Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Episode: “Just Tell Him You’re The President”

I happened to see this video segment from the Jerry Seinfeld “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” show that featured Barack Obama.  Of course Obama comes across as being a very nice guy, but his persona is one that was cultivated by the political Establishment in order to shield themselves from criticism while they were forwarding their harmful agendas, including the covertly anti-black “Black Lives Matter” organization.  I notice that this video got over 30 million views so far since it was posted in 2015.

Trump is controlled by the same political Establishment, but he is playing an entirely different type of role.  His “job” is to make anti-Establishment views seem bigoted and unworkable, and I think his supposedly being “persecuted” by the Establishment is mostly just a distraction from the fact that he is not actually following through on many of his promises.  Nonetheless I think he is definitely preferable to what a Clinton Administration would have been since he at least purports to be anti-Establishment, but I think his supporters are letting a crucial opportunity slip past by not properly criticizing him.