The news media has been focusing on various race-related issues lately, in particular the issues related to the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota, as well as an issue where a white woman in New York called the police on a black man who threatened to poison her dog, and as usual the media has been distorting the the truth about the situations.
About the “Central Park ‘Karen’” issue

In late April of this year a white woman was walking her dog in New York’s Central park without a leash in an area where dogs are supposed to be leashed, which prompted a black man to threaten to poison her dog. The woman then called the police while the man recorded her doing so, with the footage then going viral and getting millions of view due to worldwide mainstream news reports creating an impression that he was simply minding his own business when she called the police. The woman has since reportedly received death threats and lost her job at a financial firm “Franklin Templeton” because of it, and she was also pressured into surrendering her dog because she was accused of choking it in the video.
Surprisingly (or rather “not-so-suprisingly,” unfortunately), the media reports are almost never reporting that the man did in fact threatened her dog, despite the fact that he even admitted to doing so in a Facebook post! Instead, most media reports such as this one, and this one create an impression that she fabricated the accusation as some sort of a hate crime, and they are treating the man as if he is some sort of a victim or a martyr.
Despite the media’s claims, the man did in fact explain in a Facebook post specifically what happened which clearly shows that he did threaten her dog. Bradley Cooper wrote the following on his Facebook account (in a post which he has apparently since taken down):
Central Park this morning: This woman’s dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble.
ME: Ma’am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.
HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.
ME: All you have to do is take him to the other side of the drive, outside the Ramble, and you can let him run off leash all you want.
HER: It’s too dangerous.
ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.
HER: What’s that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won’t come to you.
ME: We’ll see about that…
I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence. I didn’t even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.
That’s when I started video recording with my iPhone, and when her inner Karen fully emerged and took a dark turn…
.. So clearly the issue was not anything that is actually newsworthy, yet the woman’s entire life is supposedly being ruined because of it. The man never mentions the fact that he actually did threaten her dog when he is being interviewed about it, and the woman has constantly been profusely apologizing in the media despite the fact that she doesn’t have any reason for doing so.
About Violence Stemming from the George Floyd Issue
The political Establishment is running a psy-op to cultivate an inaccurate “victimhood” mentality in blacks in order to incite violence as a part of strategy of creating an excuse for implementing evil anti-freedom leftist agendas.
These videos that I’ve posted in the past explain the situation well..
In this video, Paul Watson of explains statistics that show that people of all races are killed by police in relatively equal proportions in the U.S., and that the organization “Black Lives Matter” is created and controlled by the Establishment in order to create racial animosity.
From the Prager University YouTube video page: “Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimination? Heather Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, explains.”
The Establishment’s Current Strategies are Nothing New
I often still see the Rodney King incident that happened in 1992 being mentioned by activists, however that situation was distorted by the media in a similar manner as well. The news reports at the time intentionally withheld the full video footage showing that King initially attacked the police officers, which the media strategically hid to create a public impression that King was more of a victim than he actually was in order to cause the riots that happened after the trial.
(Start watching at 7:45 in the above video to see important details about the matter.)
The California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been pushing her corrupt leftist Establishment agendas for decades. Like all black politicians, she is in the Masonic “Boule” secret society where she is required to do exactly what the political Establishment tells her to do. In this recent MSNBC video Waters is applauding the recent rioters and saying that Trump is a racist and a dangerous human being.
In this video, Tucker Carlson talks about how in 1992 Maxine Waters actually endorsed the violent random attack on the white truck driver Reginald Denny during the race riots that were happening in Los Angeles, and he explains that she even visited with the mother of one of the attackers Damien Williams in order to offer her support.