In 2016 I wrote an article on this website entitled “A CNN article labeled Donald Trump as a white nationalist, interviewing numerous Establishment Controlled bigots such as David Duke who claim they love Breitbart’s Steve Bannon,” which detailed a CNN article that interviewed various white supremacists who said that they love Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, and the article also accused Brietbart of publishing anti-Semitic articles (which it does not).
In my article I mentioned that David Duke is “controlled by the political Establishment,” however I don’t actually have specific proof of that in his particular case, so I want to issue a retraction about that.
However, it is proven that white supremacist groups are often infiltrated by the political Establishment, such as in programs like COINTELPRO. People who are opposed to racism and bigotry often think that it is a good thing that such groups are infiltrated, however the truth is that the infiltration is actually meant to create racism and division to further Establishment agendas rather than to put a stop it. I’ve seen documentaries and other information about the topic, I will create a specific article about that in the near future.
Also in the article I said that the “alt-right” movement is not necessarily racist, however the “alt-right” movement should now be considered to be associated with white supremacist groups, but the reason for that is the fact that it has been infiltrated by the political Establishment in order to pollute it to neutralize its effectiveness. The Establishment does not want any effective movement that stands up to its agendas to have a “label,” so when one does arise they put many resources into infiltrating it.