadvantaged

I remember seeing an article about a public school that sent a message home about “white privilege,” and I made a joke, “You know you are sending your kids to a crappy school if they send a message like that home to parents.”  I said it as a joke, but I do feel that way though.  I think that is totally inappropriate and even a racist message for a school to send out to parents.

This isn’t to say that black people aren’t often disadvantaged though.  But there is an important distinction between black people being “disadvantaged” and white people supposedly being “privileged.”

I saw an Establishment-created article a while ago that listed various examples of “white privilege,” and I thought some were legitimate examples of black people being disadvantaged, but many were not.  For example it said, “Black people feel that they need to have a bag for their purchases when they leave the convenience store,” however that is not being “disadvantaged” but rather it is simply their own neurosis.

People who espouse the concept of “white privilege” are often corrupt cultural Marxists who are being “told” what to say by the political Establishment.  The reason for that is because they want black people to think that the damaged state of their neighborhoods is the “normal baseline standard” rather than “abnormal”— that way they create animosity towards white people and distract black people from identifying their Democrat leadership as covertly being what is actually the cause of almost all of their problems.  The corrupt “Black Lives Matter” movement is a perfect example of such an anti-black agenda, where it knowingly tricks people into thinking that the police have a “homicidal bias” when in fact they do not.  See this link, this link, and this link about that.